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7944089 No.7944089 [Reply] [Original]

One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated! Genius of Sappheiros brings back the glory days of classic 2D JRPGs, Touhou style!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Previous Thread Numbers: 7848236, 7882358, 7898431, 7912929, 7923916, 7932818

>> No.7944118
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I know nothing about touhou and I downloaded this game last night on a whim. I started playing today and have 3 and a half hours nonstop clocked in so far, and this is already one of the best JRPGs I've played in years. I absolutely love the designer(s?) thinking. They mix old school JRPG with many amazing modern gaming systems.

The ONLY "complaint" I have is that there is only one sprite artwork for each weapon type. However, this is mere nitpicking considering how well made the rest of the game is.

I can't believe this is a doujin game. Thanks for making these threads. I probably would have never found out about this otherwise cause I rarely come to /jp/.

>> No.7944119

I am so fucking lost in the Garden of the Sun right now, flipped the switch to clear the air vents that clear my color, and I swear I've cleared ever flower in that top area up there and keep hitting dead ends or loop back around to the beginning

>> No.7944124

Top left red.

>> No.7944125
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I'm on to you, Anon.

>> No.7944128

how much hp do yukkuri sisters have?

>> No.7944146

Thank you sir.

>> No.7944169



>> No.7944273

Well I've just beaten Iku, took a few tries before I actually set up my skills properly before the battle. Ended up forgetting to put the PATK buff on Byakuren, then after that put the MATK buff instead. Iku's pretty easy when Nitori and Sakuya are doing several thousand damage per attack. Also got thunderclap for Satori. Ironically Alice actually died due to physical attack near the end of the battle since she was low health throughout the battle after I revived her when she took the brunt of Iku's combo with phoenix tail.

Took Iku on at levels 31-33. Nitori ended up leveling up twice from 31 to 33.

>> No.7944304

I'll never understand my luck...

This game's supposed to have gamepad support, yeah? So why doesn't mine work? It it because it's not an xbox controller? That's pretty shitty, if so.

>> No.7944307

should work?
Check the config in the folder.

>> No.7944313

Do what I did, download xpadder or joy2key and use that to config your controller. The game wasn't recognizing my horipad's d-pad so I just used xpadder.

ALSO, remember to set the comparability of xpadder/joy2key and the game to the same one i.e Windows XP or it will not work.

>> No.7944315

should I bother grinding my secondary party up before I start youkai mountain? they're about 3 levels behind.

>> No.7944316


>> No.7944322

How much autism power have you gathered, /jp/? I only have around 15, and a few are redundant magic...

>> No.7944363

22, notables are flame, frost, acid storm, water breath, earthquake, tornado, thunderclap, shining stars, and shadow burst. I also have all the basic single target magic spells ranging from energy bolt to shadow burst.

Spells I'm considering backtracking for and getting are petro breath and mind blast. How is petro breath's damage in comparison to earthquake on a caster built Satori? And how often does its petrify proc with a cockatrice crest since I have one of those?

>> No.7944372


I'll be damned. I must've done something (somehow) while I was installing/patching. Did a fresh install and now it's detecting the controller. Thanks for the responses anyway, much appreciated.

>> No.7944385

Real men get everything possible at any given time.

Including reaper's scythe.

>> No.7944386

Mind blast is something you love to have and hate those mindflayers for. I don't have petro breath, low chance is low.

>> No.7944424
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Whats a good starter formation? I'll assume square barrier since it gives DEF/SPD that is probably most helpful at low levels when stats are low?

>> No.7944447
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>marisa has a unique skill that causes daze

>> No.7944454

You can get two of your future party members right at the start of the game.

You can get Mokou after talking to Akyu a couple of times and going to the bamboo forest.

You can get Byakuren at the temple in the lower right corner of the map.

How to get them here.
To get Mokou tread the path of Konami code. To get Byakuren, wait an hour for her in the temple.

>> No.7944455

Go get mokou and byakuren

>> No.7944465

Was just starting Youkai mountain, filling out the info sheet so I know what to throw on what. Controlling units on occasion to see if something is learnable. Got a lucky break, threw my control on something that casted area heal on Satori. Didn't expect that.

>> No.7944476

So gentlemen, I've been ignoring these threads for a while, but reading /jp/ reviews about the game really for me interested in it.

What are the instructions for playing? Just download everything, install, then apply the patches mentioned here in this thread?

I know this is a very silly question, but I'd rather be sure.

>> No.7944505

I died in the first dungeon, Scarlet Devil Mansion.
How do I regenerate mana?

>> No.7944510

I just finished learning Kagami's HFC surprisingly on my first try, though It took some time preparing for it. I'm excited for the extra characters so I want to rush through to the expansion.
Are there really no other missable stuff here? Can I still get all of Satori's skills, rare equips/items/chests/rewards, youkai records, etc. from the main game in the expansion?

>> No.7944519 [DELETED] 

Change System locale to JPN, reboot. Download all 5 parts then extract part 1, which will also extract the other 4 parts along with it to one folder. Download the two p
Name atches and replace them with 'Img.pak' and 'Game.pak' in the 'Packages' folder.

>> No.7944521

use healing circle
meditation skill
vampiric weapon skill
byakuren's commander skill

>> No.7944524

Change System locale to JPN, reboot. Download all 5 parts then extract part 1, which will also extract the other 4 parts along with it to one folder. Download the two patches and replace them with 'Img.pak' and 'Game.pak' in the 'Packages' folder.

>> No.7944530

When do I learn healing circle and the meditation skill?

>> No.7944543


Thanks, brother.

>> No.7944545

healing circle is before bosses

>> No.7944548

What about the one in the first stage of the dungeon? It's grey, I cant use it

>> No.7944551

they are fun. Mind Blast should be easy to learn, Petro Breath not so much.

>> No.7944555

the healing circle? Like said, they are found before boss areas and similar, and - at the Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.7944562

you're probably talking about the teleporter which isn't activated until you reach the healing circle area

>> No.7944563


>> No.7944576 [DELETED] 

Why can't I hold all these Yukkuri?
I only managed to kill four of them

I honestly never knew so many could appear.

>> No.7944577
File: 116 KB, 647x529, what_the_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I hold all these Yukkuri?
I only ended up killing four

Honestly though, didn't know so many could spawn.

>> No.7944583

Hey guys some help here
my game crahses when starting a battle
(running at win 95 compat)

>> No.7944607

what's a good strategy for killing them? nitori, sakuya, mokou, alice, and aya all have consecutive attack moves, but they're all fairly luck based.

>> No.7944621

I don't usually actively hunt for them, but some things I do is:

1. Use Aya's Illusionary Dominance to get first hit. This works well if you plan to Private Square with Sakuya. Having Aya around is also good since she prevents Yukkuri from attacking the party by surprise and then using first move to run, assuming you have the Air War tree fairly high. She's the key player you'll be needing if you want to hunt for Yukkuri.

2. Start Sanae off by using Wind of Arrows so that I don't miss as often.

3. Private Square with Sakuya and then use multi-hit attacks. Works especially well if she has the Time Stop tree maxed out.

4. Multi-hits with other characters always work too (such as Nitori's rage eight).

>> No.7944641

What does Yukkuri Slash do?

>> No.7944645

slash it easy for 2 damage

>> No.7944676


Maybe in the menu, but most weapons have different sprites in battle. Bardiche and Raising Heart are my notable favorites so far starting level 14.

My only complaint is that of the almost 50 hours I've put in, I swear about a quarter (or more) has been in the menu adjusting shit.

>> No.7944683

Dude, what the hell is wrong with the makers? 0,5% to drop a fucking rock? Seriously, what...this is just...dude!

>> No.7944695

Only 10 so I could get Rin's formation, but that didn't work either. I don't think I have enough patience for this, I felt that the game got a lot less fun once I started trying to grind skills.

By the way, fucking Komachi. The only debuff that actually helped against her was the accuracy one, as the Attack one insisted in failing every single time after it worked once (with Satori's debuff skill at the maximum level). Stupid coinspam.
Also, damn, I don't think I'll be able to resist synthetizing stuff for too long... so many cool things are appearing there now, I've already gotten Mokou's silence fist and Youmu's second tier sword (which seemed to be a lot better than the third tier one), and I'm probably going to get Youmu's armor and Nitori's third gun once I get another Sunflower Seed. Why is your drop rate so annoying, game?!

>> No.7944697

About yukkuris, any information on them (drop rates, where to find etc.)? The wiki is quite empty on this subject.

>> No.7944702

Should I get Byakuren now (just starting Garden of the Sun) or should I wait for her cutscene to happen? Why yes, for some reason I am enjoying the plot of this game.

>> No.7944704

Give Byakuren sexy underwear.
Control doesn't have a 100% success rate.

These enemies must have negative soul or something.

>> No.7944706 [DELETED] 

If you have Axe chaser, you can do this: Have Aya, Mokou, and Sakuya all use strike weapons. Aya uses her fan for 3-4 hits, Mokou uses Mach Punch for 1-4 hits, and Sakuya uses her multiple hit spell card. Nitori should be able to chase them all with axe chaser for a lot of hits. Of course, use Sonic Stream formation, you should have first strike with that formation, even against Yukkuris.

>> No.7944723

I just got to the Lakebed Temple and this place is literally retarded. While I would like to avoid just making one party and having it plow through all three areas, I just can't form teams balanced enough so that all three can move forward. I mean, it wouldn't even be so bad if I didn't have so many naturally paper-thin characters that die in one or two hits, regardless of their level. To make it worse, the enemies you encounter on each route is different, so you can't evenly spread out the physical and magical attackers properly.

>> No.7944732

If you have Nitori's Axe chaser, you can do this: Have Aya, Sakuya, and Mokou all use strike weapons in Sonic Stream formation. Aya uses the 3-4 hit fan move, Sakuya uses whatever spell card that gives her the most hits, and Mokou uses Mach punch, the 1-4 hit move. With just 3 ranks in Nitori's chaser, you should be able to chase all 3 strike attacks for a lot of hits. Put more ranks in it, just in chase those girls double attack. Not sure if Alice's kicks are strike weapons, but if they are, you can chase those too. But you will need more than 3 ranks in chasers if you want to chase more than 3 times.

>> No.7944751

I do a 4, 4, 4 split and it works well enough. First group is Mokou, Sakuya, Nitori, and Byakuren. Mokou should be immune to fire or close to it, and try to get fire resistance gear for your other girls. Sakuya can use that sword that gives immunity to breath attacks, if you made it. They have trouble with those Eyeball things, because only Byakuren can safely do damage to those guys. You probably want charm/paralysis/petrify resist gear for your heavy hitters. This group can meet Greater Demon, run from it.
Second group is Youmu, Reimu, Aya, and Nitori. You may want to give everyone slash type weapons so Slash chaser can chase all their attacks, but you don't need to. Make sure Nitori is carrying fire/water damage for some randoms.
Third group is Patchouli, Marisa, Alice, and Sanae. This group should not have much trouble, because you have a lot of magic damage and Patchouli can do physical attacks when needed. You need fire/water attacks to kill those super slimes.
I use Falling Cherry Blossoms formation for all 3 groups. Oh, do not have a commander, it is not very useful.

>> No.7944756

>Full Power
>Getting this item will permanently increase a character's statistics.
How much is that increase?

>> No.7944779

I'll try something similar to that, thanks.

>> No.7944780

It's poster 7944751, my mistake. Ignore my advice for group 2. It should be, Youmu, Reimu, Aya, and Satori. If you do not have Enervation, you may want to go get it from the moon folks in Eientei. Max out your variety tree and Enervation their damage output to nothing. Make sure you have some paralysis and instant death gear. Reimu should not need any paralysis or instant death gear, if you have enough RES. You should be able to get 100+ RES for Reimu by now.

>> No.7944836
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I gave in.
After about ten failed attemps, I looked up the Kanako/Suwako strategy.

And during one of my attempts I almost had them down... without the easymode method. Sigh.

>> No.7944858

Anyone remember which side of Outer Eientei the Moon Race faggots appear in? It's a little annoying trying to learn Time Stop and Enervation from them in Inner Eientei.

>> No.7944868

I'm trying to figure this out myself, actually. Although I was under the impression that they spawned in Inner Eientei. Either way, it definitely isn't on the right team's side.

>> No.7944880

Yeah, they're definitely in Inner Eientei

>> No.7944884


Well, dicks. Is there a better spot for farming the encounter? I'm currently in the room(s) closest to the magic circle at the end. At least I just learned Time Stop, though.

>> No.7944982
File: 37 KB, 577x424, unjustly slain kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu acts like a dick in this game. It feels bad beating the innocent characters that shows up.

>> No.7945058

Asked in the last thread.

Is there a place that has the text of the game translated? Just beat Komachi the other night but don't really feel like spamming the fight to try and watch the following scene crash every 3 seconds.

>> No.7945072

any tips for grinding levels/farming mats? the best strategy i have so far is to kill everything on a tage then closing the game and repeating

>> No.7945120


1. Get the Gamer Axe from Korindou and equip it (commanders should be fine for this)
2. Put Byakuren in group
3. Have Sanae be commander
4. Keep fleeing from enemies until you get a nice size enemy group (3+ is ideal) with at least 1 enemy that drops what you're looking for.
5. Have Byakuren kill stuff/be the tank until her last word becomes usable.
6. Use the last word and kill the thing that drops the item you were hoping for.
7. If the item dropped, keep killing stuff to finish the fight, otherwise retreat unless you want exp/pow.

>> No.7945149

But that's what always happens in touhou

>> No.7945164

if you have a lot of time in your hands, what you do is form one designated team to clear most of the enemies one path at a time until you reach the save point. you can form 2 man parties in the event you need to press switches top open a path.

>> No.7945198

>(commanders should be fine for this)
Wow, seriously? I guess Sanae as a commander would be the best option then, because of her commander power of more Last Words.
By how much does the axe raise item drop rate, by the way?

>> No.7945215


Don't know the official number but in previous threads it's been said to double the normal drop percentage.

>> No.7945238


fairly sure the default drop rate is 0.1% chance for character-specific mats, 0.5% chance for non-char specific mats, and 1% for a random item.

so, anything at all that raises the drop rate at all is a significant help, or at least decreases the statistical average number of kill grinding for an item significantly enough to be very worth while.

>> No.7945344


Random non-synthesis items have anywhere from a 1%-10% drop rate. Mostly they sit around 5% but an example of the upper extreme are Celestial Peaches from the tree units in Stage 6, which is pretty bizarre exception all things considered.

>> No.7945356

Where can i find a list of learnable moves for Satori and where I can find the enemies?

>> No.7945362



>> No.7945369

Since digit and lower drop rates?

Why do games have to do this. It's RO all over again.

>> No.7945550

Worse, it's turn-based RO without mobbing.

>> No.7945557

Before I go and finish this Genbu stuff, I *CAN* get stuff like Holy Breath, Vortex and whatnot elsewhere right? I really don't want to have to grind for anything other than Hyper Fang Crusher right now.

>> No.7945627

I am probably the only fuck in the world stuck on this corny fucking bitch Lithos. I'm not changing my party, or my playstyle for her. I'm sick of all this fucking dispel, it's absolutely destroying me. Is there dispel protection in this game?

For the love of god this Vortex shit is driving me insane.

>> No.7945648

res up, but so there might be a chance you still can get dispelled if you use Sanae's, and a lower chance if you use byakuren's res up. if you have alice you can use those cover skills to prevent someone from getting dispelled by it's more of a guess work

>> No.7945667
File: 164 KB, 591x473, fhftgjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7945670

RES up? HA. I might switch in Alice, but my party consist of both Byakuren and Sanae who are both buff/debuff specialized. I'm actually hitting her with lower IND/RES, buffing my groups RES, wering RES gear, RES talents, AND face punching her with Mokou. I cannot find my way around this shit.

It's even worse when she dispels all my debuffs. I just need 3 fucking turns without that fucking dispel, and I'll kill her. My team puts out so much damage once I set up, but she just started spamming the shit every 2 turns.

>> No.7945744

have you tried byakuren's res? with 20 points into her buff tree, her buffs are basically better than Sanae's.
weird i dont even remember lithos being that hard. i basically use youmu and spammed her skills

>> No.7945794

While I understand Byakuren's res would be better for resisting it, I figured her single target IND debuff and Sanae's RES together would be more effective. Her debuffs actually last longer than my buffs too, not to mention she's the driving force in my party, so she's constantly casting things.

It's really hard to find the time to even RE-Hyper trigger her, because she's casting so much stuff already. I've tried downing my numbers from buffing both Sakuya and Youmu to buffing a single one of them, while buffing the other in free turns. I've managed to get her down to 5% HP twice, but she'd dispel my entire group and randomly hand someone important for 600 damage. I can't do without my buffs for some reason, I was hitting her for fucking 0 the last time I got her to 5% and lost my buffs.

I'm willing to give her RES buff a try though, maybe to my main damage, if I can do that I might be able to get some sustained damage.

>> No.7945819

I just downloaded (同人ゲーム)(東方)東方蒼神縁起 残暑(C79).rar. Is that the original rip? Because I don't want to deal with any prepatched or otherwise fucked-with stuff.

>> No.7945885

think that's the expansion, you need the first one as well

>> No.7945905

alice can protect characters from dispel if you use little legion or london doll.

>> No.7945912

She does it at random though.

Oh shit nigga, Sanae's Res and Byakuren's Perfect Resist stack. I just won on my second try. It's all thanks to you babe~
I should have been tried perfect resist, sighhhhh at my 5 hours of game time.

>> No.7946002

enjoy taking your time thinking up a strategy for the final boss of pre-expansion. it's full of rape and rage for those unprepared

>> No.7946014

Can anyone explain exactly how Alice's Marionette Parrar works? The description says it blocks allies with own shield, but some strategies in the walkthrough on the wiki say to equip characters with shields when spamming it. And they get hit anyway sometimes.

>> No.7946072

Should i craft the dragon slayer weapon for Sakuya?

I'm at stage 17 by the way.

>> No.7946089


the 16 point spear attack has dragon slayer.

>> No.7946182

So I guess that even though Mokou is pretty cool against monsters, silencing shit and double attacking and destroying everything, she isn't too good at boss battles because nobombs. Still, beating Yuka by repeatedly punching her face was... satisfying, at least. Also, stupid Last Word that didn't come back up. My dead Youmu waited for you.
I found it funny how Medicine was much more of a threat than Yuuka, and how Garden of the Sun was much simpler than both Muenzuka and Netherworld. It was probably because of the calming music.

I guess it's Eientei time, then. Time to despair.

>> No.7946228


>> No.7946248

Tip: if you really want to watch the cutscenes, wait until what you think is the last line of them and press Select. That should "skip" it and give you no crash, I guess.
By the way, I hate those two so much. The only way I beat them was by slowly getting both of their HP down at around the same time, and even then I got lucky when yuyucko died and I had a cover up.

>> No.7946263

>Mind Flayer

Jesus Christ, how am I supposed to defeat these things? Mass paralysis and instante death attacks? Fuck this shit, I'm running away frome verything now.

>> No.7946276

Give Mokou some pants and level her skills to get more bombs, she's decent against bosses.

>> No.7946280

the bomb problem are usually solved later when you can make amulets that give +3/5 bombs a piece

>> No.7946292

Spam Sanae's RES buff.
...until you run out of MP. Then you choose if you want to try running away from everything (then cursing everyone in this planet when they get a Mind Blast before you can run), or if you want to vent all of your anger by punching them. The latter is usually safe when there's only one of them.
oh wow
Okay, I guess it's time to read the wiki about gear.

>> No.7946296

worked hard for a win only to suffer a crash? Time to cheese.

>> No.7946301

How do I use Commander Spells? Currently I'm just using Sanae for her LW bonus, which I'm sure has saved me a few times now.

>> No.7946303

I beat them again I owe mokou's fire phoenix skill dooing 800ish damage tou yuyuko and 500ish to youmu and I did it all without any death equipment fuck you steel fuck you

>> No.7946308

Just go to the screen that lets you run and press whatever you have assigned to X. You'll get a option circle for the commander just like the ones for everyone else.

>> No.7946413


I see, thanks. Jst one more question for now: How do I reach Satori? I've pulled the lever on the right, which removed the flames to the right of the entrance, but since then I've been running in circles. There is also that room with a jail door and a different mosaic on the floor, and that silver chest the room above the entrance.

At this rate I might kill every enemy by reengaging them until there is only one or none Mind Flayer.

>> No.7946435

>There is also that room with a jail door and a different mosaic on the floor

Never mind that, figured it out.

>> No.7946506

If I download the first link in OP's post, do I need to download and install the other patches as well?

thanks in advance, sorry for my ignorance.

>> No.7946641


It's bad enough she's a pain in the ass to kill. I get her down to low health and then she starts spamming Time Stop and my old friend, Mind Blast. THEN I get her down to almost dead...and she fully heals herself and Eirin at the same time. All while the only reason I'm still alive at this point is because Mokou's been reviving herself almost every turn, then dying again.

Yes, I'm aware there's a semi-cheating strategy you can do here, but I wanna see if I can get by without it.

>> No.7946680


I killed Eirin first and used Sakuya's Colliseo World for prevent Kaguya from healing. Kaguya starts using that heal when she's in low health and besides if you kill her first, Eirin resurrects her on 100% HP... I learned that the bad way

>> No.7946687

Eiren can revive kaguya. Just tossing that out there

>> No.7946691

As far as I can tell, Marrionette Parrar will only block X times. At max level, it will block up to 7 hits, 1 + 6 from the skill tree. This means 1 AoE attack from an enemy will take up 5 of the 7 hits it gets to block. A second AoE attack in the same turn will cause it only block for 2 of the 5 characters you have. Tough luck for the other 3 characters and any subsequent attacks will not trigger Marrionette Parrar in the same turn.

>> No.7946692


Yeah, I just found out about that revive the hard way. I popped off Sakuya's anti-heal World when she ran low, at the cost of slowly losing half my party I took her out...then 3 turns later Eirin rezzes her full health.

Tasukete Eirin indeed. That moonbitch is going down.

>> No.7946720

Wait, so how do shields work

>> No.7946735

Okay, base stats are fucking messed up. First I thought base stats gave character specific bonus to things like Patk (like Sakuya would get almost two Patk for one strength but Marisa would only get one).

However, I found out that's totally wrong. +7 strength (strength ring II) gave +18 Patk to anyone who had my Ogre Killer (99 Patk) equipped, but if they had Mallet equipped (88 Patk) it only gave +16. Growth doesn't seem to matter, and I tested Sakuya, Sanae, Youmu, and Patchouli.

So...what the hell? The stats on your gear change how your base stats work? My autism is way to happy about this...

>> No.7946787

Yeah, it seems like Strength ups PAttack by an amount attack power of the weapon you are using. So, stronger weapon equals more PAttack bonus from strength.
Vitality does the same for upping PDefense according to the armor you are wearing.
Not sure about intelligence, but it seems to be affected by something. It could be total MAttack or just the MAttack of your weapon. I think it may be total MAttack.

>> No.7946795

Yuyuko fight, so weird.

first attempt, youmu rapes sanae on the first move, and death kills me
second attempt, both die so easily I thought it was a joke, lol crash.
3rd attempt, both die so easily I thought my first death was a fluke LOL NO SAKUYA WITH +1 DEATH RESIST, SANAE'S RES BUFF, AND BOTH DEATH RESIST AMULETS DOESN'T RESIST DEATH WHAT THE FUCK.

3 more attempts later, I win and no crash, yay.

>> No.7946801

It's multiplication. Think Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.7946885

I keep skipping the post bossfight cutscenes. A crash would be so painful after winning with flying fantastica active and all.

>> No.7946886


Definitely not. It is a bizarre formula that I will break.

Patk with nothing on seems to be [strength-1] for all characters.

With 32 strength (and all growth points dropped) Youmu gets +15 from practice sword (normally +10). From longsword she gets +44 (normally +30). Since the swords nicely go up in clean +20 intervals, you get an easy to check +9 extra Patk from every +20 weapon points. Ex:
So the +5 is probably +4.5~ and it's rounded up. Since it's a constant bonus the calculation probably looks like:

Patk[final] = (Strength-1) + Patk[weapon] + (mysterious bullcrap)

I THINK that I know what (mysterious bullcrap) is, but I need to test it some more. It would be:

At 21 strength I'm getting consistent +3 bonuses down the sword line, at 28 I'm getting +4s and at 35 I'm getting +5s. I haven't tested other weapons yet, so I need to check, but so far for swords the formula works.

Patk[final] = (Strength-1) + Patk[weapon] + ({Strength/7}*{Patk[weapon]/10})

>> No.7947206

Fighting Kaguya for the nth time, Satori gets her last word out. I figure why the fuck not...

Kaguya -> Control


Eirin goes down nice and easy now that Kaguya's buffing us instead of healing. Kaguya still put up a gell of a fight, she started spamming Rainbow Danmaku when she got down to less than half health, and I only just killed her.


Fuck yeah, this game is great.

>> No.7947260

You'll be surprised what Kanako and Suwako are vulnerable.

>> No.7947271

Anyone mind sharing their strategy for the party split at Eientei? I figured I'd just throw all five mages in a party with Free Fight and Byakuren as commander for some MP regen, but it doesn't seem to be enough to get down more than one or two enemies a fight, and then one or two will go down after a few physical attacks and then it's hard to catch up in damage.

Maybe it's worth taking one tank and running Hinotori Skydance with healers/buffers in the front row? I haven't even looked at the physical side yet, either.

>> No.7947282

>>7944363 here.
I went back and got mind blast. Mind blast gotten by the second group with mind flayers I met and petro breath from like the 5-8 enemy group with cockatrices. All in all it took much shorter then the time I grinded for shadow burst.

Since I built Satori as a mage her petro breath damage is crap doing only single digit damage. However mind blast is on par with my other elemental damage skills plus it paralyzes.

So I'm wondering what skill of these four I should sub out considering I'm doing Tenshi's stage now. Flame, Earthquake, Shining Stars, or Shadow Burst. Shining Stars and Shadow burst are cheaper MP wise, but do the same damage so I'm thinking they're keeps, but it might be better to keep flame and earthquake depending on enemy resistances. What do you guys think? What skills should I give Satori for Tenshi's stage considering I have her built as an attack mage.

>> No.7947297

I used Alice, Patchouli, Marisa, Reimu, Satori, and Byakuren as commander for mage side with Hinotori Skydance.

I used Mokou, Sakuya, Youmu, Nitori, Aya, and Sanae as commander for west side.

Alice and Mokou being the centers. I didn't have too much trouble despite probably being underleveled.

Also don't feel bad about returning to the start of the stage to save items and get healed at another stage's healing circle. It's better to be cautious than risky.

>> No.7947292
File: 43 KB, 639x478, secrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Make only one good strong party and put the usual off fielders in the other
2.Clear the way to the second stage of the dungeon with the strong party
3. Leave dungeon and switch places of the strong and weak party
4. You won Eientei

>> No.7947319

I've been building Mokou as a tank and subbing in Alice whenever needed, so I just split the two parties into two Hinotori stances with Mokou and Alice as tankers, that worked just fine.

>> No.7947343

What shields do people typically give Alice? I've been using the Portrait Dakimakura because it blocks everything.

>> No.7947346 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 637x476, lolwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I saw a long-range weapon called "Watermelon"...

Post-game spoilers.

>> No.7947406


Situational. Typically my tank uses the most general shield I have with the most pdef/mdef. If I know certain types of attacks will be used (only slash/sta/strike or only magic), pick a more specialized shield.

But yeah, is there a link to the fully translated text or some way to read it from the game files itself? Just tired of dealing with game crashes.

>> No.7947459

I'm disappointed that cirno can't equip the melon sword

>> No.7947538

well fuck, 4+ hours lost because i opened the config.exe, clicked a couple of options and then bam, save lost, time to start again, or is there a backup save or something?

>> No.7947547

Check the folder inside the save folder called "backup". Surprisingly it contains backups.

>> No.7947613
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I like it.

>> No.7947643


The folder was empty except for the "This is the backup folder" file

>> No.7947744

I can't even get past the opening cutscene, this game just keeps crashing. Christ. System in japanese setting, windows 95 compatibility... Still no good.

>> No.7947790

Some of these maps are killer. Been wandering around Eientei side B for a good 45 minutes now, can't figure out where to go and it's just the start. Set of rooms north of the first corridor all seem useless, and the outside area from the door south lead to a chest and a dead end. Took a half hour to realize I could move under the awning, but that led to a dead end too.

>> No.7947877

Some people report that XP works better than 95 for them. Give that a try. If all else fails, just skip the opening cutscenes.

>> No.7947885

Well I think I've hit my first roadblock. I'm at Tenshi with characters ranging from level 33-35. Even using the strategy guide Tenshi creams my party. Any tips or is the first point in the game where I'll actually need to grind?

>> No.7947908

Wear as much earth-resistant shit as you can find. I made some accessories/amor at Kourindou for good measure.

Reimu's duplex barrier can nullify damage for Alice while she guards the party, if they have the appropriate skills at that level. Nitori's Hyper Camouflage commander ability will also nullify one hit for each character, making the back-to-back spellcard spam on the first turn much more bearable.

>> No.7947926

Some of these maps are just brutal. Made my way through the caster side of Eientei, just sort of wandered through the forest and found the end. Switched to B side and my party planning was kind of bad, but I tried to make my way through it anyway, had to back out 'cause Aya ran out of lives. Make it back in, finally figure out that the walls have hidden passages, and make it to the end. Switch back to A to start from the beginning, all the monsters respawned and I can't figure out my way through it again. Getting myself frustrated over it, I wanted to stop playing like an hour ago but I don't wanna have to clear all the monsters again and make it through B side.

>> No.7947971

So how the hell do they expect me to level Sakuya, Patchouli and Nitori when they're 6 levels behind everyone and are squishy as hell. Especially Patchouli. What the hell do they expect me to do with someone who has 4 health and is the slowest character in the game so far?

>> No.7947973
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Thanks, but I finally managed to beat her before looking at the thread again.

Used this party plus Mokou as commander. I think I pretty much got really lucky as at the end the only one doing any damage was Patchouli at about 700 damage per turn while enthundered and PATK buffed. Nitori ran out of MP only using rage 8 while enthundered and PATK buffed as well. In the beginning of the match I manipulated the LND and had Patchy cast some thunder spells to make sure Tenshi never regenerated. I constantly used little legion, hourai doll, and holland dolls on Alice. I used Reimu's tiger barrier whenever I could. Byakuren I had buffing Nitori and Patchouli constantly with an occasional dark sphere which did jackshit for damage since the land was all light from Reimu spamming barriers. I had Mokou ressurect the occasional dead Byakuren and Reimu.

All in all a very tough battle where I wondered if I was going to actually be able to kill Tenshi. Alice ran out of bombs like four fifths of the way through Tenshi's health bar so I was really worried especially since the only one doing any actual damage was Patchy.

Byakuren managed to flying fantastica in the battle near the end for the 190 value. Everybody leveled up twice.

What levels were other people at this battle? I had a really fucking tough time at levels 33-35 and with the strategy guide.

>> No.7947988 [DELETED] 


-alice cheeses marionette parrar/little legion; equip her with anti-petrify shield + earth resist armor
-sakuya gets thunder buff, uses 2H sword Great Maid to enhance damage against Tenshi
-patchouli manipulates land and cast thunder magic. don't cast any world spells if you can't handle tenshi's 5000 regen rate.

she seems hard at first if you don't know what you are doing. just experiment a bit until you figure something out.

>> No.7947985

Dead characters still get experience at the end of the battle. There is also the commander slot which receives full experience as well. You also have the option of not leveling everybody at once.

>> No.7947999

your fight would have been much easier if you used Sakuya.

>> No.7947995

I forgot exactly what level I was at, but it was in the 30s. It took me quite a few tries too.

The "big" storyline bosses in general are pretty tough, but you probably won't need to grind much until you get to the bitch of a last boss.

>> No.7948005

Not the guy you're responding to, but how so? Sakuya can't do much damage to her, and her attack-skipping abilities with Private Square are a lot less useful when Tenshi is unpredictable with them.

>> No.7948015
File: 133 KB, 646x508, BeholderEye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's VOI?

>> No.7948011

I did try using her, she did about as much damage as Nitori and takes longer to set up due to not being able to elementally buff herself.

I needed Patchy since I had to get rid of Tenshi's regeneration.

Without Byakuren both attackers did crap damage anyways.

Without Reimu I probably would've died.

>> No.7948023

Void, I believe. I've only seen one player-character-usable VOI-element attack so I'm not completely sure on it either.

>> No.7948046



Quite simple. Using the Great Maid 2H sword has enhance damage effect against Tenshi (Foreign God). With the buffs, she can deal at least 1k damage per hit.

>> No.7948078

Right, slayer weapons. I don't remember having any for Tenshi at the time.

>> No.7948082

I see, I did not have anymore celestial peaches though and I only had her tier 3 sword at the time.

>> No.7948288

Formations help a lot - put squishier characters in the back, make them defend or whatever, or just put them on the commander slot and they'll eventually catch up with the rest of the team. Exp scaling seems to help a lot, as well.

>> No.7948613

have anyone gotten the raise skill for Satori?

>> No.7948772

Even XP crashes on the opening cutscene. Happens most often when Yukari appears after remiu+marisa+sanae talk. I want to play, but not if I'm going to be constantly worried about a cutscene appearing and having the game crash and lose all my progress. Bah

>> No.7948783
File: 3 KB, 126x91, 1314950577081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or do most of the crafting mats come from chests? I've seriously gotten like maybe 2 mats from random battles in 10 hours of gameplay.

Also this game is way better than labyrinth of touhou. I don't understand why it's not as popular.

>> No.7948785

The ここはバックアップフォルダです file is actually a temporary save. You can rename it as a save file (TSD###.sav), it will load sometime before your last enemy encounter

>> No.7948790

Meant to quote >>7947643

>> No.7948897

Materials do not drop often, so it is not just you. Well, this game is not even completely translated yet, so that is probably why it isn't popular I guess.

>> No.7948993

How does Perfect Maid work?

>> No.7949008

How the fuck do I kill alice? Her dolls are imune to reimus magic and I cant heal all my characters since I have no group heal.
Sakuya, Reimu, Aya, Sanae, Marisa

>> No.7949027


I'll just go ahead and tell ya what worked for me, though I'm sure there's a better strategy out there.

Party - Reimu, Sanae, Patchouli, Sakuya, Nitori, Aya (commander)

Reimu for a mix between melee and spell damage.
Sanae is the buff and heal bot.
Patchouli went pure all out magical damage.
Nitori for melee.
Sakuya for melee and her Death skills.

The dolls are all susceptible to Death, making Sakuya an excellent choice here. Patchouli is more useful for this than Marisa, as you'll be focusing more on clearing the dolls than you will on killing Alice. Nitori also rips through the dolls with her skills. Use Sanae to give your party Evasion, Resistance and Magic Attack. Physical Attack is optional.

Doll Wall - For this one just go ahead and spam Patchouli's aoe abilites. They'll be down in 2-3 turns.

Doll Triangle- This is the hardest formation Alice has. You have to focus on melee damage for these suckers to go down, and they do quite a bit of damage if they're left in this formation for too long. Luckily, Nitori is here to one shot them, along with Sakuya, who's Death effects should hopefully kick in.

Doll Magic - For this one, it's just a matter of using the dolls' elemental weaknesses against them.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Aya is there specifically for Doll Triangle. Just switch on Perfect Dodge every round while you're on this formation, as those dolls can and will kill you if given the opportunity.

After the formations are done, the fight's over. Alice on her own does nothing and is no problem. Just finish her off and there you have it.

Hope this helps you out, good luck.

>> No.7949038


I found it easiest to reset the fight until she opens with the doll wall, and using marisa's mad blizzard to 1-shot every doll except one, and then focus down alice because the doll doesn't do any damage.
just make sure to kill the doll the same round as you kill Alice, otherwise you will most likely lose the fight on the doll's next turn

>> No.7949059


it is a somewhat boring method however.

>> No.7949071


Wait, you mean the doll really explodes? I had one doll left from the doll wall and it hung around three turns after Alice died until I managed to kill it with 5 damage attacks.

>> No.7949084


Yes. Unlike sanae, their divine wind will actually send you to hell.

>> No.7949092

Yeah, like I said, probably a better strategy out there. I'll have to remember that for my next playthrough.

>> No.7949124


Go get Mokou. not only is she your best tank (if you're willing to grind a few levels for her), she's probably the best commander option at this point in time since she can revive people with her bonus randomly, revive one person with the cheap option, and prevent the party from dying for one turn with the expensive option (doesn't seem to work on Yuyuko sadly). Plus, you get Hintouri Skydance formation, which is arguably the best formation to use if you don't have Alice.

Getting her is easy too. Talk to Akyu a few times until she mentions Mokou, then follow the Konami Code at the Bamboo Thicket.

>> No.7949141

What does the door in Akyuu manor do?

>> No.7949210


>Moukou's commander bonus

Sorry, that should be she sometimes keeps a unit from dying from fatal attacks.

Here's what I used for Alice, don't remember who I had for commander though.

Hintouri Skydance formation: Mokou, Sanae, Reimu, Patchouli, Marisa

Commander: Either Nitori or Aya. I may be mistaken but I believe Nitori's passive increases elemental damage by 10%, which helps Marisa and Patchouli out. If I'm wrong about this go with Aya for the 10% casting speed bonus.

Have Mokou dump all POW points into her IN tree, with any excess going into the Hourai Tree. For Sanae, focus Wind Priestess first, with excess into Extermination. Reimu doesn't really matter, you could sub her with Sakuya if you want but I wanted the extra healer. Marisa should focus on Skydust tree with excess in Mushroom or Brooms. Patchouli put 1 point into Spirit, then as much into Girl as you can.

For the fight itself, just make sure Sanae keeps MATk up and the heal party with Lucky Omijuki. If you can, use a Wily Toad to help bring the dolls down if it's not the elemental dolls. Reimu is mainly looking pretty, making sure Mokou doesn't die. Mokou is just eating hits though her spellcard attacks can be useful even unbuffed. Marisa and Patchy should be able to kill any doll formation together, though for elemental formation use different type spells if you think you can kill all but the element Marisa uses, otherwise get that doll next turn. Once all the formations are dead, Alice is a joke.

>> No.7949222

>play this for many hours straight, really great game
>gets to Alice


I unistalled after the tenth time in her, it seems to be impossible no matter how much I grind. Should I install it again?

>> No.7949225

it's probably not the game for you

>> No.7949235

-Rape the 3dolls formation ignore Alice
-You 1shot one of the formation with sanae because they are weak to earth with Sanae
-Only 1formation is resistance to magic. rape it with your aoe fighter and sanae
-the hardest formation is the formation with elemental barrier, rape it with marisa and patchouli. dont cast fire on the fire doll since they will counter attack if you do that

Use hinatori skydance. That way 75% of Alice attack will be concentrated on the middle.

>> No.7949243

Truly sad, I was having fun with a game for the first time in a long while, but I cannot put up with the replaying of fights over and over to come to finally understand the weaknesses of each boss. Oh well.

>> No.7949267

Should I invest in any of Satori's eyes, or do staffs suit her better?
Also, I figured I should try doing some sort of test runs of bosses, with checking what effects they're weak to, using Satori's Scan, and other stuff before trying to be them for real.

>> No.7949279

This is what makes the game good. Not just spoonfeeding you with easy fights that require mindless auto attacking to win.

>> No.7949280

Half the fun for me is figuring out how to beat a particular boss. There's no real penalty for losing, and they skip all the dialogue so there's no wait either.

I was ready to tear my hair out against Kaguya/Eirin until I completely lucked out and found her weakness. Think of them as puzzle bosses. The harder it is, the better the feeling of accomplishment you get when you win.

>> No.7949325

Whoever the fuck made that Mind Flayer enemy is going to die a very slow, very agonizing death.


>> No.7949352


Aya as commander and run.

They are also weak to spears, and always come in one column, so if you get a couple fast good melee guys with growth in the spear tree they can take them out pretty quickly.

When all else fails, Sanae's Res buff.

>> No.7949392

any tips for the earth palace? my party is being raped there, im usually with reimu, sakuya, alice, patchie and byakuren, and sanae as commander

>> No.7949413

About vending machine codes, are there legitimate in-game ways to find these, or were they a special bonus for buying the game at comiket or something similar?

>> No.7949430

What the hell. Momiji and Cirno are giving me a hell of a lot of trouble. I know I should just switch to Alice as tank (using Mokou to tank Cirno is a pretty (9) thing to do, I know) but it's Momiji's spellcard that just flattens my team.

I've tried both Aya and Nitori's command spells, neither of them seem to want to block it, or they'll block one, everyone still gets frozen and then the next wave isn't blocked.

>> No.7949438

Momiji's card has terrible accuracy, but will always hit frozen characters.

They were bonuses.

>> No.7949510
File: 28 KB, 560x400, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Satori.
Then the game froze.

>> No.7949515

momiji have low accuracy so using evade up buffs/accuracy down debuffs skills completely helps.

>> No.7949568

The problem was that Cirno was blanket freezing everyone in that first turn. Assigned some points I was saving up for another tree and ended up with Mokou's double status fist chance hitting Cirno with Great Confusion right off the bat, then using Sanae the designated healer instead of Byakuren the designated buff/debuffer worked wonders.

Then I end up Great Confusing Momiji as soon as Cirno goes down, and the rest of the battle is a joke. Sanae's a great bossfight companion, I'm realizing, even if she hasn't been of that much use to me so far.

>> No.7949618

I feel kinda bad right now, because I brute forced my way through Alice and Satori. Both were dead within a single turn. And all the other bosses weren't that challenging, as long as I paid attention to who died first or what status effects to block...

But now, I can barely put a dent in Yuuka/Medicine. I can't use Offensive Reimu because all her attacks are Light, which causes Yuuka to regenerate. I'm using Patchouli and Marisa to shift the gauge away from Earth by spamming thunder attacks, but if a single poison effect lands, they're as good as dead. Alice is there to protect everyone and raise Earth resistance, and Sakuya is my only physical attacker. I'm using Sanae to buff everyone but it seems it's just not enough for all that poison. I'm really uncertain what to do.

Oh, and I didn't get any of the two optional characters early. Sticking to the story the right way for me, which probably sounds stupid if they're the key to this fight...

>> No.7949622

consider dabbing a few points into a certain shrine maidens snake tree

>> No.7949661
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Youmu is a god in random encounters.

Give her launch earrings and buff her with hyper trigger and she keeps oneshotting everything.

>> No.7949701

Not sure about that, but if you give Reimu enough points in her healing tree, she will dispel the poison with her area healing - says description.

>> No.7949711

put 25 points into reimu's barrier skills for group healing. whenever you get poisoned you can heal everyone and recover from poision with one action.

>> No.7949836

Well, thanks for all that. Can't imagine the answer was sitting right there in front of me...Although I tried Reimu, I ended up using Sanae for her buffs. Used Moriya Wall with Alice in front, Sakuya and Sanae in the middle, and Patchouli and Marisa in the back. Luckily, no one died, and I'm guessing it's because I managed to push the land gauge towards full Electricity, so Marisa was almost doing 800 damage a turn to Yuuka, while Poison either never worked because of Sanae's barrier, or, if I got lucky, got reflected(along with other attacks) by Satori's first commander ability.

Still, I'm surprised Yuuka was the weaker of the two. I'm guessing Medicine is weaker to fire or something else...By the end, no one except Marisa had any MP left. I kept meleeing her for 5 turns before Sakuya got her last word and started demolishing her with multiple high damage sword swings a turn.

Anyway, thanks a lot. Now, to grind Mokou (whose recruitment cutscene is pretty nice, declaring to bring justice to the evil immortals, etc...). And woah, those commander abilities sure look useful.
Sorry for the long post.

>> No.7949848

not really, as Yuka is weak against earth, you can have patchy support your heavy hitters(sakuya/youmu/nitori) while Sanae buff everyone on the team. if your really having trouble survive might want to switch in alice and use some kinda line formation for her parrar skill

>> No.7949965


>Yuka is weak against earth

Weak to wind sir, and completely immune to earth.

>> No.7949968


YES!! Thank you, you're a lifesaver

>> No.7950042

oh right oops

>> No.7950069

Good lord, Nitori's Rage 8s is ridiculous. I can't for the life of me get it to go first, but if she has slayer against the group everything dies. Super good against freaking elite mind flayers...if I have Aya in my party. Except then I get dinosaured.

>> No.7950185

That fight was strangely easy for me, I just focused on beating Medicine and when Yuuka was alone, all she could do was a bit of damage every now and then with Gensokyo Reflowering. That other flower attack kept hitting Alice for 0 damage, and as Mokou had no bombs or MP left (and Youmu died), she simply punched her to death. It was weird.

Now I'm going to grind for Satoriskills and a bit of gear before heading into Eientei, I don't think I have enough stuff for everyone and I don't want Satorin to be useless in there.

>> No.7950218
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>> No.7950690

So what gets said after the Komachi fight? Don't have my backup file that was at he point right before the fight and, even if I did, not in much mood to try and deal with game crashing after the fight.

>> No.7950776

Stage 18 is probably the most frustrating thing that have happened to me in my entire life. I thought Inner Eientei was tough, but holy shit man. HOLY SHIT.

I guess i'll take a one-day long break now. My hands are still shaking.

>> No.7950846

Man, Satori's sprite is so damn cute. I want to take her home~

Also, how do I teach enemy skills again? I need to have them use it on her, right?

>> No.7951251


She has to be hit by the skill. If she doesn't learn it the first time she's hit by it, she will not learn it that fight.

>> No.7951261


Reimu party complains that they learned nothing and wasted time fighting.

Komachi mentions the mist has nothing to do with death and somewhat resemble miasma, which Yuka happens to be related to. The group comes to the conclusion that chances are that it isn't yuuka, but the culprit is hiding somewhere in gensokyo and they might as well go search there and see if yuka knows anything.

and then Komachi, after remembering that the mist is killing lots of youkai which means more work for her, diligently returns to her nap.

Sanae's hella buffed Matk up + Patchy's double bomb commander spell + lightmonster Reimu double bomb + marisa's spark = komachi down to 60% hp at the end of round one, and then 3 more rounds before she dies. Not a single coin attack that fight, like a boss.

>> No.7951267


Thanks. I know the story doesn't really mean much right now but just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything important.

As for the fight itself, I didn't really have trouble with the coin thing. Had Sanae buff RES, PDEF and MATK, then pretty much fell asleep.

>> No.7951274

I just went through 20 mins of story

>> No.7951292

saves whenever you use a gold healing circle, close the menu, or enter the world map

>> No.7951294

Saves everytime you leave a dungeon or step into one of those magic circles.

>> No.7951337

why do they say that yuka is the only one from makai? isn't alice from there too?

>> No.7951369

have anyone gotten the raise skill for satori? satori keep failing to learn it for me

>> No.7951376


PC-98 was retconned

>> No.7951405

Are you trying to learn the skill from #300?

>> No.7951476

yeah that furball, is there some trick to it?

>> No.7951494

I tried doing that, but all dem coins were still raping me horribly.
My solution was to bring Satori to the fight and debuff Komachi's accuracy, which somehow worked. I should have used Sanae's evasion buff as well to be 100% sure.

>> No.7951541

If I'm not mistaken, this requires Reimu's level 90 barrier skill to make this trick work.

>> No.7951775


huh, you make sure everyone had a pdef shield and a weapon that would let shields activate?

>> No.7951871

what's all this talk about getting skills from monsters?

I thought you got those through leveling?

>> No.7952069

Satori has a chance of learning skills from monsters when the skills are used on her.

>> No.7952074

And most of the time, that chance is about 1% (which you can raise to 2% by spending 25 skill points!). And if she doesn't get it from an enemy after being hit by it once, she's not going to get it for that fight.

>> No.7952094
File: 167 KB, 900x900, 1314952654735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that chance is about 1%

Looks like satori won't be getting any blue magic in my game.

>> No.7952110

Actually the percentage varies depending on the skill with the numbers usually being 1, 5, 10, 33, 50 percent. You can triple the chance by maxing out Satori's learning skilltree and get 3, 15, 30, 99, 100 percent chance to learn respectively.

>> No.7952119

Hmm that's better. Is Satori a missable character or something? I'm 6 hours in and I haven't gotten her yet.

>> No.7952154

there are no missable characters in pre-expansion.

>> No.7952274


You get her after stage 6. The only "missable" characters would be Mokou and Byakuren but you get them at stage 9 if you don't bother to recruit them at the beginning.

Also, most defensive skills have a much higher learning chance than others, so at the very least you can make Satori a buffer.

>> No.7952276

Wow...So I just got past the golden door for Yuyuko's stage, and I keep wondering when I'm ever going to find these peaches that all the equipment requires now. Fight one of those trees, a peach drops. Fight a second tree, a second one drops. Twice in a row and without the Gamer Fan equipped. I suddenly have the urge to farm...

Though, I can only assume this is God's way of giving me a bit of condolence for the upcoming boss fight. I'm sure it's going to be very, very annoying.

>> No.7952287

Sorry,but those are something like double-digit percentage drops..

If you get devil hearts/gems/gold/forgematerials on the other hand then you do have some cause for celebration.

>> No.7952421
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Even if it's not very effective at the time, I still love throwing in Suwa War, just to see frogs pop up everywhere with a funny sound.

What is your favorite spell? Mind Blast and Fantasy Heaven are also favorites of mine.

>> No.7952481


Silent Selene and Star Maelstrom are awesome.

>> No.7952502


Flying Phoenix.

Great damage, Mokou's awesome casting sprite, and the retarded bird noise. Mostly the retarded bird noise to be honest.

>> No.7952513
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>> No.7952526

wait, Reimu is actually El Zorro!

>> No.7952559

I like marisa's blazing star. I have 25 points in brooms for it even though it seems to do crap damage to everything.

>> No.7952632

I thought I was the only one who loved the retarded bird noise.

As far as usefulness goes, Satori's Acid Storm is doing wonders for me at Youkai Mtn. Cheap, targets all, solid damage and seems to be really effective at debuffing.

>> No.7952635

Mokou's last whisper.

I like all the cut-ins for last whispers tbh

>> No.7952729

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! The yuyuko fight was damn fun. I remembered seeing quite a bit of discussion concerning her, so I made sure not to come back until I beat her. Pretty sure I didn't do it the easiest way but it sure was fun.

Ran with Alice, Mokou, Sakuya, Patchouli (melee specced), Sanae and Aya (commander). Had Sanae on buffs and heals (mainly ACC and RES) and Alice tanking. Mokou's Flying Phoenix made that fight way easier, don't know what I'd do without her.

Just went ahead buffed and burned Youmu down as fast as possible with Sakuya, Patchouli's fireballs and Mokou's Phoenix (which made Patchouli's fireballs even more damaging to Youmu thanks to the field type thing). Made sure to pop Aya's perfect dodge everyone round after the first one to help limit Yomu's destructive potential.

Yuyuko was pretty easy on her own, so long as you maxed Sanae's buff tree and kept RES up. Only one she ever managed to cast death on was mokou, who would usually be back in a turn or two anyways.

The real kicker is that ending though. I know I saw talk on it before, but I completely forgot about her ending spell card. Thankfully I had been casting Protect on Sakuya the whole fight with Alice, so she managed to survive and give me the win. Man, I love this game. Fights that actually take some thought and preparation? I LOVE IT!

>> No.7952736

>Ran with Alice
damn, had me baffled for a second.

>> No.7952741

Also forgot to ask, around what level were your prties when you managed to take down Yuyuko? Mine's 15-16, am I around par?

>> No.7952747


most likely, yes.

As long as you generally fight every mob pack that runs at you in a dungeon, you should be high enough level to take down the boss, assuming you use a strat/growth set up that works for that boss.

>> No.7952891

Aw, I was wondering how they were going to translate that pun...Too bad they kept it like that, now it's just weird.

>> No.7952949

Tried to brute force Kanako/Suwako. I can take down Suwako, but Kana-cakes is built like a brick shithouse and hardly takes any damage.

Party members keep saying "perhaps we should try unconventional methods." I'm intrigued, I'm wondering what I have to do. Don't tell me though, I'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.7952953

Mega flare one hits my party.
What do?

>> No.7952957

You will facepalm so hard when you figure it out.

>> No.7952959

Get her down to 41-50% health, then burn her down in one turn. It's doable with final spark and fantasy heaven and whatnot. Use your buffs!

>> No.7952965

I'll try that.
Also, Sakuya deals sick damage with the claymore.

>> No.7952980

Youmu's final word instakilled her.
I'm still laughing...

>> No.7952993


patchy's 2-bomb commander spells helps a lot for that, as well.

>> No.7953119

Heh. There is an even easier way: Alice+decent shields+Freefight formation (single column!). Poor Youmu couldn't even break into double digits of damage. Hilarious.

By the way:
>NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Where did this bit come from? I get random crashes every now and then in either mode, but turning on "W95 compatibility" also makes the game nearly unplayable after opening/closing the menu. Suspicious.

>> No.7953157

That's weird. The game wouldn't get past the starting scene for me without Windows 95 compatibility...

I have to ask, who here is using full screen mode? I tried that for a few times but got a bunch of crashes, but I haven't had a single crash since I started playing in Windowed mode...

>> No.7953163


This is actually pretty similar to what I did, except I used Marisa instead of Patch for cheap single target magic.

But the ending was just silly. I had put as much res stuff as I could on everyone except Marisa since she was mostly to take Youmu down fast. Who was the only person to survive at the end? Marisa, with only Sanae's Res buff. She's such a troll.

>> No.7953194

>That's weird. The game wouldn't get past the starting scene for me without Windows 95 compatibility...

Oh. Yeah, I think that's the same here, will have to try it a few times to make sure.

I'm now getting a ton of crashes in Muenzuka with or without, though. The Japanese support site isn't terribly helpful, either - most answers are basically "your PC/video card sucks. Deal with it."

Perhaps it has something to do with playtime/number of backups made?

>> No.7953423

Can Satori keep learned skills if she learns something and dies in the same round/battle? Haven't started using her yet, but this is gonna give me a general idea of how frustrating this will be.

>> No.7953441

I killed her with Reimu, I skilled full Spirit Sign powerups and fantasy heaven hit her for 1300.

>> No.7953451

She can freely die, dodge, ect, but you need to win the battle.

>> No.7953455

yep, she keeps everything even if downed - but you need to win the battle.

what I don't know is if you need to run outside and save the skill. I was never annihilated after learning something, I would always run outside to be double sure.

>> No.7953461

Related question:

Does Sakuya's "+5% condition" apply to Satori's learning, too?

>> No.7953903

Any tips on killing those cunts in the temple that stun you all time and instakill your touhous?
If 2 or 2 of those spawn I usually shut down the game now to start over.

>> No.7953946

I've got a 2.05 version of GoS in Japanese. Will the translation patch work with my current save files?

>> No.7953954

No, you need 2.06 from what I understand.

As usual you don't want to deal with too many flayers, and ESPECIALLY not when you don't have a full party or someone that can counter them. Alice can little legion on the first turn while they are weak to spears and have no defense.

Don't think so, learning has nothing to do with status effects

>> No.7954141

Running 2.06 and it keeps crashing at Okuu. Thought this was suppose to crash once...

>> No.7954218

So, I got a Crow Feather from that bird youkai in Earth Palace. The one that nulls magic moves.

Then I go and die to a Mind Flayer who paralysed everyone at the same time. 5 hours later, I learn about the backup save thing, but none has my precious feather.

Man. I'm frustrated so much. How many of these special material itens can I get from chests?

>> No.7954300

if the 100% exp range is from levels 29-37 should I consider anything within that range appropriate for the dungeon?

>> No.7954370

What stat, ability, item, etc, is it that allows Mokou and Patchy to heal every turn?

>> No.7954414

land values

>> No.7954474


Only the ここはバックアップフォルダです save will record your exact position in a dungeon with all the items you got inside it even if you haven't left the dungeon to permanently save them (the ones in yellow text).

When you load any of the "backup" saves, you are automatically kicked out of the dungeon, so none of them can save your crow feather. You also can't retrieve that original ここはバックアップフォルダです save because it's overwritten as soon as you open your menu/exit the dungeon/die etc.

Because of that I usually copy that file to somewhere else if I get a good drop.

>> No.7954729 [DELETED] 
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>Kill Yuyuko
>Instant death everyone before she dies
>Wiped out

Then I try to focus Youmu
>Kill youmu
>No mp
>Can't burst down Yuyuko so just default attack
>1 billion evasion durr durr never hit

>> No.7954738

>Get one death resist ring
Problem solved.

>> No.7954744

Next time you post, don't greentext.

Or don't post at all, since you reek of /v/.

>> No.7954747

Leave Yuyuko for last and have Alice use London dolls to cover someone when dealing the death blow.

>> No.7954818

Aya...That stage 17 boss fight is pretty tough. A turtle and a crab combine forces to kick my butt. But I feel as if I'm about to make a major breakthrough. If only they'd stop killing Sakuya right as she got her Last Word.

>> No.7954861 [SPOILER] 
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the secret to beating Genji in one turn if you apply all buffs too.

>> No.7954867


I'm using a very non-buff dedicated team. Just so you know. The only buffer is Sanae, and I have only three points in her buff tree. Just need to plan my next fight a bit better.

>> No.7954901

Anyone know where monster #212 is? I think it is somewhere at the Genbu Swamp, but I do not know where? I assume monster #212 is an angel, because I'm missing an angel entry for this area. The demon enemy dwelling here is called Officer Demon and looks reddish with multiple arms.

>> No.7954915

212 is Dominion and they are in the map right before all the save point rooms.

>> No.7954921 [DELETED] 
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for OP

>> No.7954943

What the hell am I doing wrong? I'm up against Satori, and she keeps using petrify, which more or less one shots my party (Mokou, Reimu, Marisa, Patchy, Sakuya).

>> No.7954971

I think I've taken all the 'be careful what you synth' a little too seriously. Namely, only two things total by stage 15, and then only so I could divide weapons more evenly for the party split.

Namely, I haven't made Byakuren's 25 IND scroll, which I am rectifying now. Namely because there isn't a single other weapon in the entire game with IND on it that she can use.

So much wasted frustration...

>> No.7955020

go make it, as that's her only +IND wep while Satori get IND armor

>> No.7955059

I've been a lot less careful about that, and seeing that +25 IND made me even less careful about it. Mostly, I'm using the wiki to take a look at what I can synthesize, and for seeing I can easily farm items for what I have the recipe for (because the wiki doesn't have recipes for everything).
That might be a bit of cheating, but I feel that the game's finally starting to hate me, so I shouldn't be too gentle with it.

Get Sanae in there and abuse her party-wide RES buff. That thing saves lives and you'll need it for basically every boss fight in the game, I'm sure.
And strangely enough, I don't recall Satori ever using that on me. In fact, she went down pretty easily on both times I fought her because lolcrash.

>> No.7955064

Speaking of synthing stuff, are Satori's eyeballs worth synthing or am I better off with rods?

>> No.7955131

What's the link for the wiki? Is there any specific broom I should make for Marisa or just stick with rods til later in the game?

>> No.7955179

So, is it possible to learn more than one skill with Satori in a fight? Trying to learn both Shadow Flare and Dark Web from Genji #2.

So far, I've only been able to learn Dark Web.

>> No.7955182

brooms let marisa regen 12 mp a turn so you should definitely use one

>> No.7955192

you can only learn one skill per battle.

>> No.7955198


I think dark flare has a level requirement. Might want to look it up.

>> No.7955200


Yeah, level 50. My Satori's 52 at the moment, but, my question was answered. Thanks. Guess I'll keep trying for both tomorrow morning.

>> No.7955413

Is there a cap on the amount of the same item you can carry? I would be somewhat annoyed if I found out that tenth Steel isn't going into my bag.

Also, is there any cap for power/skill/whatever levels as well? I know that the normal level goes all the way to 99.

>> No.7955431

I need a bit of clarification. Are they in the save point before the first part of Genbu's swamp, where the Demon Officers and Hien enemies are at. Or are they in the save point before the second part of Genbu's swamp, where Undine and Mermaids are at? Or are they not here altogether? Because from what you are saying, it seems like they are in first part of Lakebed Temple, where you split into three groups instead. That is the only part with multiple save points I can think of.

Brooms regenerate 6 mana with max tree.

>> No.7955877

when do you unlock youmu's meteor katana? I just made her muramasa instead of the next one to save 1 iron but I'm starting to feel like it was a mistake. if I had gone for the stronger one I think I could have over 300 attack easy.

>> No.7956041

10 hours in atm. Couldn't watch any of the plot progression after beating Okuu and Orin. I'm completely new to touhou so I actually want to know whats going on.. oh well.

Absolutely love how huge the dungeons are. This game is my new crack.

>> No.7956044
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Genius of Sappheiros, fuck yeah.

>> No.7956123

Hmmm, just reached level 7 and now Reimu's useful has taken a very large, very sudden drop. She's been one of my main damage dealers for a good portion of the game, now it feels like she's one of the weaker characters all of a sudden. Now she can barely hit triple digits. This makes me sad...

>> No.7956145

I'm lvl 12-14 atm and I only use Reimu for her fantasy aoe from time to time.. I'm hoping she becomes more useful at higher levels once she gets more skills.

>> No.7956148

Reimu needs a lot of power points to be decent in damage, and only by the end of the main game can she do so while keeping area heal.

>> No.7956229

is area heal better than mass heal for satori?

>> No.7956358

Satori's area heal is generally better than her mass heal. The area heal costs 12 and the mass heal costs 36. The area heal also heals for more than the mass heal. If you use Neo Hakurei formation, you can tag everyone with the area heal by healing the center person. Satori's single target heal is even stronger, so you may want to use that later in the game.
Reimu can heal, that makes her useful. She also has some barriers that are quite good for not getting party wiped. Her Evil Sealing Circle is great and so is that tiger encompassing circle or whatever it's called, the one that blocks an element.

>> No.7956359

it's cheaper, and depends on your formation since it doesn't cover as much area. Use it if you like it

>> No.7956386

So I finally got all the characters, and switched my party completely around. Now I'm running around with Sakura, Patch, Byakuren, Satori and Youmu (getting one-shotted a lot, and it's not very efficient at all but for some reason I'm really enjoying this party). I'm about to enter autism mode and start gathering skills for Satori. What's some good ones you can get for her pre-stage 7?

>> No.7956443

This game is really damn good, and the music is wonderful. Color me surprised.

>> No.7956497

damn I'm running out of mp so fast. reimu runs out after 14 hakurei needles and even with the cherry dagger sakuya can't keep up with jack the ripper.

>> No.7956511

the MP system leaves you with two possible choices
- go and reload your weaponry at the healing circle
- keep changing in your reserve characters
later on probably both. Personally, I would run outside often anyway - losing gear is a pain, losing crafting drops is a MASSIVE pain

>> No.7956532

well the problem is if you leave too much the monsters respawn. I tried running to the end of the level so I could use the healing circle there, but I got ambushed by momiji and barely won.

>> No.7956658

I can't even beat Alice.
I suck at this.

>> No.7956656

I officially hate stage 7. The 2nd half of this stage's mobs are more aggravating than those squid youkai, if that's even possible. Fuck this stage.

>> No.7956664

Can be solved by spamming sanae +res at the start of every turn.
Also if you are having problem surviving you can always use Alice bread and butter marionette pannar every turn with line formation.
It only costs 2mp.

>> No.7956674

What's a good setup/parties to get Hyper Fang Crush form Kagami and beating the other 2 bosses in the process?

>> No.7956676

Devise a strategy that uses inexpensive moves. Using Jack the Ripper instead of Jack the Libo Bile is one example. Funnel your random encounter mana usage onto your most mana efficient character. You don't really need to be doing max damage to regular monsters, and you really don't want to need to.

>> No.7956792

Kinda stuck on Garden of the sun for a few hrs... Going left and right leads to no where and going up requires you to have the flower colors but the white smoke removes them before you can get to a flower...
Wiki doesn't help either and I've tried backtracking through these threads :(

>> No.7956809
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>at lakebed temple
>using mokou, sakuya, alice, sanae, youmu
>a backbeard appears

>> No.7956963

>white smoke
Then you're clearly going the wrong way.
I did that dungeon with mostly no problems, I only got confused when I had to go back to the start because I wasn't sure of where to go, but finding where I should go didn't take too long.

By the way, bump limit was hit, in case anyone cares. Also, you stupid wiki, why don't you have info on all the material needed to craft stuff or even on all the monsters?

>> No.7957117

Okay, stage15, what...the...fucking...hell...

I think I'm stuck. All the bar doors are closed in every direction. I walked back from the magic circle (the first as far as I know), found a silver key and now can't get back. I can't go back to the beginning either for that matter. And I killed everything so it's lonely too.

Help? I don't want to lose this diamond...

>> No.7957189

Have you died between entry and now? I don't think you can get stuck unless you died in the middle.

But yea, Heaven is hell.

>> No.7957224

New thread


>> No.7957226

Items are not capped, you could get hundreds of the same material if you wanted

Base and power level are capped at 99
This happened to me last night.
Just keep entering and exiting the pipes in different orders - eventually one of the gates will open. I don't know what determines which ones open, but you cannot get stuck there, so keep trying.

Those little flowers you see might have something to do with it, not sure.
