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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 854 KB, 1949x2280, jp1289357659962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8125666 No.8125666 [Reply] [Original]

ITT /jp/ original memes

>> No.8125670 [DELETED] 

gay chat

>> No.8125673

>original /jp/ memes
>no suck my cock dude

suck my cock dude

>> No.8125674

Does /jp/ mansion count? You forgot "Sage, reported," but great pic anyway.

I clicked. This better not be a shitty room.

*grabs cock*

>> No.8125676

Oh, and the classic "Which Touhou would you fuck."

>> No.8125677

Get out, now.

>> No.8125682

Wow, that pic was like when Squiddy actually posted Squid Girl.

>>great pic anyway.


>> No.8125687

/jp/ mansion isn't simply a meme, it's a pure dream waiting for it's chance to be born into this dark and cruel world. A light of hope for every NEET about to be tossed out onto the streets.

>> No.8125689

so what are you supposed to do if you get hit with a paper ball? Get up and try to smack the guy in the middle of a lecture? Most likely getting you ass beat in the process

>> No.8125693

>2010 Nov

Some one should make a 2011 version

>> No.8125697

What should go on it? Besides meido and Eksopl killing themselves, nothing's really happened.

>> No.8125752

No pukingmadotsuki.png? What atrocity is this?

>> No.8126064

i laughed at sion's thread

>> No.8128861

Throw a paper ball back, or something. Or if you don't care, just don't turn around at all.

>> No.8128863

Wait, what? All the GET faggotry actually started here?

>> No.8128873
File: 193 KB, 800x600, me on the left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meet up, me on the left.

>> No.8128881
File: 135 KB, 406x480, 1285660087237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to this

>> No.8128888

Normals ruined it

>> No.8128897 [DELETED] 

get hit by paper ball.
turn around get doubles
check em

>> No.8129087 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 375x500, 1321848081555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8129101
File: 341 KB, 375x500, getdoubles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8129114


>> No.8129137

All these memes are from outside shitposters or just /b/ if it was in 2008-2009.

>> No.8129142

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.8129153

So basically all the retards who made these shitty threads that came to /jp/ after the name change are the ones who are fucking with us now.

>> No.8129151
File: 751 KB, 820x986, b79130b4843e91bb95f7d30a8ce9b1cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I miss the days when I asked how your day was going...

Sad times...but I still love you guys, even if its 90% spam now.

>> No.8129160

None of those were even liked by /jp/.
doyouremmberlove, bed wetting kun at 6 am in the morning and fan fly were way fucking better than that /b/ level shit.
get some fucking tatse.

>> No.8129163

Quite right.

>> No.8129164

I like how most of those were actually deleted.

>> No.8129167

Same whiner.

>> No.8129177

Those aren't memes,all those threads was just from that one retard who hated meido for no goddam reason.

>> No.8129184

Geez, wonder who that could be. not like there is someone who had a personal vendetta against AoC or anything!

>> No.8129187

Those are what you call forced memes, they don't catch on at all. That collage looks more like the recent shit trends.

>> No.8129193

>no goddamn reason
Oh, there was a good reason. Their threads were getting deleted, what other motivation does a garbage poster need?
It's the same thing that drives the current "janitor is with the shitposters, mail moot to get him out" idiot. They prefer the anarchy and their shit threads to be left alone.
Not that the current janitor is any good, he's lazier than the all of the past ones combined. But at least seeing that the shitposters are getting upset you know they must be doing something well.

>> No.8129198

I like how everyone realized the thread was a joke and then the aspergers crew rolled in.

>> No.8129200

The only real memes to ever come out of /jp/ are autism, the butthurt parody pics, and vomit-chan

>> No.8129206

Such is life. I just hope it doesn't become a full-fledged metathread.

>> No.8129205

Why do I get the feeling that the little kuroko spammer kid is the one who made the image?

Oh yeah, the meido hate and the thought that he made an impact

Pretty pathetic.

>> No.8129212


>> No.8129500
File: 76 KB, 350x260, 1150632764910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8129550

Remember when outsiders still raided us?

Good times.

>> No.8129618

Current /b/ probably couldn't even muster the forces to fill our 15 pages.
