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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7989443 No.7989443 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 30 in a few days, so I'm wondering, will it be possible for me to become a witch?

Or will my vagina only allow me to be come a crazy cat lady? ;_;

>> No.7989450

Why are all women such attention whores

>> No.7989454
File: 176 KB, 577x684, 1262306214482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we like attention.

>> No.7989456

This thread is going nowhere but downhill from here.

but then, that's what the OP wanted hen they posted it.

>> No.7989459

Reported for having a vagina.

I'm so jelly

>> No.7989467

Your unshaven vagina must be full of worms and bugs by now.

>> No.7989472

Is there even a difference between a crazy cat lady and a witch? I mean, a crazy cat lady is a subclass of a witch.

>> No.7989490

I meant to say
>I mean, maybe a crazy cat lady is a subclass of a witch.

>> No.7989509
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How does it feel to have surpassed Christmas cake status into New Year's cake?

>> No.7989554 [DELETED] 

;_; though to some extent I don't care anymore.

When I was younger I used to be afraid of men, but now all I feel about 3d is indifference maybe tinged with a little bit of loathing.
2D is all I've cared about for many, many years..

>> No.7989557

;_; though to some extent I don't care anymore.

When I was younger I used to be afraid of men, but now all I feel about 3d is indifference maybe tinged with a little bit of loathing.
2D is all I've cared about for many, many years..

>> No.7989558


>> No.7989560

Reported for 3DPD. Get out.

>> No.7989564

/jp/ - White male culture

>> No.7989563

old hag

>> No.7989567


>> No.7989569

Well, at least you're not a slut, so there isn't much to rag on about besides your wanting attention.

Who knows, if the wizard/witch thing becomes ubiquitous enough over the years it could become a new type of Servant eventually (caster of course). Its Noble Phantasm would be.. hm, not sure.

>> No.7989573

In before mods start trying to hit on OP using warning messages.

>> No.7989574

Stop bumping your thread OP, it's still on the front page.

>> No.7989585

OP doesn't even give a shit about 3D males anyways so I don't really see the problem. You always have the occasional thread made by a /jp/er talking about how lonely / depressed they are or something related to such.

>> No.7989588
File: 178 KB, 654x1360, 1318295703539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This again?

>> No.7989595

There is no problem, but you know how our wonderful autists act.

And yeah virgins at age 30 turn into a magic user regardless of the gender. I'm 27 and still virgin but I kinda want to resist this class change.

>> No.7989610

The problem is, it's not /jp/ related. If you want to talk about how lonely you are, then go to /a/.

>> No.7989613

I can understand a male being a virgin past 30 because of all the hoops they have to jump through but a female virgin at that age HAS to be batshit insane for not even a casual normalfag to fuck her.

>> No.7989638

I am saying that OP is a fat disgusting landwhale but would you want to fuck a fatty?
I sure dont.

>> No.7989635

>>because of all the hoops they have to jump through

Oh boy here we go.jpg

Even as a male I don't believe that very much though. There aren't many hoops to jump through if you want to bang some random whore.

>> No.7989641

I am not* saying
Mistake there not really wanting to insult OP.

>> No.7989639

Why does it always have to be like this. Even in /jp/. I don't like this. It's uncomfortable.

>> No.7989644

There is literally no one in this world that doesn't want recognition (the kind of positive attention, not the kind that makes the paparazi stalk you).
The girl that hates popular girls actually also wants to be praised and recognized in some way. The guy who hates attention whores are just saying the whores don't deserve the attention as much as he does, even if his excessive self-hatred has led him to think he does not need recognition.

>> No.7989655

Off-topic, but would any of you happen to know the name of this manga?

>> No.7989657

Who gives a shit reported. Stop bumping this shit thread.

>> No.7989659

Its not my fault I'm not popular!

This was asked and answered not even a day ago

>> No.7989662

"It's Not My Fault I'm Not Popular"
...I think...

>> No.7989671

Thank you, and I apologize for my laziness.

>> No.7989674

I still have 9 years to go.

>> No.7989681

5 more years for me. You will probably become a fine witch. But could you tell us - how does it feel to be so close?

>> No.7989682

>Thinks witch is the female equivalent of wizard

I'd use the Two Ronnies hieroglyph sketch joke, but none of you would get it.

>> No.7989705

Isn't witch the female equivalent of a warlock?

>> No.7989709

Wizard is genderless and has many synonyms, but everyone ITT already knew that.
And OP is just attentionwhoring.


>> No.7989717

>There is literally no one in this world that doesn't want recognition
Your projecting again, anon.

>> No.7989730
File: 43 KB, 200x184, 1305055404091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gone to page 8 while eating. Dammit.

Great manga btw.

>> No.7989742


Since witches are hags, yes. You can now become a witch.


Just kidding. Witches has at least 100 years, so no, you're still an undeveloped witch.

>> No.7989750

Typical umineko reader.

>> No.7989758

You need to retain your 童貞. Women don't even have a 童貞 in the first place (unless they're dickgirls or something).

>> No.7989769

Fuck off, white knight.

>> No.7989770

only virgins become witches

>> No.7989783

I kinda want to know more about OP, because creepy girls highly interests me. I don't have the guts to actually ask, though.

>> No.7989789

So, do you play otome games OP?
Which ones you liked?

>> No.7989791


Smooth bro.

>> No.7989797

That's not how you talk to women.
Let me help you.
"Hey cutie, wanna do something fun? Go to the kitchen and make me a sammich. If it's good enough and you are not annoying, we'll take the next step."
There you are
