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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 814 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7952796 No.7952796 [Reply] [Original]

how does /jp/ fap? Pic related it's my fapping chair, a loyal companion for 7 years

>> No.7952800

I think you might want to say goodbye to your companion. He's been through a lot and needs some rest now.

>> No.7952805

in the middle , is that shit?

>> No.7952807

You don't shit in your chair?

>> No.7952816

Thanks for sharing that with us, Anon. Excuse me while I go and clean out my eyes with sandpaper.

>> No.7952823

Get out normalfags. This board is NEET only, and we don't want your kind around here.

>> No.7952826

What does it smell like?

>> No.7952827

No I wipe it on my 60hz LCD monitor while I steal this thread from /v/ to re-post it a week later.

>> No.7952831

Yes, of course. I'll be on my way.

>> No.7952884
File: 673 KB, 2048x1536, 1317745150465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some shit, pal

>> No.7952890

..I usually stand when it's time
And I usually cum into a container

I like saving it for some reason

>> No.7952892

>that picture of that guy with his hand up that /sp/ always posts.jpg

>> No.7952901

You think i could..You know..I would be happy to be your container if you want..

>> No.7952908
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>dried cum

What the fuck?

>> No.7952927
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, erio_weird_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fap in my warm as HELL bed
naizz n warm under my blanket...
and all my porn is in my iTouch

>> No.7952940
File: 44 KB, 784x811, 1316189672945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good living alone and fapping however i want.

>> No.7952946 [DELETED] 

I have a small semen mark on the front of my chair, but no shit stains. I'm going to clean my chair.

>> No.7952962

This as well, although I use my old NDS instead.
I find it much nicer than fapping on a chair. In fact, I could say this is the most relaxing time of the day, since I take a nap/sleep afterwards.

>> No.7952995

I don't fap anymore.

>> No.7953015
File: 949 KB, 1270x960, buttpillowyuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually blow my load into a roll of tp on my belly. Then, I fold it up, and toss it into my trash can near my desk. Sometimes, if I'm feeling lazy and tired, or when doing multiple fappings, I just blow it into the trash can. I pick it up and hold it under me (It's like 5 gallon plastic thing maybe) and shoot my load against it. Feels so good, I grind my nuts against the corner a bit when I do. I haven't put a trashbag in for the past few weeks thoguh, cum is drying on it but whatever.

>> No.7953021

fapping... chair? ogod, that's even worse than a piss bottle.

btw i fap in the shower, like any other human male should.

>> No.7953027

Could you be any more of a normalfuck?

>> No.7953084
File: 175 KB, 369x499, PuckElf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edge literally all day and only fap when I'm about to go to bed.
I can't stop orgasming, so I wait for myself to get too tired, then I fall asleep.

>> No.7953094

There's living alone, there's being a normalfag... but any human person should have some hygiene standards. This is is plain unaesthetic.

>> No.7953108

Shit, dried cum, and also there's the fresh sweat divising the form of his butt.
Worse than the idea of how many times it's been used, is the thought that it's still being used. And it just was, recently.

>> No.7953111

Pure maidens do not fap.

>> No.7953115

>Not putting a towel over the chair while you fap to keep your chair nice and clean.

Then you can actually wash it!

>> No.7953114

I fap in two places: My loyal brown leather chair and my bed, of course. I've had my chair for almost 6 years now and it's just everything I could ask for in a fap chair. Be it on awkward college days or lonely nights in my mom's house this chair always has my back. I tend to only fap in my bed when I want a pre-sleep ejaculation, feel like getting one out before I get up in the morning, or just want to go to town naked after holding off on fapping for a week or so.

I wish I could understand more about prostate stimulation by I'm terribly afraid of penetration. I tend to use my left hand to press down on the base of my shaft which both forces more blood into my penis as well as adding more pleasure for some odd reason. I've been fapping too much lately and my sex drive is low so I'm trying to refrain from fapping for a week or so to build back my sex drive.

>> No.7953125

Interesting, I do the exact same thing - tp or tissues on the belly. That's the way I found to masturbating without caring about where to cum by actually doing so, since the cum will jump up exactly where I wanted it to.

>> No.7953132


>> No.7953139

Mine had a hole in the fabric, and lots of the actual stopping had dispersed.
There was also all kinds of ass-hair/pubes stuck inside of it, and the chair overall was had became really really ragged.

To be honest, I still very much miss it. It was a faithful companion for over 11 years. I also, can't afford a new one.

>> No.7953145
File: 135 KB, 418x582, 1316000851159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put towels on your chair and sit naked as you fap. Afterwards use a cum towel to clean off the cum on your chest. Use dirty bath towels for your chair so you can easily wash it later. Now, for the cum towel. Make sure you don't wash it so it collects lot of cum. Years stare in awe at the amount of jizz on your cum towel.

>> No.7953151
File: 37 KB, 1008x630, cumrag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit on one end of my cumrag and stuff the other one under my keyboard. That way I can just blow my load in a general forward direction without making a mess. Also, I can wipe my cock with the rag.

>> No.7953155

What are you guys, faggots?

Just fap in your underwear and then clean it later.

>> No.7953153

fucking awesome

>> No.7953160

Do NOT fap on clothing or towels! If you allow the semen to crust on it for a few days it can damage the material. Just use toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, or some other disposable thing to clean yourself off.

>> No.7953183

Nah, towels are fine. Just use them for fapping only and you'll be fine. Buying new ones can be a bit emberassing though because people will know exactly what you're buying them for.

>> No.7953200

People do know that you buy towels to bathe. I doubt you've never met a perosn who thought you were buying them for a the purpose of cumming on, seriously.

>> No.7953201

I'm pretty sure people buy towels for reasons other than cumming into.

>> No.7953208
File: 489 KB, 946x1152, 1237492613583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not when they look like the average /jp/ user.

>> No.7953292

Are you a wizard?

>> No.7953306

i saw this fucking thread on /v/, i remember this guy having a "fap sock", he was cumming in this sock and threw it somewhere behind his bed, then he get it again to fap more and more, his sock was brown due to the dust sticking to the cum.

>> No.7953309

the joke is that the average /jp/ user is on that shirt picture, right?

>> No.7953350

go to whatever board you came from. that meme is gone like all the posters who liked to use it. take a hint and take a hike.

>> No.7953430

The looks really nice. Is that real shit on the chair? I wonder what it smells like. I wish I could lick it and smell it. I am getting a little hard just thinking about it. I want to rub my dick on that shit stain.

>> No.7953449

I fap inside my girlfriend

>> No.7953470
File: 66 KB, 732x608, 1317412561001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


doesn't smell at all...strangely enough.

The stains are from awhile back, I have now learned how to efficiently wipe my ass (mommy wow i'm a big kid now)

>> No.7953517

But it causes irritation...!

>> No.7953540

That must be awkward. How do you fit your hand and penis inside of her?
