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File: 24 KB, 225x60, Dragon_quest_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8140538 No.8140538 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ what dragon quest should i play?
I have all the ds remakes,but i hear 3 and 5(you can marry in this one i hear) are the two best ones. Should i play the snes version of dragon quest 3 , then 5 on the ds? Should i use a fan translation for 3?

>> No.8140541

Which is the one where you have a little girl with your wife then fuck your kid?

I probably made the last part up. But I think the first part is correct.

>> No.8140542 [DELETED] 


>> No.8140544


>> No.8140543

The only one I've played is Dragon Warrior 7. It has time travel, so it's probably the one with the most interesting plot.

>> No.8140545

The first one.

Luck smiles upon thee.

Actually, play Phantasy Star IV instead.

>> No.8140556

Thats 5, i hear it has the best story.
But the Japanese like 3 the most for some reason.

>> No.8140562

V and VIII are my favorites.

>> No.8140567

3 on the SNES or GBC, then 5 on the DS. And if you want more go for 8.

>> No.8140580

Should i use a fan translation for 3?

>> No.8140589

Oldfag here...

Dragon Quest 3 is probably the best game to give you a taste of what the 8bit rpg era was like, and it paved the way for the DQ games that followed. It introduced the class system and most of the core game play elements found in later games.

DQ1 is very primitive and involves a solo warrior. I still have my old copy of it somewhere but I cannot recommend it to a modern gamer. It is a mercifully short game though.

DQ2 was average, and I mainly remember it for the poster from Nintendo power magazine. The sorceress had these amazing thighs...

DQ4 was decent but I got bored and quit playing in chapter 5. It was the only classic NES rpg I never beat (I didn't beat Hydlyde either but that game doesn't fucking count).

I honestly can't comment on the remakes that OP is inquiring about. I would suggest 3 from my own experience.

>> No.8140615

Does 3 have waifus in it? I think i saw that you can get a bunny girl.

>> No.8140633

And for the record DQ IV was the best one. Everything beyond it is just rehash after rehash.

>> No.8140644
File: 386 KB, 664x800, zerochan.Jester.(Dragon.Quest.III).184884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Does 3 have waifus in it? I think i saw that you can get a bunny girl

Yes the female Jester character class wears a blue bunnysuit.

There is still fanart of her to this day. Pic very related.

>> No.8140654
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Japanese official art was scary though. Akira Toriyama's sexy look wasn't very sexy in the 80's.

>> No.8140706

I dont like how the puffu puffu thing always winds up being a joke, did one of the girls ever do it for real in one game?
Can you become her boyfriend?

>> No.8140712

7 was the best and most autist-friendly

>> No.8140736


You can make 3 of them to serve as your other party members though.

>> No.8140742

>Akira Toriyama's sexy look wasn't very sexy in the 80's.
bullshit. Bulma was sexy as fuck.

>> No.8140746

So was Lunch.

>> No.8140775

What do jesters really do in battle?

>> No.8140781

Which one has the brown girls with purple hair that i always see in futa doujinshi

>> No.8140788
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Am I kawaii uguu~

>> No.8140819

I would like to know this too. Futa warrior girls involved in every fetish imaginable.

>> No.8141039

You should play 7, the one with 3D MAPS OH MY GAWD!!!
And all those shitty map parts and shit. Shit was fun.

>> No.8141091

Did you really play DW7? I thought I was the only kid in the world who played that game. Can you tell me about when you played it? I'd like to hear your stories.

>> No.8141110
File: 296 KB, 600x839, 184875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which one has the brown girls with purple hair that i always see in futa doujinshi

The one in the slutty red armor? That is the female soldier class in dragon warrior 3. She isn't really tanned though... Maybe in later dragon quest games.

>> No.8141117

I played it up to about the 5th town in the past. Then I sold that shitfest to Gamestop and never looked back.

Dragon Quest 1&2 are alright. 3 is god tier. 4 is good but tedious. 5 is eh. 6 is really good. 7 is SHIT. 8 is boring. 9 is weird.

>> No.8141123

The twin dancers, moronhead.

>> No.8141130

I can't decide what I like more between 4, 5, and 7.

7 in particular I have fond memories of because I grew up with the first four games on the NES and then there was just nothing for years to come.

When Dragon Warrior 7 was released and I found out they were actually bringing this one over I was ecstatic. Bought that shit fast, and when I popped in my PS1 and heard the Dragon Quest theme for the first time in like, 10 years, I nearly cried.

Of course the game is pretty sweet too. Long as dick though

>> No.8141133

yeah them, which game are they from.

>> No.8141135
File: 71 KB, 350x400, wake up and smell the coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you calling a shitfest? That game was sooo melancholic. Remember the town with all the people that got turned into statues except for one little girl, and she spent fifty years in complete desolation surrounded by all of her friends and family? That part was cool, and there were lots like it in DW7. I think you should give it another chance.

>> No.8141136

So 7 is better than 3 and 5?
Is the English translation good?
I hear they censored some dragon quest games back then..

>> No.8141140
File: 29 KB, 239x393, Mara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh I forgot the dancers, thank you...

>yeah them, which game are they from.


>> No.8141145

Why did you not like 5?
You can marry your waifus in that one.
Did you play the ds remake?
Are they payable or main characters?

>> No.8141146

And honestly I thought 7 was just a better version of 6. Six is the only one in the series I didn't really like.

Until 9 anyway. I didn't really like 9 either.

>> No.8141149

SO why is 3 consider the best, is it the story,characters, or gameplay?
I heard 5 had the best story yelling and is the favorite of the even the company.

>> No.8141159

DQ4-DQ5 and DQ6 are great, I love DQ9!

>> No.8141160

I wasn't a kid, it was last year.
I have a thing for "old" games.

Never really finished it, at least no with all that "killing god" and extras. As I used an emulator, I almost had no ingame saves, so...

>> No.8141167

That's silly.

>> No.8141171

>Long as dick though
Oh boy I know that feel.
More than 100 hours in it, and still masterin all those jobs...

>> No.8141168

Is she the one from the porn manga where that dancer stuffs a whole little girl inside herself and gives birth to her as part of her strip act? I thought it was similar in design.

>> No.8141169

>Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
>The western translations have been slightly changed in places where the Japanese version included sexual components

So are all the English releases censored?
Or is it just 4? what happens in 4?
hate when they do this shit.

>> No.8141172
File: 54 KB, 464x650, 誉 - ママとお風呂.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ5,DQ8 and DQ7 are the ones i'd recommend the most and call the best in the series. 'specially DQ5 since you get to choose a waifu. If you plan on playing it,you should play the remake called Hand of the Heavenly Bride too so that you may experience the best wife called Deborah.

As for DQ8 and DQ7,they're both pretty long games....REALLY long but thats what makes them so noteworthy. DQ7 especially was really fucking ridiculous with its length too IRC. By the time the game really gets started I felt kinda overwhelmed by the amount of shit the game expected me to go through.

>> No.8141184

Hey, I just missed the extras, so I DID finish the main game.
I had a save actually, but it was from midgame and all the characters were level 30 or so.

>> No.8141194

I think it's sillyer that you actually managed to beat it.

>> No.8141206

Well there is also a ds remake of dq 4, are the brown dancers worth playing it for? Does 7 or 8 have romance like 5? Also did he ds remakes seem censored at all too you? i hate that shit.

>> No.8141208


>> No.8141213

>SO why is 3 consider the best, is it the story,characters, or gameplay?

3 is considered the best more so because of its evolution. Dragon Quest 3 was pretty much the first decent JRPG ever made. It was a huge step up from DQ2 and it was made at the same time as FF1 and is arguably a lot better than it.

The game is still fun today but it's not the huge step above the others that the Japanese would consider it, mainly because by the time it was released in America, the SNES was already out

>> No.8141228

So dq 6 is not as good as dq 5,3,and 4?

>> No.8141229


>Does 7 or 8 have romance like 5?


>Also did he ds remakes seem censored at all too you? i hate that shit.

Er... You mean with the translation? The only one that was really censored like that was DQ4 IRC because the translation team just got lazy and cut out ALL the party Chat dialog. In the DQ5 remake Party Chat is there entirely since fans bitched about it being missing.

>> No.8141230

The game is like really hard.

>> No.8141239

Is there maybe a patch to get the party chat for 4?
What, is it just a way for the members to talk to each other?

>> No.8141265


>What, is it just a way for the members to talk to each other?

Pretty much yeah. It also sometimes served as a reminder of where you needed to go.

As for the patch,I never looked into that so I wouldn't know.

>> No.8141275
File: 30 KB, 490x327, 102206055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does 7 or 8 have romance like 5?

Not really, but 8 does have the best puff puff scene.


>> No.8141283

DQ7 was probably my favorite, though I liked DQ5 and DQ6 too. DQ7 had an absurdly long main story of about 90~ hours, not counting job grinding and all the extra sidequests. By the time I had beaten God, I was clocked at over 300 hours with half of the jobs mastered (including monster jobs).

The beginning was pretty slow and unforgiving, seeing as how you go 15~ or so hours without job classes. Then you reach Dharma Temple, lose all your skills and have to fight two bosses with herbs. After that, the rest of the game becomes pretty easy mode if you spend time grinding for tier 2/tier 3 jobs.

>> No.8141296

This always pissed me off, why doesn't just use her tits? whats the point in tricking you? I mean your already a sexy slut by wanting to do that as a job, this goes for every dq game. Its just retarded .

>> No.8141303

Is there a dq game where the puff ouff room is not a troll or is it always like that?

>> No.8141308

Not OP here.

Should I play 5 on SNES or on DS? I tend to avoid using my DS because it's the original model with the shitty backlight, but if it's genuinely superior then I will regardless.

>> No.8141309

Play the GBC remake of 3. I'd still rank it in my top 5 games to this day.

>> No.8141335
File: 8 KB, 320x288, 20-21j918y.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For years it had been a mystery what a puff puff massage invovled. The screen would go black (after closing your eyed) and you just got dialog.

>How about a powder-puff massage? Just 20G, honey!

>*giggle* lie on your belley
>Isn't it nice?
>puff, puff, puff
>Thank you honey! Come again!
>*giggle* that's it

3D dot game hero has a "poof poof" girl as well, and they troll you even harder:


>> No.8141343

>Puff-Puff (Literally): When you sit blind-folded in a chair and a girl presses her breasts on your face
I just threw up.

>> No.8141361

Are you gay?

But it makes no sense, why the fuck would the girl troll you, there just is no point, even more so when they are just whores like
>>8141275 which one is the biggest troll?

Did they ever try to explain it?

>> No.8141372

No, I'm not gay. What's your malfunction?

>> No.8141380


Of course we know what it really is... but the ongoing joke in DQ is that the puff puff is something mysterious that feels really nice. It was never tits...


>> No.8141384

In every game though some slut tricks you, for no fucking reason though, even when they should just use there tits anyway. I mean there is really no point in not using them if your picking up strangers for a job and lying to them.

>> No.8141386

Sounds more like paizuri than anything.

>> No.8141429
File: 73 KB, 474x600, 1321591052136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Quest V is by far my favorite. Especially the DS remake Hand of the Heavenly Bride.

I wouldn't really bother playing the SNES version when the DS and Playstation remakes do everything better, unless you are a serious purist which is rather silly to begin with. The DS version is by far the best of the 3.
DS also has an extra wife, Debora, to choose from.

She is, without a doubt, my favorite of the wives.

>> No.8141465

I don't think I played any but the first four...
3 was damn good.

>> No.8141523

>I wouldn't really bother playing the SNES version when the DS and Playstation remakes do everything better

Thanks, I'll go with the DS version. I've never played a Dragon Quest game before despite playing hundreds of JRPGs, but V seems like a good place to start.

>> No.8141541

How do you get them to love you? is it hard?

>> No.8141587
File: 176 KB, 500x500, 1317313801101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQV for the DS is a great place to start if you are new to the series, it's the game I always recommend if you have never played a DQ game before.

It's not hard at all, picking a wife is part of the story/main quest. Hence the whole title "Hand of the Heavenly Bride"
You advance the main quest and choose which one you like the best when the time comes.

>> No.8141599

They will never love you, anon. They will fall inlove with the main character, but you? you will be alone, forever.

>> No.8141899


>You advance the main quest and choose which one you like the best when the time comes.

Who, for most faggots, is Bianca because they can't get over the Childhood friend thing. Kind of hard to blame them though since, like, all the other girls' motivations for allowing themselves to marry the Hero is just...Weird. Flora allows it simply because the MC Chose herEven though her own Childhood friend just risked his life and got seriously injured all in order to marry her and Debora allows it because...Uh...I think she wanted to troll her Sister?

Remakes should've given the Briscoletti or whatever girls more Pre-marriage development.

>> No.8142055

I vote number 7, i put more hours into that than ANY elder scrolls or FF game

>> No.8142074

Are there any romantic moments between the main character and Jessica in DQ VIII, even if very subtle?

>> No.8142096



The Hero's love interest in DQVIII is technically the Princess and no one else anyways. Jessica's pretty much just another warrior who joins you in your quest....But with great stonking tits.

>> No.8142763

Why did dq give up on the whole marry thing?
Dont the fans want that?

>> No.8142934
File: 37 KB, 680x383, GC_Lavinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you have a "getting married in RPGs" fetish than you may want to check out Agarest war instead. DQ is very limited when it comes to genuine waifus.

Agarest is an RPG that spans several generations. The MC eventually chooses a girl to marry, and they have a kid. The game continues at the next generation with a new batch of girls to meet and marry. The hero of the next generation will change depending on who his mother was based on the "soul breeding" system. Then he marries and it continues.

Here is a random wedding scene, in this case the character marries a hot elf chick. Wedding dress, flower petals, and lying naked in bedsheets on the wedding night:


And here are the girls you can marry:


>> No.8142936

Oh cool, are they all translated or not?
what system are they on?

>> No.8142938

Wait, so you cant marry your party members?

>> No.8142939

But Agarest War's gameplay is so horrible no one should be made to suffer it.

>> No.8142943

Is the English version censored at all? is there Japanese audio?

>> No.8142962


Agarest war is on both PS3 and xbox 360. japanese audio, English subs.

Agarest war zero (a prequel) is also on xbox, and I assume PS3 as well.

Agarest war 2 is not translated yet. The PS3 versions supports the playstation move for the massage minigame.

The massage minigame is the opposite of the puff puff of dragonquest. You rub oil on the girl, massage her, and play with her tits. And unlike DQ they don't troll you, you use the playstation move to do all this. Here is a video of a catgirl in agarest getting a massage:


>But Agarest War's gameplay is so horrible no one should be made to suffer it.

It is like fate/extra. The gameplay is bad but you play it for your waifu.

>> No.8142969

I was just looking up some game play, it doesn't look too bad, seems like there are a lot of skills/spells.

>> No.8142977

Has anybody soft modded a xbox slim? is it possible to be able to mod it with just a flashdrive or do i still have to open it up?

>> No.8142979
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>Why did dq give up on the whole marry thing?
>Dont the fans want that?

They're probably not too fond of it to the point of saying it needs to constantly return.

I mean really, in the original SNES version of DQ5 the Marriage shit wasn't very deep. Only the remakes truly added any differences between Bianca and Flora but even then it wasn't much. Debora's was the biggest difference yet since she doesn't fall into the whole "I'm going to be a wonderful wife~" mindset like ever.

Besides in DQ5 the Wife thing is basically the biggest choice you even get in a game series that is comprised of mostly YES and NO responses to things.

>> No.8142985


>It's kinda... Out of place I guess you could say.

Derp,forgot to type that part in. Slap that on to the last part of my post.

>> No.8142990

Thoughts on DQ9?

>> No.8143004
File: 74 KB, 430x741, agarest war 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is a lot like cross edge, unfortunately. Lots of skills and spells, just not implemented very well.

Sadly it is the closest you get to actual eroge on a PS3 or xbox.
