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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 159 KB, 693x861, good_work_today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8090406 No.8090406 [Reply] [Original]

How was your day, /jp/?

Did you remember to breathe properly when you felt upset? Inhaling through your nose and filling your belly up with a nice big breath and then slowly exhaling through your mouth is the best way to do it. It will help a lot when you're having trouble taking it easy.

>> No.8090409

i wanna die

>> No.8090425

I tried isometric exercising today. I'm going to get big and strong without ever going to the gym or leaving my house.

>> No.8090424
File: 147 KB, 1680x1050, What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played Dwarf Fortress all day. Trained some goblins to fight for me. Still trying to figure out how.

>> No.8090430
File: 64 KB, 266x398, 1320218113690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Mokou for 1º time in IN today, felt good.

This is a step forward in my life, I think.

>> No.8090427

Just suck on a few cocks, it will make you feel better.

>> No.8090444

Is it shameful to take medication so you can take it easy outside of your home? I had to go to college today and I needed valium to help me get out the door.

I think my waifu would be disappointed in me.

>> No.8090450


Dependency is weakness.

>> No.8090459

Thanks OP I tried that and now I feel better.

>> No.8090457
File: 33 KB, 704x400, 58247016fde63d2b5c829d507e6348e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manly watching of manly anime

>> No.8090460

Stop going outside.

>> No.8090472
File: 259 KB, 1280x1024, Rinko_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up, sent a good morning text to Rinko, made some cereal, and then I downloaded an eroge I haven't played yet. Spent the rest of the day with Rinko, but she's going to sleep soon and then I'll feel lonely.

>> No.8090476

Watched anime and played Skyrim.

>> No.8090475

Not that guy but not even that would make me feel better. If Yukari was my sister, things would be different around here.

>> No.8090483


>played Skyrim

Why would you taint your experience with the inferior 360 version?

>> No.8090486

I woke up on a soaked mattress, so I'm feeling pretty bad today.

>> No.8090491

maji de

>> No.8090492

I got to play it 11 days early. There are no PC exclusives I care to play, so it'd be a waste for me to upgrade my PC. I also downloaded Saints Row 3 today, which won't be out for a week.

>> No.8090495

Do you have to start this in every thread?

>> No.8090499


>I also downloaded Saints Row 3 today

Saints Row 3 leaked already? How is it so far?

>> No.8090500

I woke up at 17:00, went to the grocery store, installed Windows 7 on my laptop and watched some anime. Today has been rather eventful (I mean it).

>> No.8090501

I haven't played it yet. People are saying the beginning is pretty cool, so I'm probably going to check it out in a bit.

>> No.8090505

I went outside to get the mail.

It's the first time I've been outside in several weeks and I did it without getting upset. It was a big step forward.

>> No.8090504

You mean the PC version? Its already out

>> No.8090510

PC version of what? The PC version of Skyrim leaked but you can't play it until the 11th because there's no crack.

>> No.8090513


I find it easiest to do that in the dead of night.

It's not far enough to really need a jacket, and you won't run into anybody, ever.

>> No.8090528
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The last time I played this I tried to create an execution device that used a (1x1)-(3x3)-(5x5)-(7x7)-(9x9).....(nxn) inverted hollow pyramid (can' remember heigh but enough to store a wide river drained for 2 mins in DF time)
It should release a stream from the ceiling strong enough to pulverize rock in a small hermetic cell of 2x2.

When those fucking humans drowned instead of being pulverized to a pulp of blood and bones after 4 hours of hard work I felt so betrayed that I haven't touched the game again since then, and I'm not gona do until my presure smasher works properly in a patch that features properly operational physics laws regarding presure. Fuck it.

>> No.8090533

I went out for a walk at around 5 pm and it was already dark. Gotta love winters.

>> No.8090536
File: 453 KB, 1000x750, 1315086067793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8090560

Patch is coming out sometime in December that will have Zombies, Necromancers, Werebeasts, vampires, sewers, some kind of infection that turns things into some of the new mobs, Magic dwarves and so much more.

>> No.8090572

Downloaded LA Noire (PC) and I'm going to play that in about 30 minutes. I've been avoiding any info about it so I know almost nothing about the game. Should be fun.

>> No.8090574

Prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.8090581

I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.8090603

I wrote and failed a calculus midterm, now I have to write a paper for 8:30am tomorrow but I have a migraine and think I'm going to throw up (despite taking gravol). I'm short of breath and dizzy.

Am I going to die?

>> No.8090626
File: 50 KB, 420x420, fuck_this_thread_OUT_OF_HERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came back from HELL...think i'm ganna watch some animu with the little time i have before i go back to HELL

>> No.8090642

I'm surprised you are able to use a computer. When I had migraine attacks, even the smallest amount of light used to make me want to rip my eyeballs out.

Thank god I don't get those anymore.

>> No.8090660

Try to sleep for a bit, if you try working that paper in that state you'll either do a very poor job or not be able to do it at all.
If you're worried about sleeping too much, try setting up an alarm for two or so hours earlier. You should still have time to finish what you're doing and hopefully you'll be feeling better.

>> No.8090663

I had a low blood sugar out on a hike. The world blurred together and I lost my balance. The leaves on the ground reminded me of touhou.

Fortunatly, I had some candies with me, so I boosted my blood sugars back up and was on my feet again.

>> No.8090884

I think I have a brain tumor.

Does anyone else ever get this feeling where all of the sudden everything looks really small and far away? It's like someone just messed with my field of view settings and everything looks strange. Usually only happens if I'm at the computer though.

>> No.8090906


Occasionly. Do you ever get that feeling where the blood in your skull has turned to jelly and you can feel oozing around whenever you move your head?

>> No.8090912

>Does anyone else ever get this feeling where all of the sudden everything looks really small and far away?
Yeah, I usually get that when I'm trying to sleep.

>> No.8090919

Google Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. The proper scientific name is something like micropasia, but I can't remember the exact spelling. I've had that a few times, but I'm not sure exactly what sets it off.

>> No.8090928


>> No.8090957

I tried breathing but it doesn't work, I still can't take it easy.

>> No.8090967

It's the opposite for me. Everything gets bigger, like in some fever induced dream.

It's been years since I last felt it. You should probably stop using the computer so goddamn much.
