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7989486 No.7989486 [Reply] [Original]

What is your Least favorite Touhou game?

>> No.7989513

EoSD, the game mechanics are are pretty terrible along with sub-par music and Twilight level characters.

>> No.7989545

>IN, the game mechanics are are pretty terrible along with sub-par music and Twilight level characters.

there's even a shapeshifting character! Twilight level character indeed.

>> No.7989559

Stop shitposting against IN elite-kun.

>> No.7989566

fuck off chink scum. Go suck nvidia cock some more.

>> No.7989568

any answer other than TD is wrong

>> No.7989570

Ten Desires, I didn't like how easy the game was (I 1cc'd it on normal without knowing any of the spell cards, 1cc'd it on hard and lunatic on my first tries,) I didn't like the ghost mechanic, and most, if not all of the new characters are somewhat boring. The music and shot types are okay, but still not as good as the other games

ZUN should just make every Touhou game like Mystic Square, EoSD, PCB, and IN.

>> No.7989577

EoSD because it has the worst characters.

>> No.7989581

You have to keep in mind a lot of Touhou games are actually pretty easy on Normal. For example I almost 1 cc'ed MoF on first blind run (only the MoF card on Kanako stopped me since I didn't know what to do).

PCB is also really really easy on Normal.

I suppose one could posit that the Touhou games kind of flip back and forth between very easy and then moderate to difficult on the next game (hence SA's Normal is no joke). The only real problem with TD (besides not being that challenging) is its scoring system imo.

So, Touhou 14 will possibly/likely be a bitch. Even if it isn't, it'll still be harder than 13 due to (presumably) no more Trance. Trance is stupidly overpowered.

>> No.7989583

Probably TD. I don't really like the Other World mechanic in TD, I normally forget I even have it most of the time. At first, I didn't like the switch from IN to MoF in terms of the change in bombs, but I got used to it and thought is was good in SA. I quite liked the UFOs in UFO, I'm not sure how other people found that though, on normal mode it made the game relatively easy, but I hear it's a bitch in Lunatic.

>> No.7989590

UFO. But i admit, last stage was good.

>> No.7989626

It's just bad for a shooter mechanic, especially in a series that's all about the boss patterns. It just seems like a game that's impossible to play seriously and enjoy.

>> No.7989631


So bad.

>> No.7989646

between EoSD and UFO.
EoSD was just normal, nothing awesome.
and UFO, i'm tired dying because i want to get a piece of life.

>> No.7989679

MoF. I can't play it for some reason. Certain patterns would flash continuously or something that hurt my eyes and I became tired of it after a couple times. It also is when that new system started and I hated it.

>> No.7989689

Don't forget that UFO has many shitty touhous.

>> No.7989692

yo momma`s a shitty touhou

>> No.7989697

Go fuck your dead dad

>> No.7989702

he's not dead, dude.

>> No.7989764


I just don't like it that much..

Maybe I'm just pissed off because it's the only game I can't 1cc on Hard, though..

>> No.7990110
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Because: fucking hard, shitty characters and shitty bomb-system and the bombs are boring too!

Pic related, worst Touhous ever.

>> No.7990122


Fuck this game. I'm never touching you again.

>> No.7990129

press x

>> No.7990144

POFV. I just don't like it as much as the other games.

>> No.7990151

PCB, everything seems bland and boring.

>> No.7990149
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>Because: fucking hard

>> No.7990165

I liked some characters in MoF, I also don't hate all of them in TD, but I still dislike MoF more, I think. I really hate the similarities to PCB despite MoF being 100x shittier as far as characters, storyline and gameplay. It really just seems like ZUN took the idea of PCB and altered it just a little. I mean yes, most Touhou games are similar in plot, but MoF and PCB are just ridiculous.

>> No.7990178
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>most Touhou games are similar in plot, but MoF and PCB are just ridiculous.

Wait, what? How are they similar at all?
One is trying to steal spring to revive death tree and the other is trying to convert everybody to their god and probably take over the Hakurei shrine.

I mean you can have your opinion of the characters, especially since they get more screen time than your favorite touhous. But i'm really not seeing the similarities in story or scoring.

>> No.7990242

IN or UFO, because they have the fewest number of characters I like (1) compared to other games.

Although I like Mokou more than Byakuren, so I guess UFO is the worst.

>> No.7990245 [DELETED] 


>> No.7990284

MoF. Not a bad game but the least memorable touhou all around if you take into account as many important elements as possible.

>> No.7990321


An incident has occurred. The Hakurei miko begins her investigation.

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 1 Boss: No

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 2 Boss: No

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 3 Boss: No

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 4 Boss: No, but I know who may.

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 5 Boss: No, but I know who may.

Reimu: Are you the culprit?

Stage 6 Boss: Yes

Reimu: Why are you bothering me?

EX Boss: Because

Then everyone had tea

>> No.7990335 [DELETED] 

ten desired

>> No.7990338

Either the first one or ten desires because it's a step back from SA and UFO.

>> No.7990342

I think he means the cause of the incident rather than the incident solving.

>> No.7990343
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>Then everyone had tea

>> No.7990352
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Definitely UFO.

Too gimmicky, bad music, bad characters, stupid shot types, and power-ups were too rare.

>> No.7990364

People that dislike UFO make me sad. I literally value you less as people because of your opinion.

>> No.7990371

Don't worry, I'm sure there are a few other people like you hiding out in mental wards or something.

>> No.7990376

Too bad not everyone loves eating shit.

>> No.7990382

but if they don't like eating shit why do they like touhou?

>> No.7990390

We should talk about the best game (SA) instead.

>> No.7990392 [DELETED] 

I dislike threads like this.
They only cause anger and sadness.

>> No.7990395
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Because liking isn't eating.

You can't eat Touhou, silly.

>> No.7990402

You mean IN?

>> No.7990405
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I dislike threads like this.
They only cause anger and sadness.

>> No.7990415

The fighting games.
Because I don't like fighting games.

>> No.7990416

I like IN as well, but still prefer SA above the rest. MoF is fine too, despite some of its shortcomings.

>> No.7990413
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Only one interesting character, retarded youkai/human system, boring music, different bosses for different characters.

>> No.7990427


>Then everyone had tea

Reported for spoiler content. Endings are sacred.

>> No.7990434

I don't like the one where you play as this girl who dodges bullets

>> No.7990431


Shitty game, indeed.

>> No.7990436

I can only hope you're not implying Mystia to be the one interesting character.

>> No.7990443
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I wonder...

>> No.7990460

If I had too choose one, I guess I'd say EoSD, simply because it's the least polished and visually appealing of the Windows titles. Its music is good, but the original versions sound a little weird as well.
It's still a pretty good game, though.

>> No.7990473

You must like Mountain of Faith and Ten Desires, then.

>> No.7990488
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The only character from SA I like is Yuugi.
I only like the stage 3 and stage 6 theme.
The spellcards are not as fun as the ones in the other games.

>> No.7990508

I haven't played any, so I wouldn't know. I only look at the interesting characters and judge whether the game is good based on that. ^_^

>> No.7990518

Oh, on that note, what game spawned the worst Touhou characters in your eyes? TD doesn't count, it's too new.

>> No.7990519
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Yoshika makes it impossible for me to entirely dismiss TD

>> No.7990537
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Threads like this make me upset.

>> No.7990550

Gathering faith:Gathering sakura petals
Meeting 2 season specific characters
Chen and Hina are both "bad luck"
Climbing a mountain: Ascending into the sky
Reaches top of the mountain: Reaches the magical boundry
Meets up with Stage 6's direct subordinate
Kanako is gathering all the faith: Yuyuko is gathering all the spring.

EX STAGE: Continue on to meet Suwako, the true god of the shrine: Continue on to meet Yukari, the one behind the entire plan.

>> No.7990558

Ten Desires.

The patterns aren't the most interesting, but they're not as horrible as EoSD's, at least, so that's not my main complaint. I'm actually pretty happy about how consistently fair they are, even if that means it's easier than average. I can't think of a single spell in this game where the RNG can fuck you over.

The scoring system is so irredeemably bad. I simply cannot forgive it. Nobody can refute this. Nobody. Except on Extra, because it's the only difficulty where it's not incredibly broken.

>> No.7990561

"Worst" is such a strong word. But for me, SA has the cast that I've grown the least attached to. It's not that I don't like them, but I don't spend that much energy on them. I think the Komeiji Sisters are interesting, and Parsee and Rin are really cute, but that's about it.

/jp/ loves Okuu so much and that's fine, and I can sorta see why, but she doesn't engage me or tug my heartstrings or anything. At least not all by herself; a good doujin helps.

>> No.7990582

Well shit.

>> No.7990616


>> No.7990622

>different bosses for different characters.

I'm sorry, I'm just completely failing to see how this is a bad thing. The stage 4 character difference is present in a lot of games.

>> No.7990630

they are always retarded secondary garbage.

Primaries know that all (integer windows) touhou games are essentially the same. Arguing about character and music preference is autism overflowing.

>> No.7990654

>Primaries know that all (integer windows) touhou games are essentially the same.
What, all of the most recent games (10-13) are incredibly different with respect to both style and scoring system.

>> No.7990683

style? scoring? who cares?
6 stages, you shoot lolis until their lifebar is drained, that's real innovation

the one breaking out of the mold is perhaps IN, as it has two final bosses.

the best game is StB

>> No.7990690

>style? scoring? who cares?
And you call yourself a primary, for shame.

>> No.7990694

thanks to that post I know that I am talking with an autist.

>> No.7990698

I hope you break your fingers

>> No.7990704

i hope you break your dick

>> No.7990717

>Implying he's not a primary because of that fact that he actually played the games

>> No.7990730

We obviously need a new label for the elitist faggots that look down on everybody else that doesn't play for score. What do you recommend?

>> No.7990731

Lol he has no dick

>> No.7990736


>> No.7990742


But then what do you call people who look down on anyone not capable of superplays?

>> No.7990763

Outside of the "other" games, Imperishable Night. There's just something about it that doesn't sit well with me.

>> No.7990772

autistic duh. What are you, new or something?

>> No.7992947

bump so more of /jp/ sees what a shitty thread looks like

>> No.7993090

>Gathering sakura petals
Just say cherry blossoms, you incredible weeaboo. It's even in the name of the game.

>> No.7993092

naisu bampu

>> No.7993095

Arigatou, ken-sama.
