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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8134770 No.8134770 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /jp/, what would you do/how would you live life when you make it to Gensokyo?

I would, for the most part, wander. Every day would mean a new place for me, whether it be Hakurei Shirne, the SDM, Eientei, the Forest of Magic, or Moriya Shrine. I simply want see all the wonders and people of Gensokyo. As for where I would live, I'd most likely choose Youkai Mountain for my home, since I've always loved the idea of living in the mountains. Plus Nitori would probably come around from time to time to check out the technology that I'd have brought from our world, so I wouldn't get lonely too often.

So what will you do /jp/?

>> No.8134773

Everywhere I go,
I must rape.

>> No.8134776

You know, some of these locales are places you can't just waltz in to.

>> No.8134780

He can do what he damn well pleases, you shut your mouth.

>> No.8134787
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I would apply to work in the scarlet devil mansion

any job is fine and I don't need to be paid

>> No.8134790

>Implying it's safe to waltz anywhere in Gensokyo

>> No.8134811

I would perhaps make a living as a fisherman and assist with Mystia at her stand or something.
But really, it's more likely that I'll get mauled by some random youkai.

>> No.8134834

I would create the first Yokai Elimination Task Force.
We would weaponize farming tools and form strategies to take care of problem yokai. We'd fashion weapons and armor from yokai bones and eat their hearts to gain their strength.

>> No.8134842

I don't think most people would take too kindly to that. Just use spell cards.

>> No.8134992

But that's a picture of Skyrim.

>> No.8134996

Too green to be Skyrim though, that and I don't remember seeing any torii there.

>> No.8135001

I would like to make some variation of an inn/tavern. The inn part would be for those too drunk enough to make it home safely.

>> No.8135014

I would get a house in the village and raise small fairies as pets.

>> No.8135017

As I've been daydreaming forever, I'd like running some sort of herb shop, That or salesman on foot, that'd guarantee many sites.

>> No.8135025

I have one mission. To ruffle the hair of every youkai that crosses my path.

>> No.8135020

Once I get there, I would probably head to Myouren Temple. I am pretty much worthless in life, but at least I could help out with menial tasks at the temple. And hearing Hijirin praise me for a commendable job of clearing pebbles off the temple stairs would be the highlight of my day.

>> No.8135036

Determine what my favorite Touhous are actually like, for one thing.

>> No.8135052

You know OP you can wander in this world as well.

As for me I'd probably beg one of the more powerful youkai to let me serve them as a chef or servant. I wouldn't be important but I'd be happy as a background character dedicating my life to them.

>> No.8135087
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Every day I will go out into the magical forest and drink tea and read books with Tokiko.

>> No.8135125

Could you really be content with a life like that? I'm sure Byakuren and the fellows at the temple nice and all but don't you think you could do more than just menial labor?

>> No.8135190
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He'd get food and protection, things that weak humans need.

>> No.8135240

Penis <3

>> No.8135286
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I would love to live between forest and city (and close to some river). Obviously close to Rinnosuke shop. I already have idea for house, but I still can't decide for version. Obviously I would spend a lot of time exploring and meeting new friends.

>> No.8135330

Farming rice.

>> No.8135347

I just want to wander along the edge of the Forest of Magic, leaning against a tree and watching the days go by.

It might sound boring but to perhaps see a witch fly overhead or a shrine maiden off to combat some incident, would be all I need to stay content

>> No.8135353

I've always wanted to leave between a forest and a mountain near a river. trying to live by catching fish and harvest fruits in forest and making a campfire every night.
That's not really related to Gensokyo, but at least there's no pollution like in the real world, right ?

>> No.8135359

The only real culprit would be the kappas, but the chance is low.

>> No.8135371 [DELETED] 

I would go around hunting youkai and finishing them off in brutal fashion. After all the youkai is exterminated i'll return to the human village and rule of king.

>> No.8135375

I would go around hunting youkai and finishing them off in brutal fashion. After all the youkai is exterminated I'll return to the human village and rule as king.

>> No.8135383

now that i think about it, i don't want to get ass fisted by a kappa while trying to fish, fishing means peace to me but in Gensokyo...

>> No.8136110

I would settle down in a tent at the edge of the village and would share my advanced but useless knowledge. I heard Gensokyo lurkers are very gullible and greedy towards modern knowledge. And they treasure those rare who settle down and share it. And we all know that refined ladies and active young gals are equally interested in men who know something they don't.

>> No.8136123
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first things first:find sanae and cunt punt her to HELL and back >:)

>> No.8136126

Can't exterminate youkai forever. As long as objects get abandoned, animals exist and people dabble with magic youkai will keep cropping up.

>> No.8136189

I'd search for technological and rare items and trade them around Gensokyo to make a living. I'd try to learn magic meanwhile, and when I'm powerful enough, whatever it might take, I'd go for some advanced projects like visiting the well-known touhous, visiting the kappas and trying to make advanced technology work, achieve a much longer lifespan/eternal youth, and finally cause an incident that'd get me to the hall of fame. And, of course, becoming the little girl before all that.

>> No.8136197
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Build a tower.
Sit in my tower.
Create spells your feeble minds can not even comprehend.
Befriend touhous.

>> No.8136359

I would try to get close to Meiling. I heard she is very nice and friendly girl as long as you don't try to slip in uninvited. Friendly talking is already good for me, just have to mind that bitch maid, who knows what can run in her feverish jealous mind. Maybe she won't like that Meiling is getting some well-deserved esteem and love.

>> No.8136365
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it's a tough job but somebodies got to do it

>> No.8136372

I would try to build a relationship with Yuuka. Probably become her gardening apprentice.

>> No.8136387 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 800x1200, 0f6ae12e9e6baaaeaf1a359a07935188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd fertilize her garden real well, alright.

>> No.8136403
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that's a nice sentiment

>> No.8138096
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I'd find the most dilapidated storefront in the Human Village, and rent a single room in the back. Within I'd install an old, scarred oaken desk heavy enough to anchor a battleship, and within the drawers would reside nothing but scotch, .38 Special, and ashtrays.

And on the door, on the frosted glass windowpane, it would say: "Michael O'Connor, Private Investigator."

I would investigate incidents. For a reasonable fee, of course.

>> No.8138100

Displace kappa from the tech industry.

>> No.8138104

I'd hunt down youkai too probably.
Nothing like legal manhunts to really bring out the life in people.

Real hunting in the world is either extremely regulated, or too expensive. Especially for predators like Jaguars.

>> No.8138124

I'd wander around and white knight the fuck out of rapists.

>> No.8138128
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>> No.8138150
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Obviously, hang out with Alice to learn some magic to fly and perform some other basic skills and later train erryday with Youmu.

I'd be a wandering swordsman, giving noogies to all youkai in my path and build a kickass manor or something later.

>> No.8138164

First thing I'd do is find Marisa and learn some valuable pilfering/survival/magic skills. I'd probably end up hanging around the shrine a lot, probably Eintei too.

Of course I'd want to explore as much as I could without getting killed, and harem route is a must.

>> No.8138181
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I'd get Marisa to teach me some valuable skills. Afterwards, I'd try to get into the Scarlet Devil's Mansion to see Patchy. I'd keep trying no matter how many times it takes until I'm either
A) Dead
B) In the library

>> No.8138208
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kick lazy door guard's ass
rape the vampires
rape the hiki
rinse and repeat

>> No.8138236

Masturbate, then die.

>> No.8138239

>suspicious lack of raping the maids


>> No.8138274

I'd see if I could start a business. It would require learning Japanese but I think it would work out very well, life in Gensokyo must be way slower than life on the outside world, and as a result I'd move at the speed of the outside world in a realm where everything moves slowly. Maybe I could even get rich.

>> No.8138343

I'd like to assist in the running of a shop or stall of any variety.

>> No.8139502

Would tag around Moriya shrine. I'm such a handsome devil I'm certain something will work out with any of the three.

>> No.8139511

Start an incident, then relax for as long as possible.

>> No.8139527

That's so cliche it's boring to even think about it.

>> No.8139530

This, except I would be trying to find out what Rinnosuke is up to and maybe befriend him if nothings wrong. I'd probably spend my time loafing around and trying to befriend everyone. I doubt I could be a romantic interest for anyone there but that would also be nice if she saw me back.

>> No.8139543


I would stay the hell away from her! Those fucking videos raped my mind. I can't look at Koishi without seeing crazy Koishi.

Other than that I'd probably try to get a job at either the SDM as a handy-man or try to strike it out on my own in the forest of magic.

>> No.8139550

Oh also I'd marry Kogasa.

>> No.8139553

good choice. And doesn't look like you'll get much competition.

>> No.8139560
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>> No.8139562
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Which is exactly why you should see her; to see how she really is.

>> No.8139566

I'd stay near the human village lest I get eaten by some weak youkai

>> No.8139569

Now this is one a great choice, I don't think anyone would even go near her after being pulverized with jokes for so long that they actually believe it. It's sad, she would just be crying in the corner wondering why the human newcomer is getting friendly with everyone except her.

>> No.8139572

Why you mad, Sanae?

And as for you, I need some mental floss right now. I seriously just got done watching all of those videos back to back. I don't think I'd like that Gensokyo very much right now. Pure, total clusterfuck of madness!

So please, someone give me something to cleanse my mental palate. And some mental floss...

>> No.8139581

Like what?

>> No.8139583
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>> No.8139585

I would go around NTRing people with Rumia. As in, I'd travel with her, capture some lonely jackasses, and have her eat everything except for their head.

And then while the head was still alive, I would fuck Rumia in front of them.

>> No.8139599
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I don't think that decapitation works like that.

And, if it did, the poor sap would probably lose consciousness because of pain.

>> No.8139629

Like...something cute? Something happy? About what?

>> No.8139643

Yeah, anything but crazy koishi and her fucked up misadvntures

>> No.8139667

Or better yet, lets just talk about what we'd do when we get to Gensokyo.

>> No.8139670

...well, shit, I don't know.
Read UkiUkiWatching's stuff I guess. That's fun.

>> No.8139673

The head does stay alive for a bit after being cut off, but I don't think your mook would care much about you fucking some random youkai when he's silently screaming in panic and pain.
And Rumia would just eat the whole body anyway. And then probably eat you.

>> No.8139747

You stay alive for 2 second when your head are cut off and pass out after 1.
Some French scientists researched it during the revolution shit.

>> No.8139945

That was two minutes not two seconds

>> No.8140234

you'd lose consciousness almost immediately because of a lack of blood pressure in your brain, you could theoretically consider your head alive for the next few hours if you could magically reattach it to your body. But once your head gets cut off and you lose consciousness within the next second you're effectively dead.

>> No.8140248
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just fucking glue the head back on. if you apply pressure the blood should flow

>> No.8140253
File: 187 KB, 800x800, rinnosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best to meet as new comer is Rinnosuke and Yukari. Both my favourite Touhou (I wish Yukari was male because then she would be just like my other favourite character).

>> No.8140260

I laughed.

>> No.8140268

Better be quick before ANY blood drains from the head, else...airhead

>> No.8140966

thread derailed

>> No.8141893

And brought back

>> No.8144327
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Bumping back from page 13

>> No.8144397
File: 274 KB, 850x723, sample_1217bacc5c67610a8e863a72a2bd2fff4e0831bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would wander the lands until I find Sanae no matter what tries to stop me. As long is there is breath in my body I shall keep searching. From dusk to dawn in rain snow or shine I shall keep searching. Even if it costs me my life... And when I do finally find her. I'll try to build a relationship with her. I don't care what the risks are!

>> No.8144409

You want to get together with a used up sex slave miko?
Might as well marry a bucket of man seed
