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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8145286 No.8145286 [Reply] [Original]

My life is boring and not at all like my animes. I want to put myself in a position that I can live an exciting life like in Fate/Stay Night or Higurashi.

What can I do to put myself in positions where my life can change one day and get spun out of control? How can I live life on the edge?

>> No.8145290

Kill someone.

>> No.8145291


>> No.8145294

Sell printer components and smuggle onions.

>> No.8145293

Do drugs and suck cock.

>> No.8145299

You're probably better off asking else where, we're all NEET here.

>> No.8145305

But that just means we have the most unrealistically grand ideas of how the world works.

>> No.8145306 [DELETED] 
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You might want to ask >>>/a/

>> No.8145309

Does it have to be anyone in particular?

This didn't work last time I tried it.

>> No.8145314

What the fuck would this thread have to do with /a/? Stop posting just to post.

>> No.8145320

You want a life where you are very likely to suffer a horrible death? Why not move to southern Afghanistan?

>> No.8145324

Stop trying so hard.

>> No.8145329

Go live in Mexico for an example of how to live on the border, or maybe on a poor African country if you really want to be hardcore.

>> No.8145335

Try a different drug.

>> No.8145336

The question has nothing to do with anime? Maybe you are redirecting him to /a/ because you believe /jp/ is infinitely superior and that this stuff is more appropriate for the /a/utistic denizens of /a/?

Well, if that is the case. Fuck you, look at yourself in the mirror before spewing such garbage from your mouth.You are a newfag. namefag and avatarfag, I don't think I can find a worse combination than that on the current /jp/.

>> No.8145342

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8145354

Tu madre, puto.

>> No.8145361

I live in Mexico. It's a thrill to ride the bus to school every morning, aside of that, I have a really average routine.

>> No.8145359

>My life is boring and not at all like my animes.

>> No.8145368

Sucko mé cocko dudo

>> No.8145373

In Liberia there was a general, General Butt Naked, who fought in the civil war with no clothing save for the spare magazines strapped to his chest and the shoes on his feet. He sacrificed children for good luck, and the foes he slain with his bullet beast he then ate, to inherit their power.

He is now a peaceful priest, working for charity and social welfare in Liberia.

If you don't have any aspirations to be as fascinating as this you might as well not bother.

>> No.8145380

>off topic thread stays around forever
>faggot in a thread gets butthurt
>hurr you're wrong because I don't understand you
>thread deleted

>> No.8145385

derp Who are you quoting? omg I'm so retarded

>> No.8145410

Corre detras del autobus y te ahorras 5 varos carnal.

>> No.8145407

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8145430

>Not quoting correctly

>> No.8145434

No seas pendejo.
Corre detras de un taxi y te ahorras 35 pesos, piensa en grande ;).

>> No.8145443

Join French foreign legion.

>> No.8145459

go backpacking around the world

>> No.8145473 [DELETED] 
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OP, for a serious answer, study backpacking and basic survival skills. Going out in the woods for a few days or a few weeks isn't exciting, but it's really fun. This summer, I traveled all around some of the big state parks in Oregon and Washington by foot. Make sure to work out first, or you'll be pretty tired. You won't be fighting vampires or whatever but it's more fun than just sitting in front of the computer. And it's not that expensive! If you enjoy writing, drawing, or photography, it's really nice to do them out in nature.

Why does meido keep deleting my posts? ;~;

>> No.8145633

I bet he's submitting them to the mods to ban your faggot ass. You were warned to stop trying so hard, should have listened. Now for Rozalin...

>> No.8145645

>Delete 90s thread
>Leave this cock dude
>I am quoting meido's actions

>> No.8145663

Dude, even the Rozalin faggot calmed down, this pile of ego over here is unbearable.

>> No.8145673

Just walk down the street and then sucker punch someone twice your size. Stick around so he gets a good look at you. Run. If you get away sneak back to him and then do it again.

>> No.8145676

be the little girl

>> No.8145691


So you have a lot of gusto and don't know how to use it ? Join the army. Go to Iraq. I guarantee your life shall always be on edge. You shall walk through towns looking at each passing citizen not knowing whether they could blow themselves up at that very moment.

Oh wait, you want something exciting but not life-threatening ? Then why did you even mention FSN and Higurashi in the 1st place ?

>> No.8145702

Become nocturnal and socially active.

Weird shit will happen.

I was almost sacrificed once.

>> No.8145714

Kill people
steal their money
buy some food, sleep in their apartment for a night
go somewhere else the next day
try to not get caught

>> No.8145761

700mg of benadryl in public

>> No.8145768
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OP get some hardcore psychedelics. I'm talkin LSD, DMT, shrooms, etc. Especially DMT. A breakthrough DMT dose will literally warp your mind into an alien world.

>> No.8146809
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>> No.8146817

I don't know if psychedelics would be good for some depressed fucks.

>> No.8146820
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What have they got to lose?

>> No.8146893
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Join your local Young Communist League and Communist Party, and pierce the heavens with your Red Drill

>> No.8146909

Figures. They are young and idealistic. They still have not noticed that communism is nothing more than a dream. An unattainable dream, considering the nature of Humanity. Nothing short of divine intercession will suffice.

>> No.8146911

Study international law and tax law, weightlift and practice a martial art.

You'll be a legal wizard, able to kick ass in strange locations.

Also, benadryl.

>> No.8146918

>They still have not noticed that communism is nothing more than a dream.
So? The same thing could be said about colonizing another galaxy, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't at least try going to Mars. The point is to move in the right direction. Besides, human history is full of people biting off more than they can chew; think about the explorers of old, the beginning of the space race, etc. Humanity only gets its shit together when it has something to work toward.

>An unattainable dream
"To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal." - Aleister Crowley

>considering the nature of Humanity.
Today's conservatives are farther to the left than yesterday's leftists. Things that just 30 years ago were considered controversial are now taken for granted -- interracial marriage, for example. Today's world is far less violent than yesterday's.

>Nothing short of divine intercession will suffice.
Do you really think Communism is any bit harder to swallow than feudalism, hereditary and divine monarchy, fascism, Nazism, Kibbutz farms, Catholic nationalism or tribal nomadism?

>> No.8146973
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You grossly underestimate the motivational (and destructive!) powers of human greed. You are deluded. Wake up. All communist based governments eventually drifted towards tyranny. Communism looks pretty on paper, but on practice it just doesn't work out.

>> No.8146979
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>Today's world is far less violent than yesterday's.

Really? What brand of pink colored glasses do you wear? They must be good.

>> No.8146981
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>Communist Party

Fucking reformists.

>> No.8147007

The ones colored by statistics. As a proportion, far fewer people today die from combat than in the past. Germany once lost 1/3 of its population in war, for example. Murder rates are also falling. The world today is not more violent in the past, rather the violence that does happen is more well known (due to the media) and more widely condemned.

>underestimate the motivational (and destructive!) powers of human greed
On the contrary, I'm counting on it.
"And what is true is that before we can be active in any cause we must make it our own, egoistic cause-and that in this sense, quite aside from any material expectations, we are communists in virtue of our egoism, that out of egoism we want to be human beings and not merely individuals" - Engles

>All communist based governments eventually drifted towards tyranny.
If it wasn't for a coup attempt by hardline elements in the USSR, perestroika and glasnost would have been successful in the USSR. Face it, the USSR under Gorbachev would have been far more liberal than Russia under Putin. Moreover, most Capitalist countries today are also drifting toward tyranny.

>Communism looks pretty on paper, but on practice it just doesn't work out.
Capitalism looks pretty on paper, but in practice it just doesn't work out.

Find me a more practical party, then. I see CPUSA members at rallies, I've never seen PSL.

>> No.8147018

You really don't see anything wrong with your arguments?


Forget it, you are too blind/fanatical to see that communism was doomed right off the bat.

>> No.8147024

You really don't see anything wrong with your arguments?


Forget it, you are too blind/fanatical to see that capitalism was doomed right off the bat.

(See? I can use cop-out arguments too)

>> No.8147031

You act like you have control over where you go in the military. If you sign up you're their property. Oh what's that you want to fight in the front lines of Iraq? Sorry you now have to do paperwork at a desk in Australia for several years. It's one thing if there's a world war and they'll need as much fodder as possible, but for a war like this? You don't know what the hell they'll make you do, and you won't have a choice in the matter.

>> No.8147044

My guess is, CPUSA will be demonstrating in its own block, leaving anyone who isn't a member outside. You can't go on with a rally/protest/strike/whatever that way.

>> No.8147045
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I am not in favor of capitalism, if that's what you mean. Capitalism is cold, cruel and, sadly, the only natural outcome. Survival of the fittest.

Equality does not, and never will, exist unless some magic man in the sky comes and saves us and make us all conformists.

>> No.8147053

>exist unless some magic man in the sky comes and saves us and make us all conformists.

Humanity's natural state is tribalism, not individualism. Moreover, natural states themselves will mean increasingly less as we learn more about the effects of brain chemistry and genetics on social attitudes.

>> No.8147067

Become a hitman for the mob. If you don't want to end up dead or in jail after 10 years, sign up for the army or marines.
