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8014406 No.8014406 [Reply] [Original]

Is that a good visual novel?Should i play this game and why..And if doesn´t why too?

>> No.8014423
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>> No.8014419

I'll tell you but first you have to give me your credit card number.

>> No.8014434

Yeah it's pretty good. I suggest you play it.

>> No.8014459

It was too fucking boring for me. Quit at chapter 2.

Though I guess that's my problem. After all, Nitro+ are probably my most identifyable VNs...


>> No.8014454

die cancer

>> No.8014464

Reported for attempted derailment of an on-topic thread

>> No.8014476
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>> No.8014479

Repetitive to a painful degree.

Some characters are great, others are completely uninteresting.

The story is okay, but starts slow.

It's a bit of a trial to see how many times you can read the same six scenes before you ragequit.

You'll probably end up hitting ctrl every time you see Baron Munchhausen's stupid mask on reflex.

The minigames are overly random in their difficulty.

The artwork is quite beautiful.

The music is average.

Dichromatic moe.

>> No.8014502

reported for suporting cancer

>> No.8014523

Why am I "cancer" Anon?

>> No.8014533



>> No.8014534

I'm only to the third act and I've loved it so far. Unlike most of /jp/, I enjoy taking it easy.

>> No.8014535

>using a name on a anonymous board etc etc

>> No.8014539

>taking it easy

>> No.8014554

That only applies to proper internet forums and discussion boards.

Doesn't matter on an image board where the height of discussion consists of "which 2hu would u fuck".

>> No.8014560
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It has great character design. That's all I can say about it.

>> No.8014566

Sharnoth and Inganock are very repetitive.

It's as if they were designed with a 12 episode anime adaptation in mind. I like them, but the monster of the week formula is not for everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people dropped it at chapter 5 or 6.

>> No.8014623

Ok, now give me a spoiler of the complete story so I don't have to "play" the VN.

>> No.8014715


There's an alternate dimension called Sharnoth where time is frozen.

One day, James Moriarty manages to access it and contacts the King of Sharnoth. It's not explained how.

He helps him descend to earth by giving him a human body. His objective is to run a experiment, and see how would humans react when given the opportunity to enter a time loop by summoning Sharnoth into our world.

Several people, for different reasons, try to summon sharnoth.

There is, for example, an air force officer who wants to enter a time loop because the British empire is at the apex of it's power (1905) and he doesn't want it to decay. Others want to "deny tomorrow" because they have predicted that a massive catastrophe approaches (Probably the world wars) one of them is one of the protagonist's closest friends who wants to freeze time so that they can together 4ever.

To do so they must obtain the "Golden eye" which the protagonist (Mary) has.
A mysterious man helps Mary defeat them.

In the end, it's revealed the mysterious man is the King of Sharnoth, who was testing her. By defeating all the people who wanted to summon his kingdom, he considers her worthy of his "gift" (the time loop) so he summons sharnoth into the human world and puts her into a time loop. Mary rejects his gift because she thinks tomorrow is worth living. The king of sharnoth goes back to his world. Sherlock Holmes finds out about the "experiment" and kills Moriarty. The queen of England abdicates because she doesn't want to be implicated in the conspiracy. the end

>> No.8014732

Terrible. It's like Inganock without the first half. There's very little that's good in it. They had a good idea but somewhere along the line the writing just became terrible. Read it if you like shallow stories with good characters, or just want to see for yourself if it's good or not.

>> No.8014903

One thing I didn't understand was, in the very end, M sends Mary a letter with a date, which is really a quote from some book. What was he trying to tell her exactly? How was he even able to send it?

>> No.8014937

Probably was trying to say "wait and hope". I assume M is walking around like normal.

>> No.8014956

Wasn't there a catgirl with yellow eyes in the story somewhere?

>> No.8014961


That's Seiken no Inganock, another VN in the same series.

>> No.8014968

Oh... is it good?
Can I get a spoiler of that VN too?

>> No.8015022

Am I >>8014968
going to get the spoiler or not?

>> No.8015074

Just play it, it's miles better than sharnoth.

>> No.8015085

>miles better than
Distance isn't a measurement of good.

>> No.8015098

Is there a certain order to play them in or does it not matter?

>> No.8015103

I will never understand.

>> No.8015110 [DELETED] 

"Discipline" first, then Seiken no Inganock, then Shikkoku no Sharnoth and then Bible Black.

>> No.8015140

They're not really related. Really, instead of wondering if you should do stuff you should just do them.

Understand what?

>> No.8015431
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OP you might find this useful if you decided to play it and can take it easy enough tinyurl.com/sharnoth

>> No.8015518

I just spent about 20 minutes trying write spoilers for Inganock, but I just can't do it.
I don't know if it was my fault or the writer's, but I couldn't understand a lot of things in the story. Maybe there just wasn't enough exposition, or the story was just too vague and nebulous. Or maybe my reading comprehension just sucks. If I wrote spoilers, they would probably be wrong.

>> No.8015557

I am going to play it cause men with eyepatch is my fetish.

>> No.8016545
File: 126 KB, 800x600, ati & kia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, thank you anyways, then.

BTW, I just remembered that her name was ATI, thanks to having saved this image a while ago.

>> No.8016556
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Maybe it was the theme or the fact that it was one of the first untranslated games I played but I loved it more than Inganock.
It helped that I don't mind otome games and love atmosphere games, I guess.

>> No.8016558

I've finally started reading it and I'm at Charlotte and Professor love affair. So far, so good. The atmosphere of Engine Revolution and Victorian set-up made me hooked, but I found Engine Phones a bit silly. Hope I could see some action.


>> No.8016561

> Hope I could see some action.
Leave that hope at the door, or you'll be disappointed.

>> No.8016622
File: 283 KB, 800x600, Shikkoku no Sharnoth - Sharnoth of the Deepest Black_2011-10-16_19-34-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not chuuuni enough ;_;
People eat up boring shit like muv luv and c+c and they complain about Sharnoth? Fucking crazy.
Anyway, started chapter 4, loving it. If not for minigame and lack of voices I'd give 10/10.
I'll need to reread Inganock too. I didn't like it that much at first, but I'm sure I'd enjoy more now.

>> No.8016647

You are fucking retarded, where did I look like I was complaining? I love Sharnoth, I just think it's not a game where you should look for action. I was warning the guy to avoid him whining later.

>> No.8020819
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Sharnoth is notable for having the heaviest shoujo-style protagonist and plot I've ever seen in a non-otome (or yuri) game. Since it seems every other game these days is shounenoverload, I for one am pleased. Love those Sakurai heroines.

signed. I'm sad to say Cross Channel was a huge letdown for me. Sharnoth on the other hand may be the first game I end up giving a 10 to on VNDB (we'll see once I reach the end).

>> No.8020826 [SPOILER] 
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Sharnoth thread eh? time for my usual obligatory WHY OH WHY DIDN'T MARY AND M GET TO FUCKor at least make outDAMMIT post.

>> No.8020834
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I actually like that in Sakurai's games a man and a woman can have significant relationships without having to fuck to show it. The ambiguity sort of added to the atmosphere.

>> No.8020850
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I agree with you 100%, but something about them and that borderline-antagonistic relationship with the power imbalance and all that they share just pushed my buttons and made me crave MOAR. It's a testament to her writing that I got so invested in the characters.

I know there's more of them in the webnovels at least, including fanservice (not that kind, but I'll be happy with whatever's there) to look forward to.

>> No.8020857


why don't you go write fanfic then if you're so worked up about it

and post it here please

>> No.8023827

Exciting, I do enjoy some shoujo as a nice change of pace. Picking this up.

>> No.8024520

So Charlie is gay or what? I thought there was some subtext going on.

>> No.8024536

She's certainly obsessed with Mary enough, but it's more because of the childhood promise and following mental dependence than sexual attraction.
Of course if you were inclined to do so it'd be easy to read everything in a "she wants to fuck Mary" light I guess, but I don't think it's that.

>> No.8024570

She want to fuck Mary. A lot.

>> No.8025059

It was Victorian-era England, all the women were gay.

>> No.8027806
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charlie is pretty gay alright

>> No.8028767
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I´m so glad nobody got to fuck Mary in the end. It was certainly refreshing.

>> No.8028877

Wait so he didnt get with her or something?

>> No.8028878

Thats pretty awesome, at least a lot better than Greece. Did the women have lesbian orgies?

>> No.8028886

The entire thing was about going mad from despair. Charlie couldn't stand the thought of one day losing her friend because of death. So she was willing to give up everything for that.

>> No.8028894

It was pretty boring, i gave up in the beginning somewhere though. I kinda hate shojo though, too much women drama shit and nothing going on at all for me. I mean the world building seamed nice but i felt they were gonna do nothing with it but tea parties.

>> No.8028907

It is implied that they will meet again.

>> No.8028912

So whos that other guy raping him?

>> No.8028916

Sherlock Holmes

>> No.8028933

Mary´s and Charlie´s childhood conversations keep getting weirder and weirder huh

>> No.8028939

Interesting. I was mostly interested in this because of the female protagonist and the great character design.
Saved the thread just so that I can read the spoilers after I ragequit reading it.

>> No.8030313


I love this so, so much. SO MUCH.

Historian Stephanie Coontz writes of premodern customs in the United States: "Perfectly respectable Victorian women wrote to each other in terms such as these: 'I hope for you so much, and feel so eager for you... that the expectation once more to see your face again, makes me feel hot and feverish.' They recorded the 'furnace blast' of their 'passionate attachments' to each other... They carved their initials into trees, set flowers in front of one another’s portraits, danced together, kissed, held hands, and endured intense jealousies over rivals or small slights... Today if a woman died and her son or husband found such diaries or letters in her effects, he would probably destroy them in rage or humiliation. In the nineteenth century, these sentiments were so respectable that surviving relatives often published them in elegies.... [In the 1920s] people's interpretation of physical contact became extraordinarily 'privatized and sexualized,' so that all types of touching, kissing, and holding were seen as sexual foreplay rather than accepted as ordinary means of communication that carried different meanings in different contexts... It is not that homosexuality was acceptable before; but now a wider range of behavior opened a person up to being branded as a homosexual... The romantic friendships that had existed among many unmarried men in the nineteenth century were no longer compatible with heterosexual identity."

>> No.8030331

So... they didn't have lesbian orgies? that sucks. I thought it was like a reversed version of Greece.

>> No.8031387

ooooookaaaaayyyyy.... I am amused/intrigued. Now to see if something even remotely resembling this shows up in the actual game!

>> No.8031412

If/when they did, they didn't talk about it as much.

>> No.8031417



>> No.8031468
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>> No.8033640

I don't get it.
If he's the king of time, why does he wear an iPatch?

>> No.8033668 [SPOILER] 
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I´m not gonna lie. I cried like a little girl in this part.

>> No.8033969 [SPOILER] 
File: 524 KB, 800x600, 0303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe to differentiate between M and Baron? It switches sides.

>> No.8034880

M and the Baron being different halves was a gigantic asspull.

>> No.8034894


>> No.8034912


To be honest I thought they were the same person pretty quick into the VN anyway

>> No.8035147

Because the VN doesn´t give you any hint of that so the scene plays as a 'wait what' revelation. It´s not like the writer does a lot with it anyways.

>> No.8035165

Well it was just supposed to make you realize that the two "sides" of the ritual (Mary/M and the four Bonfires) were actually working together and it was all carefully planned, I didn't really take it as a "here you're supposed to shit bricks" reveal moment since other hints in that sense were also dropped before.
