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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 480x272, mhtrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8101736 No.8101736 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>7977007

We are looking for an editor, image editor, and software analyst familiar with PSP hardware/software (they do not all have to be the same person.) Any fansub group wanting to sub the videos in this game would also be useful.

PoC released. Use REpatch to apply the PoC delta to your original ISO image. Apply the delta to a patched image to revert to the original (it's symmetric).

PoC delta:

Outstanding issues:
** Backlog length 52-character limit
** Text dialog 2-line limit (3 should be possible)

Translation in progress - average rate 10% per month, current progress as of this post ~30%. Beta ETA June 2012.

>> No.8101764

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Translator probably on holiday.

Note that this is a *short* game - approximately 223K Japanese characters. (For comparison, ワルキューレロマンツェ体験版 trial is 294K characters and Flyable Heart >1.5M)

>> No.8102072

>June 2012
you could probably learn enough Japanese to read it by then.

>> No.8104292

page 12 up!


>> No.8104315

Not on Holidays. Was busy with Skyrim yesterday and today it seems Skyward Sword was leaked so...

Anyway Cudder, I played more of the patched ISO on my PSP and the game freezes when it goes to load the screen where you choose a character to talk to. There is no script there as far as I know as it is just a screen with the character icons on it.

Also, I think the limit for dialogue is about 90 characters per line, so I'm going to go back eventually and try to edit all the lines to be 90 or less.

>> No.8104318

Great work, Cudder. Your thread didn't even make it three posts before you had to save it.

>> No.8104320

Come back when you have at least one translator that knows Japanese and English on at least an elementary school kid level.

>> No.8104334

Why do you have to keep this thread alive?

The translator gave you his email, god dammit.

>> No.8104348

You'd think constantly badgering the translator or advertising his lack of work might have deleterious effects, but not if you're Cud-tan!

>> No.8104346

Spambot is back, why mods dont ban it?

>> No.8104391

>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment.
maybe you should shut the fuck up? because its pretty obvious this is allowed to stay if the last one was here for over a month without being deleted unlike the other shitposts you fucktards love so much. reported

u mad trolls?

>> No.8104399

I see what you're saying here.
So Cudder must be a mod.

>> No.8104403 [DELETED] 

You're soooooo frustrated, cudder-kins.

>> No.8104423

Go suck Sudo's cock more, you useless sack of shit.

>> No.8104432 [DELETED] 

Why so frustrated, cudder-kins? You want people to like you, but they realize how much of a waste of carbon you are?

Tough shit.

>> No.8104460

Protip: Once isn't spamming.
Doing the same thing for months on end is.

>> No.8104462

The thread before the last one got deleted.

It's useless to delete cudder's shitposts, they always come back anyway. This is exactly what you call ``shitposting''.

>> No.8104529

tripfag fight?
tripfag fight.


>> No.8105666

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I noticed MF's UI has decided to change from "usable" to "retarded". Where the fuck did the number of files displayed go?

Which build are you using and what's the last line of text displayed? "when it goes to load the screen where you choose a character to talk to" means nothing to us. The engine is always running a script, and giving us the closest location before the problem will help in determining exactly what it is.

The backlog has a 52-character limit but could be increased to a maximum of 208. If you really want to cut all the lines to 90 or less that's up to you, but be prepared for more tirades from trolls. My recommendation: If it takes more than 90 to express a line in English then that's fine. We'll find a way to show it all (likely involving shrinking the font and/or increasing it to 3 lines displayed.)

This thread is not just about talking to the translator, idiots. The OP's first few lines should explain it all.

I get it now. "shitpost" means anything YOU don't like, whether or not it's actually allowed. I have no time to argue with those who think it is purposeful to and are intent on creating a thread with the exact same textless image every day.

>White Ren on foolz
I see what you did there.

I am the 1% --- and damn proud of it!

>> No.8105697

So you admit that you're advertising then. Great. Let's have this cleaned way.

>> No.8105728

Advertising WHAT? A VN translation project, one of the things that has been part of /jp/ since its creation?

I already addressed your invalid arguments two threads ago. Don't like it? Hide it and ignore.

>> No.8106013

You should understand by now that nobody gives a damn about this thread, people want the finished, the working thing.

Do your "job", finish your shit, once it's done, post on /a/ for your fansub group and editor.

And for yur "ARM software analyst", you must be mentally handicapped to think you'll find one here.

>> No.8106169

I'm using the latest build you provided. The last line displayed I believe is the last line in mh01_060

Also I don't see any indication of progress on the number of lines displayed being increased to 3. And 90 characters isn't a big deal I don't think. The longest lines I have are only like 100 or so.

>> No.8107291

you really haven't been following this, have you? one other guy claimed he had the files extracted before cudder and had the screenshots to prove it, so he clearly knows something about psp but he disappeared

asking one of the fansub groups that subbed the anime is a good idea.


>> No.8107301

Wrong, dipshit. Nothing going on. There's nothing to discuss. This is just you advertising your project and spamming LOOK AT ME over and fucking over again.

>> No.8107386
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>but he disappeared

>> No.8108959

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MHTRANS_20111017_1_IUO? The last line in mh01_060 is "Is definitely not small...!". We'll look into it. You might not see any progress on OUR issues but keep in mind that we still have 7 months estimated until your translation is complete. That is a LONG time, and a lot can change. I don't remember the exact date, but with FH it wasn't until either late beta or RTM that all the lines were fit into the textbox. It'll be done sooner or later, but almost certainly before translation is complete. I've seen >140 characters lines from just looking through. Also, this is a proportional font so counting characters won't work very well --- W's are wider than l's.

I'll find out who subbed the anime and ask. You're right, PSP is MIPS.

Not doing anything is equivalent to having disappeared. And is that Ruby I see? What the fuck.

You know you're losing when all you can retort with is ad hominem.

>> No.8108967

>we still have 7 months estimated
Sure, but if it turns out in the end it can't be fixed, I'd rather not have to go back through all of the scripts at that point and adjust the length.

>> No.8108984

Still haven't looked up ad hominem, eh? You should probably do that.

>> No.8109103

>Not doing anything is equivalent to having disappeared.
What the hell Cudder, how can you say that.
I was shitposting here since the very beginning.

What's the matter, too kawaii for you XD?

>> No.8109948


>> No.8109964

Hi Cud-tan.

>> No.8110011

>Beta ETA June 2012.
Dude, don't tell me you'll be bumpbotting this shit for 6 months?

>> No.8110011,1 [INTERNAL] 

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Don't worry about it. It always can be fixed. The difficulty is not too high. Say what you need to in however many characters you need. [But try to keep it <208, because there is a rather large jump in difficulty beyond that.]

Fuck off and die if you're not going to make any positive contribution.
>What's the matter, too kawaii for you XD?
Ruby is for hipster web developers who know nothing about REAL programming and only follow the latest fads.

>> No.8110011,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Ruby is for hipster web developers who know nothing about REAL programming and only follow the latest fads.
I could have done it in python, it doesn't matter. What matters is that for rapid prototyping you don't use a compiled language.

>> No.8110959

Warmly waiting~

>> No.8110962

Speak of the devil.

>> No.8111035

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[Previous update in Warosu archive due to 4chan being down.]

Translation now at over 1/3 complete!

We are still investigating the freeze issue.

>> No.8111035,1 [INTERNAL] 

>rapid prototyping
You should be well past the prototype stage already, like we are --- in production.

HLLs also tend to be perverse in dealing with concrete binary data. There's nothing quite like the convenience of pointers.

[If you were to guess that our de-facto language is C, you would be correct. Compilation speed is not an issue. We also have a little bit of Perl "glue" for tying various bits of the infrastructure together and some minor text processing.]

>> No.8111035,2 [INTERNAL] 

>the pleasure of manual memory management

>> No.8111455

Wow, it's up!

>> No.8112289

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[Note that this does not mean I condone flooding /jp/ with textless image threads, but I do condone the existence of boards like /b/ and fan translation projects.]

We are still investigating the freeze issue. This is not taking up 100% of the time we allocate to free projects because 神採りアルケミーマイスター text extraction is also being worked on.

>> No.8112955

The bumpbot now deletes its shitposts before anybody notices them:

>> No.8112955,1 [INTERNAL] 

At least the bumpbot can't get me here.

>> No.8113544
File: 68 KB, 600x800, ghib44037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.8113551

Hi Cudder.

>> No.8113669

keep believing that, trollfag

>> No.8113681

From what I gathered this Cudder is some wannabe gurl programmer that can't do things right. Is that right?

>> No.8113685

Don't forget delusional, spammer, autist, and asshole.

>> No.8114249

and also that she has a legion of butthurt posters that stalk her in every thread she posts in.

>> No.8114738

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We hope to have a test build ready for checking a few things about the freeze issue tomorrow or early next week.

u jelly?

>> No.8114772

If it's freezing then it's not working.
Isn't that what you said?

>> No.8114812

>Isn't that what you said?
Why don't you point that out with a quote if you believe I said that, because I don't think I did.

Keep in mind that we're doing this "blind" - we do not have the hardware. Thus (detailed!) bug reports are essentially for diagnosing any problems that may come up.

>> No.8114817

Keep in mind that despite how fat you might be, you're a single person, you delusional imbecile.

>> No.8115195 [DELETED] 

Dammit cudder, get your shit together.

>> No.8115394
File: 443 KB, 980x700, 63179abb91434457ed651c4f1e499dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTERPRISE GRADE BREAKING NEWS: Game can't go past this screen, music still plays, commands respond. When you open the backlog, the game freezes, music still plays though.

Mind providing a link to the translation files?

>> No.8115398
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>> No.8115771

Canadian, eh?

You will never be able to play Milky Holmes in English ;_;

>> No.8115803

Not Canadian. And it's been a year since I've finished this game.

>> No.8115926

Game goes past that screen for me.

>> No.8116123


>> No.8117512

in English?

>> No.8117543
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>> No.8118239

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Test build early next week (hopefully).

Which version is this? The links to the MF folders with the asb's and csv's are in one of the previous threads.

[Of all the locations it could've frozen on, it just had to be the one with a line that appears two dozen times so far and a bunny-girl looking surprised at you while the non-detective-guy watches in curiosity. What.]

>> No.8118706

The first files are missing anyway. Can you upload the relevant files where the game seems to freeze?

Can you also make a patch of a clean repacking (unpack, change nothing, repack)?

>> No.8118989
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lol wut

>> No.8119001

Shit son, the thread wasn't even close to autodelition.

>> No.8119005

Anti-cancer defense.

>> No.8119020

back to >>>/b/ ``please''

>> No.8119399



>> No.8119442

What are you doing?

>> No.8119918

Sup, White Ren?

>> No.8119947 [DELETED] 

Ni hao, newfriend-kun.

>> No.8119950

No, I mean, what's your disability?

>> No.8119951

Awwww goddamit my tripcode is leaked now.

>> No.8119960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8119961

White Ren, can you hang out in this thread for awhile? That would make it 87% better.

>> No.8119965 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8120666

read OP for that refreshing boldness.

>> No.8120692

Is this an automated message?

>> No.8121711

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There is no mh03_060. That is correct.

"first files"? "first" of WHAT files? The translator said in >>8106169 that it's freezing at the end of mh01_060 so you could pick up mh01_060.asb and mh01_080.asb and try those out. [I double-checked, there is no mh01_070.]

>Can you also make a patch of a clean repacking (unpack, change nothing, repack)?
"repacking"? If we don't change any files there will be nothing showing up in the diff i.e. do you really want me to upload a 0-byte delta?

Better to ask what WR is doing. WTF.

>> No.8121719

One more thing, are you the translator or the guy with the hardware? I thought you'd be the latter since you wanted to try out some edited scripts...?

>> No.8122080


front page looking especially shitty today

>> No.8122102

It was a lot worse just a few hours ago. Take it easy.

>> No.8122255

>so you could pick up mh01_060.asb and mh01_080.asb and try those out.
I don't have those files in the MF folder.

I don't even know how I managed to find the folder itself, since you conveniently asked the translator to only post the ID.

>> No.8122260

>Better to ask what WR is doing. WTF.
One more thing, White Ren's tripcode is public, in case you didn't know.

>> No.8124282

I am the bump of my sage
Sage is my body, Age is my blood
I have created over a thousand bumps
Unknown to shitposters, nor to tripfags
Have withstood trolls to raise many threads
Yet those posts will never hold anything
So as I pray, Unlimited Bump Works!

>> No.8125512

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Read the previous threads, the ASBs are in our folder which also had its URL posted before.

>I don't even know how I managed to find the folder itself, since you conveniently asked the translator to only post the ID.
This sentence contradicts itself. See also: http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/7852126#p7854271_1

Test build may be delayed slightly.

>> No.8125837

>Read the previous threads, the ASBs are in our folder which also had its URL posted before.
Well, fuck off then.

>> No.8125873


>> No.8125903

Explain please

>> No.8128322
File: 195 KB, 600x241, 1076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you on page 12

>> No.8128382

Because no progress and no interest

>> No.8128408

Because nobody gives a fuck

>> No.8129868

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Translator probably busy since mh03_080 is rather long.

We are also very busy with some other things that urgently came up IRL, as well as 神採りアルケミーマイスター.

Excuse me?

>> No.8129873

I give many fucks.

>> No.8129944

Nobody gives a shit what you think, Cudder.

>> No.8130043

Nobody gives a shit what you think, White Ren.

>> No.8130355

>White Ren
Nobody even understands what you are trying to say.

>> No.8130953

Rule 27 of tripfagging: When you're popular enough, people start thinking random anons are you.

>> No.8130960

What ever happened to Satori Subs?

>> No.8130976

But I do give a fuck.

>> No.8130978

It's not about being popular.
It's about being a newfriend and not knowing that everybody can be a White Ren.

>> No.8131701

Or old enough.

I'm starting to think White Ren and Cudder are two sides of the same person. They both appeared on /jp/ at around the same time.

>> No.8131725

They're both obnoxious shitposters. That's all that matters.

>> No.8131737

I think trolling a project just because Cudder is involved is much more of a shitposter activity.

>> No.8131995

Projects in which cudder was involved never ended well.

>> No.8132056

Spammers deserve what they get.

>> No.8133482

Go eat a dick, shitposters.

>> No.8133538

You probably should take it easier. Your newfriendness is showing way too much.

>> No.8133682

I heard that Cud-chan can't orgasm unless he's strangling a puppy.

>> No.8133744

Why are you talking to yourself?
That's not how you blend in.

>> No.8133997

>>8133655 >21:11
>>8133682 >21:16

Hello, White Ren.

>> No.8134045

Hello, Cudder.

>> No.8134965

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We have some very urgent issues to work on right now.

>> No.8135499
File: 14 KB, 480x272, testmodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of our devs just managed to make some changes that force the game into test mode.

Unfortunately none of us know what anything says, but giving this a try could help track down the freezing issue.

Apply delta with REpatch against ORIGINAL ISO.


(Translator: See if you can tell us which files have the text for the test mode scripts. I checked test_main.csv but couldn't find any matches between the strings there and what it says in the image <---.)

>> No.8135619

>but giving this a try could help track down the freezing issue.
Why can't I stop laughing?

>> No.8136412

Why can't you stop trolling?

>> No.8136417

Why can't you stop Cuddering?

>> No.8136448

Stay chilly, ren

>> No.8136475
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>> No.8138127

hereafter conversation 4
conversation 1 inside car of Tachi 1
conversation 1 misunderstanding 2
conversation 1 great detective of legend 3


>> No.8138135

Great. Another project DOA

>> No.8138143

?? I am working on different VN, I just give translation once to help because they asked if I can do it.

>> No.8138144

Running things through Google isn't helping. It's just proving that you're nothing but a blight upon the Japanese and English languages.

>> No.8138149

Episode 1-1 Inside Tachi's Car
Episode 1-2 Misunderstanding
Episode 1-3 Legendary Great Detective


>> No.8138576
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That was unexpectedly quick. It confirms what we were guessing those choices would do. The numbers seem to correspond with the script names.

You could've posted that a long time BEFORE

He's been very helpful and although his English isn't great I can understand anyway. I've seen worse.

>> No.8138580
File: 75 KB, 480x272, tipmeoverandwatchmesprout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editing is definitely needed.

>> No.8138628

Editing? Needed on a Cudder project? I am shocked by this development. What next? You need to spam forums to communicate with Google Translate?

>> No.8138926

Where that other dude with a PSP? Does the game also freeze for you?

>> No.8139307

Which one? Like half of /jp/ has a PSP.

>> No.8140266

>Which one?
Does it matter? Use your brain a bit, silly bumpbot.

>> No.8141277

Are you frustrated?

>> No.8141409

Why would I be frustrated because a ``cuddered'' version of a game that I already finished twice isn't working?
Explain me please.

>> No.8141444

Why post in a translation thread for a game you've already finished?

>> No.8141748

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If you have a PSP (hardware) and want to help out, apply the test mode patch >>8135499. It will enable you to test a single script. Report back with which ones freeze and where. This includes all translated scripts up to 20111122. We are suspecting mh01_060 or mh01_080 (corresponding to 1?? 6 ???? and 1?? 8 ???? in the menu.)

Translator: If you're not interested/don't have the time to work on the test scripts I'll ask FH4JP to do it. [This goes back to what I said before: having readable error messages and a working test mode lets us figure out what's going on.]

>> No.8142437

Why post in a translation thread when the only thing you do is bumpbotting?

>> No.8142480

If you want to have your friend google translate the test scripts then sure. But there are no error messages in them.

>> No.8142511

The "test mode" only lets you chose the script to run.

The funny thing is, my game doesn't freeze with the test mode enabled patch. So tell me, how are you going to debug this without proper hardware?

>> No.8143252

Tantei Opera Milky Bump~

>> No.8143260


>> No.8143282

>I'll ask FH4JP to do it
Code for
>I'll start running it through Google Translate and shit all over it.

>> No.8143329

Well, Cudder, you asked why you sgould have looked at the Weiss Schwarz game, correct?

Well, for starters, the cards and rules are already translated at a few numerous places. Obviously, it would be amazing to have the dating sim and dialogue parts translated by someone, but even hacking and the cards / rules being inserted would be great.

>> No.8143348

Haven't you trolls had enough fun already?

>> No.8143359

>People trying to stop someone from shitting all over VNs

I don't think so, Cudder.

>> No.8143417

>dude says there are no error messages in the script
>obviosuly trolling.
You seem to know something that I don't. Care to elaborate?

>> No.8143433

> shitting all over VNs
Yeah, spouting the same bullshit over and over again is going to help your credibility.

>> No.8143460

What credibility does cudder have?

>> No.8143477

His extensive resume of machine translating Flyable Heart gives him all the credibility he need.

>> No.8143746

at least more than you lazy complaining lowlifes

>> No.8143762

Cudder isn't even the one translating.

>> No.8143795

Really? Vandalizing someone else's project is better than doing nothing? Are you retarded, Cudder?

>> No.8143798

You spend your days bumping this thread. You can't even help testing because you are like cudder, you don't have a PSP.

>> No.8143825

Enough with your bullshit. Reported.

>> No.8143879

He's right, we all know this project will never amount to anything.
I really do feel bad for the translator, though.

Anyways, bumpbot, tell me, do you have a PSP? Maybe, you could, you know, help debugging cudder's cudderring, instead of bumbotting all day 'erry day?

>> No.8143910

What else would you call proven garbage run through Google Translate? You claim to be helping translators, but as soon as they don't work how you want, you throw a shit fit or now, threaten to give their project to somebody who knows neither English nor Japanese. If tossing up something you know is utter garbage isn't vandalization, I don't know what is.

>> No.8143964

Yeah, no. Try again. And where did I "claim to be helping translators"?

>> No.8144355

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8144481

FH4's incompetence is only as unproven as the theory of gravity is.

>> No.8144511

I remember that thread. Quite humorous.

>> No.8145271

And your only competence is in complaining? Cudder is getting him to translate because the main translator can't do it at the moment, and don't forget that these are test scripts that no one would normally see anyway.

You've probably never even used Google Translate before, read the Flyable Heart patch, or are just parroting someone else. It's so simple to debunk this: Take the FH script posted on the site, dump it into Google Translate, and compare. You can see for yourself. Truth does not fear investigation.

This thread is proof that /jp/ will get their panties in a knot over anything.

>> No.8145343

Sorry, Cudder, but I already did all that. Multiple times over. You might remember me as that guy who exposed you for the Google Translating piece of shit that you are until you threw a shitfit. In fact, people actually showed you using Atlas and Google Translate in that exact thread.

>> No.8145425

>"Bloody murder, there cowabunga."
Good times, Cudder.

>> No.8145465

>implying I'm Cudder
>implying machine translation isn't going to be right some of the time

You are unusually autistic when you're mad, you know that?

>> No.8145558

You're unusually Cudder when you're Cudder.

>> No.8145991
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I would like to remind you that he is also our client, just like you. Your snide comments are absolutely unnecessary and only result in stirring up the trolls [which you did, rather spectacularly]. Other than that, keep on workig and ignore the trolls. Don't let the hostile environment stop you from doing what you want to do. Thank you for your cooperation.

[Ask yourself: Would I have asked him to do it if Google Translate was sufficient? I just tried it and surprisingly, they've improved --- unlike their search engine --- but still... what's a Subomi? I can ask for clarification if I can't understand his translation. With a machine translation, I'm stuck trying to find an answer by scouring the Internet.]

Which patch froze and where, and did you try out the same script in test mode? Are you sure you applied the patch correctly? (IOW: Is this reproducible?) We don't have hardware, that's why we need YOU (plural) to try things out and report back with *detailed* information. "I tried it and it doesn't work" is NOT detailed.

"cards and rules"? That isn't a VN? Anyway, we've already got a few requests queued. If you really want it we'll queue that one too, but no guarantees on ETA. Continue the discussion in a separate thread (or help out here by testing the MH builds if you have a PSP).

P.S. Stop teasing the trolls so much. We'll run out of thread too quickly at this rate.

>> No.8145993

>Would I have asked him to do it if Google Translate was sufficient?

Past evidence is a very strong affirmative.

>> No.8145998

>calling anyone else a troll

>> No.8146004

So what? Does it really matter how he translates? All we need is to know what those lines say.

I can ask him to explain if I don't understand something.
I can't ask Google to explain.

Get it?

>> No.8146010

How many /jp/ers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Only one, but everyone else is standing around and complaining loudly about how the bulb isn't emitting a perfect spectrum of light.

>> No.8146020

How many FH4s does it take to change a lightbulb?
They can't. They just stick a doorknob in and say that it does the same thing.

>> No.8146031

If we're going to use that analogy:

It wouldn't matter as long as the doorknob emits light.

>> No.8146038

How many Cudders does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one, but he needs to be wearing puppets while doing it and will spend the next 6 months telling people that he's the Bringer of Light and that everyone not standing under his lightbulb is a shill.

>> No.8146395

>Which patch froze and where
Using your first patch the game freezes at chapter 2, Sherlock's "Eh?", after the detective catches her.
It doesn't happen when using the test mode patch.

Somebody else should try it on their psp, because the problem can come from the console and not from the cudderring itself.

>> No.8146818

This first patch? I believe the second patch fixed the freezing on random lines for me. Now it just freezes when going to load the map to choose which character to talk to.

>> No.8146878


>> No.8146961

There are two patches/deltas right? The one in the OP and the test-mode-enabled one?

>> No.8147231

There was an older one in prior threads too, which is what I thought you meant by first patch.

>> No.8148440

Isn't there a second part to this?

>> No.8148465

To the game? No. There is an updated version, called Milky Holmes 1.5 releasing on PSN.

>> No.8148486

>6 hours later
Totally not cudder's bumpbot.

>> No.8149366

>giving a shit about how far apart posts are

i don't see you tards complaining about >>8069247

>> No.8149390

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8149747

Hi Cudder!

>> No.8149899


>> No.8149935

Go away, Cudder.

>> No.8150317

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BE SPECIFIC. Our releases have different version tags for a reason. If by any chance you're talking about PoC, that patch has known issues --- it's a PROOF of CONCEPT and should not be construed as anything further. Currently the latest regular build is 20111017_1_IUO.

> when going to load the map to choose which character to talk to.
When does this happen? What script is it in? If it doesn't freeze under test mode then the problem is likely in the linkage code.

Translator: did you leave alone all the lines beginning with "@"? Those are labels --- if you change one you will need to change all the other occurrences and make sure they're exactly the same.

Not me, trolls.

>> No.8150325

Nobody's buying it, FH4.

>> No.8150346

He isn't selling us the translation.

Although he did find me a good dealer in China for buying cheap oscilloscopes and other test equipment.

>> No.8150737

>linkage code
Thank you cudder, I burst intro treats every time I read your posts.

>> No.8150839

That's out already isn't it. Hope it receives translation too.

>> No.8150948

It is actually being released at a rate of one chapter per month, the final one will be out at the end of January.

In related news, the sequel Milky Holmes 2 was announced like two days ago with scheduled release date August 2012.

>> No.8151442

>When does this happen?
I already told you about this in >>8104315
>did you leave alone all the lines beginning with "@"

>> No.8153352

This is going to continue for almost another year?


>> No.8153358

Could you possibly be any more transparent and retarded?

>> No.8153447

This is pathetic

>> No.8155382

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I replied to you post here >>8105666. To repeat, "when it goes to load the screen where you choose a character to talk to" means NOTHING to us. If you say this is after mh01_060, then we can take a look there. Just to confirm, this issue occurs with 20111017_1_IUO?

>> No.8155696

>I replied to you post here
I know you did. I was just letting you know it was the same issue I mentioned previously and not something else.

And yes, it's with 20111017_1.

>> No.8156092

>then we can take a look there.
Get a PSP first, instead of buying chinese oscilloscopes.

>> No.8158640

13 up!

>> No.8158669

Reported for advertising.

>> No.8158720

Even shitposters don't care about this joke thread anymore. How funny is that?

>> No.8159857

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Good. The scripts are linked like this:
- main:@初期化
-- init:@init
- main:@Lclearscreenall
-> varset:@1章マップ用設定
and then this returns back to main which... this is the weird part. mh01_080 should be next, right? That is called at the end of mh01_300 and a few of the other mh01_3xx scripts. mh01_300 only gets referenced in test_scenario... this is odd. Maybe you could help us confirm the ordering of the scripts?

I sure hope there is no hardcoded string offsets in the executable, but at the moment it's not looking too good.

As much as I want to be able to help further with this (free) project, buying a PSP is out of the question. We'll have to do this remotely. I don't need a PSP for work. I DO need 'scopes and DMMs.

>> No.8160896
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>not having a PSP or two

>> No.8161021

You'll have to do this everyday, for 6 months, you know that?

>> No.8161032



>> No.8161292

He's already done it for two.

>> No.8161794

>or two
Now that's just excessive.

>> No.8161802

Not the same person but,

>> No.8161822

>get a life
Says who? The guy who will spend half a year bumping a shit thread?

>> No.8163776

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Any idea where the mh01_3xx are called from? The majority of them lead to mh01_080, which makes me think they come between mh01_060 and mh01_080. But HOW is the question.

>> No.8164068

Hi Cudder, got it figured out yet?

>> No.8165305


>> No.8165322

Good, cudder (you) can now delete this thread.

>> No.8165331

>cudder (you)

>> No.8165335

Sorry, by "cudder" I meant "cudder's auto bumping artificial intelligence"

>> No.8166345


>> No.8166750

>>>/b/ >>>/u/ >>>/m/ >>>/p/

>> No.8166764

You have a blog here, no need for this thread anymore.

See you in June buddy!

>> No.8168453

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I inspected the binary, there are no references to mhxx_3xx but there are references to
and only those. Translator: where do the mh01_3xx scripts belong? After mh01_060?

We'll make another test build (actually two), so you can tell us if the problem is in mh01_060 or mh01_080 [or somewhere else].

That only shows a blank page with header and footer. Might need to try different browser later.
By your reasoning, the only threads allowed on /jp/ would be the shit that gets deleted and would be deleted on any other site too. [See: VN translation status, plenty of other forums copy it; Artificial Academy+Maids, already threads at Hongfire; various Touhou threads, etc.] I've asked this before and I'll ask again: what content DO you want /jp/ to have?

>> No.8168994

>By your reasoning, the only threads allowed on /jp/...
I'm not sure what you are trying to say but, don't compare this thread to CM3D threads where there are actually new content and discussions every day.
Here it's just you, your bompbot, the translator and the occasional shitposting when people notice a ``cudder'' thread on the front page.

>> No.8169046

>where do the mh01_3xx scripts belong? After mh01_060?
Yes. At the end of mh01_060 where it says @1章マップ用設定 should be where it goes to load the map. And the 3xx scripts are the dialogue you get when you choose a character on the map to talk to.

>> No.8169145

Believe it or not /jp/ used to be very enthusiastic about starting its own translation projects... it was a time when the board wasn't overrun with shitposters and trolls.... like this...


>> No.8169173

/jp/ is very enthusiastic about everything, but then...

>> No.8169710

Starting a project, working on it on your own, reporting when complete, great. Model behavior.
Starting a project, spamming it on the board with no progress and no discussion, not fine.

If you can't see where the difference is here, it's because you're an attention whoring spamming.

>> No.8169864

>no progress
Then why is it already over 30% complete?

>no discussion
Filter out all the sageposts and look again, blindfuck.

>> No.8169940

>Filter out all the sageposts and look again, blindfuck.
How many legit posts out of 142? Not many.

>Then why is it already over 30% complete?
Game crashes, translation is unedited. That's not progress. The playability is still at 0%. Only desperate faggots like you are blindly glorifying this thread.

Funniest thing is, chances are, you bumpbot will wait 6 months to play a broken, unedited game on a broken emulator.

>> No.8170214

30% of a ten hour game and the patch doesn't work? Stop the fucking presses. We need to be reminded of this every 6 hours or life can't go on.

>> No.8170487

What I don't get about the haters is why they simply can't hide the thread. It's not like there is a new thread every day or something. It's the same thread that's been here for almost 3 weeks. Yet instead of hiding/ignoring it and moving on they just keep posting in it and complaining? How autistic can you be?

>> No.8170518

I don't use extensions and disrespecting cudder is fun.

>> No.8170806

>How many legit posts out of 142? Not many
And you're deliberately bitching just so you can say that? Fuck off.

>blindly glorifying this thread.
Nah, better this than a ton of other shit on /jp/. (Like threads about shit.... literally, shit.)

Admit it, all it comes down to is "I don't like this." You don't need to make up all sorts of silly reasons, just ignore the thread if you don't have anything nice to say.

>> No.8170840

>just ignore the thread if you don't have anything nice to say.
Exactly! Cudder should stop making threads if she has nothing to nice say, besides FILES UPDATED FILES ADDED.
See what I did there?

But don't worry, we will all check the archive in June and laugh, as we did for FH.

>> No.8170849

Is there a 30% patch already? What fuck where?

>> No.8170851

The patch that is out is not 30%, and doesn't work properly. And it's only for testing purposes so there are still issues.

>> No.8170969

Issues mind you, that Cudder can't even test.

>> No.8172523

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Another 10% complete!

Try this patch and report back with results. It keeps mh01_060 unchanged:
(Use REpatch, apply against original ISO, etc.)

See above. Try it out and report back with results too. (If it works there will be a small untranslated part and then more translated after that.)

That's why we need YOU (plural) to test.

>> No.8172936

The same reason why they're shitposting, because they're little crybabies.

>> No.8173013

>That's why we need YOU (plural) to test.
And this is where you see that nobody cares besides the translator. Even your bumpbot plays on an emulator.

>> No.8173965

And no one cares about you either.

>> No.8173976

Go to sleep, Cudder.

>> No.8173993

Looks like you do.

Anyways, bumpbot-kun, how's that testing going? Have you been able to find something interesting about the freezing bug?

>> No.8174013

Like Cudder could ever do anything actually useful.

>> No.8174723

I don't care about this game in particular, but I do support this project. Is that too subtle of a concept to penetrate your thick skull?

I'm still enjoying my maids thanks to her.

>> No.8174743

How will stoping cdr for a bit help feel better?

>> No.8174749

Stop pretending like you have personal cheerleaders, Cudder. You're not fooling anybody and it's pathetic.

>> No.8174760

>I'm still enjoying my maids thanks to her.
What maids

>> No.8174839

Stop pretending everyone not complaining is Cudder, troll. You're not convincing anybody and it's pathetic.
You know, the virtual one?

>> No.8174995

>You know, the virtual one?
What project involving maids are you talking about?

>> No.8175007

Nevermind, I checked your email and... well... you can't expect a serious answer from an autistic bumpbot.

>> No.8175227

You'd be more convincing if you could pry your lips off Cudder's dick before answering. Even the translator has their own site for this. This thread has no point except to glorify and advertise Cudder. It's not even his project and here's the big part, IT DOESN'T WORK. There's nothing here except Cudder being Cudder.

>> No.8175340

And the big question is: Why do you care?

>> No.8175418

C'mon dude, answer me, what maids were you talking about?

>> No.8175724


>> No.8175748

The hell are you doing, nerd?

>> No.8175809

Showing how even the shitposters are contributing more than Cudder.

>> No.8175827

Cudder trying to contribute in a troll thread. How cute. >>8172533

>> No.8177155

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It took THIS long for someone to make that pun. /jp/ sure has degraded.

He's probably talking about my very first post on /jp/. Go check the archive.

Note the sage.

I don't even bother reply to you trolls anymore because it's useless to argue. The fact is, this project IS allowed here and I will keep doing what needs to be done.

>> No.8177160

Remember that glorious month when your shit was getting deleted by the janitor and you went batshit on the ghost board? Good times.

>> No.8177188

"went batshit"? More like "regained control of the situation quickly".

Remember when all you troll's posts were getting deleted soon afterwards?

moot listens if you make sense.

>> No.8177191

Uh huh.

>> No.8177192

If you ignore the fact that Cudder refuses to admit that he bumps his own threads for months and gets in retarded arguments with people who point this out, there's not much else objectionable about him.

>> No.8177196

Well, there's machine translating a game, chasing legit translators off other projects, and being an abusive asshole in general, but you're right, if he stopped spamming us, we'd stop caring.

>> No.8177921

Does he?

Do you have proof?

Is Cudder even a "he"?

Do you have proof?

Or is it like religion where you just "believe" shit and it's true?

>> No.8177932

>Does he?

>Do you have proof?
No. Circumstantial evidence is not proof.

>Is Cudder even a "he"?
I'm not sure, and don't particularly care.

>Do you have proof?
Was it really necessary to repeat yourself?

>Or is it like religion where you just "believe" shit and it's true?
No, these are observational conclusions.

>> No.8177948
File: 227 KB, 500x500, autism_reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was it really necessary to repeat yourself?
Feels bad, dude.

>> No.8177956

On second reading he could have been asking whether I had proof that Cudder was a "he," but that's sort of silly since referring to someone as "he" isn't a declaration of maleness.

>> No.8177970

>No, these are observational conclusions.

>See this ancient-looking thing that looks like a boat? It must be Noah's Ark!
>A carving on a wall of an Egyptian temple looks like a lightbulb. The Egyptians had lightbulbs!
I could say the same for every other place mentioned in the Bible, but it doesn't make it any more real.

All I see are a bunch of anti-Cudder trolls trying to force their own opinions as fact.

>> No.8177984

Damn. I was betting this thread would eventually lead to Hitler being brought up.

>> No.8178003

>trying to force their own opinions as fact
Nobody is trying to force anything.
Nobody, besides Cudder.

If anything, this thread is entertaining, because we all know how it will end.

>> No.8178315

Yeah, we have only three years of a consistent pattern of behavior to rely on. But, sure, your theory that there happens to exist a dedicated fanboy who just happens to always be active at the same time as Cudder, says the same things as Cudder, and supports every single one of Cudder's projects unwaveringly despite not a single one of them being successful makes a whole ton of sense too. People like Ixrec and Takajun who have been producing things for years can't inspire that kind of fanticism, but Cudder has managed it somehow through his sheer overwhelming charisma.

>> No.8178486

>that there happens to exist a dedicated fanboy
There's more than one.
>be active at the same time as Cudder
You're wrong. At least for me.
>despite not a single one of them being successful
Hatsukoi never ended, but Editorashi? Flyable Heart? Those finished. There are people who aren't satisfied with the result, but they did accomplish something.

>People like Ixrec and Takajun who have been producing things for years can't inspire that kind of fanticism
I wouldn't call it "fanticism" but more like "encouraging /jp/ to do something". If someone else started several other projects on here, I would support them 100% too. It just happens that only Cudder is doing that right now :(

>> No.8178517

If you support Flyable Heart, then you are a troll or retarded. Plain and simple.

>> No.8178543

>It just happens that only Cudder is doing that right now :(
Funny how you completely forgot the translator simply because he doesn't use a tripcode and isn't an attention whore.

>> No.8178580

You know, people can work without spamming the board every 6 hours to let us know about it. You seem to fail to understand that the problem is that you won't fucking shut up about it for even a single day. If you only posted when there was actually something to talk about, that'd be fine. Posting every 6 hours like clockwork when there's nothing to say about a patch that doesn't work is not "doing something" as you seem fond of claiming.

>> No.8179074

I'm just keeping the thread from falling off the end. Much better than lots of short threads, don't you agree?

And did I say "doing something"? I'm just making it easier for those who are.

You might want to check this thread out too: >>8145061
That has an even higher bump count but I don't see anywhere near the level of bitching there as here. >>8170806 nails it right on.

Just ignore this one and go do your shitposting in whatever other threads you fancy, because no one is forcing you to read it.

>> No.8179106

> Much better than lots of short threads, don't you agree?
False dichotomy; let's have neither.

>> No.8179130

>You might want to check this thread out too:
Always this same shitty argument: It's okay to shit up /jp/ because /jp/ is already full of shit.

>> No.8179240

Don't try to quote yourself like you're a different person. You're not making it easier. If anything, you're engendering stress and hate for the project by spamming it four times a day. You make sure this thread is seen more often than shit posters spam their daily doses. That doesn't help the translator work. That annoys everybody and badgers them.

>> No.8179334

Then why don't you complain there every time that gets bumped?

>> No.8179343

Because it's only been here a month, and not 3 years. It also has more content than this thread.
