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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 61 KB, 249x238, 1291689993257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8099962 No.8099962 [Reply] [Original]

dat feel when you report this thread but i don't get bannd and nothing happens.


>> No.8099967

Do you feel my hate? I'm trying to kill you with it right now

>> No.8099968

Every thread must be replied to

>> No.8099980
File: 224 KB, 511x511, 1320718797944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8099995

WUBBA WUBBA now that's what I call a shitpost.

>> No.8100000

You do not know the full power of shitposting.

>> No.8100005

I see you know the full power of quints though.

>> No.8100019
File: 1.43 MB, 170x95, 1320901169272.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100027

High quality shitposting right there. Didn't even need an image.

>> No.8100081
File: 96 KB, 816x816, GOT DAYUM DOSE QUINTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooray for Mr. Wonderful,
he's feeling bad and beautiful,
I've seen him hanging out in the strangest places,
jiving in the dives where well fed faces go,
he looks so good yeah, he talks so fine,
feeling bad and beautiful,
he's grown to be a legend in his own time.
You can find him most of the time,
want only carousing after hours,
swimming in his winning and his gin,
don't you wish that you could be like him,
oh bless him in his arrogance,
doesn't ever miss a chance,
to vow you with his line of invitations,
never giving into limitations, no,
he talks so good yeah, he looks so fine,
feeling bad and beautiful,
he's grown to be a legend in his own time, oh oh.

Hey, have you seen People Magazine,
he's smiling on the cover bright as day,
well no telling where he goes from here,
maybe he'll just up and fly away.

Hooray for Mr. Wonderful.

>> No.8100084

Oh okay

>> No.8100089

Alright, that's pretty funny.

>> No.8100093
File: 10 KB, 125x205, 1307327519728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever did that, I'm giving you a high five.

>> No.8100105
File: 10 KB, 249x238, 1317885778690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's laughing now OP?

>> No.8100113
File: 25 KB, 624x525, 1320829302881.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MODS = GODS!!!!!!!!!



>> No.8100126
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>> No.8100128

Nobody has been spazzing out, though, so that kind of post isn't justified this time.

>> No.8100138
File: 8 KB, 229x251, 1320262009883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100139


>> No.8100150


>> No.8100154

>ban 1 thread
>don't do anything about the other shit threads

>> No.8100165

The definition of shit threads differs from person to person.

If there is no active, massive poop slinging going on, just let the board self-moderate. It has been proven time and time again that excessive moderation only encourages bad posting.

>> No.8100167

That made me laugh a bit, thanks.

>> No.8100171


>> No.8100175

That is indeed an accurate description of what happened.

Would you like to offer your opinion?

>> No.8100183

/jp/ Police daily dose FLANALLY cooking spaghetti

>> No.8100200

Not really.

>> No.8100208

>excessive moderation only encourages bad posting

The only moderation that encourages bad posting is one where there's collateral damage to good posts. I know there's a lot of lazy idiots in 4chan's moderation staff doing just that, but that's a problem of incompetence, not excess.

As long as intervention is specifically limited to bad posts alone, moderation will always improve matters. Now, the real reason to be careful and keep moderation to minimum is that different people aren't going to agree on what constitutes a bad post - and what's an improvement for a mod may not be an improvement for others. But proper moderation, no matter how widespread, never actually encourages any kind of posting unless it specifically attempts to.

>> No.8100219

I know! Let's add a voting system! Like reddit.

>> No.8100227

You don't need to do any collateral damage to spawn shitposting, you just have to delete any thread that any autist thought shouldn't have been deleted.

>> No.8100232

So don't delete any threads?
That's a terrible idea.

>> No.8100242

That's not what I said.

And why the fuck do you have that trip anyway.

>> No.8100259

Because he's an attention whore from /v/.

>> No.8100267

>And why the fuck do you have that trip anyway.
Because he's a stupid asshole. I think he only found out about the nature of #chilly last week.

>> No.8100279

You said:
>You don't need to do any collateral damage to spawn shitposting, you just have to delete any thread that any autist thought shouldn't have been deleted.

Which says that shitposting is the result of any post being deleted that autists deem "should not have been deleted."

Rozalin expanded on that by simply implying that every thread will have an autist claiming that said thread should not have been deleted.

Which is why it would be a bad idea because no threads would be deleted because every thread will have a shitposting autist wondering what happened to that thread.

You're good at figuring these things out.

>> No.8100282

I've known that from before the captcha.

>> No.8100289

I understand that not deleting anything ever would be a bad idea. I never defended that idea. You're full of shit. Thanks for playing.

>> No.8100294

Then what do you suggest? Your claim is that deleting a thread that someone likes will spawn even more shitposting.

>> No.8100299



>> No.8100316
File: 480 KB, 1259x1712, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meido... you came back for us...

>> No.8100321

I didn't make any explicit suggestions. I was offering a counterpoint to >>8100208 which claims that bad posting can only be spurred if moderation deletes threads that are somehow objectively good. That was the scope to which my statement was limited. I don't even know why I'm explaining this, it's pretty fucking simple.

>> No.8100339

Some of these people reveal in having their thread deleted. >>>/img/1316327463

Most others just get even more aggressive and shitpost even harder, or call for backup from their home boards.

It's easy to ignore shitpost (for me at least), and as long as they aren't bumping threads of page 15, I think it would be best to not try to stick our collective dick in that hornet's nest. Especially when the staff is incapable of moderating their moderation and keep killing good threads or playing favorites.

>> No.8100347

Janitors can't ban. More likely someone asked for OP to be banned on IRC or a wondering mod delivered the blow.

>> No.8100358


Go back to /a/ retards.

Nobody wants to see your retarded greentext+reaction images.

>> No.8100393
File: 59 KB, 1076x713, 1318270950001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100397

>It's easy to ignore shitpost (for me at least), and as long as they aren't bumping threads of page 15, I think it would be best to not try to stick our collective dick in that hornet's nest.
This is a reasonable way to deal with things.

The unfortunate thing that happens though is that the shitposting isn't always exclusive to shit threads.

It kind of turns things toxic when good threads (OC threads, IN DEPTH game/vn discussions, etc.) are spammed up with shitposts because someone gets upset about their thread being deleted.

It takes away from the enjoyment of participation when you come back to a thread to find a child throwing a tantrum and smearing shit all over a room.

>> No.8100411

Regulation of stupid idiotic arguments within threads is something that is absolutely beyond the scope of moderation. You can always ignore the retards and discuss what's you like. It's not like the number of OC threads you're allowed to make is capped at 75.

>> No.8100407

Yeah, you guys are right. Maybe this board doesn't need a janitor... maybe it'd be better off without one.....

>> No.8100409

4chan needs a voting system so we can thumb or thumbs down posts. we need post count, rep, and moderation/janitors posting with their user names so people know we've got people moderating the forums.

i remember back when i use to read sa all the time it was so great. no one shitposted because moderation was GOOD. take a note from reddit/sa, moot.

>> No.8100425

Have you seen the faggots on reddit? It's fucking gaia scum. Go hang out there if you like it so much.

>> No.8100437
File: 381 KB, 600x800, 1320304159914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mod created a thread then banned himself.

What a big deal, fucking attention whore.

>> No.8100438

reddit is what 4chan wants to be when it grows up. you don't have shitposters on reddit because the community thumbs up and down the posts.

i give your a post a thumbs down because you're a shitposter. only a shitposter doesn't want mods and rep/voting systems

>> No.8100454 [DELETED] 


>> No.8100452

If we could do some kind of self moderation, like X amount of thumbs down on a posts deletes it.. well, all hell would break loose and you'd basically break the way 4chan's always run.

I bet moot's sometimes daydreamed/did some armchair thinking about having better quality/user control systems like this, but, he knows far better than to change something that isn't (quite )broken. If something like that came about people would inevitably start to say 4chan's dead, they'd make up bullshit excuses like it cuts down on the durr freedom to anonymously post etc.

The problem is some people actually like making completely useless posts and starting rumors and such, and would be the ones to go apoplectic and spray diarrhea all over 4chan nonstop if moot took away their ability to be insufferable retards in relative peace.

Or you know what, new idea, keep the system the way things are only on /b/. Set up new types of user controls/options on other boards that could help remove rule breaking posts or just plain bad posts no one likes. People would still say 4chan died etc but really what that would do is concentrate all the fucking shitty users into /b/ even more than they already are.

>> No.8100453

That's true, but whenever meido tries doing that, it seems that he identifies any post that disagrees with his opinion as a troll and deletes it.

There is not really any solution to that problem, and I guess that our best hope is to ignore them as well.

>> No.8100458
File: 102 KB, 400x400, ange computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a note from reddit
Oh wow.

>> No.8100462

We had a board like that. It was called /z/. It was so terrible that it was replaced with beecock.jpg and extremely shitty posters were banished to it. Your idea has zero merit.

>> No.8100463

Reddit is just a holding pen to keep 12 year olds who think rage comics are funny off of the real Internet.

>> No.8100464 [DELETED] 

the only good users on /jp/ only visit /jp/, but browse reddit and sa. they both have good discussion, but you can only get your daily dose of touhou here. the rest of 4chan is SHIT that's why i only visit /jp/, reddit, and sa

>> No.8100477
File: 155 KB, 500x500, 1308086964375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8100472

Kill yourself.

>> No.8100479

That is incredibly stupid. A completely anonymous democracy. There would be no post because everyone would find it funny to delete other peoples.

You seem to be enamored by forum moderation styles that go completely against the spirit of 4chan and the culture of all the ancestor sites that go all the way back to Usenet. I suggest that you go to a forum or a wiki. You might be happier there.

>> No.8100483

la mad? *thumbs down*

you must be from /a/, filth. /jp/ for only for users who only browse /jp/ and other websites.

>> No.8100484

If that's the case then I suppose we're left to suffer to some degree.

>> No.8100489

Fuck you.

>> No.8100490
File: 99 KB, 914x113, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be fine with some kind of optional extension endorsed by 4chan that hides posts that get a lot of "thumbs down" but doesn't have any kind actual effect on the website outside of the extension.

>> No.8100494
File: 143 KB, 800x800, 1308236905413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "le mad"

You're even a shitty reddit poster.

>> No.8100496

4watch fits most of that, you can set it to hide low quality/reported posts.

>> No.8100499

I'd be happy if 4watch worked in conjunction with other extensions or was integrated into a suite so it didn't conflict with another one.

>> No.8100504

It's ironic that people are complaining about shitposters yet bump this shit thread.

>> No.8100506 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 296x406, reddit-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know there lots of reddit users on /jp/. how else would they find the board? everyone only browses /jp/ because they use reddit for other stuff.

>> No.8100508

I'd be happy if you went back to /v/. Or at least stopped using a fucking secure trip; you arrogant shit, no one will ever want to steal your identity.

>> No.8100514

>how else would they find the board?
Not sure if serious....

>> No.8100516
File: 36 KB, 698x492, 1320531676555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry friend, he's just trying to fluster your butt.

>> No.8100518
File: 49 KB, 246x269, 845654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there lots of reddit users on /jp/

>> No.8100531 [DELETED] 

/jp/ likes le civil discussion. that's why meido is so popular. the rest of 4chan is /b/tard legion people who don't want moderation. only le wise users from reddit would understand how great meidos/rep/post count systems are.

>> No.8100546

I wish public ban threads would get set to bump limit

>> No.8100539

You're pretty good.

>> No.8100545


I guess you got downvoted too much and had to delete your post to save face and karma.

Oh wait.

>> No.8100551

Well, obviously /b/ and /v/ would find it funny to abuse it. Some boards would abuse it, some wouldn't. The thing is, it'd need to be a lot more specific than just thumbs up/down though so that you can't just click through all the boards and thumbs down everything you see and get results. The system would need to be so complex to not suck, that well, that's why no one's bothered to make it.

And of course the real problem is, that people would have to eventually adapt to such a system for 4chan to survive at all. This requires them to actually start behaving like civilized rational people. That's not going to fucking happen. If you could personify 4chan into a person and put a gun in its hands it would immediately just shoot itself in the face for "the lulz".

>> No.8100602

/jp/ would be the worst abuser. People here love to bitch. The mission to clean up /jp/ could never be over. If all the shitposter were gone, we'd go back to bitching about idolfags again. If they left, then we would decide that the OC threads could go back to /ic/. If that was gone, we'd probably see that /v/ has VN threads and start sending those threads over there. It would never end until there was just a single thread on page zero devoted to 8 million posts of metadiscussion.

>> No.8100612

People always desire what they don't have.

>> No.8100615

If a thumbs down/thumbs up system were ever implemented in 4chan I'd just make my own shitty imageboard and talk to myself there.

>> No.8100621

There are plenty of shitposters on Reddit. Just look at the front page right now. They even have several subreddit dedicated to shit posting (reddit.com/r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu/ is one of them).

Voting systems are too easy to abuse by trolls and overly sensitive people. Look at Digg, Yahoo Answers!. As a general rule, the smaller a community, the less shit posts

>> No.8100623

Lies, damn lies, and /jp/.

To get rid of all the autists, you'd have to set 4chan back 3 years.

>> No.8100625

Why would we need to when they're dozens of *chans out there we could (and would) migrate to.

>> No.8100640

Would you write it yourself completely from scratch?

>> No.8100647

Why in the name of whoever would we do that?

Do you write your own word processor?

>> No.8100658


>> No.8100659

2008 4chan wasn't that different from 2011 4chan. If anything, it was better. AoC and Suigin and the blogcircle had yet to rape /jp/. The cancer killing /b/ was little digglets coming for Chanology, rather than facebook retards coming to have their exGF raided.

>> No.8100662
File: 43 KB, 626x478, kircheis_cryingcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to you /jp/?

>> No.8100663

Is this real life?

>> No.8100666

There are more important things to worry about everyone, like my post number.

>> No.8100670
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>> No.8100673
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>> No.8100677


>> No.8100678
File: 90 KB, 494x219, Devilish Dubbles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw the meido, we need an EXORCIST

>> No.8100679
File: 44 KB, 382x349, 1315809840260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have boards for tea discussion.

>> No.8100682

This is not what I think it is, is it? I am afraid to hover the mouse over that spoiler.

>> No.8100684

> If anything, it was better. AoC and Suigin and the blogcircle had yet to rape /jp/.

The fuck is this nerd talking about?

>> No.8100688

Alpha drinks coffee...

>> No.8100691

I only drink water and when needed caffeine pills, faggot.

>> No.8100695
File: 278 KB, 275x200, bawson_no_you_didnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop right there.

>> No.8100710
File: 110 KB, 953x953, bawson_and_friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah man, what a bizarre mechanism of brain chemistry nostalgia is. I didn't like Bawson much back then but now I almost miss it.

The thing is, I know that if it came back I'd start to get tired of him again.

>> No.8100712
File: 10 KB, 320x240, bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a shame.

>> No.8100714

You are not allowed to post Bawson.

>> No.8100718

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.8100786

Seriously, who the hell guy thinks he is? He just arrived and is already acting like he owns the place.

>> No.8100807

Nobody should be allowed to post Bawson.

>> No.8100808

The OP was more tolerable than the usual 80 post meta-thread to follow him being banned.

>> No.8100814

Obviously a threadban is required.

>> No.8100826

Suddenly all of /jp/ gets banned.

>> No.8100858

Nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.8100880

Might as well delete it then.

>> No.8100994

f'ing pwnt.
