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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8009074 No.8009074 [Reply] [Original]

Grade 4 science class in Japan learning about electromagnetic superconductivity and Guass's divergence theorem during a field trip to the museum:


Meanwhile, in an American highschool senior science classroom:


>> No.8009084

>expecting that one video about Creationists Like To Be Lumpers
>not disappointed

I don't know from which country you hail, OP, but be aware that American classroom is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.8009097

Right. Instead you like to murder helpless animals in front rude and unruly teenagers with zero discipline while citing passages from the bible.


>> No.8009109

That is disgusting. Do they really kill animals in American science classes? I heard that they dissect frogs or other animals, but I always thought it was a myth. I am deeply saddened.

>> No.8009108

Hey OP

Jesus, man.

>> No.8009111

That clip is 5 minutes long, perhaps you could tell me where the Bible was cited.
>murder helpless animals
I'm not convinced that was murder, and I'm not convinced there's no value in teaching children about the natural world.

>> No.8009112

Jesus Christ, I fucking hated people like this in high school. Most jaded, cynical teenagers dreamed of going postal, I fantasized about ordering troops to round these people up, castrate them, and funnel them into labor camps.

Graduating from that hell was the best thing to ever happen to me.

>> No.8009115


Are you really so retarded that you think they kill the animals in the class instead of buying them in bulk from some corporation?

Also, dissection is one of the only ways American sciences is ahead of the rest of the world. It's a shame they don't do it everywhere else in the world.

>> No.8009119

We got to dissect moose hearts and stuff here in Scandinavia. It's quite fascinating.

>> No.8009122

It was murder because the teacher put the animal in a situation where it would be killed.

If you did that to a human, you would be charged with murder.

>> No.8009126 [DELETED] 

They are animals bro.






>> No.8009128

Yes, one of these days, the Christians will be rounded up and placed in concentration camps. We will call this new final solution the "Rapture." The will be slaughtered like cattle, and their bodies will be turned into compost and fertilizer to be sold to Chinese framers.

>> No.8009129

I take it they're doing a dissection?

What's problematic about that?

>> No.8009133

What's wrong with killing animals? Your body kills shitloads of bacteries every second.

>> No.8009138

Animals experience a degree conciousness and self-awareness. It's more of a gradient than an all or nothing property. Only religious people are so naive to continue to think that us humans are special.


>"People who should be there for her and aren't are often given the cold shoulder--her way of informing them that she's miffed at them. Washoe greeted Kat [the caretaker] in just this way when she finally returned to work with the chimps. Kat made her apologies to Washoe, then decided to tell her the truth, signing "MY BABY DIED." Washoe stared at her, then looked down. She finally peered into Kat's eyes again and carefully signed "CRY", touching her cheek and drawing her finger down the path a tear would make on a human. (Chimpanzees don't shed tears.) Kat later remarked that that one sign told her more about Washoe and her mental capabilities than all her longer, grammatically perfect sentences."

>> No.8009140

>If you did that to a human, you would be charged with murder.
Yes, and that's precisely the point. If it's a rabbit, it's not murder. You as much as admitted it. What you might have said instead was, "I feel rabbits, and other animals that give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, should have the same legal protections as people."

>> No.8009146

Bacteria don't have complex nervous systems. Killing animals is not ethical. I stopped eating meat for a while, but there's an in vitro meat trial at a few grocery stores here, and I've tried it out, it's pretty much identical to real meat, just far more ethical.

>> No.8009147

You need to take a chill pill with that animals-have-feelings-I-want-to-suck-their-dicks-because-I-am-a-huge-furry nonsense.

If they are so sensitive to all this bullshit you claim why dont the animals say something about it?


Dick sucking PETA furries: told of the round table

>> No.8009152

If God our savior dint want us to eat meat he would have said so in the god damn Bible.

If we weren't supposed to kill animals our lord Jesus would not have put them on this Holy earth to begin with, faggot.

>> No.8009157

Americans are deprived of knowledge. This is fact, and the posters in this thread are proving it.

>> No.8009158
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I'd rather 6/7 of the Earth's human population die than breath.


>> No.8009159

Would you eat human meat if given the opportunity, and there are no consequences?

I would.

>> No.8009160

It's not about complex nervous systems, it's about mind capable of abstract thoughts. If it can play chess, or at least can learn to in future, it's unethical to kill it.

>> No.8009162

>Killing animals is not ethical.
That's only your opinion, dude. I have different ethics.

>> No.8009164
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Oh yes, definately. I'd even try the brain.

>> No.8009167

The brain gives you the most diseases when consumed by another human.

>> No.8009169

Animals still experience pain, just as we experience it.

Are you saying we should keep on killing animals when we pretty much have the technology ready to scale up to commercial capacity for replicating meat in the lab in an ethical manner that doesn't involve killing animals or destroying the environment?

>> No.8009170 [SPOILER] 
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A poor troll. You should aspire to greater heights.
pic related

>> No.8009171
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I have confidence in my brain-cooking arts and my immune system.

>> No.8009173

How the fuck is the death of animals a controversial issue?

Seriously. Stop talking about it. It's an overdone subject that's keeping the English-speaking world from discussing deeper subjects.

>> No.8009177

Ethics is not relative. You are confusing ethics for morality.

>> No.8009179
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Are you saying you'd spend 20$ for a single meal just so animals don't feel pain and overpopulate?

Not to mention ruin thousands of established businesses?

Gonna find you and eat your brains.

>> No.8009181
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>killing animals is unethical and destroys the environment
Pic related. She kills animals for food and /jp/ has an enormous collective hardon for her. Stop pretending to be so elitist.

>> No.8009180
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I would eat Christian Bale. I imagine he would be very chewy and sinewy, but yet allowing you to make the perfect, salty steak.

>> No.8009185

Life has no value, and every single one of you will die in a few decades. That is just how reality works. The consumption of animals is the ABSOLUTE number one life-preserving practice in existence. And don't forget, like those animals, you will die too. It doesn't fucking matter, and it's hilarious to me whenever I see people talking against "murdering animals."

>> No.8009187

If the animals have a fucking problem with it they would have said somthing.

Do you see animals parading around in kig suits saying how it is wrong to go by instinct and hunt other animals?

No, it is in their blood to eat and survive

JUST AS US HUMANS NEED ANIMALS TO SURVIVE. Eating recycled chinese shit is no excuse. there is no reason to move from eating animal meat even today. Hell the fucking animal still do it. Why dont they start harvesting tofu and going to self help pansy sessions then?

>> No.8009194

I only know of one being capable of experiencing pain -- me. All others act like they're feeling pain but I don't know if they actually are. I don't go around hurting people only because of consequences.

>> No.8009195

It will be actually cheaper to grow meat in the lab than to clear and maintain grazing land, feed animals, and slaughter and butcher them. Uses less water and energy as well.

Of course, during the research and development phase, the huge investment required to figure out the technology of course must be recouped. It will only be more expensive for a couple of years.


>> No.8009197

Take it easy.

There's nothing worse than a tired meat/no meat discussion, and the inevitable anger it brings have no place here.

>> No.8009202

You are a psychopath. In the future, people like yourself will be treated with molecular cerebral reconditioning nanosurgery to correct your malfunctioning limbic system.

>> No.8009203
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>Makes no mention of how to deal with the already established system

/doesn't listen

>> No.8009204

I'm going to eat twice as much meat now to support the farmers and so they can expand, so even more animals can exist. Farm animals are almost guaranteed to live a life devoid of starvation, having been constantly fed daily.

I believe animals should exist and live, and farms have brought the existence of billions of animals.

Eat a steak, there's a cow waiting to exist.

>> No.8009205

I'm sure they'll wait for him to finish puberty and exit his dark-phase before they take such drastic measures.

>> No.8009206

Most people in the world are psychopaths. You're still free to fantasize to attempt to relieve your neurotic stress, though.

>> No.8009212

1-3% is not most. Unless you're a psychopath who likes to lie and bend the truth.

>> No.8009215

>it costs money to butcher animals
You just wanted to put the word "butcher" in there. It's actually really, really cheap to kill them. Mas Oyama, founder of the Kyokushinaki school of karate, has killed bulls in one punch.

>> No.8009214

>You as much as admitted it.

No, he did not. The only thing he "admitted" is that one does not (as of yet) get criminal charges for murdering non-humans.

>> No.8009224

Morihei Ueshiba, founder of aikido, killed bulls that charged at him using their own force of impetus

>> No.8009230

>Tennessee in 1996
Theres your problem, OP.
Its the fucking bible belt.

>> No.8009258

I'm 23, college education, employed, thank you.

I wouldn't call myself a psychopath either because it sounds a lot like a made-up sickness.

>> No.8009263

It is. Psychopath is a term used to demonize human nature. Liberal pansies shout that word every change they get.

>> No.8009272

I think that factory farming is bad but that meat eating isn't necessarily so. However, the vast majority of the meat eaten in the first world is of this variety.

/jp/ - My Blog and Baby's First Ethics Discussion

>> No.8009281

It is not. Just because liberals and conservatives alike (conservatives like to use it in death-penalty convictions) have politicalized it does not mean there is a scientific definition.


My ex-boss was a psychopath, and he emottionaly manipulated and abused me to the point where I had a nervous breakdown and quit, before he ran his company into the ground, which he did.

>> No.8009284
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>> No.8009304

Yeah, American schools really suck. I think it's because the administration tries to do everything it can to prevent students from choosing what they want to learn about. Teachers don't have much choice in the matter either... it's all standardized and Procrustean as fuck. Kids aren't going to try hard if they don't have a source of internal motivation.
Not that Japan does any better -- it just forces all of the kids who are having problems keeping up with the rigid curriculum to drop out and become hikikomori, which makes the remainder look brilliant.

>> No.8009302

That wiki article is a mess. I rarely go against wikipedia but this one of those cases. There is no proper way to diagnose psychopathy, there are no underlying causes (only effects like "he does not feel sad when rabbit dies"), and there is no treatment. What kind of sickness it that?!

>> No.8009312

Actually, if you had read the wikipedia article, you would have seen that psychopath's brains react differently to different stimuli than normal brains and this can be identified in real-time using photon tomography and EEG scans.

Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaTfdKYbudk

>> No.8009316

Psychopaths don't feel any emotion. Someone that doesn't care about "murdering" animals isn't a psycopath, I'm willing to bet they're actually relatively normal.

>> No.8009338

Meanwhile in Gensokyo...

>> No.8009341


There's a difference between someone not caring that the food they eat comes from animals that get slaughtered and someone who tortures and kills animals for fun, though.

>> No.8009382


But someone that tortures and kills animals for fun isn't necessarily a psychopath either. It's just a tendency that psychopaths generally have
