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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 850x850, 1314441759783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8078289 No.8078289 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, do you think with the update moots doing, captcha will be gone? What other huge changes could happen?

>> No.8078303

I'm half expecting /jp/ to be axed.

>> No.8078299

No, we don't want the captcha out. They shall not release Cornelia never again. It will stay in it's prision for the eternity.

>> No.8078305
File: 98 KB, 518x625, 4chanhtajp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>captcha will be gone


>> No.8078307

Why cant they just fucking get rid of the virus?
maybe thats what moot is doing? getting protection for the site and such?

>> No.8078308

You being removed from existence.

>> No.8078309
File: 6 KB, 180x208, 180px-Bawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill her now before my cute girl turns in a horrible selfish NEET, someone has to do it.

>> No.8078314

No, the name will be changed to /jp/ - Slow Worksafe /b/

>> No.8078315

It would be cool if each board could have a password for it. So only people that know it can log on to /jp/.

>> No.8078320

Yes, Moot will install McAfee on 4chan and then it will be virus-free.

>> No.8078327

Cant he just rewrite the website and start anew?
I mean im sure there is something to get your website protected.

>> No.8078329
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1279693588645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot can't protect his users from their own stupidity.

>> No.8078334

The word 'touhou' will now get you an automatic ban.

>> No.8078338

Well its not like he will just start spamming again, plus maybe we can just ip ban him this time.
How about you go back to /a/,/jp/ers only.

>> No.8078339

If you want to be protected you need the Pusher and Shover robot.

>> No.8078347

But then /jp/ would be this shitty forever.

>> No.8078342

Remember when moot said that captcha would be only temporary? Good times.

>> No.8078367

no, we will only tell the password when all the shitposters are away.

>> No.8078376

Alright, tell us your schedule so we can disclose it when you're not around.

>> No.8078378

I'm as jaypee as they get, how about you go to reddit 4chan only

>> No.8078388

i remember back when people originally introduced those posting scripts and only /b/tards were stupid enough to run them. now you get a bunch of /jp/tards running them thinking it's epic win. /jp/ = /b/

>> No.8078411

/v/ said 3 boards will get axed. prepare to move to bun

>> No.8078418

we could just move back to /a/

>> No.8078425

That's what would inevitably happen. Which is probably why Moot didn't kill it already.

>> No.8078430

I'm still leaning towards the "extra goodies" being new banners and a faster server.

>> No.8078432
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>> No.8078436
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moot said he wasn't getting rid of /jp/ anytime soon

He did say that there will be new banners added though.
I hope you guys submitted some Touhou banners.

>> No.8078435

There was a moot thread somewhere a short while ago. He was asked if the captcha would be removed in the foreseeable future. He said no. I don't have a screen cap, but it's probably archived if you wanna dig it up.
/jp/ being axed is far more likely.

>> No.8078451
File: 326 B, 248x248, Regards from Cornelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those asking about the Cornelia spam; It wasn't that a virus spread on 4chan, but a lot of people got infected by following stupid advice, which caused them to spam as well as post more stupid advice.
The Cornelia spam isn't possible to block, since it isn't just advertisement or such, but random strings of text pulled from comments.

>> No.8078456

Do you think Cornelia is still trying to talk to us even now?

>> No.8078465
File: 2.28 MB, 4961x2126, Save as hta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so.
But really, I don't know why the Captcha was added since this wasn't the first time a lot of idiots (read: /b/tards) fell for a scam that added them to a botnet.

>> No.8078469
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not on my watch

>> No.8078478
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>> No.8078474
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>> No.8078479

Perhaps because all the boards were swamped with spam worse than ever before?

If you're too lazy to type in a captcha don't post.

>> No.8078483

So he cant just make it so 4chan doesn't get affected by that? I miss the old 4chan, capctha fucking sucks.

>> No.8078486

Thanks to 4chan, I'm very good at reading shitty written text. Weird how things work out

>> No.8078492
File: 114 KB, 550x394, Meido taking it easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All moot would have had to do was sticky-ing advice to the top of every page as to how to remove the botnet.
Besides, it's not like 4chan is safe from spam even now.
Nah, Cornelia was targeted specifically at 4chan, and yeah, Captcha is horrible.

Edit: You seem to have mistyped the verification.

>> No.8078487

You're an idiot. You have to be doing this on purpose. Holy shit.

>> No.8078488
File: 186 KB, 800x600, Cornelia pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day, I hope she returns...

She was fun, not like the other spammers.

>> No.8078489

You're a bit slow-of-the-mind. How can he make 4chan not affected by "that", when "that" is a virus on OTHER PEOPLE'S computers posting on 4chan?

>> No.8078494

Krautchan has a /jp/ and no captcha. Move there.

>> No.8078497

>All moot would have had to do was sticky-ing advice to the top of every page as to how to remove the botnet.
He did, before. He also put one saying people not to download and rename anything as .js.

It didn't work. People kept doing it anyway.

>> No.8078502

You honesty think that there weren't people allowing the script to run because they wanted to spam 4chan?

The captcha almost eliminated the flooding. Removing it would kill 4chan.

>> No.8078501

No cure for stupidity, I guess.

>> No.8078505

Nobody would willingly join a botnet.
And filtering variations of "An0nt4lk" etc, was piss-easy.

>> No.8078506

The captcha eliminates a lot of shit, but how did accel-spam get through? Exploitation in the posting system? Botnet that can read captcha?

>> No.8078507

/g/ had fun with that one bot that picked a random file and sent it along with the spam posts

IIRC it picked up lots of personal information from the retards that actually ran the script

>> No.8078508

That's not how it works. If captcha is removed, then so long as a human can post, a bot can also post. There are many tricks that webmasters employ to keep their website safe from spam bots. But they only work when the website is not being specifically targeted by a determined spammer.

>> No.8078510
File: 173 KB, 414x1377, Youre Pretty Gutsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acellerator types in the captchas manually, and then leaves the actual posting to the spam system.

>> No.8078516

He said hardware upgrades. I don't think captcha is being eliminated from 4chan.

>> No.8078521
File: 33 KB, 300x100, middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they add my banner.

>> No.8078524

Is that his hair or what?
I never found out.

>> No.8078523

You really think there aren't retards on 4chan that think it's hilarious to spam the boards? They probably didn't even realize they were infecting their computers.

And filters don't keep a thread from reaching the image/post limit. Plus the spam will drive away the userbase, leaving just the spammers.

>> No.8078526

I remember when moot said captcha was a temporary solution to the spam.

>> No.8078530

> And filtering variations of "An0nt4lk" etc, was piss-easy.

That's fucking stupid. Did you ever see the AT spam? It wasn't all just numbers-for-letters bullshit. Would be a huge nightmare of a regex.

>> No.8078536

Remember how something similar to Cornelia came up a few months ago? Pretty sure it was this year. Dredging up posts from a long while ago and spamming the board. It was too fast and fucked to be completely manual.

>> No.8078537

just look at this thread and all the retards who wish cornelia was back. these subhumans are the reason we have captcha and /jp/ is shit. these are the people who try and make crystals.

>> No.8078541

Now now, don't go blaming everything on them.
/jp/ is shit because it has become waaaay too off-topic, and because /jp/-elitism kills away every interaction with others.
No fresh blood means everything gets stale, and suddenly sudo-threads and WHO NEET HERE become valuable posts.

Also, people making crystals deserve every bit of poisonous gas they make.

>> No.8078544

How do I make crystals?

>> No.8078554

all the people who would click a .js they got off 4chan are new blood. there has been previous outbreaks of it. even /b/tards were mostly smart enough to avoid it/remove it when they read the sticky. now these "new blood" actually click it, and think it's cool because it has a name.

>> No.8078556

yeah, that's all it really is. The new/revived boards are related to the upgrades as well. if he was going to remove any boards he would have done it when he was adding new ones. Or rather, he took out r9k because he thought /soc/ would replace it, and then put it back when it became a shitty hookup/insecure person board. He even put back /new/ without calling it /new/, after all politics-related issues were what old /new/ discussed 90% of the time anyway.

So, because nothing new/brought back in any way is in danger of "replacing" /jp/, it just won't happen. moot's not stupid enough to unleash Touhou hijacks back on /a/ again; the amount of bitching he got about /jp/ material back then was monumental and he doesn't want to voluntarily reinstate a 24/7 headache of butthurt from the kiddies there. mods have asked about this kind of thing directly and moot himself said he won't remove /jp/; "more than enough" people use it for it to be fine.

Oh, there could be some new banners too.

>> No.8078562
File: 57 KB, 650x414, 1230384023662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Super Robot Taisen and kimochi, but before that you should report this thread.

>> No.8078558

I'd like to see /vp/ get the axe but then again the amount of shit that would be unleashed would be horrific

>> No.8078563

Yeah. People want mass spamming because it's so "lul randum XD" or because it's killing the board aren't exactly likely to contribute to it.

>> No.8078583

The captcha has also cut down on board invasions since spammers can't use dump-chan to keep a thread with an "Invade /jp/ and post nuclear explosions XD" OP on /b/'s front page for half an hour so that many people see it. This keeps invasions small.

>> No.8078595

Once again, filtering "U MAD THAT JAPAN GOT NUKED" "STOP OBSESSING OVER CARTOONS" isn't hard at all.

>> No.8078598

I wish moot would create a /meta/ board we could redirect shit threads like these to. Why does no one ever tire of whining and menstruating over the board itself instead of discussing anything on topic?

>> No.8078599

We never even see it anymore, I haven't seen an actual "raid" in forever (barring the idiot with the cirno eating candy)

>> No.8078603

Most invasions had variations in what their OPs contained, and they also caused most legitimate threads to be pruned.

>> No.8078602

Because actual decent posters are much more hesitant to make threads than shitposters.

>> No.8078609

This is accurate. I'm a pro shitposter (not on /jp/, though) and I'm not afraid of posting at all, because I love attention, even negative attention.

>> No.8078613

Come on now, this one isn't bad. I mean, it's just for discussing what the promised changes can be, any community would do that.

General whining metathreads should be deleted on sight, though.

>> No.8078610
File: 79 KB, 800x551, Meidos gonna meid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they don't. 80% of the time, it's the same shit, which is exactly why you recognized what I posted.
True, in fact, chubby.jpg, flanfly.gif, pennerigate.jpg etc. are way worse than raids, especially nowadays where they are considered good threads.

>> No.8078621

/jp/ gets flooded with shit from time to time. That's how it's always been.

>> No.8078639

Just because it always happened doesn't make it a good thing.

>> No.8078643

Fact: /jp/ STILL gets flooded with shit from time to time, Captcha or not.
This makes the Captcha an unnecessary evil.

>> No.8078650

>Hardware upgrades coming later this week
>Hardware upgrades

It's fucking nothing. Yotsuba script hasn't been updated for years and it'll never be.

>> No.8078653
File: 7 KB, 95x105, pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Captcha: 10% spam/flood during half a hour/a hour per x days.

Without Captcha: 99% spam/flood during days (remember that Cornelia was active for a few days before the Captcha) every single day.

Captcha wins. Anon looses.

>> No.8078660

Who's that girl?

>> No.8078661

Fact: People STILL die from diseases, doctors or not.
This makes doctors an unnecessary evil.

>> No.8078655

maybe it will be some day, he did have a new version of yotsuba running on /test/ one time

>> No.8078662

Anyone remember Chie spammer? Cpatcha didn't do much for that and he raped the board hard for a while.

When AoC was meido I can remember waking up to 3-4 pages and the rest being completely wiped.

Being meido for /jp/ would be fucked. 1/2 the board complains about lazy meido, the other 1/2 goes out of their way to shitpost to piss meido off. Then a handful of people post "we love you meido" stuff.

>> No.8078663

What was temporary was the use of reCaptcha. It was supposed to be replaced by something developed in-house. It didn't survive contact with the boards, so reCaptcha became permanent.
Which is worrying because captcha is a load of shit http://homepages.cs.ncl.ac.uk/jeff.yan/google.pdf

The implementation really locks a lot of the spam out of the boards, but things could go father than this patch on the wall.

Right now the front page is mostly garbage threads. That's worst than any raid, at least a raid can be deleted and I can go to bed knowing that it wasn't just the userbase burning its own board down due to boredom. I can deal with an outside threat, turn xenophobic in a second and discuss this type of bullshit in threads like this.

Instead, I just get that everyone sort of gave up. Browsing the front page is now useless, feels as if everyone just goes to the long threads of what they like and stay the fuck in there while the garbage accumulates around them.

I hate this place so much. And I hate myself the most because I am part of the problem, the only posting I do is metaposting lately.

>> No.8078665


>> No.8078671

I love meido I just wish they were on more

>> No.8078669
File: 137 KB, 228x277, raiden2-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ will be renamed Toothpastegeneral

>> No.8078676
File: 252 KB, 600x800, 372451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a problem. I love Illya, and yet I didn't notice it was her, because of the art style. I can't believe it.

>> No.8078675

I've been saying this forever. Good posters tend to just stick in their own threads and poke their heads out to look for anything else interesting then go back to it. Do this with 2-3 boards and you've got plenty of material to keep yourself entertained.

>> No.8078680

go kill yourself.

>> No.8078685
File: 123 KB, 640x1440, 1292796103935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you love her? Well, I have bad news. She has a boyfriend, and I wouldn't piss him off too much. He looks strong, you know...

>> No.8078698

Basically, if bringing back /storm/ as an official thing, just to increase site traffic, is moot's idea of a big treat, I dread what else he has planned.

>> No.8078703

oddly enough /l/ isn't coming back though guess heiling hitler and shit is fine but cartoon pornography is just going too far

>> No.8078705

for >>8078698

>> No.8078710
File: 110 KB, 680x955, 83351d4f829a03cae47ec297569a7ba724ae8bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about both at the same time?

>> No.8078713

Hitler is dead, cartoon pornography is REAL!

>> No.8078717
File: 19 KB, 240x317, Cartoon-Hey-Rabbi-Whatcha-Doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8078725

/jp/ fuses with /a/.
/th/ board.
Just for a single day, then Moot will delete 4chan and make space for canv.as.
