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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 80 KB, 520x305, chinatown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8083284 No.8083284 [Reply] [Original]

Forget it, /jp/.

It's Gensokyo.

>> No.8083300
File: 5 KB, 252x226, 1320525559765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8083311

>American film

Ew, get it out.

>> No.8083319

fucking his daugther
living the dream

>> No.8083336

Jack Nicholas fucked his daughter?

>> No.8083360

I saw Chinatown after my friend kept insisting it was better than Inception. He was wrong, this movie was boring.

>> No.8083374

It must suck trying to watch classics with ADHD.

Inception is typical Hollywood pseudo-intellectual scifi garbage with hack actors whereas Chinatown is a neo-noir masterpiece. Jack Nicholson shits all over that pretty boy Leonardo DiCaprio.

>> No.8083388

Nice job, you almost got me. Should've said Avatar instead for full impact though.

>> No.8083390

I haven't seen this, but I can tell it's boring just from that screenshot.

>> No.8083391

>Inception is typical Hollywood pseudo-intellectual scifi garbage with hack actors whereas
It had a deep narrative and a very subtle way of presenting its message. Most people enjoyed it as it help provoke them to think. Christopher Nolan is a great director and I am glad he was able to make this film.

I bet you're the kind of person who thinks Mel Brooks films (Robin Hood Men in Tights, Blazin' Saddles, The Producers) are better comedies than the Hangover, 40 year old virgin, and Horrible Bosses.

>> No.8083403

>Christopher Nolan is a great director

yeah nah, yer a cunt

>> No.8083406

At least Memento was fine.

>> No.8083413

How can you have never seen Chinatown before?

It's like never having watched Star Wars or Groundhog Day.

>> No.8083416

Overrated with the same gimmickry as Inception. The guy is a great technical composer but that's all he can do.

>> No.8083427

well, kinda

>> No.8083424

Actually, all of those are garbage that I wouldn't even put in the comedy genre.

Thanks for proving what shit taste you have.

>> No.8083436

>Mel Brooks' films
>worse comedies than the Hangover, 40 year old virgin, and Horrible Bosses.
Goddamn you are a faggot, Mel Brooks is a little Jewy but his films are riots that aren't full of cheap jokes like most comedy movies.

They just don't make funny movies anymore, movies always have to appeal to half of humanity which waters down any creative thought.

>> No.8083437

I still don't get the buzz around Inception. Avatar I can understand due to the technical feats and sentimental aspects but Inception is nothing but a convoluted heist film with a romantic sub-plot.

>> No.8083441

>Mel Books
>garbage that I wouldn't even put in the comedy genre.
Out, now.

>> No.8083454

>expecting /jp/ to recognize one of the greatest screenplays ever written when they all read VNs with twilight level writing

>> No.8083487

One person says Chinatown is boring means the entire board is full of invalids?

>> No.8083515

So I guess you think fucking retarded shit like "occifers" is hilarious.

The Producers was so unfunny that it actually made me angry. Mel Brooks fucking sucks at comedy, as does Hollywood in general.

>> No.8083521


Is this your first time on the internet or something?

>> No.8083526

That guy is probably from /tv/. They love crap like Inception and LOST.

>> No.8083547

The people getting buttmad at some guy not liking a movie seem like the /tv/ ones to me.

>> No.8083549

/tv/ has the worst taste ever. They know nothing of film at all. Persona is probably the ceiling of their knowledge.

>> No.8083556
File: 373 KB, 1159x1396, 1314042235702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ has amazing taste.

>> No.8083562


>> No.8083587

/tv/, /sp/, and /mu/ are the only boards that I can confidently say are worse than /a/ and /v/. You think /jp/ is bad just spend an hour on /tv/.
