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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8124897 No.8124897 [Reply] [Original]

The shitposting army is here, everybody hide in your shitposting bomb shelters.
If we wait it out, they might go away.
We might have to fight one day though, to end this shit once and for all.

>> No.8124907

I've located Colonel Autismo


Requesting assistance.

>> No.8124910
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To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.

>> No.8124916

your nothing but a shitposting spy.
We are now having battle in these threads.
keep sage bombing them and reporting them.

>> No.8124934

more shitposts from the shitposting army.

>> No.8124942
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Saged, reported, and hidden.
Meta threads are no exception.

>> No.8124937

Wacth out, another one
sage and report.

>> No.8124941

Somebody should make /jp/ shitposting bingo.

>> No.8124944

where getting bombed by the main force now, stay strong true /jp/ers.
use this thread as a bomb shelter.

>> No.8124947

we are*

>> No.8124948

Stay sharp, gentlemen, I found another shit thread:

>> No.8124952


>> No.8126311

/jp/, all hope might be lost..., but please, keep fighting back. Always report and sage.

>> No.8126315

You mean /jp/ was not always this shitty?

>> No.8126326

The whole front page is under control of the shitposting army. everybody should either hide in their threads or fight with sage bombs.

>> No.8126323

Hey that thread with the elevator girl seems allright

>> No.8126332

Another bomb

>> No.8126346

>fight with sage bombs.

Because that always works. Report and hide the threads

Remember to take it easy!

>> No.8126355

well when the whole front page is nothing but shitposts, i think we can agree it a group of people doing this. It really is a fucking shitposting army.

>> No.8126379

if i ever saw you irl i would fucking pound your face in. the janitor caused all the problems we have now. before trolls from /b/ would come and we would just troll them so bad they would raid the board. now you little fucking gaia faggots cry for the janitor to wipe your ass. fuck you, you killed /jp/.

>> No.8126384

Remember when /jp/ didn't have so many useless meta-posts?

>> No.8126388
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>If we wait it out
i sure as HELL wouldnt hold my breath

>> No.8126524

/jp/ is done for, goodbye /jp/. The userbase really is nothing but a bunch of shitposters who want attention now. I mean when you have 63 people who put their time into fucking up a userbase and a board, you know its all over
