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File: 42 KB, 173x198, AliceMargatroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7984484 No.7984484 [Reply] [Original]

why isn't arisu a main touhou?

>> No.7984491
File: 494 KB, 2000x1380, 1316362494866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Alice popular in the first place?

>> No.7984496

Probably because she is shit.

>> No.7984501


>> No.7984509

Only humans can be main touhous. Alice can only appear in youkai partner games. Youmu is not half-youkai.

>> No.7984506
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>> No.7984516

The blond roll is taken. Alice is a bitch, anyways.

>> No.7984514
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>> No.7984524


She's not exactly human either.

>> No.7984525
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why isn't Moko-tan the main touhou?
>has sidekick/lover
>flame powers and white hair: typical MC traits

>> No.7984552


Yeah why doesn't she leave Bamboo Forest anyway.

Also way to bring over the shit from Mokou general into this thread.

>> No.7984558
File: 177 KB, 756x600, Mokou14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because her lover (Kaguya) and sidekick (Keine) wouldn't get along due to conflicting interests.

>> No.7984578
File: 157 KB, 600x800, 9c3aa8cb5a378255a20fd6b9b1d97c54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou's pants are a sign of nobility.

>> No.7984586
File: 295 KB, 689x512, 1316504999930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pal. Kaguya is the rival (and lover just according to fanon). every main character must have it.

>> No.7984591



>> No.7984597

ZUN making Mokou a playable character in a danmaku game would be shark-jumping of the worst kind.

>> No.7984603

It would be great. In fact he should just replace Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae with Kaguya, Mokou, and Sakuya

>> No.7984608
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>Moko-tan has entered the game!

>> No.7984611
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You can't just make broad statements like that and not explain.

Is it canonically unfeasible? Is there something wrong with Mokou's character?

>> No.7984619

Mokou would probably hav infinite health in a fighting game

>> No.7984626


Why must we go over this countless times.

Her HP meter would be a pain meter. She loses the duel as soon as she can't handle the pain anymore.

>> No.7984628

well, not necessarily. there's some canon immortal or regenerating character in fighting games.

>> No.7984652
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posting Mokou in a Mokou thread

>> No.7984654
File: 377 KB, 1272x1800, a737cdf3970e2f403f25e8962a90491e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's something wrong with her, she's not supposed to embark on adventures. First of all, she's royalty and royalty doesn't do that in Gensokyo, that's would be demeaning. Second, fire is too plain an ability for ZUN standards. Third, she's immortal, so there is no thrill to the fight (You might make the point that Cirno is also immortal, but Fairy Wars had a joke premise).

No, Mokou has the perfect characteristics for en EX. She's a human, so it's interesting because you're fighting her anyway. She's also a loner, so you don't really know her. You have to fight your way and discover your adversary/target and see her power for yourself. Plus, she has no real plans, but is strong, that means she doesn't qualify for either a Final boss or a playable character.

>> No.7984674
File: 79 KB, 400x400, 1316616603830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that* even

Also, forgot to make the point that a playable character would need some kind of drive to solve incidents, which Mokou totally lacks.

>> No.7984679

>Yeah, there's something wrong with her, she's not supposed to embark on adventures. First of all, she's royalty and royalty doesn't do that in Gensokyo, that's would be demeaning. Second, fire is too plain an ability for ZUN standards. Third, she's immortal, so there is no thrill to the fight (You might make the point that Cirno is also immortal, but Fairy Wars had a joke premise).


>First of all, she's royalty and royalty doesn't do that in Gensokyo, that's would be demeaning.

She wears pants and lives in a forest. Fujiwara does not mean royalty, there were several branches of Fujiwara, and while the Fujiwara were often in positions of power and in close connection with royalty, they were not always royalty, just generally higher class.

>Second, fire is too plain an ability for ZUN standards.

No. That isn't her only ability either.

>Third, she's immortal, so there is no thrill to the fight (You might make the point that Cirno is also immortal, but Fairy Wars had a joke premise).

No one's life is in jeopardy anyways. Danmaku is nonlethal (canon). Plus you can always just throw in some omg citizen cane is dying.

>> No.7984683


>she's royalty and royalty doesn't do that in Gensokyo

She only haphazardly acts like royalty, she doesn't assume any kind of societal role.

>fire is too plain an ability


>[She] would need some kind of drive to solve incidents

Of course ZUN can't just make up an incident, like something happening in Eientei or anything

>> No.7984721
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I'm not talking about Mokou thinking she's royalty, but ZUN thinking she is.
>She wears pants
A sign of royalty.

>Of course ZUN can't just make up an incident, like something happening in Eientei or anything

He did actually. A fake Moon hid the real one and the night froze indefinitely. Yet, you didn't see Mokou there already fighting Kaguya, not even because she would irrationally think it was her fault from the beginning.

Perhaps I didn't word myself properly. Mokou lacks motivation to solve incidents, she would rather sit and watch what happens. Why? Nobody knows. Honestly, I think it's because she just doesn't care anymore, age can do that to a human. Especially one who can resurrect with memories of pain from a previous death. I wouldn't want to exercise that kind of power very often.

>> No.7985662

I like how there hasn't been a single mention of Mokou in canon since StB.

And people expect her to come back and even develop some research on how it should be? That's like saying Sakuya will come back.

>> No.7985679

That's low, brah.

>> No.7985929
File: 38 KB, 448x339, mokouhijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both long canon-dead, both paroxysmally loved by fandom.
I can see a pattern here.

>> No.7985931

Why did you bump this?

>> No.7985941 [DELETED] 

あなたの口の中で私のペニスを入れて、その上に少し吸う, dude。

>> No.7985953

why not? its not the worst thread around for sure, and maybe somebody have something to say about this.

>> No.7985949
File: 95 KB, 400x300, bcacff30dd3a830a999d142a93aa2032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's justified
When human village was relevant the last time?
Not in context "oh, another temple moved in there", but actually relevant?

>> No.7985980
File: 246 KB, 400x566, f65f28b9e2c8fcc6511750757b501ab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mokou hijack

the best kind of hijack.

>> No.7985990

In the language of my people, "Mokou" is the word my grandmother uses for boogers.

>> No.7985994

Spanish? Well it's actually ''moco'' but the pronunciation is similar.

>> No.7985999
File: 646 KB, 750x1125, f64d7fb35ece4669e28bce14a3301ad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't linguistics fun?
