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File: 535 KB, 656x516, Talking_about_Common_sense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8119808 No.8119808 [Reply] [Original]

Throws common sense out of the window and gets drunk
>Allows the Nayana personality to be free after chilling
>Goes out in the city and actually KILL people
>Encounter SHIKI
>Have supersweet talk
>Give him 10 cans of coffe
>Talk him out of fighting THE ULTIMATE BATTLE
>Go back home
>Wake up with bloodstained hands
>Wash them before the maid shows up
>Gain +1 persusasion skill
>Use said skillup on Akiha
After 4 routes, this is finally getting interisting.

>> No.8119820

Kohaku's route is about her being an insufferable bitch.

>> No.8119823

Coffee talk was great, probably my favorite section of the whole VN. Getting to know SHIKI was kinda nice.

I really wish there was hot coffee in vending machines where I live.

>> No.8119826

I really like Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.8119834

Yeah, I'm on the final Kohaku route myself. Only two more choices left.

It was good, but not quite sure it was worth the long read.

>> No.8119833

Ending was kind of strange, but did Shiki actually kill the coma to get out of it?

>> No.8119836

SHIKI can kill anything.

>> No.8119838

It has been years, but I think it was just Shiki waking up, like normal waking up.
I think it was the dream the one being destroyed, because Ren was dying or something.

>> No.8119841

I've loved that scene as well. Both out of place and fascinating.

>> No.8119846
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Len released the dream, that's all.

Len was dying but that had no link to why the dream kept ongoing. The dream perpetuated because it brought Len happiness, even if she didn't realize it, so she would continue it even unto her death.

>> No.8119917
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>Kohaku's route was about her being a miracle of the universe.


Shiki was actually out of danger for quite a long time. The coma was being maintained at first by Shiki's distraction with dealing with his own nightmares, since Shiki wasn't actually the one in danger of dying. The nightmares were attaining sentience due to Ren's inability to maintain a proper dream, due to Ren being on death's door.

Once Shiki attained a state of understanding regarding the nature of the dream itself, and had disposed of his own fears, he realized that Ren was the one perpetuating his state. She was doing it because she didn't know any better: she had finally found happiness, vicariously through other people's dreams and also through her interactions with Shiki, and didn't want to leave it all.

In the end, Arcueid, since she knew what was going on the whole time, was probably goading Ren into maintaining Shiki's coma, hoping that Shiki would make a contract and save Ren. Arcueid, after all, couldn't help Ren, and Ren didn't want to act like a proper dream familiar and take from unconscious people.

>> No.8120299

The coffe talk was the best scene in the entire VN. Well I guess I am addicted to the postmodern.
But it still annoys me greatly that even in the 5th route Shiki couldn't bother to read the Old mans notes properly: He still ignores the "setup link they did, and both are alive" part.

>> No.8120334



>> No.8120371

>It's like a bizarro world where they can only fuck if they're related, so they have to pretend to be related to carry on a 'normal' relationship.

This guy. He doesn't understand fetishes.

>> No.8120387

> miracle of the universe.
Because 'I was raped for a few years now I have to kill all the people who were nice to me instead for no reason at all becuase baaaaw I'm a broken doll' makes her less of an insufferable bitch.

>> No.8120409

What's worst is that she cockblocks Shiki when he is talking about leaving the mansion, and Hisui says she wants to leave and live with him.

>> No.8120408
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You obviously didn't read the story. That's okay, there are plenty of other subhumans that haven't.

>> No.8120413


In Hisui's path, she modifies her plan to kill Akiha, SHIKI, and then herself, so that Hisui and Shiki will have nothing left holding them back.

Which is how it ends, unless you two-time on Hisui with Kohaku, which just confuses everyone involved.

>> No.8120423

I thought Kohaku wanted to kill Shiki himself too.

She pretty much said that 'I decided that every single one of the Tohnos should die.'

>> No.8120428

What she did was no different than having someone put down a rabid dog. SHIKI and Akiha were monsters and a threat to people everywhere, the only difference is that Akiha hadn't yet inverted at that point. It was just a matter of time.

>> No.8120426 [DELETED] 

I'm referring to a a scene of KT

>> No.8120433

I'm referring to a a scene of KT

>> No.8120439

She knew Shiki wasn't a Tohno from the very beginning, though. She was just getting rid of the dangerous non-humans.

>> No.8120442

Then why was she drugging him into killing SHIKI in those bad ends?

>> No.8120444
File: 171 KB, 650x403, 7c5974b0335424017e4caae697e51d2cdf4e2ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because Kagetsu Tohya is Tohno Family Happy Fun Time, and you don't get to leave from the Perfect Family.


Shiki isn't a Tohno, you infinite newfriend. Kohaku is infinitely aware of this fact, as are Akiha and Hisui.

Akiha is also a miracle of the universe, so I will have to disagree with you. SHIKI would've been perfectly fine for a long time if the reincarnating vampiric rapist hadn't chosen him as a soul bus stop.

>> No.8120473

Because Shiki is a demonicidal killer with a lineage full of flipping out and ripping people to their component parts under coffee tables, and then spitting them out in every direction like some evil, gory, human woodchipper.

With bare hands.

>> No.8120479

Wait... Akiha plundered SHIKI, got his soul, a bit of magic circuit, and the soul of our beloved vampire. So the happy ending is not a happy ending? :(

>> No.8120486 [DELETED] 

>SHIKI would've been perfectly fine for a long time if the reincarnating vampiric rapist hadn't chosen him as a soul bus stop.
Vampire soul-infection or not, they all turn into crazy fuckers who attack humans in the end, unless they get their daily dose of Synchroniser sex/blood, and even then that's only a temporary measure to put off the inevitable. The only one with any actual decency is Kouma because he deliberately ostracised himself from human civilization.

>> No.8120492

>SHIKI would've been perfectly fine for a long time if the reincarnating vampiric rapist hadn't chosen him as a soul bus stop.
Vampire soul-infection or not, they all turn into crazy fuckers who attack humans in the end, unless they get their daily dose of Synchroniser sex/blood, and even then that's only a temporary measure to put off the inevitable. The only one with any actual decency is Kouma because he deliberately ostracised himself from human civilization.

>> No.8120500
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She didn't get his soul. It's more like eating his existence. There's not a Roa Inside module in Akiha... just a bunch of instincts that she took from eating him up.

Instincts that command her to smite the thief cat and claim her delicious nii-san... whether he likes it or not.

>> No.8120505

I think the coffe scene speaks for itself: SHIKI is perfectly sane, but Kohaku has pushed him a bit over the edge, and he has gotten a addiction to killing.
The real problem is vampire-kun lurking in the background, and without him half the problem is no longer existing.
And without Kohaku deciding to turn him insane, he would have recovered. Well, at the leat until the age of 30.

>> No.8120515

OP you seem to have myspelled COFFEE.

>> No.8120520

Sorry, forgot that english does not obey proper grammar rules.

>> No.8120523


>> No.8120524

You never meet the real Kishima Kouma. The only words he's confirmed to ever speak are to Nanaya Shiki when they met in the forest.

Any other time is just a fake. A really convincing and philosophical fake, but still a fake.

He had almost no need for words whatsoever.

No, SHIKI was completely fucked up. The only reason he doesn't attack Shiki is because he's so fucked up that he doesn't even recognize that Shiki is the one who took over his place. SHIKI desperately wants to kill his usurper and "protect" Akiha. Kohaku just eggs him on further, so that he actually does something about it other than attack random women on the street that look like Akiha.

>> No.8120527

You think THAT'S bad? She suppressed Roa's soul in the end, that's a good thing. Think about the other routes.
Akiha Normal: Akiha didn't plunder SHIKI to kill him, so Roa transfers to Shiki due to SHIKI's fusion like in Ciel's route. Shiki eventually gets possessed, kills everyone at the mansion, goes on a killing spree and eventually gets put down by Arc or Ciel.
Akiha True: Kagetsu Tohya has its own version of this, so maybe Shiki 'killing' himself forced Roa back into his normal reincarnation cycle. Otherwise, he might've moved from Shiki to Akiha through her life-support connection to him.
Hisui route, both ends: Same as Akiha normal. Shiki goes insane, kills whoever's left alive at the mansion, blah blah, killed by Ciel/Arc.

>> No.8120542
File: 248 KB, 530x1024, a5e00ddd6c7737febd99e85ae5f008f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so. Ciel or Shiki killing Roa leads to the same result.

>> No.8120546

Roa wasn't killed at any point in the Far Side routes, just SHIKI. He's still around, and judging by the Ciel route, his first point of call would be Shiki.

>> No.8120547

Roa doesn't really "exist" in the far side of the moon paths. He doesn't overtake SHIKI. He's just a little nagging voice in SHIKI's mind, a seed of insanity, the "guy inside my head that tells me to kill people." This is because Shiki never meets and butchers Arc, pushing Roa over the edge to real control.

So, Roa doesn't figure out the soul link between SHIKI and Shiki like he does in near side. His host is butchered, and Roa ends up going to his next, preplanned reincarnation stop.

>> No.8120553

>This is because Shiki never meets and butchers Arc, pushing Roa over the edge to real control.
Wait, what? What does killing Arc have to do with Roa surfacing in SHIKI? How did you figure that out?

>> No.8120559

MEoP doesn't work like that. In Akiha routes, Shiki killed SHIKI, resulting in no downsides because of the MEoP.

In Hisui route, i think its fully possible your right. But its merely a question of if he kills the Fusion or not when cutting apart Shiki.

Only if it involves that unicorn weapon.

>> No.8120564

Meeting Arc triggers a reaction from Roa through the shared experience Shiki/SHIKI share. Nanaya Shiki pops a woody, hunts Arc and kills her, weakening her and giving Roa a psychological victory dance to consume SHIKI completely.

Roa has part of Arcueid's power, after all, meaning anything that happens to Arc is directly going to be felt by Roa, the Dead Apostle she made. He accelerates his domination and assumes direct control.

In routes where you never kill Arc, SHIKI's demonic blood and general insanity lets him ignore Roa and resist Roa's attempts to eat him up.

>> No.8120580

why u no spell coffee correctly?

>> No.8120589

>In Akiha routes, Shiki killed SHIKI, resulting in no downsides because of the MEoP.
No, Akiha kills SHIKI, she inverts and tears his sodding heart out. That's for both her ends. How do you even forget something like that?

>> No.8120594

Akiha doesn't plunder SHIKI, though. He just gets torn to shreds.

It's his own fault for abusing her until she inverts.

>> No.8120607

Well yeah, I wasn't saying she did plunder him, just saying that he wasn't killed by the MEoDP. Not that it should really make a difference either way.

>> No.8120625

My memory is a bit fuzzy, so did:
1. Shiki slice SHIKI apart, and killed him
2. Same as 1, except SHIKI ran to Akiha who killed him

>> No.8120636

Shiki cut off SHIKI's arm, I think, and then SHIKI attempts to retreat. SHIKI tries to get Akiha to do something, since he is her real brother, and Akiha nonchalantly rips him a new one before he can even finish his request.

>> No.8120637

Akiha kills SHIKI in both her ends, Shiki kills SHIKI in both of Hisui's ends. That's all there is to it, as far as I can remember.

>> No.8120647
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>Akiha nonchalantly rips him a new one before he can even finish his request.
Inversion moe~

>> No.8120802

There IS no undisputably happy Akiha ending, because Nasu haet loli ends.

>> No.8120809


Okay, whoever you are, you are so new that it's not even funny for me to point out how new you are.

Please return to whatever board you originally found yesterday.

>> No.8120819

I think it was sarcasm, mister "I know how to post as white Ren I can now tell everyone to get out"

>> No.8120824

That's not sarcasm, newfriend-kun. That's full retard.

>> No.8120828

Disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.8120867

Who the fuck leaked my tripcode?

I'll have suigin's balls for this.
