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8149641 No.8149641 [Reply] [Original]

So any word on what ever happened to this guy?
Who is editing the game right now? do they have a website?

>> No.8149645

he died


>> No.8149644

Oh and i mean, blick.

>> No.8149651

He was killed in the Wall Street protest. Too bad we'll never see the game translated now.

>> No.8149652

Wasn't a different group of people editing the game?

>> No.8149825

Wait, what

>> No.8149842

Well, now that the anime is over, the first group clearly doesn't give a shit anymore about this.

>> No.8149874

I find it hard to believe that someone as efficient and dedicated as Blick would drop the project so close to completion just because the show ended.

Maybe he's a college student and is dealing with exams. Perhaps we'll get something closer to the holidays.

>> No.8149882

I find it easy to believe that every single person stopped giving a shit about the game approximately two weeks after the anime ended.

>> No.8149951

Looking at the blog, the last update seems to be on Nov. 7th, quite a bit more than 2 weeks after the anime ended. Since it's been about 20 days, it could easily be exams.

>> No.8149962

Why? The undertaking of localizing a visual novel is an enormous endeavor that sometimes takes a couple years for an unofficial translation to finish. I mean, we see it all the times. Projects go on and on.

Blick started this project about when the show was beginning and released his full unedited patch about the time it ended. This is UNHEARD OF in the translation community. Especially given that his "unedited" patch is better than a lot of so-called completed projects.

If this was a flight of fancy it never would have come as far as it did.

Blick's studying. I would bet we'll see something before the year is over.

>> No.8149965

>Blick started this project about when the show was beginning
If we're just going to completely make shit up, then I just finished translating Baldr Sky.

>> No.8149972

What the fuck are you talking about?

The anime started in April. Blick started blogging about it in May.

>> No.8149974

Please direct your attention here:

>> No.8149994

>I barely understood some of the info dumps, and I relied heavily on AGTH, so I don't think I'm qualified to do a translation in the first place.


>> No.8150026


Do you need to lie down?

>> No.8150031

Wait, so the translation was done by Atlasing it? That's pretty fucking hilarious. No wonder he was so fast.

>> No.8150038
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>> No.8150053

It obviously wasn't. If troll-kun took a moment to fact check he'd see the translation came out quite good. It is not autismic Atlas + AGTH shit.

I believe that must have been Blick being humble because the finished product was just fine.

>> No.8150070

How would YOU have any idea about translation accuracy?

>> No.8150075

Now this makes me chuckle. They didn't even get 中二病 right.

>> No.8150083

Well, I don't know when something is letter-perfect in the Japanese language. Then again, since we're making wild generalizations and assumptions I would guess neither do you, or you would be backing up your claims with evidence instead of massive asperger's explosions.

However,, I am familiar with Stein's Gate as it exists in both it's Japanese and English forms. I have read them both ways and the English version seems to make perfect sense and tell the story in the same vein and tone as the original.

I mean, we're talking unofficial translation. There are almost always liberties taken by fan translators when localizing the product. A strict translation requires a translator with 100% fluency in both languages and let's face it, a lot of those guys don't give a crap about donating time to translate a visual novel for a bunch of ingrates on 4chan.

God bless the ones that do, though.

>> No.8150082

Nobody gets that right.

>> No.8150095

I don't even know enough Japanese to read the last kanji and I immediately understood that it was supposed to be chuunibyou using common sense, and any idiot should be able to google what that means. Is it really that common to mess up that word?

>> No.8150104

You'd think, but then there's fuckers like this.
>リア充爆発しる : Explosion of repleting real life

>> No.8150106

How did they not get it right? I mean to begin with there's no English translation for it so it's hard to say whether you got it right or wrong. As long as you make an effort.

>> No.8150114

They translated 中二病 as pretentious hipster bullshit.

>> No.8150129

Well... you can do worse anyway. Hipster doesn't really work but at least they were trying for a buzzword that people would know.

Personally I wouldn't look forward to having to translate that since I can't think up anything that would satisfy me.

>> No.8150153

only in the first translation
