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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 26 KB, 450x300, writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8128523 No.8128523 [Reply] [Original]

I never see any writing being posted in the OC threads.

Doesn't /jp/ have any writers? What do you write? How often do you write? Does anyone read what you write?

>> No.8128527


>> No.8128534

I've forgotten how to write over the years.

>> No.8128535

I sometimes write longer segments of text that are often appreciated on /jp/.

>> No.8128548

I occasionally write, but it's effectively nonfiction editorials. Nobody reads them, nobody would care.

>> No.8128556

I write. I write short stories and novels. How often I write varies erratically. Sometimes I'll write almost the entire day for a few days, then sometimes I'll go a week or two without writing at all. Only a handful of people read my writing, mostly family.

>> No.8128557

I write very bad fiction.

One of these days someone will understand the brilliance of my work. ;_;

>> No.8128559

I'll get that VN done one day, one day...

>> No.8128570

I write and post very short stories every now and then, but I get the feeling nobody reads them. ;_;

>> No.8128580


I write stories about fucking you're mom.

>> No.8128582
File: 273 KB, 647x563, servants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tohno can in fact kill servants.

When he killed Arcueid, 17 cuts landed in "an instant".
This is on the same level as 5th grail war Asassin's Tsubame Gaeshi. This is in fact canon. Non only that, but Arcueid was not able to notice she was being followed, nor feel any killing intent from Tohno until the blade already killed her. This is on the same level as asassin servant presence concealment.

In the official Tsukihime manga, Shiki was capable of slicing and killing lightning shot at him by Roa. A low estimate of the speed required for this would land at 96,000MPH, which is the atmospheric discharge of lightning at denser levels (closer to lower altitudes.)

Tying together presence concealment, Zelretch level ability (flash sheath), and A class speed, Shiki could in fact stand a chance against most servants. His trump card that would place him above anything summoned under asassin card would be that he essentially has an instant kill move if he ever gets near, making him a very deadly oponent.

To use concrete evidence of Shiki proving himself time and time again, we can look at who in fact he has killed.

Nrvnqsr Chaos the 10th apostle. In one attack Tohno managed to kill all 666 of his lives.

Michael Roa Valdamjong, said to be immortal by traveling between Akasha and back, "reincarnating". Tohno severed his connection to Akasha, erasing his existance.

It's good to take note here, that Servants are tied to the Akashic record in the throne of heroes, which is what allows them to be summoned in the first place. When shiki kills a servant, they can no longer be summoned. Sounds like just the kind of person Archer was looking for.

In the "Talk" side story for Tsukihime, Tohno manged to kill the forest of Einnashe, the seventh dead apostle. He also managed to kill Einnashe's reality marble.

>> No.8128584

Show me one

>> No.8128592


>> No.8128614

Currently writing a novel. It is a mixture of high and low fantasy based off a dream I once had where an ordinary group of people got to test out a newly created world. As time goes on the amount of people being sent to the world increases as does the size of the world itself.

It is a work in progress and has been on the backburner for quite a while now.

>> No.8128623

I liked it. Good on ya' man.

>> No.8128620

I'm in the middle of writing fiction styled as a light novel series even though I know it will never really be one.
Mostly just so I can keep writing.

Something that's actually very relevant here: a few weeks or so ago I witnessed the starting of a 4chan /a/jp/ group for writers to review each others' works.

If anyone thinks they'd want someone to ever give their work a read (you can read ours too but I don't really care if nobody does) then the channel's #writingcl/a/ss on rizon.
(Channel creator named it on a whim and vanished; the prominent people on the channel all agree it should definitely be for both /a/ and /jp/)

inb4 reported for advertising

I'll read this too.

>> No.8128645

Hm, wrote a decently well-received interactive fiction bit, now editing a VN script... never bothered posting them as it does seem /jp/ would be interested in OELVN style things anyway

>> No.8128651

I can't write stories.

>> No.8128655


The first half was certainly compelling, but I feel it starts to read kind of like a shounen manga from roughly halfway.
I feel you spend too long on the right-handed reveal when readers would have figured it out instantly the moment he smiled about ten lines ago. You should probably deliver the shock quicker.

"Excruciating pain. Knife. A knife. There's a knife, a knife, lodged in my body, a knife, at the same place, the same place he had stabbed me just before, the pain, the pain, theres's a knife, such force, how could he stab like that, pain, pain, excruciating pain!"

Nasu was the first thing that came to mind here. Something seems kind of off about it to me. Maybe it seems overly melodramatic compared to the first two stab reactions we're shown.

>My blood is flowing to the ground like a waterfall. My breakfast leaves my body through the wrong exit.
These images seem more comical than disturbing. If that was intentional, that's fine, I guess.

Otherwise, it's a pretty interesting idea.

>> No.8128658

You never know. There is always the OC thread (or this thread) if you feel like posting them.

>> No.8128664

>My blood is flowing to the ground like a waterfall. My breakfast leaves my body through the wrong exit.

I... didn't even notice that line. I think I read too fast.

>> No.8128665

If it's a /jp/ thing too, why hasn't it been posted on /jp/ before?

I'm not really confident enough in my writing to post non-anonymously.

>the prominent people on the channel

>> No.8128684

Yes. I write scripts, fan fiction, original fiction, and if I was any good at drawing I'd attempt some sort of comic as well. That said it's mainly because my aspiration is to become a screenwriter sometime in the future.

>> No.8128697

I can write, but I'm pretty fucking paranoid that somebody will steal my ideas, as it actually happened to me when I was a kid. It was for some stupid writing contest, but it served as an important lesson in secrecy for me.

>> No.8128698

I like to write about Teto.

>> No.8128700

>If it's a /jp/ thing too, why hasn't it been posted on /jp/ before?

Because we were too beta and we thought we'd get hated.

>I'm not really confident enough in my writing to post non-anonymously.

Post it up here, I'll still give you responses.

>the prominent people on the channel
ie. The two people (one of them is me) who are trying to keep things going because there's only so much you can talk about once everyone in the channel has already showed what they wanted to show.

>> No.8128707


Unless your ideas are ground-breaking then stealing ideas isn't an automatic win for the offenders: a great deal of it is in your personal writing style.

>> No.8128712

I've always been downright horrible at writing. Now, after years of only using Finnish when talking with my parents and cashiers, I can only form awkward as fuck sentences. Doesn't help that my English writing is garbage too.
Being mediocre at both languages I know is suffering.

>> No.8128713

I once wrote some stuff that I personally thought was terrible, but which was very well-received on /jp/. I didn't even receive any criticism on it. Ever since then, I seriously started to doubt /jp/'s standards and lost confidence in their ability to give criticism (some parts were so obviously bad it almost made me cringe).

>> No.8128721


If you want someone else to look at it and agree with you about how horrible it is, then I'm always here for you, man.

>> No.8128734

>Unless your ideas are ground-breaking

They were unique enough to get praise from the writing contest judges, and I haven't seen them utilized in quite the way I envisioned them in any work of fiction.

>> No.8128732

You know what is happening and what is happening next. When you write it is akin to describing a scene for a blind man. You may hate what you see and think it is terribly mundane, but for the blind man it is something he hasn't seen before so it has the magical first time touch.

>> No.8128742

Not willing to admit on /jp/ that I hate it so much, so I won't go into the specifics.

I regret writing it.

>> No.8128751

I never say that I find something to be shit, because I don't want to ruin the mood for other people. I'm sure others cringed along with you, but kept silent.

>> No.8128748

You shouldn't give up on it yet. I had that happen to me as well, and then I revisited the story and improved on it enough that I liked it just as much as the people reading it did.

>> No.8128749


Tell us, then.
It shouldn't be that bad to outline the ones that have already gone public, right?

>> No.8128755

I wonder why so many amateur writers love writing dramatic scenes. Isn't it better to start with more basic writing when practicing?

>> No.8128760

It helps get the blood flowing for when you get to the basic writing.
I'll never tell anyone about it beyond what I just said.

>> No.8128758

People shouldn't feel the need to keep silent. Brutal honesty is what anonymous imageboards are for.

>> No.8128759

Join the irc, went in right now and it's decent

>> No.8128766

I guess it's just more interesting to write. I can find stories with the protagonist walking on a street trying to find a shop or with the protagonist eating lunch with a friend anywhere. That one dramatic scene in your head where this and that happens is often more unique.

>> No.8128770

Bullshit. If you truly thought it was terrible and that it would be completely impossible for anyone to enjoy it, you would never have posted it.

It's just that anyone trying to do something creative are goddamn tsunderes.
>I just wrote this crappy story in a few minutes, and I thought it would be a waste to throw it away without showing anyone. That's all, it's not like I was hoping anyone would appreciate it or anything

>> No.8128776

I think simple but well-written scenes are more unique. But maybe they don't provide the same cheap excitement.

>> No.8128781

Even a basic story needs some form of drama and conflict. Unless you're talking about melodrama.

>> No.8128799


I'd agree with >>8128781 in that every story needs at least some form of obstacle or conflict, however minor.
Nobody, especially /jp/ anons, wants to read about how perfectly someone's life is going.

>> No.8128808
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>> No.8128824

Some things are just posted for laughs. Things that are funny for a moment or two, but when judged seriously are pretty terrible.

>> No.8128865

I like to write but I don't really consider myself a writer. I posted in an OC thread only once, maybe a year or two ago. Nothing bad was said about what I wrote and I deleted the story from my hard drive because it felt embarrassing to see it and be reminded of what I did. For that reason I prefer to make mostly long posts about whatever I feel like, because they will eventually be deleted and I won't have to be reminded about them. I make a few posts like that per day, usually before I go to sleep. I like to think that atleast one person reads them but it doesn't really matter.

>> No.8128923

>I'll never tell anyone about it beyond what I just said.

You are no true artist.
A real artist wouldn't care about personal gain; they would just want people to see their works and ideas.
The only good reason an artist has for wanting to become famous is so more people will see their work

>> No.8128946

I tried writing a yandere story from the first-person perspective but that's surprisingly hard to do.

It's near-impossible to make them do the insane but brilliant things they're famous for when you need to decently explain their thought process in arriving there.
And as a mathematician by trade, complete logic jumps make me sick

>> No.8128948

I'll vouch for the irc room, decent people there

>> No.8128958

I can't write for shit, since I even avoided doing it when I was in school. I'm trying to write a story for a VN right now since I've given up on trying to find other people to work with and am doing a solo project. It's painfully bad. Writing is fucking hard guys.

>> No.8128983

What kind of VN is it?

>> No.8128987

You have to keep trying. It gets a little easier as you go.

>> No.8128989

I was going to write for a VN and when I sent something I had written to be assessed, the person reading it said the main character was really creepy.

Since it was easiest to write from, I chose to model the main character after myself entirely.

>> No.8128998

>I chose to model the main character after myself entirely.
Dawg, that shit is always awkward and very noticeable.

>> No.8129000

I think I could do that. I've always enjoyed pondering the various thought processes that can lead to a yandere scenario.

But don't forget that yanderes tend to be more emotionally motivated than ...cerebrally motivated. It's not really "after considering all available options, I have concluded that this is the only way me and protagonist-kun can stay together", it's more like "why does it hurt so much when I see protagonist-kun talking to that girl? It must be her fault, everything was okay until she came along".

>> No.8129007

I'm definitely going to finish it, for sure, I just hope I can rework the text into something that isn't total garbage so it will actually be readable.

Sine I can't write for shit, I decided to just base it on fairy tales and add my own twist to it. Completely unoriginal, I know.

>> No.8129008

Please don't call me dawg.

>> No.8129014

You got to start somewhere. You don't just write a bestseller overnight on your first try.

>> No.8129031
File: 583 KB, 640x480, hawkeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi07 did.

>> No.8129033

True enough. But really, I admire all you writer folk. I don't know how you do the magical things you do.

>> No.8129044


Two words:


>> No.8129076

He probably wrote a bunch of shitty stories he's locked up forever before that.

>> No.8129097

Can't write consistently anymore. But at least things were well received back then, that's some comfort.

>> No.8129174


But that's what Nasu did and then it turns out people eat up his amateur works as well.

>> No.8129190

So am I the only one who likes to write in Japanese? I'm sure I'm terrible at it, but it makes me feel like I'm really nipponese.


>> No.8129219


>> No.8129226

Maybe you should learn Japanese li
ke the rest of us. Fucking peasan

>> No.8129236

Do you use lang-8.com? The Japanese people can often be helpful (though some are obviously not qualified to be correcting anything; same goes for the English speakers). One problem is that they will often not correct you even if there is a clearly more natural solution simply out of fear of offending you.

>> No.8129238

I don't write, because unlike some of you I understand that any retard can write but very few can call themselves writers.

>> No.8129246

I write for freelance publications, a business magazine and a crime journal. I also do ghostwriting that nets me under-the-table money but (sadly) keeps my name off the work and essentially prevents me from having any ownership over it.

I'd like to write a mystery novel, but it's a neglected genre so I don't think anyone would want to read it anyway.

If I thought /jp/sies took the time to read written stuff in the OC threads I'd probably submit more. ;_;

>> No.8129247

We sour on strong flapping wings for you. Anyone could see that full figure's charisma and mourn. For they were beyond even the human vortex. It is a matchless strength, such skilled precision overhanging us like glass. You picture six girls, two boys, eight people total. Their testimony says your speed tripled. Their numbers are distorted like the air. One after another you pass wind, pregnant. One flys in the trajectory. Jetstream habataitara. All girls. Making clear spherical shield jet stream from your erection as you fly in the air. You protect from disturbances. Nagi is the establishment. This man's turn begins and two dances on the stage of the diamter of leprosy. It is time to go racing. The competition is also visual. Ru is determined by the winner. A child patient the fall from the sky cannot lose. If a simple trajectory. Hunting around to win a woman bystander gets easier but not catchy. Be not Nasu, not lose anything of your fly patterns as difficult. What's important is the total enemy. That files resources for this game's stamina. Will spend two ways. It can fly or hover. Only fail when they focus on us.

>> No.8129248

It looks like a cool site, but it would require me to interact with other people who would likely be giving me criticism. I'm bad at both interacting with other people and taking criticism.

>> No.8129251

That kind of keeps me from writing as well. But at the same time, through practice you might one day become a good writer. I'm kinda torn between not writing because nobody will ever care and writing because I might someday write decent stories.

>> No.8129253

>Be not Nasu

>> No.8129255

>One after another you pass wind, pregnant.


>> No.8129260

I'm fucking disappointed in you /jp/. Do this many of you actually write fanfiction shit in your spare time?

>> No.8129261

In case you two didn't notice, that's an edited Google Translate. 6/10 troll, had me at first until I decided to check Google Translate because it just didn't make any sense at all.

>> No.8129264

I don't think I've written any type of fanfiction outside of the TouhouMoon project.

>> No.8129267

It comes down to whether or not you want to write and whether or not you you have stories you want to tell. That's why I decided to write despite a lack of confidence in my own ability. The guy you're replying to is just bitter anyways, don't take him too seriously.

>> No.8129268

Ironically enough, my best work is a fanfic. It started out as random writing for the hell of it, but it turned into a complete story and it was unexpectedly good.

>> No.8129269


>I'd like to write a mystery novel, but it's a neglected genre so I don't think anyone would want to read it anyway.

I have yet to read a good mystery novel, published by professional or amateur, in this day and age anyway. But on the other hand, the number of them being written is smaller compared to genres like Sci-Fi and Fantasy, so your competition wouldn't be as rough in that genre?

>I'm bad at both interacting with other people and taking criticism.

Don't bother attempting to get published. You'll be laughed at and scorned.

>> No.8129281

So some dude is flying around the sky like a charismatic motherfucker passing gas and flying with a huge erection while little girls and boys look up at him and mourn that they'll never be that awesome?

>> No.8129318

It's more like a bunch of winged people who fly around the sky doing crazy midair performances. The girls fly around the perimeter and create a sphere of calm air in the middle where the guys have a dance contest. The first one to get tired and fall out of the ring loses.

>> No.8129333

When it is such a number the air thing is distorted. If conceive wind under a/the wing and pass contagiously and flap the same sky the jet stream be occurrence to the locus that flies. Girl everyone cooperates and fly to one locus. The locus includes all the surfaces of the globes where must be seen.
Like this the transparent sphere shield of the jet stream make is raised and guard it the air of the middle from hindrance. A/the stage materializes to the calm of the middle. The turn of a/the man begins with this. Compete for two who start to dance in the stage of the diameter of a/the half k extent for how many hours. Although competition is also visual the rule of a/the winner be a/the patience reason. Fall from the sky to be defeated. The on-looker of a/the woman does not draw it even though a/the victory gets it more easily if s/he paints only an easy locus. It is without doing even what even to fly a difficult pattern of course and be defeated. 《主語なし》Measure an/the enemy that it is important. Physical strength be the resources of this game. The method that spends it be two. 《主語なし》To fly or it is a failure if it concentrates it only to that dances.

>> No.8129344

I'm sure by now the conversation has trailed from the original topic, so there's little to no meaning of my posting an answer to your questions... but we must all be self-serving every once in a while.

I used to write pretty frequently, but I've since given up on it. I was always too afraid of criticism, honestly. Even the very few people who told me my writing as good, unique even, I couldn't believe. I am awful when it comes to receiving praise; like every positive word is empty or hollow. The only true criticism is negative.

Thus, everything I wrote sucked, no matter what anyone thought. After a while, "writing" lost its meaning to me...

>> No.8129348


Oh hey, Prinny.
I enjoyed working on Touhou Moon, though.

Pity it seems the site's vanished.


Get on the IRC mentioned earlier, seems like it'd help you.

>> No.8129359

Every time I wrote for /jp/, there were a core of people who liked it, and 10 minutes later the /b/ and /v/ crowd would try and chase me away.

>> No.8129364


Stopped by your IRC chat. Empty.

>> No.8129370

I just went in and there were people there.

>> No.8129382


Must be on my end, then. I don't have an IRC client that functions correctly and Mibbit isn't forwarding me there.

>> No.8129387
File: 471 KB, 800x600, weld1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of this

>> No.8129390


Use XChat.

>> No.8129420

this isn't bad.

>> No.8129436

You have no idea how good it feels to have you say that.

>> No.8129504

Well you guys are alright in my book

>> No.8129568

Rio from the IRC group here. It kicked me off and I can't get back in. I'll read through this stuff and post some feedback tomorrow.

Keep up the good work, guys.

>> No.8129602

I'm about halfway through my 3rd novel right now. It's fun.

>> No.8129612

I've written some fanfics which were appreciated by many 4channers. Those were very short.

I'd like to write a longer, original content, story, but the only thing I can think of would be to create some doujin work and

So I don't bother.

>> No.8129674

It was a fun project. Ecks wanted to start work on it again but I never got a follow up email.

I hope your other work goes well.

>> No.8129732

Part 2. This thread made me want to write more. Spoiler: the slow girl is MC's imouto.

その子の不遇 だった。前に何人かの偉い羽を挑んで経済敵に動くことで体力の差を越えて

>> No.8129769

I wonder if we have a resident H-writefag here in /jp/...

>> No.8129819

One time when I was drunk I wrote an ero Muv Luv fanfic (only time I've ever written fan fiction) that I was going to post on /jp/ but when I sobered up it didn't seem like a good idea.

I've also written some ero scenes for the eroge I'm working on. Writing sex scenes is actually pretty fun.

>> No.8129823


Isn't that biology anon's role?

Just archive search "If only ;_;"
Brilliant stuff.

>> No.8130407
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I never write H. Well, there was one time I wrote something just for the hell of it...

>> No.8130409
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>> No.8130411

Yes we do.

>> No.8130412
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>> No.8130413
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Is that the one where it ended with needles+thread+dick?

>> No.8130415
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>> No.8130417

So it would seem..I fapped to it..

>> No.8130419
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>> No.8130421
File: 449 KB, 640x480, bed6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I never had anything with needles before this. I just threw in the needle to mess with people. But ever since writing this, I started finding the idea of this rather hot...

>> No.8130424
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>> No.8130426
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>> No.8130428
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>> No.8130433
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You should write more.
I found it arousing for some disturbing reason.

>> No.8131379


>> No.8131495

It's okay if you like writing, but don't go so low as to make fanfics, please.

>> No.8131560

Fanfics are okay as long as they never see the light of day and you stop doing them after you find your original streak. A few mangaka I've read about started that way.

>> No.8132023

Discussion on the IRC is so...quick and fragmented. I think I prefer just posting on /jp/.

>> No.8132302

This thread's too slow for me

>> No.8132335

What is wrong with fanfiction?

I've read some good fanfiction.

>> No.8132349

Most fanfiction is just really bad self-insertion stuff or shipping. So those are the first things people think of when they hear fanfiction.

>> No.8132362

>What is wrong with fanfiction?

In principle? Nothing.

In practice? Pretty much everything.

>> No.8132378

I think people have just come to associate bad things with it. It's too easy to do, since anyone can write, and you don't even have to come up with your own setting, so it's bound to attract a lot of people with neither skill nor talent who just want to write down their childish fantasies.

Compare it to doujinshi. The basic concept is the same, but the bar is a little higher, since you need to be able to draw, and most methods of distribution involves selling your work, which means it must be marketable. These factors make all the difference, because they scare away the kind of people who write bad fanfiction.

Also, >>8132362 sums it up pretty well.

>> No.8132389

I would write but I don't because fuck that fag shit.

>> No.8132503

>you don't even have to come up with your own setting

Well, to be fair, many fanfiction writers never intended to come up with their own setting to begin with. They're just what the name implies, fans.

This, of course, doesn't deny the fact that they're unskilled and unprepared. Just explains it.

>you need to be able to draw

There are actually many doujinshi that consist of printed text only. We just don't get them here in the west for obvious reasons.

>it must be marketable

More importantly, you need to invest your own money into it.

This, of course, does not stop every talentless person. But it means only the most dedicated survive. And let's not forget that dedicated people are also, on average, more likely to actually learn.

>> No.8132530 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 777x777, i_fucking_love_shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i write like HELL, i write shitposts
how often? whenever the HELL im eating i shitpost, so roughly 3 times a day for each course
a lot of peeps read what i write except the fagglets who blocked me >:(

>> No.8132561

There's a magical barrier between East and West that filters out A LOT of the shit that is made in Japan. 90% of Dojins are shit too, but you never see them.

>> No.8132571
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>whenever the HELL im eating i shitpost

>> No.8132591

>It's too easy to do, since
>anyone can write
Are you even being serious here?

>> No.8132606
File: 365 KB, 511x1522, side dish of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filters out A LOT of the shit
Unfortunately not all of it.
I blame misleading doujin covers.

>> No.8132693 [DELETED] 

/jp/ will never shit out another VN comparable in quality to Dandy Girl

>> No.8132703

>90% of Dojins are shit too, but you never see them.

Actually, 90% of what I see is shit either way.

And the books I'd personally want to read more often than not never get scanned. I can't call them good not having seen them, but they're at least more promising than a lot of what we do get. The magical barrier between east and west mainly filters out A LOT of non-porn, unfortunately.

>> No.8132841

I have been thinkin' about writing an parody of /jp/ Touhou-player's community.

Most likely I'll never do it.

>> No.8132850

> Saegrimr !SHIELDM.mE
Look at that, some unfiltered shit.
Better fix that.

>> No.8132860

Stop fishing for attention, Timmy.

>> No.8132870


Busy with classes right now. Fiction writing classes, coincidentally.

When not, Omachi/Shingen crackpairing that never seems to get complete.

>> No.8132906


>> No.8132967

I wrote some stuff once. It was pornographic and involved food.

I haven't wanted to write for some time.

>> No.8135026


>> No.8136401

#writingcl/a/ss on Rizon

It's slow right now, come share what you're working on. We don't judge.

>> No.8136438

So my dream of seeing John Madden conquer the moon will remain forever unfulfilled?

>> No.8136445

rizon down?

>> No.8136485

Don't believe so, just a small netsplit a while back

>> No.8136698

A few more hiccups, but things seem fine now

>> No.8137491

I remember that, I chuckled when Alice found the bowl.

>> No.8137520

One day.

>> No.8138388


>> No.8138425

Fanfictions are actually decent for practicing your prose. Let's you just start writing without having to brainstorm characters, setting, etc.

Just don't publish that shit to the internet.

>> No.8140721


>> No.8140734 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 856x1000, 1320355393531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly try and write every few months, but when I get a good start going I start second guessing myself and start thinking all my ideas are too cliche and get really paranoid and stop and delete everything, then it starts all over again in 2 months time or so.

>> No.8140744
File: 638 KB, 700x1000, 38c94f3ffb836182f78fb7f784ea9487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's likely because your ideas are too cliche.

>> No.8140753


But there comes a point where I think I should just write whatever comes to mind and not try to think to hard about being original.

Apparently I'm the only one with this problem though. So fuck it.

>> No.8140794

I get this problem too anon. Its not a matter of being original, but more like when you write a good story originality starts to flock to it. So don't worry about being cliche, but worry about writing interesting characters, and worlds. Soon you will start to write beyond that cliche. After all, everything can be put into a cliche.

Another problem I have with writing is that I have no confidence in myself. I think everything I write is terrible and its hard for me to get past the first few sentences without criticizing myself.
