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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8083079 No.8083079 [Reply] [Original]

How is your depression developing /jp/?

>> No.8083084

I think it's gone now.

>> No.8083082

How do I know if I'm depressed or not?

>> No.8083089
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Going just fine OP!
A few more years of this and its Gensokyo time!

I am looking forward to drinking tea and having friendly danmaku duels with other /jp/ers.

>> No.8083088

I tried jumping off the roof of my building a few days ago.

Unfortunately, I forgot it was only 2 storeys, and now I just have a broken arm.

>> No.8083092


>> No.8083093

It's developing nicely. I think it's almost ready to go outside alone soon.

>> No.8083097

I have been marathoning curb your enthusiasm so I can't help but be in a good mood, shit's funny yo.

>> No.8083099
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If I'm alone for two or more days, I'm usually hit by a wave of depression because I realize just how lonely I actually am. It happens a lot to, since I like to be alone so I can watch by chinese animu.

>> No.8083098
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The usual.

>> No.8083101

I'm not depressed.
Maybe I haven't gone outside in about a year but that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.8083105

I don't even know if I'm depressed anymore, if I am I don't even care, it's just the way things have been for as long as I can remember.

Anxiety over being pushed out of the house are the only thing that troubles me lately, though lack of money is annoying. Only friend I have left bought me a present for my birthday, wasn't expensive, but I wish I could return the favor.

>> No.8083110

>being depressed because you're alone and/or havent left the house recently
Oh wow, these two things are why I'm not depressed.

>> No.8083114

I just wish I could talk to some people as friends

>> No.8083113

I felt kinda down on Friday so I went on vacation.
Now I feel better.
Today my CD came in minutes after I arrived home.
So I don't feel that depressed anymore.

>> No.8083116

well my acne has been getting worse and i really wish i would just have clear skin.

university is really getting me down. i've been skipping classes and have an exam soon. i need to do good in the first year so i can transfer to a course i enjoy.

>> No.8083120
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I'm not depressed. I found a way to avoid depression.

>> No.8083121

I've long since been used to regular things like being alone or deep social fears, but one thing that gets me down is how pointless life in general is.

Even if I was to have all the money and friends I could ever want, what's the point? Is that all happiness is? Things?

The fact that I don't even know what I'm supposed to be wanting out of life is more saddening than anything for me.

>> No.8083123

You should get proactiv.

>> No.8083132

Why? So he can stain his towels and clothes?

>> No.8083134

I had extremely bad acne, but I started using Proactiv a few months ago and hardly get pimples at all anymore.

Also, >implying he doesn't already stain his towels and clothes

>> No.8083133

Don't listen to >>8083123

Go to a doctor and get accutane. Best decision I ever made, the fact my mother enjoyed insulting me for my acne more than actually giving me an option to get help resulted in 5 years of being hideous.

>> No.8083137

The happiness comes from the experiences and memories those things grant.

Anyways I agree I wish I was never born. Don't have the guts or motivation to kill myself, but it's so painful getting older and older and realize I've rotted away what could have been a pretty good life. Also the lack of general experiences in my life has left me pretty detached from most of humanity. You guys are all I have.

>> No.8083142
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>> No.8083145
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I watched like six episodes of anime today, so it's probably in a receding phase -- the strength of my depression seems to be inversely proportional to the number of things I actually "do" in my spare time rather than stare into space and feel sorry for myself.

Just don't over-medicate, Alabama, I think Suika has a higher tolerance than you or I.

>>8083116 >>8083123 >>8083132 >>8083133 >>8083134
Quit eating greasy food and for God's sake scrub your face in the shower in the morning. Seriously, and you idiots wonder why you have pizza-face.

>> No.8083148

But the happiness is just a fleeting chemical release. You can replicate it artificially with drugs just like you can artificially replicate being with a woman with your hand.

I've grown pretty detached myself. I drifted away from my last friend a few years ago and have only limited contact with my mother. I end up talking to myself more and more, and I'm not responding as much to people. Like I hear them talking but I just think "why should I respond to this person when there is nothing to be gained."

>> No.8083153

FUN FACT: Consumption of greasy food has no affect on acne.

>> No.8083155
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Stay genki, /jp/

>> No.8083160

It does, it's a hormonal response. Deal with it, you pimply nerd.

>> No.8083168

I'm not sure if I have depression, but I've been frequently putting myself down and mentally beating myself up for little mistakes (like only giving a cashier a $20 instead of a $20 and a $1, shit like that.) I feel really stupid all the time, and people call me stupid a lot.
I also realized that the few friends I have don't even really like me. Those who claim to don't seem to really care about me, and they get mad when I'm down. So we don't talk much anymore. It only starts fights. I also cry about every day, but that's normal, I think.
Bawwww my life is SO bad bawwww
I mean, compared to others, it isn't so bad, and my life could be so much worse, but I want to cry more than I can.
Is this what being Cirno is like?

>> No.8083169

I know this is a bit odd but I tend to not get into that stare at shit and start thinking funk if I schedule shit to do. Like for example I will put down on a piece of paper noon to 4 pm play muv-luv, 4:30 make food, 5:15 to 5:45 watch the new Gundam. You would be amazed that it actually works.

>> No.8083172

Not internally, but if the grease does get on your face it does clog pores.

>> No.8083180 [DELETED] 

I don't think I'm depressed, I'm just tired all the time and constantly bored. I don't want to be bored but every time I think of doing something that something sounds boring and I can't make myself do it.

>> No.8083181

Oh, I have absolutely no problems with doing things if I consider them my duty.
The trouble is, I don't enjoy things that I force myself to do, especially if I'm constantly worrying about the time.

>> No.8083193 [DELETED] 
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Memories from the past resurface and hit me like a truck. I get lost in them and don't even realize because its so vivid. I think I aids or something.

>> No.8083199
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Memories from the past resurface and hit me like a truck. I get lost in them and don't even realize because its so vivid. I think I have aids or something.

>> No.8083204

Well, I enjoy things once I get started but it is impossible to get me started, kinda like >>8083180, so the schedule works when I stick to it. It is fine for it to be not perfectly rigid but when you start blowing things off to do nothing that is a problem, like when I read MLA I had the schedule and initially thought I would read it tw hours a day but I ended doing nothing but reading it and sleeping until I finished it and that was all right. It isn't all right to just go meh and throw something aside though unless you are sure it isn't your thing.

>> No.8083206

Being someone who browses /jp/ all day is truly suffering.

>> No.8083205

Acne is greatly affected by your chocolate intake and dairy product consumption. I forgot about this and ate all the Halloween candy I had lefter over due to my lack of Trick-or-Treaters, and have temporarily reverted back into a pizza face.

I took Accutane in my first year of high school. I'm glad I did, as it all but cleared up my acne for several years (and what's left now isn't too bad), but for those of you who are already depressed, I'm warning you -- this stuff will throw you over the deep end.

>> No.8083209


>> No.8083210

But it really it. At least the starving kid in africa is probably getting enough exercise and is getting laid.

>> No.8083214

these days I can't even motivate myself to do things I used to enjoy. I have a dozen hal finished videogames I could be playing, but every time I think about it I come up with an excuse not to. I've been spending most of my day pacing and talking to my cat.

>> No.8083217

I've had a single wart on my right testicle since I had hit puberty. And I've thought I've had genital warts ever since.

The depression's fine though at the moment, recovering from a cold currently; which isn't too fun.

>> No.8083218

>every other week, drink no milk and eat no chocolate
>almost no acne

>one week, eat a lot of chocolate
>Fucking acne explosion

Yeah, there's no correlation here.

>> No.8083221

There is no medical link to acne and chocolate/other unhealthy foods.

>> No.8083225

The other night I ate two reese's peanut butter cups and I got a bad break out. And this is coming from a man who hasn't had acne since the 7th grade.

>> No.8083226

Lest we forget, correlation != causation

>> No.8083230

Sorry, but there really is, fatty. Go look it up if you don't believe me.

>> No.8083227

>just because I did x before something happened, x definitely caused that something

>> No.8083229

I've had psoriasis on the back of my head for the last 10 years. It itches pretty much constantly and flakes rain down every time I scratch it, forcing me to check/brush my shoulder every 5 minutes or so. It's covered in scabs because whenever I scratch it brings the blood.

When will the itching stop /jp/
Make it stop

>> No.8083233

The other night I masturbated for an hour and the next morning I was out of milk and had to go to the store.

So what are you trying to say?

>> No.8083234

As long as I have something to do it isn't too bad. The problem is fighting of the apathy I feel when decide to actually do something. Really, I can't understand why I seem to prefer dwelling on depressing thoughts rather than do something enjoyable.

>> No.8083235

/jp/ - WebMD/General

>> No.8083240

>Go look it up
Why don't you take your own advice?


>> No.8083238


While I normally respect the scientific community as a whole, I don't think I'll ever believe the studies on the relationship between dairy/chocolate/greasy foods/etc and acne. I'm going to avoid chocolate, my acne is going to clear up in a few days, and we can both pretend we know the real truth.

>> No.8083250

i go to a private derm. my parents are rich and pouring money into him. been going to see him since feburary. i really want accutane but he is against it. says it will kill your liver. i just have benzyl peroxide.

i really just want accutane so that it will go away.

>> No.8083251

Exercise and getting fitter normalized me.

I pretty much break down when deadlines and schoolwork comes knocking though. I really can't take the stress.

>> No.8083254

how do I black box?

>> No.8083255

News just in, 2 reese's peanut butter cups cause acne.

I've eaten 2 packs of them and NOT broke out in the morning, clearly they're a cure.

>> No.8083256

I had moderate acne for 5 years, I tried lower level prescriptions, over the counter acids, facial scrubs, tons of home remedies, washing my face several times a day, washing my face none, no fapping, dropped sodas, bathing more/less, ate nothing greasy, cut down to a 1000cal diet, and even fasting. Oddly enough starvation actually seemed to make it better for a few days but it'd always come back.

I could look closely at my face in the mirror and see tiny puddles of oil in each of my pores no matter what I did. There was an excess of oil production, and thankfully that's exactly what accutane cuts down (if not off).

There is a difference between getting a pimple here and there before prom and having an actual medical condition that will identify you before everyone as "that ugly pizzaface guy."

>> No.8083258

When you went without milk that morning, did you notice at any point during the day a visible reduction in your facial acne?

If so, you might have just proved the relationship between masturbation and acne.

>> No.8083262

i'm going to speak to my derm about accutane but i bet he will say no.

the only other option is go through the government system: book an appointment with my GP, she will make an appointment with the skin department. this will take 5-6 weeks. then i have to go see the skin dude. he will tell me whether or not i can go on accutane.

>> No.8083267

How bad is it? My doctor made me try the other pills before allowing me on it (of course they did absolutely nothing).

They do take accutane pretty seriously as I had to get blood tests done often and had to sign a ton of papers. Apparently it can make babies born without skin or something too. Also as soon as you go on it your acne will get worse and your skin will pretty much die, your lips will be on a whole other level of chapped and your face covered with a white powder.

But if you're like me the torture of living with that shit was more than enough to take the risk of liver damage. Unfortunately it was too late and I'm still unable to look people in the eye when talking to them out of fear of them staring at my now clear face.

Get your parents to take you to another guy

>> No.8083276
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>> No.8083278

probably not that bad. i have scarring and blackheads. i'm just depressed because i've been going to this derm for about 10 months now and i still have acne and bad skin. what a waste

>> No.8083281

Have you acne bros tried vigorous exercise yet?

You know the kind of exercise where you feel like you're going to throw up after you're finished (but don't throw up).

>> No.8083285
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>(but don't throw up).

Wrong answer.

>> No.8083290


I've tried that before, I ended up throwing up though.

Otherwise, its been better, especially now that the portal threads died off in the past months. Those would really get to me.

>> No.8083306


Why did you have to ruin my day like that?

>> No.8083320
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Occupy Wall St

>> No.8083329

Fuck you guys.
