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8023733 No.8023733 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, how goes your quest to becoming the little girl? Any successes yet?

Ive been walking at night and have seen 8 shooting stars and wished upon each one of them. Im still an overly manly man.

>> No.8023746

I am preparing a plan to live vicariously through my imouto. However, time is rapidly running out.

>> No.8023753

You are a fucking faggot.

>> No.8023756

Obviously no.

>> No.8023762

Thats a really good idea. Id adopt a 4 year old daughter but I dont know if I could resist the temptation to rape and kill her then wear her skin over my own to live vicariously through her.

>> No.8023764

Very poorly.

I promised you about a year ago that I would work on a scientific solution to our problem. As it turns out, I lack, by far, the intelligence needed to become a doctor like I had planned. Do to my poor grades and social problems, I was forced to drop out yet again and give up.

I am sorry /jp/. If there ever is a /jp/ manor, I will not be present, as I will not have earned it.

>> No.8023768

I don't think you've grasped the meaning of 'vicarious' properly. You can't vicariously live through someone dead.

>> No.8023770

They don't let unwed males, let alone 20-30 year olds, adopt children, no matter how clean, professional, sociable, and rich you look or act. They won't even consider it unless you have a girlfriend.

I tried.

>> No.8023775

Ohh I dont know about that, if you are wearing her face you can try.

>> No.8023780

So, you pay a hooker to pose as your fiancee until the paper work goes through and you are her legal guardian. Then you dispose of the hooker and live alone with your new daughter.

>> No.8023783

Don't give up. You might never get a license to practice medicine, but you can still learn and experiment.

>> No.8023786

We will create robots.
Life-like robots, with the appearance of cute little girls.
And we will find the way to transfer someone's mind into said robots.
We will all leave our bodies and succesfully become little girls. I assume all of us will volunteer, but normalfags will have to be forced, and eventually they will volunteer too, in order to follow the masses.
This will be the beginning of a world populated by immortal little girls. I call it "The Kawaii Age".
Mark my words.

>> No.8023793

Nah, we will have out bodies transformed into perfect loli condition by trillions of nanoscopic robots. By then we will have also mastered interstellar travel and terraforming, so anyone who wants can have an entire planet. We will build out /jp/ planet there and we will live out our lives finally finishing starting all those VNs.

>> No.8023796

And if the project goes awry, Noise and Blame become reality.

>> No.8023795

What he said.

The world is full of guinea pigs with not aim or goal in life who wouldnt even be missed should be turn up missing. I mean, theres on average 1 hobo in every cubic mile of garbage.

A degree is just like a WoW achievement, its just there for self conscious kids to have something to brag to their friends about. Its not a measure of how good you are at your work.

>> No.8023807

My vision is similar, but a bit different. Instead of robots, it would all be software: mind, model-of-body and VR(environment). If there are economical issues and we decide not to convert the solar system into computronium to run our minds, bodies and fancy environments, there's always the perfect solution of just making a little (or very big) universe for ourselves which isn't limited by local resources and these particular laws of physics (if you don't realize how/why this would work, read "Permutation City" which is a good fiction introduction to the concept; I'd also link a bunch of papers that examine related concepts rigurously, but this isn't /sci/, so I'll just link a few: http://www.hpcoders.com.au/nothing.html http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9704009 http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0011122 ).
Not that any of this is possible without first reverse engineering enough of the brain and scanning it and converting it into a digital abstraction ("mind uploading" in popular culture or the more modern term: "substrate indendent mind").

>> No.8023816

I forsee a dystopic future where anything that would help up become little girls is banned by the neurotypicals.

I am quite likely to be dead in this future too.

>> No.8023824

Once even a single accelerant technology is achieved, change will be so fast that politics and similar bullshit just won't be able to keep up. Not that I share your view. My view of the future is too complicated and messed-up (not in a bad way, just that it's a view the general population is not expecting, and one that I'm not againt, although I do think it comes with many risks and pitfalls).

>> No.8023822

Try reverse physiology. What you do is research the technology that will let children become adults instantly. Then parents that want their burdens to payoff immediately can escape their responsibilities. You will easily be able to fund it, as far as I can tell, most people deep down, hate kids.

The byproduct of this research will undoubtedly be the knowledge of out to reverse it.

>> No.8023825

Get out Raymond Kurzweil .... devs.

>> No.8023833

I don't exactly believe in the singularity described by Kurzweil, but I do believe in something quite similar to it being very likely. I would explain it, but this isn't /sci/ and it would take a couple of long posts that I'm too lazy to write. The simplest way to explain it is that I have isolated a bunch of possible future technologies that are likely to be developed, how they would interact with each other, and what are their consequences, be it a predictable posthuman future, various bad ends, and some unstable, unpredicatable futures.

>> No.8023843

I never started the quest because I know it's futile.

Unless magic is real, I'll never become on.

>> No.8023865

if few of you become little girls would you meet together to try loli orgy?

>> No.8023871

Get off the bench. The universe has infinite possibilities. We are few, we need all the help we can get to try every path.

>> No.8024307

it may not be possible now, but if there's any afterlife, i'm aiming to become a loli god and create a loli world where all of /jp/ would be welcome to join after death and transformation into the little girl.

so, if you believe in me and give your souls to me, i'll grant you the little girl form after you die.

>> No.8024968
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Doctor: Why do you want to be a girl?
Anon: Uh, I just feel more feminine you know, being male just feels really awkward and uncomfortable and acting female as a male is really depressing.
Doctor: Ok. So what part about being female interests you?
Anon: Um, being feminine, and uh a girl. Um... What do you mean?
Doctor: Well what is it about women, like those in your everyday life that you identify with?
Anon: Um.........................
Doctor: Oh times up, think about an answer for next time.

So I have a problem. Thinking about real women all I can imagine is 3DPD, stupid and ignorant sluts that gossip, screw around, and make everything into a vague sociopolitical issue so that they can avoid the facts.

What I like is probably an idealized version of what women should be. Anyone else with that problem?

>> No.8024971


>> No.8024980

We can take care of one problem after we take care of the other. If we can gather up the people around 7ft. tall then we can be little, right?

>> No.8024984
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I roleplay as a little girl with other /jp/edos that roleplay as little girls.

>> No.8024985
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>> No.8024988 [DELETED] 

What? I've seen that posted tons of times.

>> No.8024996

I've seen it on >>>/a/ too, maybe they're waiting for you?

>> No.8024998

A man can never be a women. But you deranged homosexuals live in your own sickening fantasy world so you don't realize this. I'm glad to be a man, this means I will someday rise to a most respected position at my company instead of being stuck being a secretary. You faggots probably don't even work though so you dont think about important considerations like this. Grow up.

>> No.8025003 [DELETED] 

I don't know why you're so aggravated. You should take it easy.

>> No.8025006

Trying to hard.
We've been /jp/sies and /jp/edos for ages.

>> No.8025007

It's literally been posted since day one. Let's ignore the try-hard.

>> No.8025877
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How sad to be living life within the confines of labels and definitions from the dictionary.

>> No.8027425

I just realized something. It would be so much easier to be a pedophile as a women. You could get knocked up regularly to keep a constant flow of 8-11 year olds in your life.

>> No.8027535

I wish I had the strength to at least talk to a doctor.

I daydream about brain transplantation and genetically engineered female clones, and using retroviruses to further modify DNA if necessary. Too bad that shit won't happen in our lifetime.

>> No.8027543

Where can I buy a big frilly non lewd dress from?

Something a refined a beautiful Touhou like Alice or Patchouli would wear, and not something like Sanae or any of the other sluts would wear.

>> No.8027568

Search lolita dress on e-bay or something.

>> No.8027571

Find an old seamstress and tell her you need the dress for your younger sister who has the same measurements as you. Its for her birthday.

>> No.8029748

When I tell lies about how I'm buying things for other people, does it sound as cheesy as that?

>> No.8030302

Probably, but the cashier doesn't really care anyways.

>> No.8030355

Always. The lie isnt just for your benefit, its also for theirs. No matter how lame it is, its always better than the truth.

No one ever buys condoms for them selves, here is why.

Some hot bitch buying an economy pack of trojans doesn't ruin her image if she says its for her sister. If she outright says she needs them, she suddenly becomes the dirtiest scank who ever entered the store and you imagine shes going to fuck as many guys as she bought condoms for.

The former, you knew the truth but the fact thats she at least trying to cover it up shows she has some modesty left. The latter proves that she probably cant get out to her car with out fucking a dick along the way.

>> No.8030363

Why do you need to lie? Who goes through everything they're buying and lets the cashier know exactly what each thing is for? They just say "Hello, how are you" like they're supposed to if they don't want to get fired, you just mumble some kind of reply, and then they scan your items.

If you for some reason tell them what something's for when they scan it, you're obviously lying as you wouldn't bring it up otherwise.

>> No.8030382

Sometimes the cashiers try to make small talk, especially if you buy something odd. Like I was buying 64 eggs one time, and the cashier was all "that's a lot of eggs", so I mumbled something about making a lot of cakes. I don't think this would happen with condoms, but if you were buying a dress, I could see something like "oh, that's a cute dress; I bet someone's going to be happy".

>> No.8030380

If you dont say anything, people assume the worst.
>this slut probably has HIV and doesnt want to pass it on to the next 30 guys shes fucking.

>> No.8030389

"That's a lot of condoms"

/jp/ replies "Well I'm going to have a lot of zex"


>> No.8030421

Same here, except I don't deny the fact I was born a male, nor do I scorn it.

I just deal with it and live in my fantasies and VNs (hell yeah X-Change series). Until we have said technology, I'll have to live with this body, and I'm okay with that.

>> No.8030448

Wow, people complaining about saying /jp/edo? Remember /jp/ - Just Pedos?

Anyway, what type of HRT have any of you used? I'm thinking about taking painkiller and doing a "home castration" then slamming the hormones.

>> No.8030459


>> No.8030470

I'll wait for good VR or cyborg bodies, and if that doesn't happen in my lifetime, I'll just have them put my brain into cryo.

Fuck HRT and all that. Nobody wants to be a 6'1" horrible imitation. In the meantime, I'll just keep wearing cute clothes in private.

>> No.8030481

how do you guys deal with facial hair? I really hate this piece of shit and my face is really hairy

>> No.8030483

i have a success story for you /jp/, because I have a strong abdl fetish, in june I convinced a filipina lady that I required special care as a 21 year old male that was now best served by being treated like a little girl. I posed as the father on the phone and the mother through email. I took a cab to her house, I was wearing a thick diaper, panties, and white cotton pants to seem reasonable but make it entirely obvious that I was diapered, etc. Anyways, I spent six hours there, she changed my wet diaper every two hours, telling me I was being a good little girl. She would change my panties also, and at the end put them in a little bag telling me "these are your dirty panties." really I was only wearing them over my diaper so they were fine but... anyways... glad I did, didn't get caught, might do it again.

>> No.8030527
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I could settle for a cyborg body if it was built in the likeness of a little girl.

Something Deus EX style, where you can see the synthetic muscels or this guys work.

>> No.8030539

Thats not a success story bro, thats just horrible.

Also, "little" girl, not that little. Generally the idea is a body thats aged enough to house the a full sized human brain but prepubescent.

What you have is more normalfag fantasies. Such as a business man whos been dead inside for so long, he wishes to be reborn back to the age before society and family placed all their burdens on him.

>> No.8030541

What about the book Software? Where the dude gets his personality "taped" as software and uploaded to a robot. Then as he builds memories etc again, they can tape "him" again and if the robot is destroyed they can upload the last time he was taped.

Immortality as the little girl is approaching.

I would prefer being hooked up to life support and being plugged into simulated reality with real AI characters living there though.

>> No.8030545

I hang out with my 7 year old cousin all the time.

She's gotten to the point that when she's around me she has to have me in her sight, if we go anywhere she either leads me by holding my hand or has me give her a piggy back ride.

I don't need to be the little girl. I have one. :3

>> No.8030553

You fucking lucky bastard

>> No.8030554

reported to the FBI for non-english

>> No.8030555

Funny you should mention that, the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I want to see if that becomes a reality. Well, that and all the entertainment.

>> No.8030556

F-fuck you.

In all seriousness though, since you are on /jp/ your family probably knows you are quite mentally ill and will be keeping an eye on you. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets to the point you're calling her up to hang out and go to the park or whatever frequently. It will be suspicious.

>> No.8030614


Doubtful. I'm not that guy, but it's pretty obvious to my entire family that me and my little cousin have a romance going on, and have since she was 8 and I was 14.

We finally made out when she was 16. It was amazing. I plan to have sex with her at some point in the future, I was waiting for her to lose her virginity so that I would not be her first and she would be able to talk about her first time to friends/etc. But yeah, I am going to fuck her so hard it's ridiculous. Also she's blonde dfc loli type. It's fucking amazing.

>> No.8030615

Not a pedo, she just kind of latched on to me due to lacking a real father figure in her life and the fact that I actually engage in activities and listen to her.

Yep, living the /jp/ dream.

Without the rape and being the little girl, of course.

>> No.8030622

Too old. You're over 8 years too late.

>> No.8030728


Not really. 7 year olds are all right sometimes but most of them are puddgy, 8-12 is what you are aiming for.

>> No.8030755
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When I become the little girl, I'm avoiding you people like the plague.

>> No.8030762

But Ill also be a little girl, we can have lesbian loli nerd sex.

>> No.8030772

>I was waiting for her to lose her virginity
So I take it you like sluts and STDs. Sugoi monogatari, aniki.

>> No.8030781

i got one for you.

Lets say next year they invent brain transplants and your dream to become the little girl comes to fruition. The only catch is it only works if the new body is infected with AIDS. Would you do it?

>> No.8030788

Sure, it's not like I plan to have sex and AIDS is much better than other diseases out there like severe combined immunodeficiency.

SCID is cuter though, so can I have that instead? I'd be a shy loli with blonde drill hair and I'd have to live all my life in a completely sterilized chamber in order to survive, completely unable to go outside. Just as planned.

>> No.8030800

No, you get AIDS. AIDS is the devils disease. Its incubated and bred in Africa. It will always be coursing through your body and you will always be tainted by it, never completely pure.

>> No.8030979
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So here we have a wonderful thread of every anon's quest to ascend to the perfect form of human life and it gets muddied up with jelly predators who seek to defile the perfection they can never attain.

If I had just one wish, everyone in the world would be female. So much suffering would end just with that one wish.

>> No.8031008

Thats true, once mankind becomes extinct the idea of suffering will cease to exist.

>> No.8031014

/jp/ - Potential Supervillans

>> No.8031024

My knowledge of biology isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure you can take the gametes of two egg cells, stuff them into one egg cell and use a small electrical shock to start the sexual reproductive process. That is pretty much what a sperm cell does, except that its gamete doesn't come from an egg cell, of course, and can be male.

>> No.8031044

>If I had just one wish, everyone in the world would be female. So much suffering would end just with that one wish.
>and can be male

I dont think I would entrust the future of womankind to you bud.

>> No.8031057
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>and can be male
pic related

The point is to end suffering not to replace it with more suffering over who gets control on the penis.

>> No.8031062

If there was a /jp/ meetup and we got dressed up pretty, drank tea and had a garden party, would you guys be able to suspend reality enough to actually do it?

Or has this all been some cruel joke?

>> No.8031083

You seam to be unable to grasp the magnitude of this thread. Its not about pretending to be the little girl, its about becoming the little girl, physically not mentally. Mentally little girls are stupid and irritating.

As for your tea party, I would put replace your tea bags with arsenic.

>> No.8031086

It depends on how convincingly it can be done. This is dependent on how well people are at pulling it off, but probably things can be done to make it a little less unconvincing.

Masquerade garden party or something.

>> No.8031089 [DELETED] 

Which is never going to happen, so enjoy being a man for the rest of your miserable life.

>> No.8031087

I think you should leave?

You want to have the mind of an adult male, and the body of the little girl?

Sorry, but my manchild nature is the soul of the little girl.

>> No.8031106

Better than being a freak pretending to be a adolescent girl. If you cant look in the mirror and feel shame for what you have done, you deserve to die.

You desecrate their purity with your fowl bodies. Just the thought of some cosplayers sitting around pretending to be girls is nauseating. You should all kill your selves.

You may as well become transvestites, your minds are corrupt enough, may as well have a corrupt body to go with it. You can live with other freaks and be shunned by everyone, even your own kind. You will be punished every time you get your ass kicked by your boyfriend when you tell him why you cant have children.

>> No.8031110

Obviously, we have people talking about castration as well.

Your view is too superficial.

Also, I think we already are outsiders and generally hate everyone anyway.

>> No.8031122

Well these thread tend to draw out the ronery losers that cant handle being male. Omega fucks living off their parents, that cant even go to the supermarket with out having an asthma attack.

I have no pity for them, they can go make a rorely thread and talk about anti depressants and whatever else they take to keep them selves from committing suicide. Its not the topic of the thread.

>> No.8031128

How many days are you going to troll /jp/ before you get bored of it?

>> No.8031134

I thought your last post was hinting at you being a giant normal.

>> No.8031148

>fowl bodies

>> No.8031150
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>You desecrate their purity with your fowl bodies.

>> No.8031155

No, I just find transsexuals to be disgusting. I also find grown men dressing up as little girls and or acting like them to be just as disgusting. I see both as a sign of weakness. You should take up the roll you are given.

Now thats not to say that traps are wrong. If you are girly enough to pass for an attractive female, then, go for it. If you look like me, you should be taken out and shot for even trying.

>> No.8031646
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>how you look determines what you are allowed to do
>also doesn't like traps
>pic related

>> No.8031652

He has a point. Most people don't even use the term trap correctly any more.

>> No.8031656
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>fowl bodies

>> No.8031688
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sudo is a cute good girl

>> No.8032159

>how you look determines what you are allowed to do
Pretty much, if you don't look like a girl when cross dressing then give it up. It's disgusting and you are contaminating the word trap further. hurdur i wear skirt im a trap lolz boys.

>> No.8032521

Pluck it all out. Extreme discomfort for a day. Feel silky smooth for almost two weeks. Sore and itchy as it starts to grow back asynchronously and possibly ingrown.

Afterwards you can regularly pluck or leave it to regrow before plucking again.

>> No.8032575

Why so focused on a physical body?

I mean you are all hikkis and neets, not like anyone is going to see you anyway.

>> No.8033626

I am a little narcissistic but broad shouldered hairy men are not on my list of beautiful things. If I was the little girl I could love my self mentally and physically, Id also show my self off to the public for completely other antisocial reasons.

>> No.8033673

Ah~ God hates us. I'm too short to be a man, but I have this lewd penis. How ironic..

>> No.8035920

>But Ill also be a little girl, we can have lesbian loli nerd sex.
but if you'll be a little girl, you'll find the idea of sex either repulsive or indifferent. you won't be able to get horny because of being a prepubescent girl, unless you overdose on growth hormones like the current kids do.

>> No.8035923

Completely wrong. There have been cases of young children rubbing their crotches on object to get sexual stimulation and there's the fact that some people found masturbation prior to puberty.

>> No.8035929

I can attest, I first figured this out at about 7 years old, maybe even earlier.

>> No.8035937

I certainly found it before puberty.

Although one might make the case that I'm "all dosed up on growth hormones" because I grew up before anybody gave a rat's ass about that.
