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File: 34 KB, 256x364, A-Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7958557 No.7958557 [Reply] [Original]

So, anybody playing A Profile? How is it?

>> No.7958711

It's shit, but you might like it if you're into netorare and prostitute heroines.

>> No.7958754

I like prostitute heroines, is she sexy?

>> No.7958765
File: 42 KB, 300x217, Dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR you say?
Now i am interested.

Are we talking proper NTR or just hurr durr she was not a virgin when the MC befriended her?

>> No.7958772

The left one with the long purple hair.

>> No.7958773

>proper NTR

>> No.7958776

It's not netorare you fucking retard.

>> No.7958785

No, it's real ntr. She sells herself while she is yours.

>> No.7958802
File: 62 KB, 413x244, Koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its not like i know, one dude claimed it was and i asked.
Sure is buttfrustrated.

I dont care about that, i read moonrunes.

>> No.7958806

NTR? really? im sold

>> No.7958816

Talked to Moogy, he said he hates it.

>> No.7958819 [DELETED] 


>> No.7958826



>> No.7958848

Who gives a shit about moogy. Does he even do do anything besides act like an ass and hate eroge?

>> No.7958860
File: 21 KB, 292x286, 1298929722206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really?, well thats just great... and i was about to download it, i had the links and all... oh bullshit....

>> No.7958866

Eh. Only one route has NTR scenes... and it's a "save the disgraced girl" route anyways, which is sort of the point of it.

If you're looking for the best of the game, I'd say just go Imouto route, which is the first route you do anyways. Skip the rest. The intro is fun and the first route is solid and has enough of the twists.

>> No.7958870

If you could provide us with these links i would gladly give you first rights to my anal virginity if you want it.

>> No.7958874

Parte 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EVYYOWRX
Parte 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=U9XYZY3U
Parte 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=T310K1I2
Parte 4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0BFAXZ85
Parte 5: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RIK3WQRL

well give me your virninity now

>> No.7958872

so it must be awesome

>> No.7958877

How does it branch?
Standard Common Route > Heroine Route stuff, or like more similar to Sharin and G Senjou?

>> No.7958883

It is yours to take, i will keep it safe untill the day we meet.

>> No.7958903


You have to do the routes in a specific order, but they are all origin point branches

like this
< 1) Rizu
Common>>> < 2) Miku
3 )Mi

Basically, you have to do 1 to do 2. You have to do 2 to do 3.

Replaying, the branching decisions happen a bit early on. Each story is independent though the setups of #1 will basically give everything away.

>> No.7958912

so who is the NTR girl??? and is really that bad or just a moment of madnes?
call me moral fag or whatever, but i like happy endings, and not ntr shit.

very well. hope to see you soon. ^^

>> No.7958913

So like Fate then.
All right. Guess it was a better decision to put it off to tomorrow then.

>> No.7958954

NTR girl is Miou. Blue hair. Basically, the protagonist took her virginity (assumed) back in the day and then dumped her for a variety of reasons. For a clusterfuck of reasons, she decides to prostitute herself. Part of it is that she wanted to feel needed, part of it is that she feels she can't compete with the other girls based on looks or personality so that experience might help, and another part of it is getting away from her bad home life. It really is a clusterfuck of reasons. She continues these actions while you are on her route, but not her boyfriend. The story makes it hard to conclude whether or not she does actually do it again after you are her firmly her boyfriend. The protagonist stalls the relationship for awhile.

I wouldn't call it NTR since it's more of a setup for the MC to white knight than it is based on any betrayal.

The other two routes are happy ending routes and you would probably enjoy them. The intro itself and the twist in Rizu's start route are worth reading.

>> No.7958978

okay, skip button will do a very good job here, or ill probably try it, it cannot be that bad i hope.

>> No.7958996

what you mean by stall the relationship?
just read fag

>> No.7959051
File: 15 KB, 160x80, fhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I get a day off and I played this game the whole day.
Not ask to me how many NTR scenes have this game, since I am currently playing it now, I not completed the game yet. I think, I am in the mid of the game yet, translating carefully all texts. To say you the true, I not see yet any sex scene. This game is more plotline than sex.
However, I did something that never happened before: I masturbated just reading texts, not seeing sex scenes. The NTR feeling in this game is STRONG, that I played the whole game almost all the time with my penis erect, just reading texts,without see any sex scene, since you play the game the whole time by the point of view of the protagonist, never from the point of view of the girl, this make the NTR feeling more stronger. NTR games need to be like this, because, If you see so many parts of the game by the point of view of the girl, this mess up the NTR feeling.

I masturbated and my penis almost "explode" of so much excitation specially when the protagonist force the girl to admit that she is doing the prostitution and he request to her to explain WHY she is doing it. Just reading her explanation already make the whole game worthwhile.
I am, anxious to return to the game to keep playing it more ( unfortunately, soon I will be forced to sleep, since tomorrow I have work to do ). I just hope that this game have a happy ending, I hate sad and tragic endings...

Please, If you know something about the end, not spoil my fun saying about the end of the game in here, ok ?

Miou is a schoolgirl prostitute. To play her route, you need to complete the end of the others girls first. Since the others girls not have NTR, I am not interested in to play their routes, then, you just need to use the save file to open her route.

>> No.7959056

The protagonist is really unsure of whether or not he wants to get back together with her or not, so he chooses not to get back together with her and to just sort of be a friend. He makes it really clear to her that it is a friendship, almost to the point where he is friendzoning her.

I think here your opinion of "what is NTR" sort of matters. For me, NTR means that a character witnesses or is forced to learn that someone he is actively in love with and wants to be with, is physically unfaithful, or deeply emotionally unfaithful. It's really unclear just when the MC starts loving her again.

I think there is a small but very vocal minority who classify NTR as so much as a glance towards anyone of the other gender. This is part of the reason that there are very few eroge with a good male cast.

>> No.7959061

This game is the proof that NTR is not just a sex scenes. NTR is the "suspense" the excitement resulting from uncertainty. You not know what is happening. You not know when something will happens, and even If really this is true or not. The feeling of doubt and the insecurity exist in the whole game. Miou... why she is doing it ? Is true that she really love the protagonist so much like she say ? Then, why every night she is sleeping with others men ? And WHY she tell so many lies to the protagonist ? Who is the "real" Miou ? And, what will happens next ? The protagonist will be able to "save" Miou from this lascivious life ? PLAY THE GAME TO FOUND OUT ! Not ask more detail of the game ! You need to play it !

The term used in this game for "schoolgirl prostitution" is "uri" (ウリ) I not sure If this is a term used as well in the real life or just in this game.

I love games with prostitutes, but, I love games like this: a male protagonist that have a "love relationship" with the prostitute. And is exactly it that happens in this game. Prostitutes are for sure the best kind of NTR.

Below you can see some screenshots of some interesting moments of the game. However, in the game have more texts and moments much more better and exciting. In certain moments, I almost fall from my chair astonished with some revelations in this game !

When I play a game, I try to see myself inside of the game, feeling the same feeling of the protagonist. If you can do the same thing, for sure you will get several hours of surprises and stronger emotions. This game is for sure a masterpiece. And this game is another proof that NTR is for sure the unique kind of game that can bring up for your heart a mixture of so many different feelings, like excitement, sadness, pain, suspense, fear and anticipation.

>> No.7959066

For sure, NTR is something for "Latent Masochist". Not exist any kind of “media” where you can play with your masochist feeling in a so inoffensive way.

NTR games can bring for you a unimaginable pleasure. You guys need to STOP to fight against your own true desire. You guys need to have the courage to admit your own latent masochist feelings.

Join me on the NTR SIDE and the NTR games will provide for you a unimaginable pleasure ! Open yor heart for us.

>> No.7959078

Its NTR, fhc agreed, don't bother him about it.
It even has fhc's seal of approval.

>> No.7959104

you have some issues.
