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8022319 No.8022319 [Reply] [Original]

One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated! Genius of Sappheiros brings back the glory days of classic 2D JRPGs, Touhou style!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Previous Thread Numbers: 7848236, 7882358, 7898431, 7912929, 7923916, 7932818, 7944089, 7957214, 7979564

>> No.8022329

I have missed these threads. Fuck I've been busy for the past two weeks and every time I take some time out to try to get HFC, Satori just doesn't learn it. Is there some way to get the boss to use it more often or something? I am becoming butt frustrated.

>> No.8022372

Finally a new thread.
I finally got to play this and it almost instantly sucked me in.
I have a question: What's the exact effect of the "Full" icon dropped by enemies.

>> No.8022376

She needs to be above 25% HP, as far as I know, so don't spank her too much.

By the way, do multiple buffs for one stat stack? For example, Byakuren's ALL up, Sanae's ATK up, Byakuren's ATK up and Sakuya's World, would all of them work together or only the best (or maybe latest one) be active?

>> No.8022451
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>> No.8022460
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Affect by HP? How does that work?

I don't think so. I just reloaded mine when she seems to be using all of her skills except for Charge+HFC.

Slight boost to all of your stats for a short time. Read the manual.

>> No.8022484

Not worth it, move along.

It should be "Force", as it gives you a buff to your stats. How much though, I am not sure. It is more noticeable at higher levels.

The same stat boosts don't stack, so Sanae's ATK up on the party will not stack with Byakuren's ATK single target spell. Though I think Byakuran's is stronger since it is single target, but not by a noticeable amount. You can stack different ones, like Sakuya's Last Word Boost, the "Full" buff, Byakuren's ATK up, and Sanae's Last Word.

>> No.8022502

Gj making it obvious you cheated, she isn't even hard under leveled....

>> No.8022548

Christ, Kaguya and Eirin are the most frustrating boss fight in this game so far. I know how to beat them, but it's still so damn luck based that I haven't been able to pull it off so far.

>> No.8022561

That doesn't look like it is cheating. You are using fire damage on a fire weak enemy.
If you completely stack buffs and turn the field full fire, it seems plausible. Also note the formation, it is a fire bonus formation.

>> No.8022569

If you're getting angry at being unlucky now, just wait until the Cirno/Momiji fight. Things went badly in the first turn (and they will, 75% of the time)? It's much easier to restart than try to fix them up.

>> No.8022626

The Cirno/Momiji fight is much worse, since Momiji can just 2 shot your entire party. Once the MC goes off then its GG, though get Satori in to learn Heal.

The hardest fight for me was the first Yuyu and Youmu fight, probably because the patch at that point had a lot less translated and I didn't know wtf to do with my skill points then. I finally broke down and looked them up, I proceeded to then beat them within a few tries.

If that isn't cheating, then you have to have to best possible gear at that point and be over leveled, and that is not reasonable for that boss considering the time you need to put in, that boss is EASILY done in the low 50s, and it is the expansion patch.

>> No.8022639

>Cant use cirno as a party member
I really don't like this game.

>> No.8022654 [DELETED] 

But you can.

>> No.8022656
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You won't get her till post-expansion though.

>> No.8022658

And you can only access that content after you beat the game, right?
...I don't think I'll ever get to play with Yuugi.

>> No.8022666

why? havent trouble with the last boss pre-expansion?
more hp = more/better damage

>> No.8022674

>High intelligence

Someone here made a mistake...

>> No.8022710

I'm halfway through the second forest of magic and the game is pretty annoying. enemies are so powerful I don't really see what I can do to make it easier other than grind a ton. I keep running out of mp, but leaving the dungeon to heal just makes everything respawn.

>> No.8022742

What formation is best for the final boss? I was thinking wall of faith as it seems to be the only one with magic defense.

>> No.8022781

What strategy do you use against regular enemies?

Grinding in this game is completely unnecessary, unless you're looking for an item or need a specific move. The only time I had to grind was for the final boss, and that was because all my characters were in the low 50s. You just aren't giving it enough thought. Mana is one of the major concerns for non boss battles, you can't just fling it around trying to clear things as quickly as possible.

>> No.8022788

>If that isn't cheating, then you have to have to best possible gear at that point and be over leveled, and that is not reasonable for that boss considering the time you need to put in, that boss is EASILY done in the low 50s, and it is the expansion patch.

it's fairly obvious you don't know how to stack damage, you dumb fuck. you don't need the best gears and be high level to deal that kind of damage either. it's just simple logic involved and exploiting it.

>> No.8022813

basically I'm just spamming magic napalm, hakurei needle, and enlightened sword and hoping it kills everything before I die. the difficulty is that enemies do a ton of damage and take several turns to kill. even the basic fairy enemies can kill multiple characters if they use grand slam or energy bomb.

>> No.8022874

Here are a few things I could see how damage gets stacked.
Formation is already +fire damage.
Byakuren uses scroll + attack up + element fire on Mokou.
Mokou wear +fire damage items or +attack items.
Patchouli casts field spell to increase fire damage.
Manipulate land so that you have full fire.
Mokou uses her spell card and you can see big damage.
Also, you can debuff her defenses if you want even more damage.

It is not something I would do, but if you want to see big damage, that is how you do it.

>> No.8022900

Sometimes enemies are actually harder than bosses for certain team make ups. You really should test around more. Switch up your growth trees and talents for efficiency/aoe/gayness protection. Even your equipment. From my experience I can say that the enemies are suppose to give their own little challenge, so you can't afford to look down on them. You don't have to fight every fight either, running is a good thing. Pick your fights and make sure you fight enemies that are least mana consuming. Try and hit weaknesses for get some slayer effects rolling.

If all else fails, you can haul ass to the boss room. I did that for a couple of dungeons. Most of the time rushing a boss battle will only make it slightly longer, since levels don't matter too much (at least from the beginning of a dungeon to the end).

I know sometimes it can get stressful fighting random battles that take more than 4-5 turns, but if you pick and choose your fights you'll make it through. Ganbatte!

>> No.8022936

This was how I beat the final boss with an underleveled party.

Gungnir on Youmu (best I had at the time, was short one rusty blade for her 6th tier sword, happened to get a lucky obsidian drop)
Dark Sword + Attack buff from Byakuren.
Crit enhance buff
Patchouli set field to dark by spamming Silent Serene in phase 2
Defense reduction buff on the boss on first turn.

I literally one shot the final boss with one Moon Paschal Slash. First two hits were for 48,000 apiece, the last for 12,000.

Now Im just kind of stuck on the Alice/Marisa fight in the expansion. It seems like Youmu and Mokou do no damage at all to alice, I havent had any luck silencing Marisa, and patchouli gets annihilated by area of effect, even with MDef buff, HP boost/Mystic reduction accessories on her.

>> No.8023029


well there's your problem right there. You're using Reimu to DPS for some strange reason. Switch to Patchy or Sakuya

>> No.8023037

I have sakuya too but she doesn't really do that much damage and runs out of mp really fast

>> No.8023074

Buff her, use slayer weapons, use mana efficient moves. Sakuya is my primary random encounter damage, and she runs oom just as slowly as my Byakuren.

>> No.8023089

Guide to Sakuya

Get her a nice crafted sword
Put all your power into Time Stop, 2Handed Tree (Afterwords into her MP boost tree, gives extra bombs as well)
Have sanae buff her accuracy and attack
Full Moon Revenge spam. Its only 12 mana for a ton of damage.

In all honesty though, Patchy is possibly one of the most efficient normal mob clearers. Exploit your mobs weaknesses, and she will hit hard as hell.

>> No.8023101

I've been using daggers for sakuya since they seem more canon. I think there's a 2% mp steal one coming up if I can make it a little further.

>> No.8023125

All of Sakuya's two-handed sword growth skills are pretty amazing, though, and you even get +90 PATK with enough points in there. I suggest at least giving those weapons a try.
They also have lots of useful slayer effects, but then again a lot of knives have them too.

>> No.8023133


...are you serious? Just use her fucking two handed sword, the damage is nearly double what youd get with a dagger. Orichalcum dagger is only 1% MP absorption, by the way, and being a dagger, you're not going to get very much MP back.

>> No.8023179


only ever use daggers if you have the on-hit effects of either paralyze or death.

death is especially useful because the dagger mastery to make effects go off stacks with sakuya's murder tree, and furthered more by both her killing world and Nitori's commander bonus.

Death will be common enough that you really won't have to use double strike too often.

and then paralyze is awesome because each round you effectively 1hko somebody, only it's much nicer because you can have your staffers regen a lot more mana while everybody melees the stunned targets for several rounds.

but you will want a *real* weapon to respend your growths into so she's useful for bosses.

>> No.8023618

Well, if you want accuracy, giving dagger to Patchy is nice. Her accuracy is horrible with either books or axes.

>> No.8023658

daggers don't have enough damage to bother with if that's your main point for using them, especially early on.

Even the slayer effects with daggers are quite underwhelming until you have 50+ points available to max out the melee tree AND the dagger tree; However, even then you will deal more damage straight up with *any* other weapon type with less growth points spent.

The strength of daggers is the on hit effects, if you aren't using them for that, you are making things unnecessarily difficult.

Also, there are equip items that increase accuracy, skills to increase accuracy, and well as abilities to decrease opponent's evasion. Missing shouldn't be a problem except on a select few targets that have very high evasion and you generally shouldn't be meleeing them at all unless oom.

Axes and Books have the strength of being extra effective against heavily armored opponents, who almost always have nilch for evasion anyhow and half the time are magic resistant as well (mind flayers come to mind as a very good example of this).

>> No.8023666

Slayer on daggers can have situational use. Maneater on Sakuya, hilarity ensues.

>> No.8023670 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8023680

slayer on anything other than warrior/mage is generally situational to the point where the only reason you'd go out of your way to use it is for a specific boss or a drop from a rare monster that tends to kick your ass otherwise (and even for these, an on-hit of paralyze with a dagger would be more helpful on the monster, as well as 1000x more helpful on monsters that it doesn't have the slaying effect)

>> No.8024165

I had to swap out Patchouli's Book or Axe for a Dagger by stage 20 and stage 21.
Almost all stage 21 enemies have good evasion causing axes and books to miss far too much.
The Orichalcum dagger is great if I am trying to save on mana, since I can continuously use Dual Raid with it every turn.
I've tried using an axe(Parasz Nirmana) I got at that stage, but it was not worth it. The attack power is great, I think 168 attack, 60 accuracy, and 50 exorcism, but I cannot hit anything with it.

As for using magic, I might try that out, It just doesn't feel worth it, since Marisa isn't doing all that much damage to enemies at that stage.

>> No.8024201

damn this game stopped working when i installed latest patches! i run it in applocale and windows 95 mode but nothing happens when i try to run it ;__;
It just won't start up

>> No.8024258

This might be a stupid question, but I've just got into the game: is there a trick to navigating through Mokou's bamboo forest?

>> No.8024265

respect the konami code.

>> No.8024347

Underground has a long respawn timer, while upper doesn't. Just skip as many enemies as you can.

IIRC, I was around high 30s / low 40s and it wasn't too bad. Swap in other characters that you haven't used yet since they should have full MP and Bombs. Assuming you kept them all leveled up decently.

>> No.8024368

OH really?

Considering I have all the best Elec Equipment you can get for for patchy in the expansion, lvl 90+ with 90+ power, had all buffs on her except Full, debuffed the en ememy, full elec land with elec field and a crit with Hot Jupiter on a Elec weak enemy and it doesn't even do that much. The Increased Fire damage formation wouldn't account for 20k+ more damage.

Unless you spend around 150+ hours getting the gear, levels and power, that won't happen, and even then I bet it requires more time.

>> No.8024462

I have to admit I really like this game, especially the music.

I just wish Byakuren didn't play hide-and-seek in cutscenes (she isn't present in any of them, even though I recruited her) and random encounters were a bit better balanced compared to boss fights (the latter being a lot easier).

>> No.8024468

Byakuren normally doesn't appear until stage 11 or so. Until then she is utterly silent.

>> No.8024475
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Aaaah, I see. Thank you.

>> No.8024496

>Using a Book with Patchouli
She is only a good physical attacker until you get Youmu. After that you should be using her spells. For Spells you should be using a staff as those get GOOD + elemental damage with MATK.

I didn't really use Marisa until the Expansion, once I got her upper tier Brooms she was a lot better.

I don't use Full Moon Revenge, for Bosses, any more since her Jack the Ripper and Mysterious Jack do more damage per hit, I just put up a Jackpot World first. Even if I use Private Square, more often than not I get in 3+ hits with both attacks.

I don't use Sakuya much for random enemies, but when I do, I use instant death attacks. Killer World, enough said.

Sakuya's low mp does suck... a lot of her skills shouldn't cost that much. Elegant Killing Doll should NOT cost 48 mp, that is stupid shit. Could probably have a lower cooldown too.

>> No.8024511

my party is level 45 and I'm barely making it through some encounters. the rest of my characters are all at least 40 and they get completely raped.

>> No.8024586

are you using Satori's permanent effects like Paralysis and Petrify?

>> No.8024605

Get a fucking job instead of playing these idiotic video games all day you lowlives. You're destroying your own futures.

>> No.8024684

Thats because Fujiyama Volcanoes unmodified damage is much higher than any magic skill, being a physical skill with added fire damage. Physical attacks hit for a LOT harder than magical attacks in general. Magic attacks just have the benefit of hitting multiple targets.

You've played all the way to 90 and still havent realized this?

>> No.8024715

what do you think /jp/ is for in the first place?

>> No.8024853

With no Sanae for + buff? Low levels, power and gear? No, not going to happen.

With the gear I have, levels and power that would make sense, but as I said before I highly doubt he would considering the time and effort you would need to put in at that point in the game. Or he cheated.

>> No.8024867


Just admit you were wrong. No point making yourself look even more stupid by arguing.

>> No.8024869

Well, you could try an instant death team.

You should be using Alice to shield people, no mater what other party members you bring.

Youmu in Asura Stance to attack everyone at once for good damage, Patchy for nuking, Satori for Status effects and healing, Sanae for buffing. I had a hard time there, but it is no were near as bad as level 21.

Remember, you can run away. Your levels should be fine even for the next stage.

>> No.8024872

Just like how Satori can be doing 60k damage with a breath attack? This shit has already been discussed on boards other than 4chan, look them up.

>> No.8024875

Not japanese cuz it's not /m/

>> No.8024964

Turtlesmasher(Slayer effect:100%): 2x damage
Critical Hit: 2x damage
Enemy weak to fire: 50% more damage
Equips: 10% fire damage (armor), 20% fire damage (accessory)
Patchouli's Fire Field Spell: 20-30% fire damage
Byakuren's buff: 80% atk up, 50% stat up
Formation Bonus: 20% Fire, 20% ATK
Fire Land Gauge MAX: 50-100%

Not sure what the real formula is but this is just a guess:

Base ATK: 470, Mokou - level 60.

470*400%*(50+30+30+80+50+40+[50~100])=6204~7104 critical damage max for normal hit.

(Enemy target: Litos)

Normal Hit Base damage (in-game): 3300-3800
Critical Hit Base damage(in-game): 6600-7600
Fujiyama's Volcano damage (critical): 50000-70000
(Damage multipler is approx 8-10x)

I hope to experiment on the three goddesses but i need the kusanagi sword for it however, the problem is the three goddesses has 800 base defense which will cut down on the damage significantly. Based on my calculations, i would be hitting them for 25000-30000 per hit and mokou is currently level 65.

>> No.8024991

woops..i didn't type the formula right but who cares...just do what i did and you'll do 5 digit damage.

>> No.8024994

She does has a divine barrier, I believe it is 25%, and I don't think the fire formation has that high of a bonus. Getting to 40k with a crit seems reasonable with a commander action, but I just don't see 60k+.

With the Turtlesmasher and acc de/buff, it would be hard to hit her, let alone crit as well.

>> No.8025126

I'm having a lot of trouble on the final boss pre-expansion. Basically my tactics are similar to >>8022936, without the defense debuff as I can't get it to hit, but I can't really do that kind of damage. My characters are all around 65-70. Is that too low? Generally I get destroyed the next turn as my Alice simply can't tank as much damage as she does.

>> No.8025328

i've done consistent 50-55k damage based on my tests but i have no idea what triggered 67k. bullshit luck i guess? or i triggered a special condition that ignores divine barrier? (may have something to do with land power?)

use Youmu equipping Doujiri katana and applying buffs. my youmu @ level 58 does 25k critical damage using Slash of the Present.

the battle is very much luck base. If Youmu isn't landing any criticals at all, you won't win.

>> No.8025455

Yeah thats what I have equipped on her. I haven't tried using slash of the present, instead using the 3 hit moon reflecting slash. With that I can deal around 30-35k damage. What accessories do you use? I think thats where I'm lacking as I haven't been bothered to craft many.

Also is it worth having 25 points in Manussya or best to go 16 and put the rest in Str?

>> No.8025464

Now that I've reached Genbu stream, the game got REALLY tedious. Battles now take bloody ages. BLOODY AGES!

>> No.8025768

Ages=3 turns? It's hard to survive too long unless you're blocking a lot.

Also, don't fight Heins.

>> No.8025800

Does this game still crash randomly? I tried running it (yes, even with compatibility mode and everything) and couldn't get through the opening cut scene without crashes.

>> No.8025818

I only had crashes when not in '95 compatibility and when I used 16bit mode (as recommended earlier, which only made me crash all the time). I suspect you're just unlucky then. I assume you tried different variations of 16 vs 32 bit mode and compatibility modes?

>> No.8025875

As I have implied, I am in stage 21, so I already have Youmu. I was just mentioning that at that stage, it is better to use daggers over books or axes, because the latter weapons won't hit.
As for magic, I find it not very effective in that stage, but I could be wrong. Marisa, who is using a staff for improved magic damage, is only doing mediocre damage.

>> No.8026003

Farm the IND+45 item, upgrade it, and farm one more. The drop rates from mobs in stage 21 are easy enough to do it. Cast your induction buff on Byakuren, add those accessories, and you'll land debuffs 2/3 the time. Not entirely reliable, but they help immensely. Get the damage reduction debuff skill on her first though, you dont want her to randomly stone shower you and one shot your group (or alice if little legion is up). You'll seriously laugh your ass off when you see how little damage she does with the reduction debuff up.

Even with all that, its still luck based. It took me about 10 tries using Youmu's 5th tier sword, then I gave up and started farming, got a lucky obsidian and used it for Gugnir, which boosted her damage for the final portion immensely.

>> No.8026151

I thought you cannot get more than 1 IND +45 item.

>> No.8026161

Alright I'll do that. The debuffs don't carry over with phases do they? So that means you've just got to get lucky.

It is a pain though. Not really a fan of farming, hopefully it won't take too long though.

Thanks for the advice

>> No.8026271

Normally you can't, but if you upgrade it into a +60 IND item then you no longer have a +45 IND item, therefore you can get another.

>> No.8026352

Just one last thing, do you know what drops these? I just looked through my records with nothing saying they drop them. Maybe there is a chest I missed though.

>> No.8026598

Anyone know if I can still recruit Byakuren by waiting at the shrine if I didn't do it in stage 1?

>> No.8026615


Unless there's another in post-game, you CANNOT get another Launch Earrings III. It comes from a chest and isn't a drop. You can get a Dexterity Ring III as a drop which raises IND, but even upgraded it's worse than Launch Earrings I.

>> No.8026719

Do I need any other programs in order to run this game?

>> No.8026779
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Nothing like getting Hina down to a sliver of health and being buttfucked by a partywide 60000 damage.

>> No.8026842

how do you survive that move other than using reflect magic?

>> No.8026887 [DELETED] 
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Oh, whoops. I had some Land Elements at max and she one-shotted my whole party. Is there any way to make the first phase less painful? Because I really do not want to sit through that luck based shit again.

>> No.8026899 [SPOILER] 
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Oh, whoops. I had some Land Elements at max and she one-shotted my whole party. Is there any way to make the first phase less painful? Because I really do not want to sit through that luck based shit again.

Forgot to spoiler the first time~

>> No.8026928
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I've been using Little Legion with Duplex Barrier when it's about to come up, but she can use it whenever she wants after a certain percentage of her health is gone, and Mokou's 3 star commander ability didn't prevent it from one shotting my whole party after she used it the next turn.

>> No.8027055

I'm stuck in stage 8 (the sunflower garden) I've flipped the switch that turns off the white vents, but that didn't seem to unlock any paths that didn't lead to dead ends with treasure. Any help?

I did the waiting and got Byakuren after I completed stage 2 so you should be fine.

>> No.8027091


Keep heading in the upper left direction starting north of the vents, if I remember correctly.

>> No.8027101

Fuck. I played the fuck out of this game for 13 hours but now that I have Satori I don't have any motivation to keep playing. I fucking hate grinding skills yet I feel like I'm missing out if I don't.

>> No.8027098 [DELETED] 



>> No.8027111

your not as long as you dont wish to be a completionist, you can skip most of her skills

>> No.8027131 [DELETED] 


I got along just fine with her basic elemental skills throughout the main game, and post-game I use her as a healer or support. All of the skills I use are learnable at 5% or higher.

mfw I randomly got comet from the abyss dragon

>> No.8027228 [SPOILER] 
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Here is a screen shot of the room next to the room next to the room with the healing circle. Find the orange ink in the nearest spot and erase the flower on the left.

>> No.8027406

Ah, I got it now. I thought that that's where I came from to turn off the vents. It didn't help that I stopped playing for a week right after I turned them off.

>> No.8027466

well, my tactic revolves around petrifying after all...

>> No.8027760

Does this game chug for anyone else?
I am able to run most modern PC games with no problem, but this game seems to act odd.

>> No.8027776 [DELETED] 

As in it slowly starts to drop the fps to the point of almost freezing up?
Yeah I have that too (especially if I mess around with eguipment/skills/trees alot) and would like to know if there's any way to fix it.

>> No.8027780

As in it slowly starts to drop the fps to the point of almost freezing up?
Yeah I have that too (especially if I mess around with equipment/skills/trees alot) and would like to know if there's any way to fix it.

>> No.8027956

Yep.. No actual freezing or crashing, but it's still kinda irritating.

>> No.8028363


I had that problem for a while. I fixed it by forcing it to run as administrator every time and use windows XP compatibility. You could also set the number of back up saves down to a very low number, under 10. 999 isn't needed at all. If that doesn't work try different compatibility modes out.

The only time I crash in XP mode is in the garden of sun on those green bean enemies, so that isn't a big problem for me.

>> No.8028435

The game won't run for me.


>> No.8028513


Did you change your system local?

>> No.8028522


What is that?

>> No.8028532

Read the readme.

>> No.8028580

>What is that?

Why do you have to remind me of that LoGH pic?

>> No.8028610


Oh, the Regional and Language options. I've tried to do that. I need the CD though. Is the CD the only way to get the japanese language on my computer? Or is there another way? I have Windows XP Professional.

Is the reason why the game won't run for me the language?


I wasn't trying to. Sorry.

>> No.8028629

Yeah, seems like running it in 95 mode was the whole reason it was running like crap.

>> No.8028635

I have it in 95 and it is very stable. Try XP though.

>> No.8028924

Just go on Piratebay and torrent the first XP disc you find, even ultra botnet edition black 2011 works. When it asks for your XP disc, mount that image with your disc mounter and tell Windows where it is.

>XP mode
Does that work if you're on XP?

>> No.8028987

So I guess you have to get whacked to learn enemy skills?

The learn rate for most of them look awful. What a pain in the ass.

>> No.8029015

I must be grinding this game too much, because so far the bosses have been easy. As in, I walked into Momiji, Momiji/Cirno AND Kanako/Suwako with my party specced to take out the mooks and took them out on the first try. They're at level 41 now as I go into heaven.

My main party is: Reimu (needles and physical attacks), Sakuya (biggest damage dealer, lots of points in two handed and murder), Marisa (elemental damage + broom), Patchouli (elemental damage + secondary damage dealer), Alice (tank, tank, tank) with Sanae or Mokou as commanders. Formation is hinotori skydance. Do you really need any other formations?

>> No.8029264

Hakurei type starts to look a lot better late game when mobs can two shot your damage if they dont go for alice.

>> No.8029288

how did you even get to that level? at level 41 that's 60% exp reduction at youkai mountain.

>> No.8029320

should I make sakuya's haute claire or should I wait for the next one that has warrior/magician slayer?

>> No.8029333

it's not that hard if you know how to abuse yukkuri spawns.

>> No.8029336

Wait for the warrior/magician slayer. It does wonders.

>> No.8029368

is there a way to make them spawn? running around randomly takes forever.

when do you unlock it?

>> No.8029459

Your team is so girly... yet... so manly. How are you liking your limited healing abilities?

I don't really know how, but I'm sure you're doing insane damage with your comp. I really want to see other people play this game. This is one of those games I'm sure I'd enjoy watching another person play, especially to see how differently they handle MP/random enounters/boss fights/damage.

Maybe I should stream when I play sometime, I'm sure I'd be nice to have a couple of people talk about strats for handling grinding/bosses.

>> No.8029473

These threads remind me of Sengoku rance threads, all the strategies and such.

>> No.8029487

Lots of things in there are highly resistant to Light, so Reimu might end up being useless. Also, MIND FUCKING FLAYERS so having Sanae in your party is a must. Personally, I'd take Alice out and put Sanae in her place (the enemies there don't really hit THAT hard, most of the time you'll only need high ELE resistance), and maybe put Byakuren instead of Reimu for her Dark spell. Nitori is really useful too, because pierce damage destroys Elite Mind Flayers, but with Sanae buffing RES they shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Be careful with the jelly-like things in there, their attacks HURT and they have a ton of HP, so take them out with Fire/Water spells. I think it also resists physical attacks.

>> No.8030195

Oh cool the final boss is at 50% health-- MINUS MINUS MINUS MINUS PEGASUS

well time to go farm mystic resist shit

>> No.8030230

More like, farm Foreign God slayer.

>> No.8030276

Do the enemies in the final stage of the expansion disappear when you run from them like in stage 21? They look pretty strong and I'd like to get to the end before I farm them.

>> No.8030280


I have Youmu with her god slaying sword, and I have Byakuren buffing the shit out of her. My damage is fine but I just don't want to take any risks, because I fucking HATE sitting through the first phase of the fight.

>> No.8030299

I don't think so, but on the bright side, that means unlike the Stage 21 Yukkuri Kings, Yukkuri Emperors can be farmed by the usual anti-yukkuri method of running.

>> No.8030476

Use Reisen as commander to level her, sudden get pre-emptive strikes.

I think I'm in love.

>> No.8030547

I really can't wait until I get to the expansion stuff, leveling more character is something I love to do, but it's going to take a ton of time given how I've only just started Forest of Magic 2.
I wish a more stable translation patch would come out as well. The progressively stronger slowdown is most likely something that can't be avoided, given how old my computer is.

>> No.8030648
File: 204 KB, 700x830, 29df7336a81332d9ccdeff3da6b758a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously spoke too soon. Iku had her sweet, sweet way with my party, forcing me to make some changes: Byakuren instead Marisa, speccing Patchouli for elemental damage, making and equiping the anti-shock accessory on Alice and giving Reimu her elemental-negating spellcard. All this and FINALLY spending the 9 youkai-mountain rocks I had in stock to make new armor and weapons for the girls. (so I'm guilty of hoarding).

Then Iku went down pretty quickly :P

This game is pretty amazing. I feel bad for not bringing Satori all the time, so that she can learn the attacks. But the sight of Patchouli Grand Slamming (x2) a bunch of enemies is too much to ignore.

Picture totally related.

>> No.8030945 [DELETED] 


I was going to post a screenshot of her hitting my party with her 60k attack, but for some strange reason, fantasy heaven or hell decided it was going to be a critical and hit her for 36k, which killed her.

soooooo I guess i don't know that feel, bro

>> No.8030950


I was going to post a screenshot of her hitting my party with her 60k attack, but for some strange reason, fantasy heaven or hell decided it was going to be a critical and hit her for 26k, which killed her.

soooooo I guess i don't know that feel, bro

>> No.8030994

That picture is amusingly fitting.

Im at the expansion now. I wish character specific materials were as easy to get as obsidians/orichalcums... spend 10 minutes running through stages to only get 1 at a time is suffering.

>> No.8031270

don't mind me, just stopping by to say that Poison Shield is the best formation ever.

>> No.8031334

I'm having more trouble finding simple materials like rocks, iron and bamboo. Then again, I guess I'm not trying hard enough.

>> No.8031433

I'm changing my opinion. Moryia destruction with Youmu in front equipping the regalia is the best formation for boss fights.

>> No.8032001
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come at me bro.

>> No.8032069

Any idea how to split the teams in the Lakebed temple? Nobody except Youmu does enough damage to even survive a single battle.

>> No.8032173


Team 1 - Mokou, Sakuya, Byakuren, Satori. Watch out for enemies that reflect.

Team 2 - Nitori, Aya, Reimu, Youmu all equipped with swords, Nitori using Sword Chaser. Get Sleep/Paralyze resist.

Team 3 - Alice, Patchy, Sanae, Marisa. Make sure to use Sanae's resist buff every fight.

Somebody posted these teams a few threads back and they worked wonders for me. The place is still dumb as hell, though.

>> No.8032206

Thank you.
>Nitori using Sword Chaser.
Time for grinding I guess.

>> No.8032514


I've actually been streaming my play through of the game since I started, I'm up to Outer Eientei as of right now, people seem to have been enjoying it. I mostly get people that have no clue about the game as viewers though.

>> No.8032520

I probably wouldn`t want to stream anything. My playstyle is very defensive, with constant running out of stages after pretty much every item drop from enemies...

>> No.8032904

So when should I go for the breath spells and what's the best way to go about it?

>> No.8032916

The fight against Iku was incredibly fun for me - Patch setting up Earth land and spell card to reduce Iku's damage, Sanae RES upping obviously (even though it ddin't help much), Byakuren buffing, Satori copying and Sakuya wrecking shit, with Mokou leading. Funnily enough, only Byakuren got killed a few times by Iku's combo, and Sakuya slowly whittled her HP down while she couldn't really do shit against me.

I find it funny how in this game, going unprepared on a (boss) fight means you're most likely going to be brutally raped, but with a few correct gears and enough strategy you can trivialize pretty much all of them. Hell, seeing Tenshi deal 0 or 1 damage to everyone in my party after I didn't even get to last three turns against her was simply beautiful.

>> No.8032942


Ouch. Does anyone have a crit higher than this? whats the highest you can crit for?

>> No.8032981

How many unique forging materials can I find on chests in the pre-expansion game? Ten of each?

>> No.8033223


I'm taking a very wild guess that the first one is a list of what you're asking for.

>> No.8033228

Give me a few minutes, I could probably hit over 100,000 on Fujiyama Big Eruption with Mokou with the right conditions, but I gotta get that particular job to show up on my board.

>> No.8033357 [SPOILER] 
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99999 damage. post-expansion = easy mode

>> No.8033375
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I spent forever petrifying this thing so I could get the required debuffs up (soften, M-def down), used youmu's physical attack critical commander spell (only had enough bombs for one try because I was using the resistance debuff to get petrify on) and... it didn't crit. I was so pissed. I hit it for 82,000 the next time, also not a crit. Ill try again when the job is on the board again...

>> No.8033394

>The number of items required for the synthesis
Aww, if Google Translate is being accurate for once that's the amount of items I'll NEED to forge one of every item I can forge. Judging by how there's a 138 next to Steel, it's probably right. Oh well.

So I guess I should wait a few more levels until I can make Youmu a Foreign God-slaying sword, instead of making her the stop sword now that I just got to Forest of Magic 2.

>> No.8033434

Yeah don't make the stop sword. Its not bad, but I made the mistake of using all my rusty blades on it, and being 1 short for the god slayer one, and it ended up being a pain when I got to the final boss.

>> No.8033561

The wiki says I get Poison Shield in the "healing circle in the Garden of the Sun after killing an enemy with Toxic (lethal poison)", but it looks like Satori's poison skill isn't enough. So, how do I do it?

>> No.8033710

Her poison is good enough only if you have enough IND. IND affects how strong her poison is, so the only way to get toxic effect is to stack IND items and use Hypnotic Bullet formation.

>> No.8033778

Byakuren can help her out too

Nice, I'd love to stop by and watch a bit when you do.

>> No.8033838

>don't make the stop sword
fuck I made it because someone in another thread said it was good. stop misleading me /jp/

>> No.8033869
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Stop sword is awsome. The guy up there obviously doesn't know how to Youmu. Just make sure you can make the god slayer

>> No.8034007

So when does character armor requiring two character specific items become available? Finished the first part of Youkai Mountain and still nothing.

>> No.8034016

Like I said, it isnt bad. If you have the materials to cover it AND the god slayer, go for it, but I ran out because I made it.

>> No.8034044

I think I have enough but I wanted to make her unique armor. is the sword a better investment?

>> No.8034075

Oops, I meant that her poison isn't good enough to trigger the "kill enemy with poison" requirement - so, how do I get to use Toxic?

I just found out I have 4 Rusty Blades, and I've literally just started Forest of Magic 2 as I said before in one of my nameless posts. Is it enough for both swords? Grinding Iron isn't going to be that much of a bother.

Master Fencer's Clothes is pretty nice, but then again all tier 2 unique armors are nice (and I don't think it's necessary to bother with the upper tiers, given the materials they require).

>> No.8034110

Does the sword fairy or the staff fairy five you the leaf shield spell? The blue magic file says no.91 Sunflower fairy with sword, but 91 is the one with the staff, I don't want to go through the trouble of charming mobs that don't even cast what I'm looking for.

>> No.8034145


Yea go for it. that should be enough. it works best in human real stance using slash of eternity. make sure you put some +ind on her as well

>> No.8034148
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So, i'm about to fight the final boss. I think it's time for my Satori to get some support spells.

Also, should i?

>> No.8034151

I think you need 6 for both

>> No.8034212

What levels should my Touhous be on by the time I reached Alice?

>> No.8034231

Nice, time to get some new shiny swords Youmu.
Yeah, I need 3 for each of them, as well as 3 Iron and a Meteorite for the stop sword and 4 Iron and a Teerotrreotertotortip for the final boss sword.
Sun Tzu's thing can be easily found in Eientei, although good luck grinding there, and Mirrors are easy tog et as well. No idea about Adamantite, though.

>> No.8034234

Whenever I kill off the torches during the expansion final boss, it always devastates the rest of my party before Alice can use little legion. Does she need a speed boost or something?

>> No.8034329

Unless you need the commander spot for someone else, try using Aya's 3 bomb commander spell to ensure you act first.

>> No.8034418

I just beat it with a speed buff from Byakuren. It just took me by surprise, I thought little legion went first all the time.

>> No.8034429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8034443

wow i loved this one

let me sock your cock dude

>> No.8034938

just beat genji by hitting him with the turtlesmasher until he died. I think the most frustrating thing about the game at this point is that I don't feel like my characters are getting any stronger. I'm not learning many new moves, and the ones I do get cost too much mp to use.

>> No.8034984

Oh no! You've screwed up big time and you're missing 1 rusty blade for your final boss weapon and you have 4 choices:

1. Go back to the old stages in hopes of finding an unopened chest with a rusty blade inside it.

2. Start farming that one and only monster which can drop a rusty blade in lakebed temple.

3. Start the game all over again and make sure you have enough rusty blades this time.

4. Try to come up with a tactic that doesn't involve this specific weapon.

Does Kusanagi work as a replacement weapon for Youmu? I really don't want to go for that 1 rusty blade and farming iron feels way easier.

>> No.8035116


In my opinion, it's better. You're less likely to crit, which blows, but the 20 res means a vortex is less likely to be irritating.

I personally used Mokou with Kusanagi for the last boss. I got a 60k+ hit in before getting vortex-ed, but even with one buff she did 10k with Fujiyama Volcano.

>> No.8036265

Its probably better, and since its not character specific a better weapon overall... but that iron man. That iron...

>> No.8036376

That translation patch that somehow messed up the drop rates, is it much less stable than the most recent one? I thought about getting it to speed up item grinding, but I doubt anyone still has it. I know that the translator deletes old links whenever a new patch it out, at least.

>> No.8038800

Oh man, Lithos is so awesome. I like Reisen a lot too. Now all I need to do is get Remilia caught up so I can try her out too.

Expansion sure is fun so far.

>> No.8038857

Most of the fanmade RPGs I played had AMATEUR or FANMADE written all over it.

Does this game feel the same way?

>> No.8038932


Doujin RPGs are typically better in terms of mechanics, but the stories still have that 'FANMADE' feel.

This is pretty similar. It doesn't quite have that last coat of polish that you would hope for (like being able to un-equip all characters not in your party with a single button press), but otherwise the mechanics are pretty top notch.

The story is pretty sparse to say the least, and the fanon is definitely more prevalent than the canon. That said, most story parts are played for humor the right way, so it never feels like an overly serious interpretation.

I obviously found it enjoyable, but I can totally see that not everyone would feel the same. Also, the game has a large tendency to crash after dialog shift for some people. I'd probably avoid this if you have lots of problems running it.

>> No.8039789

So one thing I'm not clear on that has me worried. Everyone has a number of lives, and gets -1 to them when they die, and the manual says when they run out they can't be revived. Does that mean that character is gone forever, or what?

>> No.8039892

Nope, just until you go to a healing circle.

>> No.8039926

How is does the magic look, i base a on off of the magic it has and if it looks good. Also if all the weapons you put on look different.

>> No.8040222


The game plays nicely, it really feels like a game and not some piece of shit someone made in a month with RPG maker.

I haven't been this addicted to an RPG in awhile.

>> No.8040255

It's just a balance to characters automatically recovering HP/full reviving after every fight, so that there'd still be something keeping you in check. It's fully recovered at healing circles.

You also constantly get +1 UPs when you kill enemies.

>> No.8040290

i stopped playing this game at around ~40 hours of playtime, was about halfway through the lightning area after youkai mountain. checking my touhou labyrinth file, i lost interest after almost the exact same amount of time, weirdest thing.
Thanks for reading!

>> No.8040319

Do enemies respawn after a while? I've noticed some areas will stay empty once I've cleared them out a bit.

>> No.8040333

Yeah I think it depends on the number of screens you move through.

>> No.8040732

It wont respawn if youre in the same dungeon though, you have to go out to the overworld or move to a different dungeon for anything to respawn.

>> No.8040759


I just go back to the Hakurei Shrine to heal up, it usually respawns most or all of the enemies in the other dungeon.

>> No.8040849

Is there a way to make 'rare' enemy encounters from Stage 21 appear more often?

>> No.8040853

Wow, what the shit. These random crashes are starting to really piss me off now.

>> No.8042864

Anyone know some good spots for trying to get Flare and Shadow Flare for Satori? I was gonna go demon hunting in Genbu Swamp for Vaccuum Wave, Shadow Flare and Demon Collider, but it seems kind of tedious.

>> No.8042914

Tried the windows xp mode? It helped for me

>> No.8043880

I cannot, for the life of me, find any of the keys in this Earth Palace place. Nor can I find any more switches. I've wiped out every enemy I can see, too.
Wat do?

>> No.8043936

Nevermind. I had to talk to a candlestick.

>> No.8044525

Gotta love that Zelda logic.

>> No.8045675
File: 56 KB, 641x484, hax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a while of being super frustrated with the shitty drop rate for anything in this game I decided to push it to the limit and use a hex editor

>> No.8046000


That's one way to do it. I just wish I could find a way to improve grinding Satori skills.

>> No.8046021

Can I get something clarified here. When you get hit by an enemy skill Satori only has one chance to learn it per battle right? So in other words I couldn't take control of an enemy and spam the skill until she learns it, correct?

>> No.8046026

Yeah, that's right.

>> No.8046029

One chance per enemy, actually. So if you have a group of 11 Mind Flayers, each of their Mind Blasts will have a chance to be learned.

Oh god, that looks so beautiful I might be tainted to do it.

>> No.8046037


Learning the same skill from different enemies was patched out in 2.06 sadly. At least that's what I saw on the wiki, so I'm not saying this with 100%.

>> No.8047172

>I don't have enough autismpoints to grind iron and steel because their drop rates suck.
I'm okay with this. Did you use CheatEngine? How did you isolate the item addresses when they change each time you load the game?
The only method I can see looks like guess and check, and that sounds terrible.

>> No.8047180

What they hell were they thinking with the blue magic and drop rates, honestly?

It's such bull shit, grinding like that never improved a game.

>> No.8047247

I used tsearch and the easiest way is to have at least 2 or more of each of the four basic materials (2iron,2bamboo,2rock,2magic medal) and sort your inventory to put everything in order and search in 4bit the "exact value" of the highest one ex: 3 , then use synthesis to use up or add one more to the material you searched the value for, then use search next in 4bit the new "exact value" ex: 4, now run around a bunch so all the other values change and do an exact value search again, it should be the only one that doesn't change once you've gotten the right address change the value to any number you want, to hax different items copy the address and add new cheat 4bit, put in the address and add 4 to the address to select the item that comes next (e.g. 66c0, 66c4, 66c8, 66cc, etc.) reducethe adress by 4 to select he previous item in your item list (e.g. 66cc, 66c8, 66c4, 66c0, etc.)
If this is too hard for you just get at least 2 or 3 each of the four basic materials (2iron,2bamboo,2rock,2magic medal) and post your save folder here and I'll do it for you

>> No.8047656

>If this is too hard for you, I'll do it for you
You're generous, but you explained it quite succinctly. I think I got it. I'm smart, just not autistic.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.8048265

>So in other words I couldn't take control of an enemy and spam the skill until she learns it, correct?

This use to work before version 2.06. Version 2.06 closed most of the loopholes although some of the loopholes still exist and still can be abused.

>> No.8048674


Not the person you were replying to, but would you mind sharing where you found these loopholes? Even if I am in the expansion now, grinding 1% skills is still a pain in the ass.

>> No.8048930

There's this saving trick I've been using for quite a while. It'll allow you to save inside dungeons, no matter where you are standing. And can also be used to save in front of an enemy encounter to encounter the same type of group over and over again just by reloading the save you have created. To do this, you'll have to open the menu and close it before you encounter the specific group of enemies that you want to fight/farm/learn from. Once you've exited the menu (It's still okay if you've already bumped it, and initiated an enemy encounter. Just don't end the fight with it.) go to your
save/backup folder and copy the file named 'ここはバックアップフォルダです'. Paste the copied file into your save folder and rename it to whatever slot (tsdxxx.sav) you're not using right now. Once you've done so, press F12 then load the save file you created with the backup file. You should be saved at the place where you exited the menu. Take note that If you open the menu again or ended the fight with the enemy... the save you've created with the backup file will be kicked out of the dungeon when you load it again. So, make sure you F12 instead of ending the fight, so that you could load it again at the same spot. This is basically saving your game by closing the menu. If you're having problems doing this trick. Enable your game to save backups, and have your save files that has been kicked out of a dungeon (The one where it shows you the items you lost.) get to a save point/healing circle. I'm not so sure if this works for the expansion, though.

>> No.8048972
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Whoa whoa...I'm not reading all that. Give me the 2 sentence version.

>> No.8049017

>that feel when the game crashes after beating a boss

>> No.8049105

Basically, save the game by opening/closing the menu before a fight, go to your save folder, backup the moonrunes file ("here's the backup folder"...?), start battle, try whatever you want to do, and if it doesn't work reset the game with F12, put the backup of the moonrunes file in the main save folder and rename it to whatever filename works.
That's been happening a lot less frequently now that I am spamming Select on the lines I think are the last ones during cutscenes.

>> No.8049384

Not the same person, however; my autism is also way too low for this.
Your help would be much appreciated! http://www.mediafire.com/?vxaevzkcrfj07lb

>> No.8050661


Sweet! thanks for the info

>> No.8051057




>> No.8051110
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>> No.8052973

Is Genji supposed to be this easy? I had a buffed Youmu with Turtlesmasher + Byakuren spamming Starfire and getting his MDEF down to -1, in addition to Satori's poison dealing 700 damage per turn and safety Aya reflecting Breaths (even without her, Alice made everyone take less than 50 damage anyway).
Now, on to the rest of the game. I doubt crabgirl is going to be this hilariously easy.

Also, age because having no archive is suffering.

>> No.8053740
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The other quests seems to have disappeared. Is this normal?

>> No.8055652

I'm getting my ass handed by the first phase of the final battle. All my characters are 50-57.

Is it because i'm underleveled as fuck? Perhaps my strategy sucks? Both?

>> No.8055710

Mostly your strategy.

>> No.8055948

Idk what happened.

I just downloaded this, bear with me.
Right off the bat, dialogue passed, I headed over to the SDM.
I got inside and got roflstomped. Damn near every fight ended with everybody dead ASIDE Reimu.
Or is this game supposed to be this...
Is there some place I should be stocking up on gear at first?
Mind you, I JUST started playing.
Bear with me on this.

>> No.8055979


run from fights that have strong enemies (maids,)

farm the lanterns and water drops for a level or so, once you're level 2 or 3 you have enough hp to live through a few rounds of the maids, long enough to kill them reliably.

make sure to loot chests, leave, then equip the gear you find. Things will get a lot easier when you're equipped.

>> No.8056049


Go get Mokou at least before you go there. That ought to help.

>> No.8056164

I can get Mokou?!

>> No.8056176

↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

>> No.8056183


Get Byakuren too.

>> No.8056193



>> No.8056207

One crab down, time to go deeper into the lake. Currently preparing for the horrors that await me in the stage following the next, and maybe in the Genji/crab fight.
Hopefully she won't spam line killer as much as she did in this fight, I want to be able to abuse Poison Shield more.

>> No.8056453

K, I know how to get THROUGH the Bamboo Forest...
But where is it?
How do I get there?
Currently waiting the 1 hour.

>> No.8056486

After you wait the 1 hour and get Byakuren Hijiri, Hieda no Akyuu will mention Fujiwara no Mokou. From there, the Bamboo Forest is pretty easy to find.

>> No.8056519


>> No.8056623

This game frustrates me so much sometimes. Even though I'm not really underleveled I still can barely reach the final boss simply because the first phase summons those servants all the time and they somehow manage to pick off Sanae. It just really annoys me how this game gets so luck based, but I hear it gets worse in the expansion.

What formation did you guys use for this? I'm thinking thats a problem of mine but I haven't found a good one.

>> No.8056628

Hinatori Skydance for trash mobs. Freefight with Alice tanking for the bosses.

>> No.8056851

Hey, anyone who has done Forest of Magic 3 mind telling me where the exit is? I got to the last or second last room with all of the "secret passages" on each side, but these fucking eyeball cocksuckers keep gaying me with instant death.

>> No.8056939


It's through a secret passage on the upper left of map G.

>> No.8056956

How stronger does Marionette Parrar get if Alice is in the same column as who she uses it on? In theory, at least, there's no way Poison Shield with her at the front spamming it on who's at the back wouldn't be the best option.

>> No.8056989


Thanks. Time to grind for Meteor or Comet...

>> No.8057092

how the fuck do i get through the second stage of heaven i am so lost

>> No.8057433


Read the sign at Hakurei shrine. Hell, the map is pretty damn tiny regardless.

>> No.8057455
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4th attempt. Wow.

>> No.8060065

Just defeated Genji/Matsuba without any problem at all, just spamming elemental attacks (didn't even need to bother with Light damage on Genji, actually), land affinity things, and Alice. Oh god, I'm in love with Alice. Anyway, I had never though I would ever get to see Hakurei Amulet dealing 2.5k damage.
Now it's time to take a break and a few deep breaths before heading in Partysplitter 2: Patchouli spamming Electric Boogaloo. Anything I should keep in mind, other than the stuff on the wiki?

Also, safety bump because even though we're in /jp/, I don't think being in page 12 is too safe.

>> No.8060192

Ah yeah, is there any reason to not synthesize my Adamantite/Orichalcum Shards into proper Adamantite/Orichalcum?

>> No.8061391

I want to make Yuugi`s Shuriken. I haven`t leveled her up enough yet, so she`s only like level 60. Her crafting material quest is gonna be fucking difficult without her unique armour or a giant slaying weapon.

What the fuck should I do?

>> No.8061399

grind quest and the only thing to do is battle?
yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.8061436
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nah it's easy. give her the regalia and excalibur sword for regen


give her the yasakani no magatana and the clouded mounain amulet/mononushi's armor. that way she will start regenerating once the land gets to earth enough while taking minimum physical damage.

>> No.8061484

there is not that much grinding.
Until a specific point in the last third. Use h4x like the people a few posts above.

>> No.8061485


I`m still pretty early into the expansion so I don`t have all of this stuff yet. The best I can think of is using this Guardian Sword I got, and then somehow making a Milky Way Curtain III, but Devil Hearts seem to be really rare.

>> No.8061729

Which weapons let Mokou use Final Finger?

>> No.8061878


Every weapon after God Hand, I believe.

>> No.8062037
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I was actually surprised when I got Touhou Fuhai as an ultimate weapon only to see it's Youmu's, not Mokou's

Well, it's not so much rare as simply being a lv 8 quest, so it boils down to being strong enough or being lucky. Till then, it's still easy, just get her the 140 def earth armor that's really easy to get early (not too mandatory) and more importantly, the strike reduction item. For many character quests, it pays to have bought lots of the Bomb + items. Put them on a healer like Sanae or a drainer like Remi, and also load their skilltrees with their own +bomb skills. It's much easier to have yuugi passively heal from Earth land though.

For now try to use an anti-giant weapon, I think some axe has it.

>> No.8062473

Great. That Giant asshole keeps hitting Yuugi for like 150-200. Guess I need to get the item that reduces strike damage to 13%. Otherwise, this is going to be impossible.

>> No.8063447
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How is this looking for my group?

Sane is my commander, and I've got Reimu, Patchy, Alice, and Nitori in the off field.
Anything I should tweak?

>> No.8063499

Remember to put Sanae back in for the next stage, or else those Mind Flayers are going to give you a lot of trouble. Nitori is pretty good against them as well. As for the current formation, remember that Luna Dial gives everyone a MAG down, so Marisa and Byakuren there might suffer a bit from it.

By the way, mojibake? I advise being careful, your game might crash any time. Try changing the whole system locale to Japanese in case anything goes wrong.

>> No.8063511

>Remember to put Sanae back in for the next stage, or else those Mind Flayers are going to give you a lot of trouble.
Will do.
> remember that Luna Dial gives everyone a MAG down,
>By the way, mojibake?
>I advise being careful, your game might crash any time
I've already put about 6 hours into this, haven't had it crash yet. I'm saving (lolnosavefunctionftw) frequently.

>> No.8063532

>By the way, mojibake?
Not from around here, are you? Anyway, look at your game's title bar.

>> No.8063561

>Not from around here, are you?
Nope, not at all.
Started coming on /jp/ about 3 days ago after my co-worker told me about it.
I see the title on the games window. It looks all jimmied. That's mojibake?

>> No.8063586

Sup /jp/ ? can someone give tell me some skills/game mechanics, how things work/proc , etc
and ... what`s this POT stat for?? the first time i see it i think WTF?! just a slight increase in RES for a +10 POT? and then that name "skill ring"
and then WHY "SKILL" does this affect a hidden critical chance/damage?? please masters of GoS help me

>> No.8064176

So uh...
I'm stuck on Utsuho and Orin.
I figured that taking down Utsuho down first would be the smarter move, but as soon as I get her low, she instagibs everybody.
Wat do?
Take Orin down first?

>> No.8064184

Scratch that.
Just rocked 'em

>> No.8064661

It's still somewhat debated. Some say it increases critical hit chance and some say it doesn't.

What it IS known to do is provide an instinctual dodge. When your characters avoid something and the text display is green, it was due to POT stat not your agility. They are separately rolled, I believe, and doesn't factor accuracy. That's why some dodgy enemies and bosses can keep avoiding your highly accurate attackers even if you debuff their evasion and raise your accuracy.

>> No.8064670

so it's like a luck stat then?

>> No.8064687

Are there any more characters you can recruit besides the one shown in the manual?

>> No.8064689

Probably. Just like Luck it takes the role of this game's dumpstat, not because it's useless but simply because most people aren't really sure what it does. It's not very obvious compared to the other stats and works in the background.

>> No.8064702
File: 5 KB, 39x68, remihateating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, twelve characters that, unlike a lot of RPGs, actually have unique niches and moves aren't enough for you?

But yes, there are! The expansion adds 5 characters. Who? Play and find out!

>> No.8064703

You can recruit Lithos, Cirno, Reisen, Yuugi and Remilia in the expansion.

>> No.8064721


I was just wondering since I saw this image


I guess I won't be going to work today.


>> No.8065018

Is there any better way of grinding for power than repeatedly raping the maids at SDM?

>> No.8065043


Assuming you aren't on the expansion yet, I used the Netherworld for power grinding.

>> No.8065206

When will it be a good time to add the expansion?

>> No.8065213

uh, anytime? The changes don't take place until you beat the vanilla final boss

>> No.8065229

I'm disappointed that cirno can't equip the melon sword

>> No.8066519

I find the SDM better because the map is small, and everything in there dies in one hit, so you can just hit auto-battle and don't care about anything else. The golden beetles also appear to give up to 5 power points, so even though they're rare that place isn't bad at all.
On the other hand, the Netherworld is enormous, the enemies there are a lot tougher so auto-battle isn't going to end things as fast as the SDM method, and things there seemed to only give on power point per kill as well (other than that Shade guy).

>> No.8066542


I was right before the final boss when I went to power grind, so I could autobattle my way through the Netherworld, and since there were a lot more enemies to fight, I didn't have to go back to Hakurei Shrine to reset enemy spawns a lot.

I guess it's just personal preference.

>> No.8067432

This is the day you go down, Myon and Yuyuko!
-40 minutes later
-Resurrection Butterfly

>> No.8067613
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I'm not leaving this damn place untill i get my fuckin high ribbon.

>> No.8067682

That's not a Machine Dragon.

>> No.8067754

I've already asked numerous times for help on different parts of the game, and I'm grateful for it.
But I've come into a problem.

I have ALL the materials needed for a Damascus Knuckle (Yes, I use Mokou).
I've got two Hinotori Feathers (Need one), 2 rocks, and 1 peach.
I have all that I need for the Magnum Steel (Stronger than the Knuckle, in case somebody forgot the stats), EXCEPT for a Sunflower Seed.
I'm currently at stage 6, and I'm told I can get Sunflower Seeds at stage 8.

Do I take a risk and get an item now, and potentially miss a stronger item later?
Or do I wait for that stronger item?

>> No.8067760

Special effects beat stats. Don't get new equipment just for higher numbers, look for effects you like.
I forget which one is the silencing one. Get it, it's invaluable.

>> No.8067785

The more powerful one adds a silence.
The weaker one adds great confusion (I don't even know what that does.)
Gonna follow your advice and stick with the silencing one.

>> No.8067867

Oh my god I managed to survive the whole stage 18 in one go with 3 parties of 4, while I could hear the wailing of my computer as the game got slower and slower. Jesus Christ. The light magic team almost ran out of MP, and I got enough drops to want to commit suicide in case a cock got lucky with its Petro Breath.
I'll leave the three maids for tomorrow, after I grind some more materials and whatever else I feel like grinding.

By the way, is there any reason to not craft Mokou's sixth fist? It ignores shields, part of the target's defense, raises Mokou's HP and even gives her a bomb! Then again, it doesn't cause that delicious SIlence, so I don't know.

>> No.8067878

I loved how my fight against them went - they were about to die and Marionette Parrar was on cooldown, so I justhad Alice cover a random person during it. Then they died, Yuyuko exploded and all that was left was that Sakuya. It was hilarious.

Great Confusion stops things from using any skills, period, at least as far as I've tested. That would make it better than the Silence fist in theory, I guess, but since I've yet to see anyone glorifying it instead of that Silence fist, I believe it would be better to just wait until stage 8.
At least the enemies in the first area of it drop Sunflower Seeds at a somewhat nice rate.

By the way, who let a fucking gundam inside Gensokyo

>> No.8068171

Great Confusion, if it lands, is really good. It makes it so that the enemy may not use skills or spells, only regular attacks. Comparatively speaking, Great Confusion is strictly better than Silence.

>> No.8068363

Then why do so many people love the silence fist? Does it proc more? There's got to be something...

>> No.8068384

I think probably because Silence causes the enemies to waste the turns, while with Greater Confusion they'll resort to physical attacks. In the case of Mind Flayers, their physical attacks have Instant Kill property so it's still dangerous.

>> No.8068403

For me they still insist on trying to use their skills when they're under greater confusion.

>> No.8068725

Maybe more enemies are resistant to Great Confusion than Silence, who knows?
I remember when I use Satori, I have a very hard time landing Great Confusion on enemies.

>> No.8068872

In regards to silence and confusion...
Satori just got hit with great confusion, and she's still capable of using spells, AND using standard attacks.
Unless my copy of the game is bugged, I'm not quite sure what great confusion does.

>> No.8068915

However, also in regards to great confusion...
I just finished a fight where Mokou, Sakuya and Aya were afflicted with great confusion, and I found them missing damn near every attack.
Maybe that's what this does?

>> No.8069084

Couple of questions.
What's the effect of the 'exorcism' power some weapons grant?
And how do the '?'-element skills work?

>> No.8069194


Exorcism pierces Divine Barriers which those angel and demon enemies have. Say they have 100 divinity and you have 50 exorcism. You'll be dealing 50% normal damage to them.

>> No.8069238

Also, would anyone know what happens when the last character alive in the party goes down to 0 lives? A permanent game over would be hilarious.

>> No.8069262


Great Confusion works just like confuse in nearly every game. They either do your command exactly, do nothing, or execute your command on the wrong person/group.

>> No.8069633

So... Err...
I just got in a bit of a scrap with Youmu and Yuyuko
For about 2 hours.
Still have yet to kill 'em off. Decided I'd be better off farming for better gear, but I'm curious...

Yuyuko appears to be resistant to magic.
Any way I can pierce this?

>> No.8069646

Byakuren's light magic spell debuffs her magic defense. However, it's just a secondary effect so don't expect it to work often, and it'll do 0 damage until you do.

>> No.8069656


Lot's of buff and debuffs. Sanae and Byakuren do wonders in that battle. And make absolutely certain that you can resist instant death before you kill off Yuyuko.

>> No.8069662

Also, is seems that Yuyuko has an extremely high evasion rate. Does she? Or am I getting SUPER unlucky?

>> No.8069668

yes she does. She is the first example of a troll boss in that game. Kanako is the next one.

>> No.8069673

Once again, I can debuff her to lower that super high evasion, correct?

>> No.8069677


Personally, I advise you to debuff her M-Def and then roll over both her and Youmu with Fire Area spells until they both are close to death (snigger), then protect yourself with Reimu barrier and kill both in the same turn.

Kannushi help you if Youmu is left alive.

>> No.8069676


better to use sanae's accuracy buff.

also, sanae's res buff is a goddamned live saver against yuyuko, on the off chance that she casts death twice on her turn once youmu kicks the bucket, in addition to the butterfly at the end.

>> No.8069684

Minor problem;
The only accuracy buff spells are on Sanae, correct?
For me, she's around Lv 2. I've barely used her.
Also, is Byakuren the only magic resist reducer?
If so, I've got a lot of grinding ahead of me.

>> No.8069690


Grinding time. Raise all your characters anyway, you are forced to use them all later.

>> No.8069697

those two are worth every slut penny.

>> No.8069715

Well, lucky me, I had Byakuren at least an acceptable level.
For her spell, "Omen is Purple Mist" (Reduces all stats), does that include magic resist and evasion?
Please say it does.

>> No.8069723

it... sorry anon, but it never worked for me even with sky high IND and I think it's worthless.

just reduce either mdef or def, you don't need both for yuyuko.

>> No.8069727

*either mdef or eva

>> No.8069734

In the middle of a fight with them right now.
Took out Youmu rather quickly, now Yuyuko is at about 50% HP.
EVERYBODY is alive, and I've got Mokou's Last Word ready.
Just hoping that Izayoi can survive Ressurection Butterfly. I put one of those, "Usually prevents death" charms on her, but I'm still skeptical if it'll work or not.

>> No.8069736

let Reimu prevent instant death with her barrier
have Alice cover someone

>> No.8069740

That spell pretty much only works with mobs with 0 Res in my experience. Better off just spamming Starfire (or whatever its called) or raising your accuracy with Sanae. You need Sanae for just about every boss battle you face so you should be leveling her.

>> No.8069763

I'm ASSUMING its Reimu's Evil Sealing Circle spell that prevents instant death...
But, I've got three choices on how to use the spell here.
One of them in an infinity sign (Sideways 8), another is an arrow pointing to the left (<--- Sort of), and another is an exclamation mark (!).
I don't understand any of the descriptive text as it is in Japanese.
Does it matter which one I use?

>> No.8069782

drop all points in reimu's barrier tree and the skill is replaced with a superior version, which prevents permanent, variety AND quick effects for that turn.

Reimu is awesome.

>> No.8069801

I've got the understanding that Byakuren and Reimu are mandatory for this fight.
Also, having Marisa is extremely beneficial for the high damage spells.
Currently, my lineup is
Mokou, Sakuya, Aya, Marisa, Satori.
How am I going to change this up properly?
Mokou has the revive which I absolutely love.
Sakuya has an insane amount of damage output.
Aya's Illusionary Dominance is fantastic.
Marisa for the fire damage.
Satori is expendable; I only have her because I like purple. I plan on replacing her for Reimu.
But... Who should I swap out for Byakuren?

>> No.8069814

I don't see how you need Aya for Yuyuko/Youmu.
make her your commander and you can use Illusionary Dominance in an emergency as well.

Which formation? Usually, Alice in Freefight (Speed) is your best bet for many bosses at this part of the game.

>> No.8069824


Yes you spam puppets to shield everyone seeing how they'd be in the same line.

>> No.8069827

...Alice is lv 1...

>> No.8069843

Protip: When you get a new character, put them as your commander. That way, you won't have to change your current party to level them up.

>> No.8069988

By the way, remember to put your tankiest character (Mokou in your case because you ignored Alice) in the leftmost row, preferably in a different column from everyone else, because Youmu only ever targets whoever's closest to her. Freefight is just begging to be slashed by Youmu's column attack.

>> No.8070209

The primary reason why I didn't use Alice is because her skillset didn't seem to be very co-ordinated.
I'm seeing Enhance defence skills, enhance HP/other tank stuff, enhance damage, and enhance support.
The only role I could see her filling is tank, but I've already got that in Mokou.
Now that I've been told to use her, what should I be upgrading?
Manipulation? Craft? Dummy? Or Self-Destruct?
I'm assuming Manipulation, but anything else?

>> No.8070216

Also, what formation would be best?
I'm currently using Hinotori Skydance, it's worked out relatively well

>> No.8070230

So, Alice just hit Lv 2.
DEFINATELY making her my tank.

>> No.8070255

I'm sorry for posting so many times in a row, but these things just keep popping up.

>> No.8070492

That formation is horrible against Youmu/Yuyuko, I suggest using Moriya Wall instead.

>> No.8071284

Fucking Abyss Dragon is driving me insane. This fuck doesn't deserve me switching out my party. I killed this shitty dragon twice already, realized the essences constantly respawn and I couldn't kill them fast enough (oom). Now he's spamming charge moves in the first 3 turns every time I fight him. I want to fucking shoot myself.

Why the fuck does Vortex dispel Variety off the enemy? That is the fucking dumbest shit I've ever seen. How the fuck am I suppose to counter these stupid ass charge attacks? Dispel?

Yeah fucking right, the mother fucker still Vortex/nuked after I took his charge off.


>> No.8071403

>In regards to silence and confusion... Satori just got hit with great confusion, and she's still capable of using spells, AND using standard attacks. Unless my copy of the game is bugged, I'm not quite sure what great confusion does.

Are you SURE you did not mistake Confusion with Great Confusion? They are two completely different status effects.

As far as I can tell, Great Confusion does exactly what it says, you may not use skills.

>One of them in an infinity sign (Sideways 8), another is an arrow pointing to the left (<--- Sort of), and another is an exclamation mark (!).

I believe the order is Permanent, Variety, and Quick. You want to choose Quick, because I believe instant death is a Quick effect.

>> No.8071417
File: 341 KB, 1920x1200, I_can't_hold-all_this_miss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm done with this.

>> No.8071476

Oh wow, thanks to the wiki and me being a pussy I beat the three maids without any problem. My previous love for Alice has extended to Patchouli and Marisa, but that's not a problem because it shouldn't be too hard to find pictures of them enjoying each other's bodies. My Reimu didn't even need to spam Super Duplex Barrier, mostly because she didn't even have it. I think I'm a bit underleveled...
Anyway, bracing for some alligators, or turtles whatever next time. Also, the three maids are adorable. Did anyone else love the designs for the original characters in this game? They feel almost like something ZUN himself would make, and their sprites (just as well as everyone else) are amazing. And adorable.

Ah yeah, someone call Mokou because the thread's gotten past the bump limit.

>> No.8071946


Nigga you smalltime. Alice, Reimu, Byakuren, Satori and Sanae tore his shit up. And you get to learn a bunch of shit too. No reason to use physical characters on a boss with 1200 p.def.

>> No.8072037

Away with your scrubby, easymodo team. Sure that team is an easy way to counter him, but this game is loads more enjoyable playing it your own way.

Jokes aside though, the dragon isn't even a problem for my attackers. I'm susceptible to consecutive overwhelming attacks, but for the most part the fight is extremely tame. The problem now are these fucking essences. My orginal plan was to take down the dragon, then use bad camo to finish the essences, but they are so fucking RNG. Bad camo apparently has a chance to completely not affect them, and even with ACC up, Sakuya can't hit them. Sometimes they spawn fast, sometimes they don't. As much as I hoped for a double column attack from Youmu, it didn't happen. Soon my buffs fell off and my bombs ran low. Now I either have to replace ACC up with EVA/ACC down, or find some new way to aoe the fags after I 4 shot dragon.

I refuse to switch out any characters for this shitty boss. The only reason I die at all is solely due to Vortex. Actually, the only reason I died to ANY fight so far is solely due to Vortex.

>> No.8072086



I wish I was having as much fun as you.

That being said, I only used that party just so I could easily deal with him after learning Meteor. Trying to win against RNG never works out for me.

Reimu > Essences.

>> No.8072103

It crossed my mind to to switch in Reimu instead of maybe Youmu (Sakuya has reliable, faster, more consistent damage), but I won't give RNG the satisfaction. I'll keep fighting till those fuckers go down with my main team.

Then again, does Reimu always reliably one/two shot all of them? My Reimu isn't as high as my other characters, and I haven't really built many magically offensive items. I'm definitely not leveling her just for this fight.

>> No.8072150


Uh, I've been lucky with drops so I have an accessory that gives a light damage boost. Her Fantasy Heaven or Hell did 11k-13k after a scroll buff from Byakuren and a magic buff from Sanae.

And that's pretty overkill, since they only have, what, a bit less than 10k hp?
