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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 677 KB, 1352x1412, Touhoumon #115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7999944 No.7999944 [Reply] [Original]

Touhoumon general.

Has there been any other version of interest besides the constantly updated World Link and Another World?

>> No.7999954 [DELETED] 

No. Try >>>/vp/ or even >>>/v/. Just because 2ch does it does not make it related. Reported.

>> No.7999962
File: 19 KB, 427x366, 1248489890185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7999965 [DELETED] 


>> No.7999964

But the fact that it's Touhou makes it related.


>> No.7999979
File: 18 KB, 698x447, Touhoumonkomeiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarlet Emerald by Anjiru.

It's pretty good, pretty hard, pretty funny (at times), all of the text is changed, and I mean ALL.

Google you lazy schmucks.

>> No.7999983 [DELETED] 

Being Touhou doesn't make it related. Why don't you lurk a bit more before posting.

>> No.7999981 [DELETED] 

No, go away. We don't want to attract the >>>/vp/ swine. Reported.

>> No.7999982 [DELETED] 

A little late for that.

>> No.7999986 [DELETED] 


>> No.7999987 [DELETED] 

It does, check out /jp/'s first thread done by moot, don't pretend you know anything kiddo.

>> No.7999993 [DELETED] 

He wasn't even here for that.

>> No.8000026 [DELETED] 


>> No.8000035 [DELETED] 

Is the meido furry? Why doesn't she delete this thread? Why is she deleting the anti-pokemon posters? I think the meido is biased against furfag-haters like most of /jp/.

>> No.8000027

Dude, Anjiru toasted all his projects, a mere google doesn't help.

>> No.8000054 [DELETED] 


>> No.8000061

Touhoumon garners the same hate on /vp/ as it does here.

I find that interesting.

>> No.8000079
File: 15 KB, 525x105, moot - I'm a fan of 'ignore shit you don't like'_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It may well have something to do with the fact that you're shitting on a thread that is /jp/ related. Just because you don't like it doesn't make touhou mods any less /jp/ related

>> No.8000083 [DELETED] 

Except from the janitor, who is going above and beyond the "only enforce the rules" rule to protect this shit.

Why does moot never read my emails about how much of an ignorant ass this janitor is?

>> No.8000089 [DELETED] 

Because the only ignorant ass is you, shitposter.

>> No.8000092 [DELETED] 

Also, posts consisting of nothing but >>>/board/ are a violation of global rule 6

>> No.8000094 [DELETED] 

That's fine. I still hate that faggot and will never stop shitposting. I can last longer than you can.

>> No.8000095

This is the first time it happens because it just so happened that a /vp/er came around to make spam due to the 8m get, check the previous Touhoumon threads, they're popular (kind of).

>> No.8000099


>> No.8000105
File: 19 KB, 719x452, Touhoumon #45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I uploaded it myself just in case.


Screen from the cheap ass hard Champion battle.

>> No.8000109 [DELETED] 

That's what you think~

>> No.8000110


>> No.8000111 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1500, flandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is our meido being so mean tonight? She kept deleting the traditional 02:00 flanfly threads, but not this thread?

Why is the meido being so mean? Is she knew? Is she from /vp/ and wants to corrupt /jp/ with pokemon?

>> No.8000113 [DELETED] 

I'm only kidding. I don't usually shitpost except for in already shitty threads like this.

Meido is an idiot though.

>> No.8000120


>> No.8000126 [DELETED] 

It's /jp/ related and it has been done successfully in the past many times, now shoo shoo you pest.

>> No.8000135 [DELETED] 

Lots of shit was successful in the past but needs to go. This shit, idolshit, dollshit. Meido is unwilling to enforce the board rules. I am going to go onto #4chan IRC and discuss me becoming a janitor in his place.

>> No.8000130 [DELETED] 

Doesn't explain why the meido (perhaps YOU are the meido, with your biased agenda) would delete the flanfly threads, which are traditional and more a part of /jp/ than any touhoumon thread ever has been.

>> No.8000141


>> No.8000144 [DELETED] 

Because that thread had too many shitposting over the 8M get besides being shitposting itself so Meido took the easy way out and deleted the whole thread.

>> No.8000151 [DELETED] 

No, it had zero shit-posting. In fact, the flanfly threads had no additional posts, the meido deleted them before any could reply. You're the one making stuff up and shit posting. You don't even know what flanfly is, do you?

>> No.8000149 [DELETED] 

I don't care what was or what wasn't successful, the point is, Touhoumon is /jp/ related, whether you like it or not.

>> No.8000148 [DELETED] 

Flanfly threads have been getting deleted for a whiiiile now, they're nothing but spam/meme shit that belongs in /b/
You not liking something doesn't mean it "has to go". Nobody likes idolshit but if they can keep it in one thread then fine, no harm done.

>> No.8000163 [DELETED] 

Reported for getting dubs.

>> No.8000167

So which of the Touhoumon is more than just a character replacement? I've been playing World Link, and so far I'm very disappointed that the world map is exactly the same and the plot remains exactly the same just with words substituted in.

>> No.8000173 [DELETED] 


>> No.8000174

Read thread.

>> No.8000176 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 1199x898, 1312524051031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.8000181

This kind of information has not been explicitly stated.

>> No.8000183

Are you perhaps still in Hoenn?

Beat it, then go to the island where the 2nd gym is, go north and talk to the fisherman with a boat behind him.

Enjoy the completely new kanto-sized world (after beating Kanto). Read the guide that comes in the .rar if you're confused because there's A LOT of things in this game.

>> No.8000188 [DELETED] 

Correct. There were no additional posts in first thread.


Scroll down a bit. The extra posts were made after they were deleted (hence the red icon). Notice how people are bitching about the meido not knowing what the fuck is up.

>> No.8000192

Ugh. I don't want to have to go through ALLLLLLLL of Hoenn just to get to something new. I've played Emerald countless times, I'm bored to death of it.

>> No.8000193

Just play along, not all of the things are the same anyway, make sure you get your puppets to at least Last Word before beating the Elite Four. After you beat Hoenn, the pain comes.

>> No.8000195

You don't have to, you just need to get to the 2nd gym island.

>> No.8000194



>> No.8000198

But isn't a high level place?


>> No.8000202

What about this.

After Hoenn, you're only halfway through the game, you don't even have to put a step on Hoenn ever again (unless you want to go ahead and capture every legendary-equivalent.

It's always fun (for me anyway) to check that Touhouifications have been made, I just use Touhoumon as a way to kill time while something like a download is happening for example.

>> No.8000207 [DELETED] 

So the people who dislike this janitor/mod decide to spam the fuck out of /jp/ because of it? This is autism at it's core.

>> No.8000211

Nah, it's Kanto, you have to do some slightly modified version of the 8 gym system, but since you have all the abilities, you can have 8 badges in about an hour, some things are added as well, also please excuse the author's Indonesian engrish.

>> No.8000218

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To capture spells is my real test
To graze them is my cause

I will travel from stage to stage
Dodging left and right
Bullet patterns for me to guage
The power of focused flight

Gotta graze 'em all--
I'll shoot with Z
And time out till victory
Ooooh, the pattern's tough
Will three bombs be enough?

Gotta graze 'em all--
My skills have showed
I'll wait for the screen to load
Never played on Easy Mode
Gotta graze 'em all!

>> No.8000216 [DELETED] 

Actually some people from other boards came over, what with the whole GET fuss and the newcomers who still don't get what /jp/'s about as well. Then they criticized Meido because the threads that were filled with GET comments were deleted.

>> No.8000213 [DELETED] 

Yes, because it's obvious the janitor hates /jp/, she's deleting /jp/ related content and leaving up shitposts.

>> No.8000214

You mean the readme, right? I wish it was a little more in depth.

>> No.8000222

I doubt I can motivate myself to go much farther. I think I am pokemonned out for a lifetime.

>> No.8000225

Why did he do that?

>> No.8000248
File: 99 KB, 743x507, Touhoumon #121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he do what? The engrish? Because he's Indonesian.

The Kanto area was to make every puppet collectable, he even made a special screen that appears when you fullfill it, although be aware there's 417 puppets (or ''Boneka'' as he calls them) in total. He really needed 3 whole worlds, one of them which is the size of Kanto and completely made by him (which is pretty good if I must say) to fit them all, also a chunk of Johto is thrown in. There's also a teleport for each town of every island inside the Puppet centers of the 3 latter worlds (Kanto and Johto and ''Java'', the new one).

>> No.8000252

The post I linked claimed he "toasted" all of his projects, I thought he meant he took them down or something.

>> No.8000270


>> No.8000810

So, am I supposed to grind up even for the first gym? I don't think I like this mod.

>> No.8001492
File: 41 KB, 672x469, Touhoumon #25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scarlet Emerald? Yeah it's a bitch, according to the readme it's because ''Touhou is hard therefore this should be hard too''.

I don't know about about your style, I just use those games as time killers while there's something like a download going on. The dialogue is nice too.

>> No.8002861


>> No.8002916 [DELETED] 


>> No.8002965 [DELETED] 


>> No.8002965,1 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, the amount of pained rears in this thread is a thing of beauty.
I wonder why certain things piss the shitposters off so much.

>> No.8002993

I've never given any of the non-official version a try, mostly because they added too much junk when all I wanted was a simple translation. However, that was a long time ago, and apparently the newest version in English have gotten completely different, so maybe I'll eventually give them a try. Yeah.
Not before I beat 1.812, though, as even though that version has no translations I find its complete revamp of nearly everything pretty interesting.

All these angry people in this thread are hilarious, by the way.

>> No.8003075
File: 128 KB, 740x510, Touhoumon #91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you play one that happens in Gensokyo?

As in, the map itself is shaped mostly like the given Gensokyo territory. IIRC it also has the new sprites instead of the old ones.

>> No.8003094

