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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7940481 No.7940481 [Reply] [Original]

Hongfire just went full retard, and have announced they're removing all torrents and direct downloads from the site, permanently.

As if there was any point to that horrible community other than the downloads and modding (which'll no doubt also fade away after this).

>> No.7940491


>> No.7940489
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>> No.7940492

Well, that's that, then.

It could easily be fixed just by moving the server, but I guess the chief of the site just got too tired to bother. We're all human.

>> No.7940497

look at all the comments of the brown-nosers saying they're just glad the site is back. They'll eventually leave. The owners had better learn quick that they're effectively killing their site unless they reestablish some sort of filesharing system, even if its under a different domain server like they though about.

>> No.7940503


All the uploader regulars have already moved to here. It's got all the usual download sections from Hongfire, and already has all the latest eroge releases (and CG packs).

Use this,http://userstyles.org/styles/54391/anime-sharing-tweaks
To make the site not look like ass.

>> No.7940506

Way to advertise, bro.

>> No.7940507

I wonder if they will simply delete the sections, or if they will at least archive it/store it offline.
When their traffic plummets, I wonder if they wouldn't consider putting it back up online.

Then again, I somehow bet the staff of the site would be satisfied with only their closest circle visiting the site.

>> No.7940509

Hongfire's admins have always lived in a fantasy world about how much Hongfire's community matters and how good it is. The fact they have hundreds of users to suck them off doesn't help.

I'd be surprised if they relented. Which is a shame; the archives were an amazingly large trove of great shit.

>> No.7940512

You guys actually goes to forum to find new downloads link?
Isn't looking for new files in a forum is kinda messy since you can't see what inside of the thread until you open it?
and most of them sometime never post a screenshots of those files.

>> No.7940527
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>> No.7940532

> Isn't looking for new files in a forum is kinda messy since you can't see what inside of the thread until you open it?

Read the title?

>> No.7940534

The title of the thread described the content. It's a decent enough system for things like eroge download sections, as all you really need to know is the title of the game inside.

For doujin, it isn't optimal (unless you know the title or author of the doujin). Problem is, for doujin there isn't much choice between blogs (and wading through pages and pages of shit), or sites like Fakku who make it a pain in the ass to actually download, and do dumv shit like compressing images.

Ideally, you'd have some sort of forum-esque system, but with the covers visible as thumbnails. If a cover looks inviting, open the thread in a tab.

>> No.7940538

>Home sewing is killing fashion

>> No.7940546


I just wondering why people doesn't use a better organizes place to, HF download section already gone shit since 2008 when dozen of money grubber uploaders start spamming that place.
I swear i can find 12 same threads posting a link to same file uploaded by different posters.

>> No.7940552

I'll admit I only visit the torrents. The DDL section is chaotic shit, yes.

>> No.7940556

I just use Google. "whatever site:hongfire.com" usually works fine for getting decent links.

>> No.7940561


Filestube is better.

>> No.7940569

Because Hongfire is the only place you can find good eroge torrents. And I have google helps me too.
I refuse to go to erogedownload or whatever site that use rapidshit ddl links. They are the cancer that's killing the internet.

>> No.7940574


>gib seed plox

>> No.7940576

Why not scrape the sites for info and index them according to useful taxonomic dimensions?

>> No.7940579

I'd rather downloading by torrent for a week than using their shitty rapidshit.

>> No.7940585


What if there was no seeds at all?

>> No.7940586

>Because Hongfire is the only place you can find good eroge torrents
The really good uploaders on hongfire post their torrents on other sites, like Tokyotosho even.

>> No.7940589

If the torrent is old enough that there were no seeds then they would be deleted from the ddl hosts too.

>> No.7940596

This is the internet. There'll be a new site to mimic Hongfire very quickly.

>> No.7940601

>I just wondering why people doesn't

>> No.7940615

I once waited four months for a torrent to become seeded. And then it did. And then I seeded it for four months. Patience.

>> No.7940626

want to buy a dead ringer for a scrap, gonna make a weapon for a friend since i have nothing else to do.

>> No.7940685

There already is one.

>> No.7940700

Alex, is that you?

>> No.7940707
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>> No.7940710
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It's true.

>> No.7940717
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>(We might move the torrent and DDL forums to another new domain server in the future.)
exhentai v2.0

>But Hongfire isn't just about Torrents and Games and stuff, it's a community where everyone can share their interests and get to know each other, right? Of course, everyone would hope it will come back, but let's be patient. I have a feeling it will return in the future May Hongfire live on forever ^^
>this is what he really believes

>> No.7940724
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I tried one time to register at Hongfire because I felt guilty for leeching.
I posted two times and never went back

>> No.7940725
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Its a shame to lose a great place for easy downloads of new VN's and so on.

But to be fair without the DDL/Torrent section the place is just utter shit.
I expect a 90% drop in the user base after this.

>> No.7940727

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.7940731

>Join Date: 08-24-2006
>Posts: 0
Leeching is the best~

>> No.7940751

Actually we lost the largest eroge source.

>> No.7940757

Tokyotosho and (especially) anime-sharing have that covered. Every recently release game is accounted for, which bodes well for the future.

>> No.7940769

you know filestube just indexes links from hongfire right?

>> No.7940819
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Thank you!

>> No.7940818

Sure, if you want to use share and other jap alternatives. (which I think are not secure).
I already can't find some Eroge like
Anywhere. (Nihonmaru/Eroge blogs)
Stuff like this would have already been posted on hongfire.

Sad, really.
Stuff like DRM was no challenge for HF.

I'm taking a look at it, thanks!

>> No.7941534

anime-sharing torrents tend to get stuck at 99.7% though. It's pretty annoying having to repair rar files.

>> No.7941644

>for doujin there isn't much choice between blogs (and wading through pages and pages of shit), or sites like Fakku
Exhentai? Yes, they do this dumb GP/credits shit that prevents you from downloading at first, but it's not that hard to get behind that.

>> No.7941657

Someone should create a private torrent tracker for eroges.

>> No.7941683

What, yet another one?

>> No.7941693

Like what?

>> No.7941872

The problem with private trackers: YOU'RE not welcome.

>> No.7943310

Sure is gone all right.


>> No.7943801

torrents seem to work but DDLs are blocked, at least on my account it is...

kinda sucks because some torrents have really low seeds

>> No.7943814

Who gives a fuck?

Oh wait, virgin losers who need to fap to eroge. Nothing of value was lost; go outside and talk to girls.

>> No.7943813

I can still use my DC hubs.

>> No.7943830
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>posted the /jp/sie from his iphone as he sat alone in the corner

>> No.7943834

DDLs are gone for me too. Worked a few hours ago.

>> No.7943849

Fuck Hongfire.

>> No.7943898

The solution is to have an open signup the first few days and post it on /jp/.

A private tracker would also prevent old eroges from running out of seeds.

>> No.7943914
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>Implying that /jp/sies have money for iphones.

>> No.7943916

As if I'd ever seed anything.

>> No.7943917
File: 78 KB, 600x475, 1310544537619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're US-based, what the fuck do you expect them to do? Get assraped in federal prison?

You're a dipshit if you ever went to HF to download crap in the first place. It's only the modding community that matters, which is perfectly fine.

Fucking faggot /a/ssholes everywhere.

>> No.7943934

I don't want to resort to PD and waste 40 fucking GB on useless cache or wade through google pages for obscure shit when a simple search from the HF forums usually delivers.

Please off yourself.

>> No.7943942
File: 44 KB, 703x680, 1317172966151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the money, I just don't care. Seeing threads about jacking off always make me depressed. Oh well, I guess the people who work on mods deserve some recognition.

>> No.7943946

TT, dumbass.

>> No.7943976

Still doesn't have as big of a collection as HF, dipshit.

>> No.7943990

It does now.

>> No.7943993

Good luck finding a seeded old torrent.

>> No.7943996
File: 19 KB, 140x140, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, with HF gone I'm sure they won't ever be re-upped and listed on TT. Unthinkable, right?

>> No.7944001

That shit was never seeded. HF used a public tracker and DDLs.

>> No.7944003

It depends on what you wanted to download.
If its eroge, HF was the best source. Sure there was lots of stuff on blogs too, but never such a complete archive.
Especially smaller games, that only had 10-20 downloads on DLSite. Thats usually stuff you only find on HF. (unless you want to use unsecure jap programs).

Total Posts: 139
Join Date: 05-24-2007
Lots of Rep because I made a game like slavemaker on HF.
Still can't access the Download section. This is pretty random on who can connect it seems.

>> No.7944008

VIP and admins. How is that random?

You're just not one of the cool kids like me.

>> No.7944017

Yep. How do you think those old games get reuploaded? Someone requested it.

What's nice about HF is that they have quite a few hoarders that reupload old games if someone request it.

>> No.7944020

I could see the ddl and torrent sections when I checked 2 days ago, but now it says I can't.

>> No.7944028

Why would they take the DDL down? I thought the reason they got in trouble in the frist place was because of all of the shit hosted on their tracker.

>> No.7944032

And now they'll hoard elsewhere. What are you not getting?

Supply and demand always balances out on the internet, and very quickly.

>> No.7944034

Was reading in another thread on /jp/ that users registred 2-3 months ago with no posts could access it.

Seems they changed that.

also your fake elitism seems out of place, please practise some more with that

>> No.7944042

>balances out

I hope so, it's just sometimes shit like this breaks the communities up and makes things worse. Hongfire had a good thing going for what it was.

>> No.7944062

I know, bad example to post on /jp/.
But I wrote it before:
When Empornium and Puretna were gone, with millions of porn torrents, I didn't see something that huge reappearing.

>> No.7944063

So did geocities, napster, myspace and hotbot before they disappeared. Would you rather have them or wikis, tpb, facebook, and google?

Well, maybe not facebook, but you get the point.

>> No.7944064


>> No.7944172

So basically now it is like every other normalfag breeding ground. Great.

ETA on when their HF patches become donation only.
