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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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803298 No.803298 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm the guy that was going to Tokyo for a day.

So, I had three things I was going to do:

Go see Tokyo Tower
Go to Akihabara
Go to Burger King just for the heck of it

Then a friend of mine gave me a few suggestions. Apparently there's some Nintendo place, and he recommended that I should go there, since I'm a Nintendo fanboy. He'll be going with me, so no worries about how to get to the place, but can anyone tell me more about what it is?

The next suggestion was Asakusa. He said that a lot of foreigners like to go there, and that I can look it up before going. From what I can tell, though, Asakusa just seems like any other temple. Is there anything special about it I should know?

pic unrelated

>> No.803301

We don't care, ask /trv/.

>> No.803338

First thought upon seeing picture - Utau x Ikuto kiss scene from Shugo Chara!

Then I saw the logo.

I prefer my version.

>> No.803369

Sensōji (浅草寺) is the temple, Asakusa (浅草) the area it is in. Same characters, different pronunciation.

Asakusa is full of foreigners because it is a cheap place to stay. Akihabara is near by, so it might suit you.

That said, Tokyo in a day is silly. Take at least a week.

>> No.803378

Im in Asakusa right now and Im surrounded by foreigners. Skip the temple its lame and go round the Sony building in Ginza/go to the mandrake store in nakano/see the Tskuji fish market at 6am/go round shinjuku and soak in the over the top shit/find a hooker or go Roppongi where the chicks are whores.

>> No.803391
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Tokyo Tower actually kinda sucks. You'll get a better view from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) building in Shinjuku.
The only Nintendo place I know of besides the actual HQ WAS in Osaka, but it's not there any more. It was a museum. The Nintendo HQ is in Kyoto and there's nothing of note for fans or visitors or anything. It's just a boring sterile office building with the Nintendo logo on the corner. If you show you'll just be busted for trespassing or something. My friend went to Kyoto pretty much just to take a picture of the office exterior and immediately left.

>> No.803396

Go back to /b/, /trv/ or whichever shithole you came from, please.

>> No.803395

The Tokyo Tower is rather lame and not worth going to Akasaka all the way just for it. But of course, you can go and waste your time in Roppongi after it.

For one day I would do:

Shibuya to Yoyogi Park, to Harajuku and Meiji jingu, down Omotoesando. Then get on the Ginza Line and go all the way to Asakusa, check it out, then to Ueno, look around or not, depends on how much time you got, and go to Akihabara (close). Spend how much time you think is alright, then go either to Ginza or Shibuya again to get some drinks.

Avoid Roppongi and Akasaka like the plague.

>> No.803400


One addition. You might want to go to Shinjuku for drinks, but beware. You will most likely end up in a gay bar with some japs hitting on you. (actually happened to me)

>> No.803403


Go back to /trv/, please.

>> No.803405

Roppongi is generally seedy shithole but the one exception I know of which is very much worth visiting is the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower

>> No.803406

Actually if he went to /trv/ they'd probably tell him to go the fuck back to /jp/

>> No.803407


Second adition, I forgot.

Don't go to Burger King for fucks sake.

If you want to do yourself something good, go either to Mos Burger or to Freshness Burger. You can find one of those practically everywhere.

Avoid McD, BK, KFC, Wendys and this shit. If you must, try Lotteria. And if you haven't fuck Burgers all together and go to motherfucking Yoshinoya.

>> No.803411


Go back to your basement fapping to Touhou porn and crying silent, salty tears.

>> No.803416

lol tokyo in a day.

>> No.803418


<- /b/

>> No.803420

I don't care.

/jp/ is *NOT* clubbing/drinking/picking up whores in Japan and other assorted faggotry.

>> No.803426

According to what's reserved, I arrive at Tokyo on the Shinkansen at 10:03 AM and leave at 19:10, meaning I've only got around 9 hours. I'd love to stay longer, but I live in Osaka, and I have to go home to the States soon enough.

I've been living here for about 9 1/2 months, so yeah. I should add in that I'm just an exchange student, and 17 years old (inb4 UNDERAGE B& HURR DURR), so that kind of limits what I can do.

I'm loving the station names and whatnot, but could any of you give me something more specific? Like what to actually DO at these places? "Go there and look around" doesn't do much.

Seriously though, thanks for all the help.

>> No.803428

>/jp/ is *NOT* clubbing/drinking/picking up whores in Japan and other assorted faggotry.
This just in, Japan/General is not about Japan.
In other news:
Water not wet.
Sky still not blue. Never was, never will be.
Two plus two may, in fact, not actually be equal to four.

>> No.803432


The general Japan travel threads that didn't stipulate such bullshit weren't so bad, though. Not that I blame you for jumping all over this shit in summer. It does belong in /trv/ after all, and if we're not vigilant we'll meet the same fate as /b/ and /a/.

>> No.803436


I already knew you were stupid, you didn't have to go through all the trouble of proving it.

>> No.803442


I've been to Mos Burger a couple of times. I like their rice burgers (may have the name wrong) where it's REALLY hot beef inside two buns of, well, rice, with this AWESOME sauce. It's delicious, but it takes awhile to eat, due to the heat and the odd wrapper it comes in. I usually stop by McD's if I need something to eat on my way, and besides, something familiar every now and again isn't too bad.

>> No.803459

you're not being very specific you fucking idiot, do you realize how big tokyo is and how much there is to do? you can nearly do anything in tokyo, so it's up to you what YOU want to do.

>> No.803461


What? I would've thought you go to some place that sells food if you wanted to eat?

>> No.803491

I love how the fucking basement dwelling piece of trashes try to fend off the "vigilants" of real life by flaming them. Is your secret haven being exposed to normalfags? Well BAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW faggots.

>> No.803497

Sage, report/hide, and ignore the trolls.

That's the best way we can deal with these faggots.

>> No.803520


This isn't /b/, friend. You don't come to this board to be cool. I'm sure shit was SO cash, but no one here gives half a shit. Saging, reporting, and hiding.

>> No.803533


You know, normalfag is the most stupid name ever. It's like going AHAHAH YOU DIDN'T FAIL IN YOUR LIFE AND SPEND ALL DAY IN YOUR MOTHER'S BASEMENT YOU FUCKING LOSER.

>> No.803537

Yeah, I'm sure you don't. But these kinds of threads have existed here since the first valid GET was cirno for fuck sake.

>> No.803542

Nah, homofag is stupider.

>> No.803544
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>> No.803548

yare yare da ze~

>> No.804140

ITT stuff that pertains to Japanese culture getting bitched about over some fat weeaboos that want to turn this board into /a/.

Go back to eating your Pocky and 30 cent Ramen that your mommies buy for you.

>> No.804145


the stupid things people post under a tripcode never ceases to amaze me

>> No.804147

What Nintendo place?

>> No.804161


lol u r liek so much kewler cuz ur anonymus u r legion NEVAR FORGIVE NEVER FORGET LOL

Go back to Touhou, you elitist legionfag.

>> No.804177


Why would it amaze you? A tripcode is just a trolling aid for those who can't stand on their own merits. It's like playing on EASY MODO.

>> No.804185
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newfag detected

lurk moar
