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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 550x500, crying suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8075935 No.8075935 [Reply] [Original]



Which one, /jp/?

>> No.8075943
File: 26 KB, 456x168, woxxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8075940


Now delete this eyesore, it will do nothing but serve as a pit of flaming

>> No.8075947

You can't choose both

>> No.8075946

It's nice to see he cares. Hopefully he'll keep it up.

>> No.8075952

I already did, I chose all 3, and maybe the 4th if I can find the URL.

Stop trying to set them as opponents

>> No.8075955

Hopefully some sort of easy setup scripts will be made so archives are more plentiful and simple to make.
Along with maybe a distributed database of all archives, that way if an archive doesn't host a certain board, clicking a link to that board will send you to an archive that does archive it.

>> No.8075956

But that's the point of this thread, to attract people like you in a flamewar.

>> No.8075964

Unless the update frequency is turned down a lot for them, that's a bad idea

Fuuka is technically breaking a rule, and increasing the bandwidth from too many archives will only serve to make it more likely that it is banned or more strictly enforced

>> No.8075971


>> No.8075970

That's like saying you choose to play on a PS3 XBOX360 and a Wii at the same time

You can't

There has to be one of them with a special place in your heart

>> No.8075975

be he is greentexting, goyim

ask him who he is quoting, goyim

>> No.8075977


>> No.8075980

Whichever has a game I like. I don't choose consoles over one another because they don't make games better

I'm completely capable of being impartial, I don't know about you.

>> No.8075982

What the fuck is your problem, OP?

>> No.8075986

Wbat is YOUR problem, nerd?

There can be only one.
It's common sense.

>> No.8075994

but this isn't Highlander, and archives don't had heads to cut off.

Reasonable redundancy is always good. I'm also biased on redundancy anyways, I never delete anything and would get a backup array if I had the money to.

>> No.8076003

Maybe also distribute the archived posts? That way, a few archives grab from 4chan, the others grab from other archives if a total limit is met, and they all take turns.

>> No.8076013

Archives taking from eachother is fine as its their websites and I imagine they'd reach agreements. Its just you'd have to keep it down to 2 archives actually updating directly from here.

But then, everyone already knows this.

>> No.8076018

Maybe make it so that archives check other archives health and if there's issues, they signal to that archiver to stop taking from 4chan and assume it's duties?

>> No.8076025

This sequence of posts made me vomit.

You 2 are the worst posters on /jp/.

>> No.8076026

What the fuck do you think you are doing Voile? Trying to play the smarty boy HUH?

Dont forget you are our punching bag dick nerd

>> No.8076029

Don't forget your place nerd. What the fuck are you trying to accomplish with this?

>> No.8076034


Apologies for offending you with just talking. Could you please try and keep it in one post though? 3 is hardly necessary.

>> No.8076037

Who the fuck do you think you are shitsack? Get the fuck back to /c/

>> No.8076044

archive.foolz.us is easier to remember

is there any meaningful difference?

>> No.8076047

Oh, if only the filter worked for OPs.
At least there's this convenient hide button. Please, never go away.

>> No.8076049

When it isn't redirects. I fine warosu easier to get to, since all i have to do is type "fuu" in the URL bar to get it, whereas "archive" still gives me easymodo.

>> No.8076053

Filter the image, nothing good ever comes from crying_suika used at an OP image.

>> No.8076075
File: 30 KB, 250x250, animecostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using filters

>> No.8076083

I eat my /jp/ raw.

>> No.8076086


>> No.8076087
File: 210 KB, 688x885, animecostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.8076092

The discussions about the archive, drama involving Eksopl and other stuff were entertaining in the past, but it looks like from now on they'll just serve to add more fuel to the "archive war" only the shitposters care about. So yeah, it could be a good idea... if the filter worked on OPs.
Sorry White Ren-sama, but your attention-powered batteries should still work well even with one less person feeding them.

>> No.8076096

Choose forget this site in Firefox history for easymodo's domain, or use a history extension in Chrome that can perform a similar task of removing a domain from your history. Better History might do that, but I haven't checked it in a while.

>> No.8076107

Never forget.

>> No.8076117

I'm partial to one, but honestly you just want people to argue for the sake of drama. Cut that out.

>> No.8076112

Well yeah.
Then again, that's a lot of coding work for something like an archive, plus you aren't in control of all the archives, meaning one edited archive could interfere with the rest unless you code more controls, at which point it stops being useful.

>> No.8076133

If you have more than 3, you can just check for the most common iteration and accept it.

but look at me talking about something I know too little about, programming is not my preferred field, even if its the one I can't avoid.

I use whichever is most convenient. If one is linked, I use it. If it 404s to one, I use that. If its the one I think of to look up a post, then I use that one. I really find it amusing that people have managed to turn this in to a war also, I wonder if anyone is being serious.

>> No.8076148
File: 125 KB, 500x437, tumblr_l13wvrCQn71qbd3aoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone is actually being serious, although some might think others are and goading them into replying.

>> No.8076503

You can filter OP's image by its MD5. Look up post number 7864557,13 in your preferred archive of choice and use that script.
That said, I honestly don't know why you don't just filter White Ren's trip altogether, I don't think anyone would use it for posts/threads worthwhile to read.

>> No.8076685

Which one is not hostd by a bunch of attention whoring tripfags?

>> No.8076687

Warosu and bwaka I guess.

>> No.8078565

Just to let you guys know that bwaka is down due to an ongoing Denial of service attack.

>> No.8078567

Courtesy of Jones no doubt.

>> No.8078572

Or the guy who swore they'd DDoS anyone with a donate button or similar

or they're having regular issues.

>> No.8078586

He's already taken credit for it in #bun.

>> No.8078612

Authentication Failures:
unknown (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 10991 Time(s)
root ( 221 Time(s)
root ( 221 Time(s)
root ( 221 Time(s)
root (iburst-41-213-41-11.iburst.co.za): 221 Time(s)
root (lit75-3-82-239-101-52.fbx.proxad.net): 221 Time(s)
root ( 147 Time(s)
adm (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 2 Time(s)
apache (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 2 Time(s)
bin (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
daemon (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
ftp (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
named (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
news (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
root (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
shutdown (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 1 Time(s)
unknown ( 1 Time(s)
Invalid Users:
Unknown Account: 10992 Time(s) (iburst-41-213-41-11.iburst.co.za): 221 times ( 147 times (lit75-3-82-239-101-52.fbx.proxad.net): 221 times 221 times (Dynamic-IP-18684771.cable.net.co): 221 times (190-216-53-151.static.impsat.net.ar): 221 times (spektrum.ddmpraha.cz): 11 times

this is a pain in the ass, I can only wait it out, not that it actually does any damage to the system besides down time.

>> No.8078641

The dumpers are running fine, just the site won't be accessible for a now, and I'm going to bed, I doubt I have time to sort this shit out quickly.

>> No.8078704

Install fail2ban, and change your ssh port to a non standard one.

>> No.8078850

It amazes me that /jp/ still tries to ruin everything even if it benefits them.

>> No.8078859

It amazes me that you still try to fit in.

>> No.8078863

Just looking at the board is enough to demonstrate that there are people who have that as an objective.

>> No.8078872

Yes yes, your invaluable highly-esteemed opinions are duly noted. Can you return to /a/ now?

>> No.8078894

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.8078920

A really stupid boy who arrived recently. Yesterday he warned us that White Ren is a public trip.
