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8077761 No.8077761 [Reply] [Original]

What are the correct choices for Caster's survey on Round 4 towards getting Matrix Level EX for her?
Japanese Wiki is sort of unclear for the first one,

>> No.8077767

you mean you can't decipher ATLAS output clearly enough?

>> No.8077777

"- though the dialogue does." Doesn't exactly make much sense or line up with any of the choices.

>> No.8077781

There's a walkthrough on gamefaqs. I dunno how complete it is, I just beat shinji

>> No.8077922

I played it with my own choices and got E.

The important ones are praising her cute fox ears and choosing her over Rin in this Caster pouting scene.

>> No.8077986
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Well, this seems to be my stumbling block towards Caster's Matrix Level E.
And can't be bothered to go waste 3 or 4 hours CWCheating levels and text skipping to check right now.

>> No.8078025

>The important ones are praising her cute fox ears and choosing her over Rin in this Caster pouting scene
I've done that though.
And the only trigger listed on the wiki that I'm not sure I answered right/done correctly is the アンケート及び俺のヨメ宣言で間違えない, which despite how shit tier my Japanese is, I can figure that one out.
Saying "Cute is Cute" is fairly obvious for the second choice, but the first one isn't so obvious, as she responds pretty much the same way for both serious answers.

>> No.8078049

is getting caster's true name important? i just went to talk to her in the private room during round 5 day 4 and she revealed her true name and all.

>> No.8078063

Did you choose to save during the choice? That prevents you from unlocking
Anyways first choice should be first option for boys, second for girls.

>> No.8078109

>Did you choose to save during the choice?
You mean during Week 6?
Nope. I've enough sense not to do that.

>> No.8078199


Its important for the Clear Data probably which will most likely end up affecting how it carries over to Fate/Extra CCC when that comes out.

>> No.8078208

I love the moments whenever Breach starts playing.

>> No.8078317

Why is Caster so shit when summoned as a Servant? It doesn't make any goddamn sense.

>> No.8078322

nobody knows who she is

>> No.8078326
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Did you forget the true purpose of the Holy Grail War?

The Three Families NEVER intended anyone else to be capable of winning, so anyone but Saber, Archer, and Lancer are meant to be shit.

>> No.8078354


I mean Fate/Extra's Caster. In the war where a goddamn God gets summoned yet she's so blatantly desecrated power level wise.


Popularity bonus is negligible. Besides for F/E's war that doesn't even seem to come into play.

>> No.8078362

Even she herself says that she doesn't want to be caster, and would much rather be Saber or something.

>> No.8078373

Because it's a videogame, and it needs to be balanced. If you started with A+ magic then you would just one shot all the monsters in the dungeons.

>> No.8078369


I don't know of any reason why Caster would get nerfed in the SE.RA.PH. system though.

>> No.8078386

cwcheat fixes that.

seriously after caster got cheesed with crits from trashmobs after the 999th time i was like fuck it. i'll just play for the story.
i enjoyed murdering that fucking clown in a single turn though.

>> No.8078409


F/E's Caster is pretty far from what i'd call "balanced". She's completely against using one of her fucking EX Rank skills at all,she faces many other Close range classes in Close range combat and on top of that, Canonically for Fate Extra, she cannot ever dream of reaching even 20% of her full power for some truly ridiculous reason that is not expanded upon whatsoever.

It's just a bunch of qwoijfoipamdiovm

>> No.8078437

she probably felt bad about using her magics on that dude

>> No.8078491

Well Caster did get nerfed by the system and all this shit being on the moon. I mean shes working at 1/10th of her full power.

And its not like they can let her go 9 tails because then shes a deity.

>> No.8078500
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>> No.8078512

Fabulous framerate pal.

>> No.8078550


>Well Caster did get nerfed by the system all this shit being on the moon.

Which is one thing I truly cannot comprehend. When,once again,a God was summoned and apparently Arc of all fucking people seemed to be held back entirely by her dumbass of a Master.

As for the moon thing, you'd think it wouldn't matter because the Moon isn't...Or at least I think its not too blatantly far away from the Sun.inb4 go learn astrology

>> No.8078566

How do you get it to run on Jpscp?

I keep getting file format not supported and theres no eboot.old in the relevant folder.

>> No.8078569

so right after i answered the choice with saving in favor to caster i get rani and rin force their lunches on me, and then caster gets mad.

does it affect my chances with caster?

>> No.8078574

when do you get the servants matrix? in round 6 day 1 and ive got nothing (saber)

>> No.8078582

As a solar deity the moon fucks her up that's just how it works.

>> No.8078607


>Arc of all fucking people seemed to be held back entirely by her dumbass of a Master.

As an earth spirit, being worshipped as divine is devastating to her power.

Also not being on earth.

>> No.8078674



....Oh huurrrr. I see. Apparently I should learn how to read.

>As a solar deity the moon fucks her up that's just how it works.

I want to call that utterly stupid but...It works I guess. Still quite the ridiculous nerf though.


I understand that much. I was trying to say that it was weird how Arc didn't get touched at all by the Moon Cell in terms of power levels and all of her weaknesses/downgrades came from her Master. Meanwhile Caster gets absolutely shitfucked to the point where she is about as strong as a glowing flower.

>> No.8078684


>how Arc didn't get touched at all by the Moon Cell

She IS a re-creation of Type-Moon itself.

>> No.8078695

>so right after i answered the choice with saving in favor to caster i get rani and rin force their lunches on me, and then caster gets mad.
The Rin/Rani scene is part of the story line, not trying to make Caster into you're perfect waifu for all eternity.

Currently grinding Caster to 300,000 Damage Taken as the Wiki says she gives you something when that happens. And it's probably a funny dialogue.
And I'm absolutely out of ideas on how to hit Matrix level E.

>> No.8078939
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>> No.8078957

>Why is Caster so shit when summoned as a Servant? It doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Older dungeon crawler games are often notoriously difficult to the point of being nearly unplayable. Games like that have such a small audience now that F/E made a point to make the game not too hard...as long as you play as Saber or Archer.

Caster is purposely more difficult both to appeal to the remaining computer grognards and as a hard mode for people that played through once and wanted more of a challenge.

>> No.8078979
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>> No.8078982


Homura did warn you about the horrors of being a Magical Girl Madoka. Truly, what a fool you were

>> No.8079019
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Wonder if its the Fate/Apocrypha version. I also wonder who she loses against.

>> No.8079024

>Currently grinding Caster to 300,000 Damage Taken
I wonder if this works via HP actually lost, or just cumulative damage numbers.
If it's the latter, it'd probably be easier to go fight Chapter 6 Berserker or someone else capable of not dieing when they are killed with CWCheat Infinite HP and just spam attack and let him wail on you for a few hours.

>> No.8079038

How come this is better written than the actual VN?

>> No.8079044

Because Takajun is a very very bad writer.

>> No.8079056

It's because the VN set the bar low.

>> No.8079069


Now why would anyone want to escape such a thing?

>> No.8079079

To save my chastity until after the wedding.

>> No.8079083

I equipped clothes with a "field magic" attack that "stuns nearby foes" but the spell doesn't show up in battle or when I hit square when in the dungeon... how do I use this

>> No.8079084
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For all that love, the ending of the game felt rather.. Empty.
I guess i had hoped for a more happy and together forever endo with my servant.

..I should have learned my lesson from the fate route.

>> No.8079086

Even if he wasn't, Nasu isn't good either, unless you are moogy and just masturbate on obscure/hard kanji.
the pacing is still a horrible mess and most of the Vn feels half assed at best.

>> No.8079094

push x

>> No.8079096

Press X in the field.

>> No.8079102

Shut the fuck up you fucking peasant swine. Don't you dare talk shit about Moogy-dono.

>> No.8079099


But there will never be a wedding ;_;

>> No.8079111

these dungeons are so boring that i want to die

>> No.8079117

You need to appreciate hanging around with your servant more.

>> No.8079115

Even still.

>> No.8079126

I wish I had went for easy mode rather than normal,, since all it is is a healing fountain at the start of dungeons. Right now, grinding and even getting around is excruciating for Caster, soon as Im out of MP im pretty screwed.

>> No.8079141 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1443x1632, OhGodWhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god what did you do to my Saber Rin..

>> No.8079153


>the ending of the game felt rather.. Empty.

That was my reaction reaction too. It really is pretty empty.

Theres so much more for the game to cover,such as the fate of Humanity after the Grail War,Rani/Rin's decision of what to do after it and of course when and if the body of the MC was ever cured from the disease

Shit really needed an Epilogue. It is pretty incomplete and not the whole story of things. I'm hoping that Fate/Extra CCC fixes this.

>> No.8079159

Because at full power even 100 Heroic Spirits (Heroes) would have a hard time holding her down.

Which means you would be able to say fuck you to all 127 participants at the start of the story, and proceed to fuck all of them over at the same time.

Also something about how her wish of wanting to become a good wife turned her into a Heroic Spirit from a Deity. And then the Moon Cradle restricted her some more by limiting her tails to one.

>> No.8079167

I hope CCC does more with the command spells.

>> No.8079171


What is F/E CCC anyway? A sequal, or prequal, or what?

>> No.8079188

Sequel with F/E Sakura as the focus.

>> No.8079191

Seems more like an alternate scenario than a sequel.

Though there's not much info on it yet.

>> No.8079198


Basically another scenario that details what would've went down if the MC's Grail War had become a failure.

>> No.8079224

It sure is cool that Round 6 Berserker can use Immortal Red Hare immediately after he gets back up from using it.

>> No.8079313


I hope that CCC has a Player that uses Kiritsugu's/Kotomine's Avatar.

Especially Kotomine. I can never get enough of his fapping-tier voice.

>> No.8079326

AAA game design, would play again.

Seriously I hope they overhaul the sequel so that it is slightly playable.

>> No.8079332


The game's already playable

It's just a pain in the ass if you're playing Caster.

>> No.8079336

>Caster takes 300,000 damage
And now she's suddenly a masochist, and my MC is suddenly a sadist.

>> No.8079340

To be fair, in my letting him wail on Caster for 200,000 or so damage, he only did it twice despite getting up 20 or 30 times.

>> No.8079367
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I really wanted to do a archer/saber playthrough but the ending just crushed my will to do it.

If only this game had a proper epilogue for each servant or something atleast.

>> No.8079387

And basically to get this from far away from the mid tier damage taken conversation, I had to let Lu Bu wail on me for 2 hours or so, while choosing the worst possible choices.

>> No.8079420
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>> No.8079423


>I really wanted to do a archer/saber playthrough but the ending just crushed my will to do it.

Just do it casually. Besides Saber is more than enough to warrent a second playthrough. Unlike FSN Saber she's actually pretty entertaining and has loads of interesting things to say.

>> No.8079992

He says some dastardly things.
Like if you talk to him during Rin Round 6 repeatedly, he says something to the effect of "Me? You think I'm your opponent this round? If that were the case, you'd be already dead."

>> No.8080038


>> No.8080042

moot cannot into DST

>> No.8080099

God this game is so much fucking easier with Saber it makes me want to vomit.... It seriously puts into perspective just how much of a Nightmare playing with Caster was...

Also i've noticed that the game never seems to use your Nickname. Whats even the point of it? Sheesh. Caster calls you Goshujin-sama and Saber calls you Praetor. Never the nick name.

>> No.8080126

I'm amazed at the change in difficulty and I only went from Archer to Saber. I can't imagine what Caster is like.

>> No.8079982

I was waiting the entire game for NPC Kotomine to do something dastardly.

>> No.8080132

>Whats even the point of it?
For after you homolust Archer, obviously.

>> No.8080143


>I can't imagine what Caster is like.

It's pretty much just hell. The only Servant fights where you feel like you can let your guard down are Saviour and Rider.

But both of those are easy-tier servants to fight anyways.

>> No.8080172

Lancer and Assassin were probably the easiest servants I've fought as Caster so far. Though Assassin is probably the easiest in the game for Caster as her shield makes his NP nigh useless.
Assassin has relatively little HP, coupled with MP gains from blocking his NP, I could pretty much nonstop cast at him, threw up Caster's NP and finished him off in 3 or 4 turns total.
Lancer was just pitiful.
Lu Bu is the only one who's pressed me aside from Caster (which was more due to me spreading out Caster's spells, rather than conserving them for a volley before Caster's NP was used.) due to possible stun locking, but even then he went down in 3 or 4 tries.

Maybe you built your Caster wrong?

>> No.8080185


I went down Rani route also Assassin hit pretty hard so I was unable to fuck around too much with him. So I don't consider him one to let my guard drop and do whatever I wanted.

>> No.8080201

>I went down Rani route
Ah well.
In that case, I would forever lose to Lancer due to the homolust for him that is borne by my blood.

>> No.8080203

Quick question, which route is the arcueid fight on, Rani or Rin?

>> No.8080205



>> No.8080207


>> No.8080222

Fighting Berserker as Caster is pretty bullshit.

Nigger kills me in two hits (One hit / One crit, or One skill / One hit, or just his noble phantasm)

>> No.8080228

What's your Magic at?
What's your defense at?
Did you upgrade Bestial Sky to Merciful Sky yet?
Don't be afraid to use an Elixir if you have need to.

>> No.8080239

Don't forget Alice, she's a motherfucking joke.
Kinda hoped she would summon Jabberwock in the middle of battle.

>> No.8080241

I cheated through it. Was A+ magic / (High Ds) for defense / Yes, I had upgraded.

>> No.8080421

I just beat the game.

I named my person Shino Nanao, and she happened to be a coma lady. What a coincidence.

So the last elevator ride was so boring that I triangled through the entire thing. From what I could tell (Rin Route), some nobody with buddha fights you, he loses, you go up into the moon cell, become omnipotent, learn about yourself, and rin walks away in the distance. I didn't exactly read the ending. What was my wish?

Also, how does it differ in the Rani route? In the Rin rote: Fourth cycle you fight some psycho clown, then, assassin with issues, next you fight Rani, and lastly you fight Leo. The arc revolves around Leo vs. Tousaka's goals/ideaologies.

I never got Caster's EX matrix. (Not Alice, but Tamamo. What's that about?

>> No.8080432

>I never got Caster's EX matrix.
Random seemingly insignificant choices during the weeks are not insignificant, and choosing wrong can block you out of it.

>> No.8080441

What's the difference between getting it and not getting it? Just that CG?

>> No.8080443


>I didn't exactly read the ending.

>Get to the ending

>Don't read it


The MC's wish was for Rin or Rani(In your case Rin) to find his real body and be friends with with it or some shit like that

>Also, how does it differ in the Rani route?

In Rani's route youFight Berserker Arcueid,the Li Shuwen Assassin and then fight Rin and her Lancer.

As for why you didn't get EX Caster its because you didn't tell her you olev her.

>> No.8080446

Fuck if I know, I can't get it, and I don't want all the time I've spent with Caster go to waste as I revert back to week one and CWCheat and Triangle skip my way through the game, making sure to perfect every choice.

>> No.8080453

I did tell her that I loved her, (I thought that saying that I should save was funny though). I just decided that I cared more about her personality and what was happening than patting her fluffy head or something like that.

As for not reading the ending, its the classic "Introduce a random ass character mentioned once before in the entire story and have him give a stupidly long monologue" syndrome. Triangled that bitch like no other.

Does the story differ at all in the Rani route, or just the order of killing people?

>> No.8080452

>didn't exactly read the ending
What were you even playing for? The amazing gameplay?

>> No.8080460

I played because I wanted to make the wish to be with Caster after the war was over to make her happy ; ;

I guess the question I'm asking is what happens during the Matrix+ Cutscene, since I doubt anything besides that happens.

>> No.8080469

>it's the ending
>stupidly long monologue
I too suffer from ADD

>> No.8080482


>Does the story differ at all in the Rani route

Not particularly

Just who you fight,who your walking vagina to the end is and......Well,that's it.

Rin and Rani just make up a short term change really. No matter who you choose,it doesn't make something large happen within the games plot.

>> No.8080553

How do I raise my own Servant's matrix level?

I'm on Round 4 right now, is it supposed to start increasing late in the game? Did I miss anything?

Also, what's up with area completion getting stuck at 99% even if you explore everything?

>> No.8080570


>How do I raise my own Servant's matrix level?

By having your real life Luck be above C Rank.

>> No.8080571

You probably missed a hidden shortcut area.

>> No.8080574

So does getting all the right choices change the ending at all?

>> No.8080590

Relax, you're not at week 5 yet, your servant still doesn't trust you at all. After a long chain of events they'll be at level 1.

>> No.8080613

That's only for Caster, silly.

>> No.8080674

>Also, what's up with area completion getting stuck at 99% even if you explore everything?
You have to use both exits from each dungeon to get 100% dungeon completion rate. It has nothing to do with secret passages, those lower the completion rate a lot more.

>> No.8080723

Sorry, this is the first I've heard of this Matrix level stuff. I'm only on the first round, 4 days left until the battle. I don't recall making many choices, but could I have missed something already?

>> No.8080731

Don't worry about it. It's some choices in Round 6 for Caster players that some people somehow fuck up on when the choices are obvious. Just talk to your Servant daily and make choices that make sense and involve your Servant's true name and stuff.

>> No.8080737

Alright, thanks a lot. I don't want to follow a guide, so I was afraid it might be something I might easily miss (and I am using Caster).

>> No.8080776

>breeze through the game with Seiba
>think I'm hot shit
>get to the hunt event with the clown and lancer
>walk into them, they attack me
>1100 damage in one hit

And I'm supposed to fight this fucker anyway to max his matrix.
I don't even have enough mp to ability spam him for three rounds.
Wat do /jp/?

>> No.8080782

Learn patterns by experience to minimize damage from normal attacks.
Do skill over the ones where you can't tell.
Defend every skill.

If it still doesn't work, grind more.

>> No.8080785

You should have some formal wear that allow you to up servant's def.
Also, during the first Guard of your oponent, if you have the skill that steal hp while using break, activate it.
Last, use the Revive upon death skill.

>> No.8080787

You fight them on the 2nd day.

>> No.8082201

Fight them at the proper moment.

>> No.8083129

Just beat Gawain with Caster on first try.
So much for a servant class with B rank Anti Magic...

>> No.8083660

Are there any story differences when you play as a male or female?

>> No.8083663

Minor differences in some conversations. Caster will want to become your waifu regardless of gender.

>> No.8083664


You power up your servant by touching yourself if you play as the female

>> No.8083674


Guess like its a female MC for me

>> No.8083760

Dammit I wish I bought a PSP instead of a DS.
Being poor sucks. ;_;

>> No.8083851


You will never experience caster waifu

>> No.8083877

get jcsp and torrent the game, most of us are doing that anyways.

>> No.8083909

Downloaded/installed iso, jcsp, sonicstage, moved the iso to umdimages, loaded iso, pressed "Run" and nothing happened. Help?

>> No.8083953

JPCSP is fucking dildoes. Too bad it's the only working PSP emulator, as it runs like shit.

>> No.8084013


>> No.8084064

Sorry, that didn't work and actually halved my FPS. I will admit my computer is starting to fossilize, though.

>> No.8084090

How does Caster work? Surely a mage wouldn't have to use physical attacks the entire game, right?

>> No.8084094


By talking with her once you learn the identity of the Master and having her use Maleficrum EX to have them get themselves killed

Well,that's what would happen if she would use the skill at leastCaster works by stunlocking shit. It's kinda hard though to do it consistently in the beginning though due to her not having enough MP.

>> No.8084096

She does

Her mana costs are so high so she cannot spam. You are heavily reliant on physical attacks, until at least round 5 where you get a skill which regens mana after every battle (and even then it regens enough for one cast)

Being caster is suffering.

>> No.8084100

You get the spell that restores mana for every break you perform, usually you can regain most of your mana from 2 enemies.

>> No.8084104

You need to break twice just to get enough mana to recover the cost of casting the regain MP while breaking spell.

>> No.8084123


It's as if the magic resistance is there for show, i thought magic resistance would make the character immune to c-casts but it doesn't even do that.

>> No.8084132
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so where do i fight that "worthy" enemy to power up rins formal wear?

i did run into this dude after reaching casters EX rank. but it did not give me anything. not even a scene in your room or anything.

>> No.8084133

Did anyone else find Exorcist's Blade to be obscenely overpowered during servant battles? I found myself switching out the field stun for exorcist's blade every 7 days.

>> No.8084135

Yo need to kill "moby dick" in 6th week.

>> No.8084234

was there a point to collect all of tiger's items on the first go? i did all her quests but from what i hear it only counts in second playthrough to unlock ryogi.

>> No.8084430

Just started playing this, and tsundere ojou-sama Saber is superior to normal Saber. I really lol'd at the unexpected curry-senpai reference.

>> No.8084434

Archer gives a bonus conversation when you open all treasure folders. Not sure if he gives you anything.

>> No.8084456


Probably not...They might increase affection though.

>> No.8084731

Archer gives you an item if you kill 300 enemies, and another based on either distance traveled, or map completion.

>> No.8084736

I just downloaded this for JCPSP

But the FPS is pretty low, sticks around 40. I have a good enough rig to run this, I think.

Is there a trick to this or am I basically fucked?

>> No.8084754
File: 128 KB, 1144x900, 1320193108452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's optimal settings for this game that will get you better results, but I don't think it's possible to run it steadily at anything higher than 40, and it will always have it's glitches. I have a gtx 460 and an i7 950, and while the battles were pretty smooth around 50-60, and I was averaging 30-60, certain areas and certain visual effects would bring it around 20-30 fps.

Try the settings in this pic, though I've seen different "optimal configurations" posted the last few days.

>> No.8084751 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1144x900, 1320193108452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's optimal settings for this game that will get you better results, but I don't think it's possible to run it steadily at anything higher than 40, and it will always have it's glitches. I have a gtx 460 and an i7 950, and while the battles were pretty smooth around 50-60, and I was averaging 30-60, certain areas and certain visual effects would bring it around 20-30 fps.

Try the settings in this pic, though I've seen different "optimal configurations" posted the last few days.

>> No.8084758

Thanks, I'll give it a go. My rig seems roughly equivalent to yours so I will hopefully be able to manage that at least.

>> No.8084768

Is JPCSP the only emulator that can handle F/E? Every mention I've ever seen about emulating F/E has invariably involved JPCSP.

>> No.8084831

jpcsp is the only psp emulator that's worth anything.

there's no other one that can play as many games and has as much compatibility as jpcsp.

>> No.8084875

I still don't have my copy of this game...

I got my copy of Otomedius at EB games, but Fate/Extra is still sitting in a shipping box in their storage room and they refuse to open it. They are still standing by their story that "We won't unpack any other games until after the MW3 launch".

(On the plus side, the Otomedius art book and pillow are very nice).

>> No.8084876

>We won't unpack any other games until after the MW3 launch
The fuck?

>> No.8084907


Well to be fair I had a look at their stock room... floor to ceiling boxes of MW3. Everything else is literally buried. Fate can't compete with a game that will probably generate $750 million in sales in the first 5 days.

But it still kind of pisses me off reading about all the pirates enjoying fate/extra, and after a week my preorder special edition is still sitting in a storage room in town here.

>> No.8084936

These settings only work on 8xxx or newer Geforce gpus.

>> No.8084960

As far as I know where are 2 psp emulators. JPCSP and JPCSP java->C port(based on 0.3 or 0.4 JPCSP version, so its shit.)

>> No.8085017

Playing with Caster as my Servant was only really difficult for the first week or so. After that, it was pretty easy, especially when fighting other Servants.

The only thing you have to be careful with is normal battles since with Caster it only takes a few mistakes to get you killed until you learn the patterns. Elimination Battles were cake though. They basically went,


It was rare that the other Servants even got a chance to use their Noble Phantasms. Even the last boss only lasted about two rounds before being nuked with magic.

>> No.8085084
File: 851 KB, 686x524, SABE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but.....is she truly broken this time??????

>> No.8085155
File: 59 KB, 480x272, snap058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSP prices have tanked ever since the Vita has been announced. Stop being a jew and buy one already.

>> No.8085189
File: 90 KB, 1440x816, javaw 2011-11-07 22-44-47-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8085199

That one is jewish?

>> No.8085371


ok I know this is caster's thread but since I enjoyed extra I got this question boiling up my mind. Caster is no problem but would you stil fuck saber despite knowing her past as a cynical cold hearted emperor?

>> No.8085411

Saber isn't my waifu, so no.

>> No.8085417

I want all three. I would marry Caster, start a business with Archer, and help Saber host huge parties for no other reason than to have fun and be extravagant.

>> No.8085420

Do you like Caster knowing she loved an emperor and acted all wifey lovey dovey with him before you? Same thing.

>> No.8085442

She's very devoted. Only death can save you from her devotion.

Your death, not hers.

>> No.8085478

>very devoted
She eyed another master on the second round and she fucks with Rin as soon as possible

>> No.8085482

caster is good but I have a hard time using her so I just chose saber in the end. Its going good so far but in the end I feel kinda regret and alianated by her antics with her ego the size of her empire. She is not saber after all and I fucking hate her for that.

>> No.8085535
File: 779 KB, 795x1117, 22490463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8085589
File: 65 KB, 480x272, snap069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only used Rin to further masters needs.

>> No.8085592


>She eyed another master on the second round and she fucks with Rin as soon as possible

Didn't you learn anything from Wanko to kurasou?

Animal eared girls can be completely devoted to their master, but their sexual urges can be satisfied by others if convenient. This doesn't affect their devotion, they simply see sexual relief as something natural.

I'm still jealous Rin got to touch the fluffy tail, but caster didn't knit anything for Rin.

>> No.8085593

Why did you censor your name, anon? We're not going to track you down.

>> No.8085604

>Do you like Caster knowing she loved an emperor and acted all wifey lovey dovey with him before you? Same thing.
A woman who thinks I can replace an emperor is obviously one of excellent taste and judgement.
Caster loving an Emperor isn't disloyalty, it's a compliment.
>she fucks with Rin as soon as possible
No one here can hold that against her.

>> No.8085624
File: 53 KB, 480x272, badum-tsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i censored caster real name. i thought caster should tell you her name herself.

>> No.8085642
File: 832 KB, 1000x1956, 22631205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caster's real name? It's Magical Amber, obviously!

>> No.8085662

I like how the artist just gave up after drawing her zettai ryouiki (sort of).

>> No.8085685
File: 50 KB, 480x272, snap097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an alternate costume of caster with a maid outfit and a broom would have been great indeed.

>> No.8085700
File: 286 KB, 555x850, 22727143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the ability to throw Molotov cocktails and grow mutated plants.

>> No.8085739
File: 62 KB, 480x272, snap032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should also be able to copy assassins move set as noble phantasm.

>> No.8085816

I should have chosen her from the start but abit too late already got saber. I vomit at the thought of sharing bed with her so I'd rather make love with a tiger and die a heroes death.

>> No.8085820

Saber's haughty attitude and way of speech is the greatest.

>> No.8085839

jpcsp with 2xMSAA+2x2SSAA

>> No.8085891
File: 86 KB, 620x388, 15561-620x-head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle system is cool I want to see these game evolved on the next release... if there's gonna be one ^_^

>> No.8085905

dont forget her voice. i picked up the translated loveplus jsut so i could hear it again in rinko

>> No.8085979

>Stop being a jew and buy one already.
but you can't have high resolution models and stupidly easy cheating engines in a real psp.

>> No.8085982

> ^_^
Stop that.

>> No.8086134

Fucking japanese wiki.
A machine translation:
>Use the spell order, choose to save Rin
>There is a choice to consume in order to combat the curse, no problem if one turn on its own without having to consume 凌Ge
>Guard shelter if only one turn, and finally barrage attack skill 5
So, in other words it's possible to use only one command seal?
I doubt that there'd ever be a use for saving a command spell, but as a perfectionist on my first playthrough I want to save that goddamn command spell. Christ this is annoying though, the blahblah to the fight is so bloody long. In three attempts, I always die in the last round. Once Archer only had two HP too little to survive that goddamn bowshot, I guess even one point more to Def and I would've lived.

>> No.8086152

I just used 5 attack skills and guarded at the end when he uses his bow attack.

>> No.8086205

Everybody who tells you about getting Caster's Matrix E says so like it's the easiest thing in the world but if you look at all the advice it's all conflicting and vague.

I've seen people say you have to pick all the goofy non-serious choices, and others say you have to go for the serious choices that inquire about her. Then other people say you should pick the "obvious" choices.

Well what the heck is obvious about all that!? Make up your minds!

>> No.8086364

It doesn't help that the one Japanese wiki page on it we found is apparently wrong, as people have reported following (well, roughly) those steps and still not getting Caster's E. And then there's people who go against what the page clearly says (Even with the shit translation we're all working with) and get it.
We're working on it though, so we might have the (or at least one) set of correct choices down by the end of the week.

In other news, both Berserker's are BS hard for Caster

>> No.8086507

No one has really answered this question: What exactly happens when getting Matrix Level E for Caster? Do you just get more info? An extra cutscene? What?

>> No.8086517

Advance to Reading Railroad.
Do not pass Go.
Do not collect $200

>> No.8086706

I like the cut of your jib

A bit of extra info about your waifu and a warm feeling in your chest

>> No.8086744
File: 77 KB, 624x443, 1320723138789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it /a/... they have a fate/Extra program now.

>The guessing gave me too much of a headache so I made a program to guess moves for me.

>> No.8086749
File: 338 KB, 584x437, fate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry cant help it, I wonder if theres gonna be a dlc for this game

>> No.8086764

Currently playing through Saber route, so the very idea seems ridiculous when you can mess up multiple times in a row and take a noble phantasm to the face without dying; But from what I'm hearing about caster route, I'm not surprised.

>> No.8086765


So far Fate/Extra is selling slightly better in America than Japan for it's first week:

America: 74,084
Japan: 69,782

Even more impressive is the fact this doesn't include digital copies sold, and the fact that many EB/Gamestop stores still don't have their copies on the shelf yet.

This is very good news for the sequel.

>> No.8086769

>But from what I'm hearing about caster route, I'm not surprised.
That's only if you're bad at the game.
I've not died in a normal enemy battle except once when I was grinding damage taken and was purposely selecting the wrong attacks, and got chain stunned by a paralyze additional effect from the enemy's attack.

>> No.8086817

How the heck does it sell so much?

>> No.8086834
File: 48 KB, 591x310, OtomediusMain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even more surprising are these first week sales:

>Otomedius Gorgeous (2009)
>Japan sales: 14,045
>America: not released

>Otomedius Excellent (2011)
>Japan Sales: 8,301
>America: 51,027

I have no idea how it got a sequel in Japan based on the poor sales of the first game, but American just blew it away.

>> No.8086848

I wonder if those sales numbers really are accurate.

Still got the collector's edition coming in the mail anyways. Feels good man.

>> No.8086853

It's like playing the game on another level...

>> No.8086860

>So far Fate/Extra is selling slightly better in America than Japan for it's first week:

>America: 74,084
>Japan: 69,782
...wait, what?
Is this for serious?

>> No.8086869

If I had to guess, I'd say we're less likely to buy anime and manga or related merchandise than them, but we'll buy the fuck out of their video games.

>> No.8087001


Well, as far as merchandise goes Fate franchise is HUGE in America. It outsells almost everything else when it comes to 1/7 and 1/8 figures. It is only rivaled by vocaloids/BRS at the moment.

Consider the Good smile saber (fate/unlimited codes). Over 1000 people on MFC alone own it or have it on order. By North American standards Fate is about as big as it gets, leaving aside the kidshit like naruto/DBZ/pokemon.

>> No.8087097

Whore! Slut! The sandwich that never knew bread!

>> No.8087118

Well, there is a slightly larger PSP install base here.

>> No.8087186

Think those numbers would be enough to see CCC brought over?

>> No.8087358


(from you know where)

alim tsk tsk
alim tsk tsk

>> No.8087365


You lost me. Is that site whereupon the numbers obtained unreliable? I know nothing about it, so.

>> No.8087367


I was just referring to the graveyard fog that's being aloompered.

>> No.8087376


The "middle number," as grass roots organizations like to call it, is nothing more than a chance for delirious methamphetamine addicts to become more than they were.

So, yes. What you're saying now is the complete opposite of what you previously claimed.

>> No.8087381

No, I don't understand.

>> No.8087382

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8087438

I did everything right to get E matrix for caster, yet it doesn't come. Im fucking sick of this. Only reason I played the fucking game.

Can someone do us all a huge favor and just screencap every message in the scene and upload it in a folder, or spoilered images? I really, really do not want to have to spend hours cheating my way through everything again, just to find out its STILL wrong (and knowing my luck, I would do exactly that).

>> No.8087459

Don't worry Anon, I'm doing that for you. I'll upload a save right before matrix E to somewhere and post it here, though that's looking at around a week if I or a few other people actually pull it off on our current runthroughs, or longer then that if we all manage to fail somehow.

>> No.8087555


Are you schizophrenic?

>> No.8087632

>but you can't have stupidly easy cheating engines in a real psp.

Its called CWcheat

i got it on my first run without really aiming for it really.
first of all you wont get rank E until late in the game.
second, its not that big a deal. trust me you will be disappointed.

>> No.8087633


>I wonder if those sales numbers really are accurate.

Accurate? Hell no. VGChartz does estimates. Its possible that it sold even more than that.

But anyways,F/E selling more in America than Japan for the first week is quite good news. Give the game a few more months and it should completely outsell the Japanese release which basically promises us CCC. Good work my fellow weeaboo's. We have won the war.

>> No.8087665

now if only someone publishes this in the EU in a timely manner for further sales.

as much as i respect ghostlight. persona 3 portable almost a year after the NA release was a bit too little too late.

>> No.8087770

>Its called CWcheat
you can't modify it as easy as a regular pc based memory hacking engine. all you get is those encrypted codes you can't change in any way because the code makers are faggots.

>> No.8087805

>i never used CWcheat running on a PSP but i'll pretend i did because its the cool thing to do.

go away

>> No.8087827
File: 742 KB, 1058x758, く。 - C79新刊表紙.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Patiently awaiting Akysys to give us the why why on what happened to the part of Rider's E Matrix where it said she was actually Queen Elizabeth and often swapped places with Francis Drake

Also Fate/The Fact scans fucking where? Like seriously you'd think someone would have done it by now.

>> No.8088462

there were no cwc cheats when i played the game. i had mine already usable by the time cwcfags made their encrypted ones.

besides you can't use them to dynamically set your character's x/y position.

>> No.8088492

Encrypted? The fuck are you talking about?


>> No.8088498

>i'm too retarded to use Google to look for cheats that can be copy/pasted straight into the CWCheat database.

go away

>> No.8088847

were there any cheats the day the game first come out? nope.

you mad, and i'm staying just to annoy your self important nerd ass some more.

>> No.8089005

Anyone happen to have a list of requirements for extra scenes with your Servants?

Things like 300,000 damage on Caster, 10 perfect wins, etc.

>> No.8089026


>> No.8089564
File: 1.14 MB, 924x580, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lately she's been talking about having a rose garden, etc even though I recently gave her chandelier as a gift, i feel bad...

>> No.8090290
File: 62 KB, 480x272, fate extra ubw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying the translation isn't exactly stellar? Who woulda thought.

>> No.8090934

Oh god, them names.

>> No.8091422
File: 580 KB, 677x1167, 85b9343b2142ed3512150e10305e31c777c47753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does one acquire this program? /rs/ and Google turn up nothing.

>> No.8091444

original thread, download link is somewhere in there I think

another anon said he was gonna rewrite it later on but I don't think he's done anything yet

>> No.8091559

Has anyone found out which choices unlock E Matrix?2nd playthrough with CWCheat and still Matrix 3.FUCK

>> No.8091568

Have Real Life Luck Stat of B or higher.
Trust your first thought.
Hope for the best.

>> No.8091584

Don't be an ass, choose Caster over Rin/Rani. Archer's and Saber's E Matrix is automatic.

>> No.8092117

is there an ero scene in this game like in vn?

>> No.8092152

>Week 5
>Matrix Level still at 1

Hopefully I'll do better with Caster and Archer

>> No.8092311

Matrix (2) - week 5, day 6 (talk with her inside private room)
Matrix (3) - week 5, after elimination dual

>> No.8092692

you should be also playing Unlimited Codes

>> No.8092699

playing fighting games on psp sucks
also I'd just be frustrated by seeing Diarmuid and not all the other Zero characters

>> No.8095320

Saber is now completely broken
so I unwillingly chose the fox caster
Eventhough she's a heavy burden
I can still fuck her till seven

>> No.8095323

Lovely poem

>> No.8095796

I don't know why everyone makes a big deal about Caster being hard to play as.
I had far less trouble with any of the servants using her, than I have on my second run through with Archer.
Granted, I haven't gotten to the point where Archer is able to murder other servants in 3 turns yet.

>> No.8095816

Caster is easy modo once you get the proper formal wear to boost magic and her regen mp skill. First weeks was suffering since you don't have enough mp pool and have to resort with physical attacks with her.

>> No.8096130

Saber stops being broken if you put all your points into Luck and Agility. It's pretty fun.

>> No.8098595

Sounds pretty counterproductive to me.

>> No.8098630

People make mistakes, and when they do, they die and blame Caster for being shitty.

>> No.8099875

What's the problem with that? Only babies need damage output.

>> No.8102645

Phew, finally defeated Shiki with Caster, and I've finally killed Shiki with all 3 servants. A well place skill seal or Twin Towers always destroys Tamamo easily. ;_;

>Aramitama is a yandere who dies, kills and curses. But don't worry, she's going to another time now.
Damn, I wish to see Caster fighting this Aramitama.

>> No.8102684

>RNG fucks people over, and when it does they die and blame Caster for being shitty.


>> No.8102853
File: 59 KB, 500x450, 1321018996560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does one acquire this program? /rs/ and Google turn up nothing.

Nor would they.. the program was only made on Tuesday by some guy in /a/. It has been refined a bit since then.

The program has been updated with a better user interface. Enter what little info you have and it saves all the trial and error/memorization from grinding mobs.



(This is from /a/. I have not tried it yet).

>> No.8102938
File: 253 KB, 489x737, want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is from the official CCC website...

Google translate mentioned "Comic" and "cute lesbian couples". What does it actually say?

>> No.8103029


My rig is pretty decent yet I'm getting 7 FPS on the text windows as soon as my game starts. Would anyone else mind sharing their configs so I can test some stuff?

>> No.8103101

Oh, I like the interface he made.

I'm the guy who mentioned wanting to do his own program in Python. Haven't had much of a chance to start on it due to schoolwork, but I was able to get some planning done on it last night. I think I might be taking it too far, though, since what originally started as a simple helper utility is now turning into an interactive fiction-type thing. I even found myself putting in the details for a Tiger Dojo.

>> No.8103105

(I like the fact that it uses the game icons, that is.)

>> No.8104700

im on my first week right now on 4th elimination fighting with that scary clown. As I progress on the story I noticed they keep reffering to the past holy grail war were they reffering to the fsn? I get the feeling that they are living in the distant future where no holy grail exist and that little archer....

>> No.8104782

>I get the feeling that they are living in the distant future where no holy grail exist.
The Fate/Stay Night grail is destroyed in most good endings, and a doubt anyone would try for a second one after what happened there.

>> No.8104929

It's entirely possible that only three Grail Wars occurred in the Fate/EXTRA timeline, though, considering how the world started losing all its mana around 1980 in that setting.

>> No.8104979


The Einsberns would relentlessly pursue the Grail until the end of time.

But they probably are all dead/non-magi anymore since prana has become nonexistent in the world of Fate/Extra.

>> No.8104996

Huh anyone have a link to patterns for Lancer/Lil Ronnie? Getting my sorry ass thrashed over and over again and I'm tired...

>> No.8105047 [DELETED] 


>> No.8105060

Huh well thanks.

>> No.8105074

Sorry, that was the wrong one. This is it:

