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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8038751 No.8038751 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any more semi-VNs for the DS like 999, Phoenix Wright and Ghost Trick?

>> No.8038754

....how, exactly, is PW a VN?

>> No.8038759 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 361x307, 1230519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Phoenix Wright has always been a visual novel with adventure game elements.

Kindly take your leave of /jp/, wherever you came from.

>> No.8038762

Hotel dusk.
Last window.

But if you want to talk about them the right place "theoretically" is /v/ but I've found that /a/ loves these games and they like to talk about them from time to time.

>> No.8038763

>baaaaww I dont like it so it doesn't belongs here

cry moar babby, cry harder

>> No.8038761

You are the one making a blatant /v/ thread on /jp/, and now you're telling me to get out? If you're making a request, at least try to be humble and not a massive faggot.

>> No.8038766

> always been a visual novel with adventure game elements.
I'm pretty sure it's just an adventure game.
Or are you one of those faggots who think dialogue with sprites makes it automatically a visual novel?

>> No.8038765

Gotta agree with the other guy, blatant /v/ threads like this have no place in /jp/.

>> No.8038767

My dick in your mouth is a vn


>> No.8038773

Also, knock that greentext shit off.

>> No.8038775

u mad babby?

>I type like I want

>> No.8038774

YU NO was an adventure, too right?

>> No.8038776

You really aren't helping your case.

>> No.8038780 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 708x1316, 1271097862112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Or are you one of those faggots who think dialogue with sprites makes it automatically a visual novel?

When the ENTIRE STORY and EVERY DIALOGUE is as such, yes.

Or is Sengoku Rance not /jp/ anymore too?

>> No.8038783

its not my fault, he is the one looking for trouble, I just want a VN to plat ffs

>> No.8038785

So go find one to play instead of throwing a tantrum. Maybe you would have an easier time if it didn't for some reason need to be on the DS.

>> No.8038789

I want to play it while on my way for school on the bus. problem?

>> No.8038791

No, >>8038762 already did answer your question, and now I kindly ask you to leave

>> No.8038795

you aint tricking me babby, I know /jp/ is the place to talk about vns

>> No.8038801

Another Code, Lux Pain, Time Hollow

Lux Pain suffered from a horrendous translation job, /jp/ complained about it but I found it bearable and finished it.

Time Hollow has rather simple story telling, but an interesting concept at least.

>> No.8038798 [DELETED] 



>> No.8038805 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 392x500, readats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a quick recommendation, I am not searching the whole database.

>> No.8038808

pfft, thanks bro, you're a bro, now here is what you should have done from the start /jp/, keep the recommendations coming bros

>> No.8038810

>Or is Sengoku Rance not /jp/ anymore too?
I'm not arguing whether adventure games are or are not /jp/ related, just to make that clear. And no, Sengoku Rance is not a visual novel either, it's SLG.

>> No.8038813


>> No.8038817

mother of God, go fucking kill yourself already.

>> No.8038819

listen weeaboo faggot, if you dont want to help then dont complain, now gtfo

>> No.8038822

other than the VN reading homebrews, I have no idea.

Do you have a flashcard?

>> No.8038823

You /v/ people are beyond ungrateful. You already got plenty of recommendations, plus someone pointed you to VNDS. How many more "semi-VNs," as you put it, do you think there are?

>> No.8038842


>> No.8038843

Wow, this is the worst thread in ages. Newfriends arguing with newfriends about what belongs here.


>> No.8038846 [DELETED] 


That's VNDB.

VNDS is a program to run any ONScripter VN on a DS.

>> No.8038853

it is not onscripter based, it uses its own format.

>> No.8038856

bump for moar recommendations

>> No.8038859 [DELETED] 


Oh. I only remember it playing ONscripter VNs like Umineko and Tsukihime, though.

>> No.8038860

To think that this thread could have been salvaged if it wasn't for OP's typical /v/tard "umad" behaviour. If you come here asking for stuff, don't fucking aggravate a fight with anyone if you don't want the whole board turning against you.

And stop it with the goddamned bumping, /jp/ is slow as fuck anyway. Sage is not an insult here either.

>> No.8038906

Makes you wonder how he managed to sound decent in his first post. I guess it was an act too contrary to his nature to maintain.

>> No.8039024

last bump, I will be back later to pick all the golds

>> No.8039039

Phoenix Wright obviously has VN roots, anyone that can't see that either hasn't played the game, or is retarded.

>> No.8039070

GS is what we used to call an adventure game. You know, the genre that existed before retards like you started calling everything a visual novel.

>> No.8039076 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 607x800, Leonard Price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play EVE Burst error.

>> No.8039079

play EVE Burst error.

>> No.8039093 [DELETED] 

y u delete your image?

>> No.8039110


It's actually a court battle genre.
