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8030468 No.8030468 [Reply] [Original]

You just summoned Gilgamesh by accident. How do you react?

>> No.8030484
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By making him suck my cock

>> No.8030485

my cat cums on hiss

>> No.8030488

Anyone have the Doujin page of Rin summoning Gil?

>> No.8030506
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>> No.8030504

Show him some porn of Saber and then run before I get stabbed while he is entertained.

>> No.8030512
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It's funny because that's what happened in the original draft of F/SN with King Arthur and female-protagonist-not-Shirou.

>> No.8030546

drop some truth bombs on him

namely, your girl's a hoe and your shit is wack

>> No.8030552

Make him suck my cock, because i wouldn't tap that girly dude

>> No.8030588

I'd genuflect.

>> No.8030668

bump for interest

>> No.8030670

You tell him bro. His shit is so wack.

>> No.8030671

I'd ask him to go buy a lottery ticket.

>> No.8030673

Have hot steamy sex.

>> No.8030684
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Command! Its time for prana transfer!

>> No.8030740



Gil would never even come in physical contact with a Mongrel even if his/her Grail victory depended on it. (S)he'd rather jerk you off with Enki-... Ehhh...Nah even thats an impossibility.

So is a hand job, a foot job with demeaning talk and a HORA job too. Actually you'd be be dead or turn into a crying bitch like Waver the moment it comes out of your mouth while you scurry around looking for sacrifices for Gil-sama

>> No.8030747
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>A foot job with demeaning talk
Fufufu useless mongrel-kun~

I dont care if i have to use all three of my command seals, it will be worth it even when i get killed after the deed is done.

>> No.8030807

the full thing?

>> No.8030814

He's hot as fuck I would try and fuck him. Use my command seal to do it of course. And then die peacefully cause he'd kill me.

>> No.8030820

I command him to castrate him self and burn his appendage. Then I command him to serve 3000 hours of community service. Then my last command will be to remember everything he just went though for all time. By that point the war will be over and he will go back to wherever, humiliated.

>> No.8030923


>By that point the war will be over

Yeah, as in, you'll have been killed in the 3000 intervening hours due to being a fucking moron with your Servant and never issue your third order because you're dead.

>> No.8030925

Am I the only one who would ask to go through his treasury?

Think of all the cool shit that has to be in there.

>> No.8031161

You cannot command him. He is Archer class.

>> No.8031212

Do you guys think that Rin and Gil would get along?

I think they would.

>> No.8031216

Well Gil has money and wealth and Rin is a cash hungry whore.
So yes probably.

Then again there is the entire issue with her father and Gil..

>> No.8031220

Win the war?

>> No.8031526

Out of curiosity... what are those symbols?

>> No.8031534

the command spells of each master

>> No.8031538 [DELETED] 

Gilgamesh, Distract saber.
Stab Shirou 92 times in the heart and face with one of Gilgamesh's many weapons.
Transfer Shirou's command spells to myself.
Command: Pledge your undying love to Gilgamesh for all time.

4 command spells, Saber-and-Gilgamesh.

What-won't- I do?

>> No.8031544

Yeah, because when the enemy is closing in one couldnt issue the last order but you are retarded and wouldnt think that far ahead.

As for the war, would be worth it so in the past present and future he will always remember his failure and disgrace.

>> No.8031553

> for all time.
Can you even do that? I thought heroic spirits were un-alterable? Or at best, it woudl lead to 2 different variants.
It sounds to me like an impossible use of the command spell. What happens when you do that? you waste it?

>> No.8031556

Even better. Command him to stand still while Shinki destroys the concept of his penis. Then his penis will be erased from time and space.

>> No.8031557 [DELETED] 

They've said numerous times that the holy grail is capable of anything, so I don't see why you couldn't use a command spell like that.

>> No.8031560

Its funny how you focus on that but the basic problem with the command, Commanding that Gilgamesh fall in love with Gilgamesh for all time, escapes you. Not to mention that Gilgamesh only loves him self already, your command would fizzle.

>> No.8031565 [DELETED] 

You misunderstand.
I'd be commanding Saber to love Gilgamesh for all time, after stealing Shirou's command spells in his death.

>> No.8031566

Thank you, sir.

>> No.8031567

I thought you needed the ACTUAL Holy Grail to do that. That is, you need to win the war.
I thought command spells were just forcing your heroic spirit to do things + whatever prana was needed might be borrowed from wherever it can (maybe even holy grail)?
I think it would be sensible to completly alter a heroic spirit (time rewrite? time travel is a bit inconsitent, but let's ignore that in fantasy stories) in the whole timeline, but I don't think you could use a command spell to do anything the heroic spirit cannot do by itself - command spells would just be giving it a very powerful kick/suggestion to what is already possible for the heroic spirit.

>> No.8031572

There was no misunderstanding, you just fucked up. In your post you only used one command and the subject was what would you command Gilgamesh to do. Not only that you never moved your focus on to Saber, so you just wasted a command on redundancy.

>> No.8031584 [DELETED] 

Last I heard, the command seals borrowed the power of the Holy Grail to allow the servant to complete the command, maybe I was mistaken in my understanding, but to what I do understand, that would make it possible to altar a servant, and force their undying love to another, no?

Seeing as you failed to notice, my original post was heavily abridged.
Now, if I were actually in the situation? It'd be much much more specific, but seeing as I'm not, I don't see a need to be specific.

>> No.8031591

Nothing but excuses. You cant even formulate your commands in a safe place like 4chan, how would you cope when legendary heros are strangling you with their presence? Im guessing your next 2 commands are, RUN or SAVE ME.

>> No.8031592

>that would make it possible to altar a servant, and force their undying love to another, no?
Doesn't work like that. Command Spells work best when they're extremely specific (like, "come here!" or "kill him").
Anything more prolonged in time has basically little to no effect, see Rin who commanded Archer to not disobey her. All she got out of the deal is a slight stat decrease if Archer disobeys her, but it doesn't prevent him to do so.

>> No.8031598

To be fair, I think he'd be pretty stupid to not focus on the right servant if he were a master. It's a mistake conceivable as a text message, but hard to conceive in a scenario where the player was actually present and communicating with the servants.

>> No.8031596 [DELETED] 

Fair point. I'll think up a way to make it fool proof.

I'm out for now. Save for more stability on my internet, and a more comfortable position, I gain nothing from being at school.
I'm headed home.

>> No.8031600

Forcing one to love would be near impossible but forcing Gilgamesh to remember his 3000 hours spent serving the community is just the implant of a memory. Thats not something you can choose your way around.

>> No.8031610

I think you might be able to craft a scenario where Saber and Gilgamesh fall in love (highly unlikely, but with the right manipulation/bag-of-tricks, it might be possible). Now that both servants are in highly unusual states of mind, all you'd have to do is make the change in state permanent with a command spell on both of them to have those memories committed to the heroic spirit's default memories. If command spells are not enough, you might just have to win the war and use the Holy Grail.

>> No.8031616

I chuckled, your choice of words demonstrates that you dont even know your situation. That other guy thinks he could take on Shiro in a 1 on 1 fight. Neither of you have a chance. Gilgamesh will probably kill you him self as soon as he sees what a worthless master you are.

I wouldn't give him the opportunity, his cock would be mutilated within 5 seconds of his summoning before we even exchanged pleasantries. While he was dealing with the pain of having to castrate him self, community service would already be underway.

>> No.8031624

Isn't he an Archer, shouldn't he have Independent Action. My guess is that you would succeed in the first command spell, but he would be able to resist the community service and just kill you.

>> No.8031629

Thought of that already. Trick there would be to stay out of his way for a while. That way the command would be constantly forcing him to work. If you are not there he would have a much harder time force of willing him self to murder you.

>> No.8031627

Did we seriously fall into discussing how to actually ship Saber and Gilgamesh?
Get out Beast's Lair.

>> No.8031637

Gil is fine but I wanted the ultimate Saber-class servant, Galahad. I can use his(her) plot armor to win the war.

>> No.8031654

Eh? the King of Heroes? But I wanted the King of Conquerors!

mou! I...guess it c-can't b-be h-helped... I-I-I'll let you conquer the world with m-me if you want BUT DON'T THINK I'M DOING THIS FOR YOU OR ANYTHING!


>> No.8032357


Ea negates plot armor

Nasu confirmed it,don't bother him about it.

>> No.8032366

Nasu retcons everything and their mom. You shouldn't care about what he says.

>> No.8032384

Galahad is a he, Arturia was a woman who commanded an army of men. If there was anyone close to being a woman, it was Bedivere. But Bedivere is also a man.

>> No.8032388

>negate plot armor
>never helped him in the 5th HGW at all

>> No.8032402

Command him to be my sex slave and then kill himself.

>> No.8032425


>You shouldn't care about what the creator says
