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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 473 KB, 1060x570, Mobile-Suit-Gundam-Age-Anime-Series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7984428 No.7984428 [Reply] [Original]

/m/ is full of idiots so I have ask you, how does /jp/ feel about Gundam AGE?

>> No.7984432

I want to fuck Emily so hard right in her tight loli vagina

>> No.7984442

gundam a shit

>> No.7984443

I'm sorry, but there has been no new Gundam for over a decade. Please stop it with this fanfiction crap.

>> No.7984440

I haven't started it yet, but if /m/ hates it then it must be good.

>> No.7984447

And yet /jp/ always denies it when someone calls you guys lolicons.

>> No.7984448
File: 211 KB, 570x825, 173527-shinn_asuka_106759057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, SEED Destiny is pretty much the best anime of all time, fuck the haters.

>> No.7984446

hitting pixiv faster than the speed of light

>> No.7984455

It's just as good as Yu-gi-oh and Digimon.

>> No.7984456

SEED destiny and the 00 movie happened. No way you can erase that no matter how much you deny it.

>> No.7984464

You're denying Unicorn? It not that bad.

>> No.7984472

Did that start already?

>> No.7984474

Not canon

>> No.7984482

I don't care if it's canon or not as long it's enjoyable and Unicorn definitely is.

>> No.7984490

If it's not Tomino it's not Gundam.

>> No.7984494

AGE is mediocre.
Not terrible, but not great either.

>> No.7984512
File: 159 KB, 600x450, 1263778417456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/jp/ has NEVER denied being full of lolicons.

Anyone who said otherwise has their own delusional ideal of what they wish /jp/ was rather than what it is. They are also probably our main shitposters.

>> No.7984507

I want to fuck Emiry so hard.
She is like a throwback to the Osamu Tezuka char design era.

>> No.7984522
File: 4 KB, 160x160, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show starts with a generic dream sequence with MC's mom dying.
> MC is late for something
>Toast hanging from mouth

>> No.7984528

It's bothered me, but is the Just in Just Pedo supposed to be Just as in Only or Just as in Justice?

>> No.7984531

The auto-asspies will bitch and moan at first but it'll turn out to be the best gundam series and everyone will love it.

>> No.7984535

no, its short for JustinPedo, one of our early members

>> No.7984545
File: 131 KB, 575x800, 387844c747a6ce87d25807560cc31d64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no Gundam with little girls piloting them or Gundam with little girl MC?
I dont understand why Bandai/Sunrise dont do this. Guarantee to sell.

>> No.7984556

I'm pretty sure Kio is a girl and Laura was a female Gundam MC.

>> No.7984567

I'd love that, but I guess they would lose their fujoshi audience.

>> No.7984579 [DELETED] 

Oh kio is a girl? From >>7984428 pic, sure look like a shota boy.
Laura is a nigger, no count.
Imagine if the SEED and Wing cast is replaced by little girls, it would be an instant 10/10 for me.

>> No.7984583

They tried that with Puru. Too bad ZZ was better than expected.

>> No.7984599

I don't watch shows with timeskips as plot elements, so even though I love Gundam I will not be watching this junk.

Yes it is.

>> No.7984624

It is like you know /m/ very well.

>> No.7984644

Im not sure about this lighter tone , I prefer a darker tone to the story (and animation), like gundam 00, except perhaps without all the emo MC behaviors. I'm willing to give it a shot and im sure if it isn't good, they'll make the next gundam series more true to it's roots.

>> No.7984665

Then watch some UC (MSG, Z, V, CCA, F91)

>> No.7984865

The gafrans are cool as hell in MS mode. I wish those things weren't in AGE. And that's about all I like about the show so far. I'll be cheering on the UE because fuck the faggot ass protagonists and ultra-generica federation setting/plot cycle, I hope those fuckers all die horribly. Which probably won't happen because it's not Tomino and also it's an especially kid-centric show. The characters and dialogue are very simple and plain, the protag looks like a 5 year old in jammies in his normalsuit etc. Might as well make MS explode into candy and confetti too while theyr'e at it.

It hits every (now bad/stale) Gundam cliche in the book, plus the simple cartoony characters + kiddy merchandise (toys that come with little trading cards etc), the show is obviously meant to spark the next generation of Gundam fans from a young age.

It's kind of a Pavlovian training really, the Age gundam looks somewhat like a cross between RX-78-2 and Exia for example, tattoo'ing into kids' minds what a Gundam is generally supposed to look like. In terms of gunpla kits etc it has its own little lines carved out already, basically it's kind of isolated from the ever-constant UC scene in addition to the other AUs.. it's not just HG, it's HG-Age etc. The effort that's gone into the marketing and merchandising for this show is insane to put it lightly; this is Bandai guaranteeing the next 30 years of gunpla model sales is what it is.
