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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8019935 No.8019935 [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering.

You guys aren't white, right? Everytime I see a white weeaboo at a convention, I can't imagine him/her with a hidden powerlevel. I bet most of them have never even heard of dakimakura or onnahole.

You guys are like Japanese ex-pats or something right?

>> No.8019940

No, I'm rainbow-colored. I also shine in the dark.

>> No.8019942

I'm racially ambigious.

>> No.8019947

The highest powerlevel fellows usually look the most unassuming. You'll never spot them in a crowd.

>> No.8019953


Seriously guys... I just find it kind of weird that a caucasian person would suddenly take interest in otaku-related things.

For example this guy >>8019864 I would never imagine a white American to have a room like that.

Fatlus kid is like... a myth.

>> No.8019956

It's me.

>> No.8019952

You can't judge a book by its cover.

That funny black dude who's always high on weed? He secretly cross dresses as a touhou and plays eroge.

RIP Arc.

>> No.8019962

I pretty much assume everyone I'm talking to on /jp/ is a white male 20-25 years old until proven otherwise. Because that's what I am.

>> No.8019966


I'm not racist or anything. It's just highly unlikely to me that an American would be obsessed with foreign hobbies.

For example, if I were Japanese it's like me taking a fanatical interest in Druidism.

>> No.8019971


So the masterful crossdresser in reality has a very low powerlevel?

What about convention vendors, are they just trying to make a living?

>> No.8019975

I pretty much assume everyone I'm talking to on /jp/ is an Asian male 20-25 years old who could pass for a good trap until proven otherwise. Because that's what I am.

>> No.8019976

Personally, I am a Nikeijin. From my personal experience in university, I've met 3 other asian /jp/ers and one white.

>> No.8019979

I am seriously racially ambigious. I have a mixed heritage. I went on a vacation a while back and the cab driver thought I was a local even though I have no relations to the people in that particular part of the world.

>> No.8019980

I personally find non-Japanese Asian weeaboos to be more disturbing.

>> No.8019981

>not manga waifu
>implying they have a power level
>their waifu are gaijin

>> No.8019982

Wow OP, you tried so hard, you must be from /v/

>> No.8019986

Think about this.
Hendane sell normal doujinshi usually for $15~$20
Doujinshi from Comiekt is approx 300~500yen.

Popular circles will sell their book fro 1000yen or so. (Tony, Nisemidi, Happy water etcetc)
Hendane sells them for $40.

>> No.8019987

Also my Japanese teacher thought I was half Japanese.

>> No.8019989

That's because you don't see us at cons.

>> No.8019991


I'm pretty new on /jp/, but I 1CC'ed everything up to MoF 4 months ago. I'm slowly working my way through Lunatic on PCB.

I just come here for touhou discussions.

>> No.8019993

I am the absolute whitest.

>> No.8019997

STOP THE PRESSES! Con vendors selling shit for 10x the markup!!

And OP, whites are the worst anime fans ever. They are mostly DEEP and GRIMDARK fags who grew up with Adult Swim shit.

Explains part of /jp/'s real deal crowd as well. They're pathetic whitey.

>> No.8019998

Flips and other brown people need not apply.

>> No.8019995

If only all newcomers were like you.

>> No.8020001


I didn't even know they had anime in the Philippines.

>> No.8020006

Dude, they air it frequently. They even have Filipino dubs.

>> No.8020008

Since when did powerlevel become a /jp/ approved term?

Are we going to have waifu general threads tomorow?

>> No.8020012

>Since when did powerlevel become a /jp/ approved term?

Since always? What are you even talking about?

>> No.8020014

>whining, bitching and moaning
Since you asked so nicely, yes. We can have a waifu thread tomorrow.

>> No.8020020

No, that's /a/ shit.

>> No.8020021
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>> No.8020024

You are trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.8020026


So, which shitland do you hail from? /v/?

>> No.8020030


Stop embarrassing yourself. Lurk always.

>> No.8020035
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Sorry guys, I'm the OP and I posted this.

I was just trying to attract more attention to this thread.

This isn't me >>8020020

Can we continue talking about race and otaku culture? This is what I imagine the most extreme otakus to be like.

>> No.8020037

Wrong board, faggot

Sage and reported for not vidya


>> No.8020039
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>> No.8020044

If your thread isn't interesting enough, you should rely on such petty methods. Let it die instead.

>> No.8020043

Go to bed op.

>> No.8020045


>Sage and reported for not vidya


It's already morning.


Everybody is insecure about their ethnicity on this board.

>> No.8020049

Well, that's kind of an awkward question, as I'm mostly white but also 1/4th asian. Outwardly, I'd call myself white, but rarely, people can tell I'm not completely so.

I wish I was full white though, or at least that I had the god tier blue eyes. I'm ever-jealous of everyone with blue eyes.

>> No.8020051

Most people on this board don't give a fuck about their ethnicity, I would imagine.

Somehow I speculate that blacks would be a little more self-conscious than others, but I haven't got any real basis for that.

>> No.8020056


Why would you want blue eyes. Cloud looks uncanny as fuck in Advent Children, and he's the definition of a caucasian colored asian.


Is it because black people are portrayed negatively in manga

>> No.8020065


>> No.8020066


If you can read/write Japanese I don't see why you would want to become Japanese.

>> No.8020074

>black people are portrayed negatively
You could have simply left it at that, or added "in Japan" if you wanted to be especially truthful.

>> No.8020090

I'm white.

Though you will never guess I'm into this stuff, I take good care in keeping my appearance normal.

>> No.8020092


I don't really give a shit how the Japs portray them, they're just flat-out neat. White envy is not uncommon either, it's not just me. There's a reason bleaching cremes and hair dye and caucasoid cosmetic surgeries are multi-billion dollar industries all over Asia. Good luck getting non-whites to admit that to your face or online, though. Geography and history don't really have a role in this either, it's just plain cool to them, almost mystical-seeming, that there's a group of people out there with hair/eye colors other than black. In Asia (where people really do look more similar than other places) the pronounced individualized-ness of whites in contrast is why they lift those traits so often for their anime/manga. It's not out of white admiration necessarily, it just plain looks cool.

And blacks, I suspect just don't give a shit, because they're so different that there's nothing they can really do about it (unless they want to be Micheal Jackson), so they're instead simply proud to be black if anything.

>> No.8020095

Racially, I'm mostly white. If there's no mixed checkbox for applications, I put white. I also have a white name. I must confuse people when I meet them because I obviously don't look white.

>> No.8020099
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I assume that everyone on /jp/ is white, usually 19-26 and male.
As that is what I am.

And people who hide their power levels are supposed to look normal. We might look like an average white suburban males, many even attractive and fit, but we then go home and jerk off to touhous while wearing pantyhose.

Don't be so racist, OP.

>> No.8020104

>I wish I was full white though, or at least that I had the god tier blue eyes.
I hate this stereotype, white != blue eyes and white != blonde.

Sure, being blond and/or having blue eyes is great, but it isn't some sort of mystical thing.

>> No.8020114
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You best start believing.

>> No.8020113

I am black and I am proud that I'm black and don't speak with a stereotypical black accent. The only way you can tell I'm black by my voice is the sound. It's very deep, almost annoyingly so.

Naturally, most people just think I'm 35 or older.

>> No.8020117

I have green eyes, they just look creepy.

>> No.8020119
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That's not what my 2hus led me to believe.

>> No.8020121
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>caucasoid cosmetic

Oh boy here we go. I'm just going state a few facts and not argue about it afterwards:

- whiteness is a Tao concept
- large eyes is a trait in many non-Caucasian people, most notably the Semites and Indians
- yes, people get surgery and contact lenses because it plain looks cool, but it's misleading to say it's "caucasoid cosmetic surgery"


>green eyes

Explains your strange jealousy.

>> No.8020122

Be thankful for what you have. Green eyes are god tier.

>> No.8020123

I'm whiter than white. I'm so white white people call me "pasty" because I don't have any sort of tan due to always being indoors like a good hiki. Of course I would never be seen at a con, I don't think very highly of people who go to (western) cons.

Also, isn't it more strange to be asian, but not Japanese, yet into all this stuff? Because far east asians all hate each other.

>> No.8020127
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Marisa is not gaijin btw. She looks distinctly Japanese in most portrayals.

Alice is obviously European though, as is the Scarlet sisters.

>> No.8020132


>Because far east asians all hate each other.

Everytime a politician brings some shit up, like NK kidnapping or WWII atrocities, yes, East Asians suddenly seem to hate each other.

On the middle class level, that's not the case. There wouldn't be an abundance of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong if that were the case.

Also in my experience, second generation Chinese/Viet are more racist than their mainland counterparts because they inherit racist attitudes from their parents.

>> No.8020133


Hory shit

But nobody with a high powerlevel watches Lucky Sta.

>> No.8020134

Uh, semites and northern Indians are white/caucasoid. I know, because I'm a semite from Algeria, and I'm definitely white, as are "all" people there. The only difference is that we're a bit darker because of the climate, but that doesn't matter, because just because we are brown doesn't mean we aren't white. Hell, we even see negroes as strange animals, here.

>> No.8020135
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I'm white and my hair is black. Or extremely dark brown, which is what black is in the first place. When I first found out black in hair is actually a deep shade of brown, I dyed my hair with blue-black dye.

That's a little story about how not all white people are glorious master race aryans.

>> No.8020138

Lucky Star is pretty entry level, but that doesn't mean you can't have a high power level and still enjoy it. I don't really get the recent hate of kyoani slice of life shows.

>> No.8020140


>smites and northern Indians are white

Black people have large eyes too.


I think you're thinking about eye color. "Black eyes" are indeed dark brown eyes.
>dyed my hair blue-black

That couldn't have ended well.

>> No.8020142

GAR and DEEP fags banding together with newfags and normalfag alliance.

>> No.8020143


Can one also enjoy Naruto without compromising their mystique?

>> No.8020145

To be surrounded more by things that don't disgust me as much. I know the disadvantages. I don't care.

>> No.8020146

I dyed my hair once when I was a kid.
Curse being raised in a house full of women.

>> No.8020151


That was my point. Large eyes isn't an exclusively Caucasian trait.

>> No.8020148

Anyone else with heterochromia in here?
Sectoral here, green to blue.

>> No.8020150
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>Black people have large eyes too.
So what? Large eyes doesn't make you caucasian.

>> No.8020153


God tier trait reinforced by Yuna from FFX.

>> No.8020155

Your point was that Indians and semites weren't white. As a semite, I take great offense in that statement. Please retract it, or else we'll have to keep arguing.

>> No.8020156
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I'm assuming you don't know who Melonpan is, everyone's favorite Swiss Weeaboo.


I could go on all day about this, but I am just going to pass it off as you being ignorant and fuckstupid.

>> No.8020157

I'm white as a sheet, with blonde hair and green eyes.

I'm jelly.

>> No.8020160
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>> No.8020165

Pinoy here.
I don't understand why we get all the hate here.

>> No.8020169


Because you're easy target.

>> No.8020170

Really, what's with the mask?

>> No.8020171

I'm latino.

>> No.8020174

A mac user in Texas? What a fag.

>> No.8020175

I have yet to see a successful troll thread on /jp/.

>> No.8020178

What's a Piony?

>> No.8020180


My comment had nothing to do with trolling, it was how it's easy to be racist toward Filipino people.

Mexican traits, developing country, growing immigrant population, a lot of people dislike Filipino people for some reason.

>> No.8020184

Hi, you must be new here.

>> No.8020185

All threads are troll threads and all of them are successful.

>> No.8020190


Why do you not noko+sage if you claim to be an enlightened, veteran /jp/ member?

>> No.8020194

Maybe because you really have nothing going for besides being part of America's empire and shitting out easy wives.

>> No.8020195

I switch between sage and noko+sage as a samefag tool.

>> No.8020198

groids and beaners

>> No.8020199

Nokosage is for cowards.

>> No.8020202


No, I'm not "pinoy" and I find Filipinos to be the only race I'm racist against. I don't know why, maybe I'm just ignorant.


sage for attention whores

>> No.8020203

No, you're the attention whore, since you were the one who brought attention to the fact that you were a very important true /jp/ noko+sager instead of ignoring it like a non-faggot.

>> No.8020205

I'm against Koreans. Fuck Koreans. It's not really racist. They're Koreans, after all.

>> No.8020207

It's funny because you don't even understand what 'race' means.

Take your your racial/ethnic insecurities to /int/, all of you.

>> No.8020210


How about not saging at all, everybody uses the /jp/ catalogue anyway.


Here we go, BA in Sociology.

In the casual context, race, ethnicity and nationality are interchangeable terms.

>> No.8020215

This is such a stupid question.

>> No.8020223


Perhaps you would like to start a meta-discussion about the point of expressing something in a thread, at the same time saging your post.

It's as if you wanted to use sage as an attack on the thread.

>> No.8020226

>In the casual context, race, ethnicity and nationality are interchangeable terms.
Alright, alright... that's like saying indigenous tribes of a certain country are a different 'race' from the majority while sharing similar genetic qualities. I think can take your 'interchangeable terms' with a grain of salt.

>BA in Sociology
Talk about worthless, and normal.

>> No.8020233


>I think can take your 'interchangeable terms' with a grain of salt.

It doesn't matter if you think it's right or wrong. The fact is that the majority of the people in this thread accept race and ethnicity to be interchangeable terms.

>BA in Sociology

I was referring to you, since only a LA grad would make a big deal out of it.

>> No.8020234

>Mexican traits
Like what? Ignorant Pinoy here.

>a lot of people dislike Filipino people
Is really this true? I never left the Philippines.

>shitting out easy wives
It's pretty sad, but those girls are doing it to lift their families out of poverty.

>> No.8020239


Like the fact that Filipino culture was influenced by the Spanish.

>> No.8020253

>I was referring to you, since only a LA grad would make a big deal out of it.
Okay? I guess I will let you think like that and leave it be.

Filipinos are like women. They always to declare that they're 'Filipino' even if a situation or discussion doesn't call for it. Useless badge if you ask me. That's what's wrong.

>> No.8020259
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So, you're complaining about the correct usage of the term "race," and you're making broad based statements about people with a certain ethnicity?

Why are you even here?
