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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 116 KB, 570x523, ihateasians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8069884 No.8069884 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking...

is there a real reason to like an Asian person if you're not into anime, manga, and video games?

I heard there have been scientific studies saying that Asians carry the worse genes.

>> No.8069889
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>is there a real reason to like [a] person

Nope, 3DPD

>> No.8069891

they are hot.

>> No.8069892
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>carry worse genes
but aren't azns smart as HELL?!

>> No.8069897

Racism ain't cool bro.

>> No.8069898
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>> No.8069900

Not really.

>> No.8069904

That feel when you're asian in history class and the current lecture is about Asian cuisine and the professor is showing a bunch of foods you eat on a daily basis and the rest of the class is acting disgusted.

That feel when Asian and The rape of nanking.

>> No.8069911

I only endorse the genocide of all Russians playing MMOs.

>> No.8069922

Well, I am disgusted whenever I see those cooking threads in here. I don't understand how you people can eat that stuff.

>> No.8069931

>like an Asian person if you're not into anime, manga, and video games?
Please do not group them all together like that. The Japanese are the only ones really making that content, the rest of the Asians are just shit and have no reason to be liked.

>> No.8069933

>I heard there have been scientific studies saying that Asians carry the worse genes.

Since when are Asians niggers?

>> No.8069934


>but aren't azns smart as HELL?!

Asians in western society have a culture promotes a strong work ethic as far as education is concerned. Asians are not innately "good at math", they are just pushed by their parents and peers to apply themselves.

They also score high in certain kinds of IQ tests, and their numbers are rising. This is again attributed more to the Flynn effect (an upward trend in higher test scores resulting from improvement of skills that IQ tests measure. Put simply, an IQ test measures ones ability to write an IQ test, not the person's actual IQ. With training people can drastically improve their IQ score without any gain in intelligence simply by focusing on a few key areas).


There is no difference in intelliegence, just work ethic.

>> No.8069940

Wait, what?
Most asian food is pretty fucking normal, just seasoned differently with different vegetables

>> No.8069945

Keep your opinions for yourself you fucking piece of shit..

>> No.8069949

The 'bad genes' thing is from the fact they have too much inbreeding (lol) and so defects show up more often than in other races.

>> No.8069950

You keep your yellow fever to yourself then.

>> No.8069955


>> No.8069958
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>> No.8069953

So is there also no difference in intelligence between us and blacks?

>> No.8069961

He's American who thinks anything not caked in grease and batter and fried is disgusting.

>> No.8069966

Wrong. But that doesn't matter to you, since you don't need to have an argument right?

>> No.8069970

weeaboos back to g/a/ia

>> No.8069972

If I had to pick a race to be besides white it'd be eastern asian

>> No.8069973

Enlighten me

>> No.8069974

Speak by yourself retard.

>> No.8069978
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>> No.8069976

The only poor genetics that come to mind is their eye sight, but that may be environmental.

80% of people in singapore suffer from Myopia, while in China it is around 77% of high school aged students and 80% of college aged students require glasses.

Compare this to the 25% rate for Americans of the same age group, and 6.9% for India AND 6.4% for Brazil.

Some argue this is genetic, others argue that too much reading at a young age is what causes the damage. Others base it on diet (Asians who eat a traditional diet generally have very poor night vision, something the Americans discovered during the Vietnam war. A more balanced diet does improve their night vision).

>> No.8069981


To be honest...

what helpful things have Asians invented that are still widely used today?

>> No.8069983

>The Japanese are the only ones really making that content
Hold on guys! we have an expert here.

>> No.8069986

Enlighten you on what? The fact I think it looks disgusting, in my OPINION?

God you're dumb.

>> No.8069991

I am speaking by myself. Maybe you meant to say I should speak FOR myself? Perhaps English is not your native language?

>> No.8069993

printing press

>> No.8069996

What about alcohol and milk allergies?

>> No.8070002
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>> No.8069999

>Wrong. But that doesn't matter to you, since you don't need to have an argument right?
I hope the irony isn't lost on you

>> No.8070000


lol nigger your favorite thing, the m16... rooted in asian technology bro, if this was a game of CivV I'd have you domianted like the little bitches you are, but unfortunately my retard ruler decided to stop expanding, and we ran out of resources and tech gain

>> No.8070007

also, americans only came up with one thing culinarily, and thats fucking steak, oh wait sorry the best way to cook is butter baste and that's french, sorry amerifats you don't do shit right, go back to eating your tuna shit casserole

>> No.8070010


Every race has milk allergies except for glorious Europeans.

>> No.8070013

Irony of the fact you spout ad homs over me stating my opinion? Yeah, you sure flaunt your debating skills!

>> No.8070018

You seem to be obsessed with Americans.
Did an American rape you when you were a kid?

>> No.8070019

What about deep fried butter?

>> No.8070026

Dang, you take it that hard when someone doesn't like your food?

>> No.8070021

Can't spell and doesn't understand the word ad hominem.
You can't troll, if people can immediately realize you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.8070023

you're an animal who has shit taste and no knowledge of the world.

>> No.8070024


The Japanese raped about 80,000 chinese women.

>> No.8070028


>> No.8070033

Just in case that you are retarded.
You criticize his lack of an argument and then go
DUR HURRR, doesn't matter if it's retarded, its my opinion.

>> No.8070034

Chocolate covered bacom.

>> No.8070035

Pretty piss-poor attempt at damage control there. (The traditional "ur writing iz bad!" comeback is certainly not new to me.)

>> No.8070038


I am not the gay you are talking with, I just can't stand the way you talk.

>> No.8070039
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>> No.8070042


>What about alcohol and milk allergies?

Alcohol isn't typically an allergy, is an an enzyme issue with Asians. This enzyme is important with regards to metabolizing of alcohol.

When you see an Asian dude turn bright red after two beer he will claim it is an allergic reaction, but it is really just an accumulation of acetaldehyde.

It is really only a problem for asian alcoholics, as they suffer a substantially greater risk (literally 10 times higher) of getting certain kinds of caner.

>Milk allergy

Again, this isn't usually an allergy, as many asians are simply lactose intolerant. Again this is an enzyme issue. The rate of lactose intolerance can be as high as 90% in some asian countries.

>> No.8070041



You will probably feel more at home there.

>> No.8070044

Not really.

Me: Opinion
Him: False statement
Me: Wrong. But you don't care since you're trying to argue against an opinion anyway.
Him: Hurr durr irony!

Yeah. Smart guys.

>> No.8070048


nice job on the selective observation.

>> No.8070050

Oh you guys.

>> No.8070051

I love how dem nips portray themselves as strong drinkers in their cartoons but in reality they can't stand a single can of beer

>> No.8070053

I was really surprised when I first heard of lactose intolerance. In my country, everybody drinks milk. I never heard of anyone not being able to drink it before the internet came.

>> No.8070056


Him: Opinion
You: Lol, you have no argument
You: Opinion
Me: Call you out
You: Pulling shit out of your ass

>> No.8070054

Do you find yourself drinking with a lot of Japanese people, anon?

>> No.8070058

see >>8070042

most nips that go to college with me cant stand alcohol and are usually the first ones to get wasted and puke all over the place

>> No.8070064

They seem to have a fairly low opinion of their alcohol tolerance from what i've seen.

>Caring about how much alcohol you can drink
sure is high school in here

>> No.8070067
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>This thread

>> No.8070072


Yeah, okay. Not even going to bother with you anymore, obviously braindead.

>> No.8070077

Oh, of course, let's have a racism thread and pretend a race is a single person so you can feel better about your worthless self because you belong in a group that doesn't care about you anyway.

In all seriousness, I have to say the Negroes have better genes, judging from their physical records and dick size. But of course Americans won't ever admit that. They won't also admit the French have longer dicks and are thus better.

>> No.8070082

My face when I'm Asian and occasionally go out to parties where many Asians drink heavily and very few of them get passed out drunk that quickly.

It's only on this thread that I heard of all this intolerance talk.

I get drunk quickly, but the Asians I drink with don't get drunk as quick as me even though they're drinking more.

>> No.8070084

Him: Opinion
>He's American who thinks anything not caked in grease >and batter and fried is disgusting.

You: Lol, you have no argument
>Wrong. But that doesn't matter to you, since you don't need >to have an argument right?

You: Opinion
>Enlighten you on what? The fact I think it looks disgusting, >in my OPINION?

>God you're dumb.

Me: Call you out
>I hope the irony isn't lost on you

You: Pulling shit out of your ass

>> No.8070092

Believed it until the French bit. Then I saw you were trolling.

>> No.8070099
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>> No.8070102


You can pretty much try googling all other such reports.

>> No.8070133

Right, because a man who can run a little bit faster than most men but still has nothing on many wild beasts is the pinnacle of human evolution.

>> No.8070135

Not him, but I don't believe the first one is an opinion. It's stating he is american, and what he likely believes as an American. If he's not an American, the statement is pretty much false.

>> No.8070137

>In my country, everybody drinks milk.
Holy shit which country is this? I fucking love milk.
All anybody does here is bitch "blah blah lactose intolerant blurp wheres my dr pepper"

>> No.8070144


Thinks the achievements of great people with similar skin tone
apply to him as he defends the glorious white race on the internet.

>> No.8070146

Holland. I drink a lot of milk too, but have been drinking less after feeling pain in my prostate some time ago. There's some link between calcium in milk and vitamin D in your body (it breaks it down) and how it affects the prostate. And since I hardly ever go outside I get very little vitamin D anyway (you get most from the sun), so I decided to take vitamin pills and drink a little less (I used to drink about 1L a day at least) and the pain now seems to be pretty much gone.

So just a warning to not drink too much milk.

>> No.8070147

No one was calling anyone the 'pinnacle of human evolution'. We're still evolving.

But we're living in a society where intelligent, successful people are more likely to go for higher education and postpone having kids. Yeah, the lone wolf, the great scientist, the uber warrior (who is likely to die soon),... the ones with all the positives are not reproducing quickly enough. While poor and/or stupid people procreate more frequently. Yeah, the ones that frequent sleazy bars or live in the slums or have less than savory occupations. So if you ask me, I'd say we're trying to promote stupidity and ineptitude as an evolutionary advantage. If we're still evolving, from a biological standpoint I can not say we're doing it in the right direction.

>> No.8070151

Believing Asian cuisine is not incredibly varied and that many dishes don't have a nearly identical western counterpart is pretty false too.

>> No.8070161
File: 17 KB, 250x175, general-gao-s-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, genetic wise, roodypoos should have dominated the gene pool.
the only thing asians excel at is our strong metabolism.
everything else talked on this thread are subjective

>> No.8070166

I did not inherit a strong metabolism. I did, however, acquire a ridiculously powerful immune system. I attribute it to being of mixed lineage.

>> No.8070174

this is now a thread about AMERICA

>> No.8070172

>I have no problem with blacks
Lost it.

>> No.8070183
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>> No.8070185

stop that gaijin america is not a 

>> No.8070194
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>> No.8070202
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>> No.8070205

Most of these things Putin did were staged.

>> No.8070206

What if you're already Chinese/Japanese/Korean to begin with?

>> No.8070214
File: 24 KB, 300x250, Eligible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8070224

Say that to his face and see what happens nerd.

>> No.8070234

Humans is general are disgusting from an objective point of view.

I'm sure if anyone one of us ascends to a superior existence and decides to do judge the humanity the verdict will be to wipe all us from the existence.
particularly from me, I would had killed myself long time ago if I weren't genetically designed to keep living at all cost, maybe I just have to wait a little.

>> No.8070251


Watching Putin doing stuff is a bit like wrestling. You know it's all staged and planned beforehand, but it doesn't matter since it's still watching big muscular guys with exxagerated personalities and overly macho traits doing hilariously awesome stuff.

>> No.8070341
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>> No.8070354

Please get your bizarre unpleasantness out of here.

>> No.8070364

wait, n/m, looks like this is the shitposting board tonight, take a look at >>8070208


carry on, then

>> No.8070408

white inferiority complex

>> No.8070412
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captcha: onshole tissue

>> No.8070986

This world.

>> No.8071005

Putin is moe~
