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File: 51 KB, 400x300, th07_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7938337 No.7938337 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/..so I've 1 cc'd (on normal)everything from PCB to TD should I concentrate on extra or hard?

Oh and gameplay general

>> No.7938342

Do a bit of both I'd say. Can't get further in one? Play the other. Although TD Hard shouldn't be that bad, almost managed to 1cc it even though I can only get about halfway through the extra.

>> No.7938375

But which one do you think is harder? Extra or hard?

>> No.7938384

generally Hard, just for being longer.
Extra is harder mostly in the PC-98 games.

>> No.7938423

So maybe extra then? but the only one I've tried is Suwako,kinda mindfucked me for a while but she's supposed to be the easiest right?

>> No.7938430


Suwako is considered one of the easier ones, but she's still harder than you'd think. I'd start with Ran, she's the first one I managed to beat, I can't beat the other extras.

>> No.7938463

Isn't Mokou the easiest one?

>> No.7938464

1cc EoSD first

>> No.7938473


The only reason she's considered the easiest is because you can abuse spellcard practice, but I find her to be one of the tougher extra bosses. Ran is my easiest because you can use borders to clear the screen and you get a ton of them, not to mention her spellcards aren't that tough compared to the other extra bosses.

>> No.7938477

I actually just 1cc'd EoSD right now.

My first 1cc, I'm still shaking.

>> No.7938483

Good job man....damn that's the only one I haven't ccd

>> No.7938491

On normal?

>> No.7938500
File: 57 KB, 600x398, 1316348694435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People kept saying that TD Lunatic is a walk in the park. The lack of resources drives me mad however. It's not UFO level bad, definitely not, but I still can't really pass Stage 4 unscathed.

I don't have NSFW images of Seiga right now, have this pic instead.

>> No.7938501

Congratulations, so far the only games I managed to get 1cc was MoF,IN,PCB,SA.
The only extra was Mokou, almost beat Suwako once.
I wish I could try to complete EoSD but from all the sources I got the game(with repack and BS) usually makes I get a error in the game usually at the latter stages (4,5,6).

>> No.7938502
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I did fairly awful too, but still ended it with two bombs left. I didn't even bomb spam as much as I should've.

>> No.7938512

you can post the nsfw ones if u want

>> No.7938514

I only 1cc'd TH02 and TH04, 2 on hard and 4 on normal, which I am not that proud of. Since about 6 months I'm practicing TH06 on lunatic though, I'm good enough to get to Patchouli, but still lose some lives in China's stage and way too many in Patchy's stage. I'll give myself 3 months for my first lunatic 1cc. Pretty sure it will be the best day in my life.

>> No.7938521

no, it needs to be something which properly depicts me indignation towards that character. Like that Shou pic with mouth rape.

Still waiting for proper fanart, hopefully full of despair and misery.

>> No.7938530

My 1st cc is my best day ever....subsequent ccs lacks the magic or excitement from my 1st

>> No.7938543


I dunno, my first 1cc was MoF, and while that was a glorious day worth remembering, that UFO 1cc I got recently was also amazing, memorable, made me fall completely in love with Emotional Skyscraper and UFO in general. I really want to get better so I can fight Byakuren at her strongest.

>> No.7938565 [DELETED] 

>Byakuren at her strongest.
nigga u sure
>Byakuren at her strongest.

>> No.7938574
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for some reason every time I 1cc a game for the first time (normal), I end up with at LEAST 3 lives left. So far I got in order, IN PCB and EoSD and In my 1cc of EoSD I finished with 5 lives...
So, I moved unto the fighting games and beat all of them on lunatic with every character after about a week.(what)
So NOW I'm working on MoF and refuse to do 10D despite my love for the music, I can't stand the game sanae is being a pain but im improving. Kanako is still a bitch though.

>> No.7938583

Isn't MoF just bomb spam?That's how I 1cc'd my first game

>> No.7938586


I can't beat that yet. I'm not very good at the games. But let me tell you, listening to Emotional Skyscraper and hitting at Byakuren with everything I have during Flying Fantastica feels so great. I may be suicidal for wanting to beat Lunatic mode with Sanae A but I really want to do it some day.

>> No.7938588

How about no bombs and no deaths kill?

>> No.7938591

I posted ULTRA. If you can perfect ultra byakuren, I will build you a jinja

>> No.7938627

What does cc mean anyway?

>> No.7938635

When I was in the same position as OP I went onto the Extra stages. I've cleared all of them expect UFO since I haven't put that much effort into it compared to the others. I've never played the game on hard but I might just jump straight to Lunatic and see how far I can get (I know I'll die a hell of a lot but I don't care, I prefer to play this way).

>> No.7938652

``credit clear'', idiot.

>> No.7938668

crowd control

>> No.7938670

1cc the games on normal (caveat: do TD on Hard to normalize the difficulty with the other games).

Then do the extra stages.

I did them in this order

Nue, Koishi, Suwako, Mamizou, and Flandre (haven't bothered to even start IN or PCB extra yet).

>> No.7938985
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>> No.7939014

>How about no bombs and no deaths kill?
>UFO Ultra
Haha, no.

But you can have a perfect Lunatic run instead.

>> No.7939093

I almost cleared PCB just now. I could've cleared it if I knew anything about Yuyuko's attacks. I got up to her for the first time and a couple of her spells caught me off-guard and killed me when I had bombs.

Especially the one where her butterflies turn into spirits or something and keep attacking you. That really surprised me because I just used a border to clear bullets and I thought those were done with and moved straight into them.

Anyway, I can't get as far as I did before and I'm starting to see danmaku when I blink and close my eyes so I'm going to go take a break.

>> No.7939150

which character? ReimuB is the beginner's best friend.
arguably SakuyaA as well, but I don't like that shot.

>> No.7939171

Just good ol' ReimuA. I tried SakuyaA and I didn't really like it too much.

I like the homing shots because I don't have to chase down the boss all the time and can focus on dodging. Though, I'm not too bad with the more power-oriented shots.

>> No.7939194
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>I like the homing shots because I don't have to chase down the boss all the time
But the bosses follow you.

>> No.7939265

Except for when they don't.

>> No.7939290

In which case they're not moving at all. The only exception I can think of is Chen's last spell since she seems to drift around kinda randomly.

>> No.7939403

They do? Where?

>> No.7939608

I would've grinded the extra of each game before moving to the next one. And after all the ex-stages were conquered, you could start practicing on 1cc lunatic.

>> No.7940242

Pretty much everywhere. Observe boss movements in any game 7-11. Whenever they move left or right,it is determined by your current position.

>> No.7940382

Unless they are already at the very left/right side of the screen.

>> No.7940608

I always concentrate on my sprite I rarely look at the boss...how do you guys move without looking at your Touhou?

>> No.7940613

peripheral vision... I guess. something.
I for one look at the area in front of my touhou.

Needless to say, stuff which comes from multiple sides messes me up.

>> No.7940616

The curvy lasers always confuses me

>> No.7940620
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We all know this feeling.

>> No.7940671
File: 310 KB, 1600x2260, UFO LUNATIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A funny new pic appeared on danbooru.
Fitting. Very fitting.

>> No.7940697
File: 59 KB, 600x600, flandre rygg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find Flandre in TH06 to be one of the easiest one of the Extras, at least of the WIndows games.

>> No.7940716

when I tried fighting her the first time, I thought she was super difficult.
Then such videos start appearing.

>> No.7940723

I wonder how long it takes to do that. You'd think you'd make one mistake in the 10-15 minutes, you know? I don't have the patience.

>> No.7940726

Correction, 7 minutes... Flan does have weak hitpoints compared to the others.

>> No.7940776

I can't beat any of the touhous except IN Help me, /jp/

>> No.7940779

play them until you can

>> No.7940826

beat as in what ccs?

>> No.7940904

I can't clear stage six. Even with all my continues
Unless I play on easy mode :3

>> No.7940934

How long has it been since you started? You can't expect to beat it straight away..

>> No.7941426

You'd need to be more specific with what you are having trouble with. Help us help you.

>> No.7941666

Gave Fairy Wars extra a try. Yeah, Test Slave is still just as evil as always. I try to redirect it but it follows me like a homing shot and kills me. I'll beat it one day though. Then I get to have fun with Big Crunch. Oh joy.

>> No.7941697

It's took me about 4 months to 1cc Normal PCB. Then 2 months for IN. 2 weeks for TD. 5 tries for EoSD. Apperently my skills have been improved.

I think i can 1cc MoF as soon as i want but i'm trying to beat Extra IN now. Just got to Fujiyama Volcano after more than 100 tries.

>> No.7942394

the trick is getting behind the Ball.
Redirect it until the last second, pass the stars it shoots, get ready to freeze, freeze again, repeat.
It's possible to beat that one pretty much only by freeze damage, if I am not mistaken.

>> No.7942428
File: 31 KB, 341x460, katara looking a little dour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be mean.

>> No.7942459

I still can't 1cc a game, the best I've done is gotten TO Remilia on one continue, but I had no lives and no bombs left.

>> No.7942469


EoSD isn't the easiest game for beginners. Watch replays, practice, and don't forget to bomb.

>> No.7942486

You're better than me, I can't get past Cirno.

What's the best TH for begginers?

>> No.7942487

>It's possible to beat that one pretty much only by freeze damage
Of course. That's actually the optimal way to do it; you get more ice area for your shot power, as well as you avoid getting into any major danger.

>> No.7942498

Perfect Cherry Blossom in my opinion but I started with Great Fairy Wars and I feel like having to graze to freeze better made me get a better feel for getting arounds bullets.

>> No.7942535

I started with Imperishable Night, because that was the game everyone told me to start with.

>> No.7942544

Funny, that's the game I tell everybody to not start with.

>> No.7942548

From my understanding ZUN made TD the easiest Normal-wise because he wanted it to be more accessible for newer folks, so I'd start there. I think most here would agree that TD's pretty high on the easy scale too.

>> No.7942552

As far as Normal goes I mean. I haven't tried the harder difficulties yet.

>> No.7942555


Which difficulty are you talking about? Since you mentioned Remilia, I assume it is normal. Easy EoSD ends at Sakuya. If you are new to the game, then you should be playing easy mode.

It doesn't really matter which game you start with, they are all doable. Pick the one that you like best. If you are really stuck on something specific, then ask us for help.

>> No.7942565

> If you are new to the game, then you should be playing easy mode.

But that's not true. I almost never played easy mode other than to unlock stuff in PCB and IN. Started with normal.

>> No.7942608


I'm talking from experience as well. I find it better to have a solid foundation in one difficulty before advancing to the next. That doesn't mean you can't beat the later ones first. I prefer to beat one difficulty with all or most of the shots before advancing to the next one. I've been doing that since easy mode.

That's why I did this:
Before I did this:

>> No.7942625

>>7942555 If you are new to the game, then you should be playing easy mode.
You never get better if you're playing on easy.

>> No.7942664

>You never get better if you're playing on easy.
I agree with that if you are playing on hard or lunatic.

If you have already(solidly) beaten easy mode, then jump at it. If you can't 1cc any game, then get back to easy mode. You are much better off staying where your skill level is. You shouldn't stay on easy mode for too long either way, so it's hardly an issue. I can tell you from my own experience that putting yourself in absurd circumstance, expecting to get better, will only hamper your ability to play. Taking it one step at a time is a fact of life. If you are too shy to play on easy, just remember, there are people who will still be able to shit all over you if you beat it on lunatic.

You have nothing to complain about before you reach hard mode.

>> No.7942680

If I beat it on easy mode I don't get to meet Flandre or Ran. :(

>> No.7942689

Eh, it just depends on your personal preference. I never played on easy except to clear spellcards and whatnot, and I didn't have an inordinate amount of trouble learning to clear Nomal mode. If that works for you, go with it. If it doesn't when you're just starting out then Easy is fine.
Go with whatever you're comfortable with, really.

>> No.7942703

I was really amazingly bad when I started out, and normal was fine. It took me a lot of tries, but not actually that many when I look back now. When you're new and horrible, your problem I think is mainly that you haven't internalized the game yet, not pure skill.

>> No.7942940


I can't dodge those stars. Usually it traps me with the blue stars as well and I'm dead. Maybe I need to play another game, I am extremely terrible at dodging.

>> No.7942987

If you time your freezes properly, you shouldn't see a single blue star get anywhere near your hitbox without a layer of ice in between.

>> No.7943000


Usually I need to freeze before the ball gets to me so that doesn't happen. I'll find a way through it eventually, just not now, I don't feel like playing it now.

>> No.7943105

I'm still trying to clear PCB. I get up to Yuyuko but she slaughters me.

Her non spell attacks have so much coverage and health, they just overwhelm me, even with 2 lives and 3 bombs.

>> No.7943183

2 lives and 3 bombs doesn't sound like much for a stage 6 boss you aren't spot on with. You should attempt to fine tune your previous levels; also what shot type are you using?

>> No.7943524

I was just about to 1cc SA for the first time on normal - got to "hell's artificial sun" with 3 extra lives, lost my last one getting hit AFTER Okuu exploded... oh well, guess this means I'll just have to go for a better run next time.

>> No.7943561

It is quite a bit for me, actually, I make the most of them. My problem stems from not bombing before I die. I can get to Yuyuko with anything between 1 live to 5 lives.

Just depends on how IN THE ZONE I get.

Like just now, I made it with 5 lives, 3 bombs, but I performed so awfully due to over confidence that I ended up doing worse than when I got to her with 3 lives, 2 bombs. (With which I got up to her fucking secret spell card which I didn't even know she had, and made it up to 38 seconds left... Fucking Yuyuko.)

I use ReimuA, since you asked.

>> No.7943612

I'm at the same level of yours. I just know when to bomb.
Take a look at my ReimuA replay: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?5cjc13w1yxk3o1w

>> No.7943619

Forgot to ask for a replay if you've got one. I love me some PCB music.

>> No.7943638

Install the Vsync patch. Helps alot for deathbombing.
Also, take frequent breaks and figure out when in the day you're more alert and play then.

>> No.7943662

This is my best run, stage wise

This is my best run, score wise.

I didn't do nearly as well as I usually do during the first stages, but if I really stressed those, I'd never get very far. Like, I can perfect Alice's stage, but more often than not, I usually end up using a bomb or even die. I just take it easy and keep going.

Also, that's probably the worse thing about PCB stage 6. The music. It's just so good it distracts me. It's just... so good...

>> No.7943677

>It's just so good it distracts me. It's just... so good...

Mute it.

>> No.7943693
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hard 1ccs:

TD extra is giving me lots of trouble. Those fucking animals, I can't figure out their hitboxes.

>> No.7943741 [DELETED] 

The Yuyuko battle is fairly simple, and pretty much patterned, static dodging.

The opener noncard follows it's own pattern, one that you should find out rather easilly.

The first Spell Card can get somewhat trivial, but you should find yourself surviving with Remu A. I really can't remember, how the card works on normal, but the idea is the same: dodge the bullet waves moving away from the laser and then repeat the same to another direction.

The following noncard has case some pain to myself when I was practicing for a NDNBNBB-Yuyuko . But with a border break, your homing amulets and basic streaming the card gets really easy.

Second Spell Card is about luring the big bullets and streaming, careful not to hit the butterflies.

Yuyuko's penultimate noncard is actually easy. Move from the middle to one of the corners (I prefer the one on my right side) and dodge.

Swallowtail's easiest to me with N-shaped movement. But I remember having trouble with the card on my first playtroughts, so feel free to bomb your way trough it, if you feel uneasy with the card.

For the final noncard, move only minimal amounts and swap directions fairly fast-pacedly.

For her third-to-last card, there's a simple streaming pattern to follow. Also, grazeh.

For what seems to be her final card, dodge, try not to get cornered and dodge a bit more. Remember that you can dodge both horizontally AND vertically. Don't get stuck somewhere.

The final card has a pattern that's rather easy to find out and can be tricked with in several ways. However, if you find it hard to follow the red streams here, just bomb as long as you have bombs. IN card 221 is great practice for this one.

Gl, mate! You will make it some day!

>> No.7943794
File: 323 KB, 384x450, fuckyouzun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.01 seconds.

>> No.7943823

Try to use replays.gensokoyo.org in the future, it is so much better than DDL sites.

1000 yojana in one sword:
You seemed to hang out in the middle in this one, make sure you're following Youmu to defeat her before the hardest wave of bullets comes.

Noncard after 1000 yojana in one sword: you can do this one with a simple tap to the left or right at the bottom of the screen.

Karmic Punishment:
this one is a lot easier if you run to the middle before the bullets slow down and dodge them there.

Human Sword "Delusion of Enlightenment":

Start this card all the way on the left of the screen and just slowly move to the right as it progresses, you will be able to cap it before you have to double back.

Five signs of the Deva:
Head between two of the rows of bullets, don't hang around at the bottom on this card, take advantage of the slow down to move through the dense field.

Fatal Sin:
That was a really early border pop, keep an eye on the time in the bottom left to avoid that, I usually pop them around 1000 remaining points.

Repository of Hirokawa Ghost:
Moving way too much, hug your focus mode because you are walling yourself in and the way you are getting yourself out is bombs.

Watched your 'stage' replay, stages 1-4 was pretty good. Anther small tip is to shoot unfocused to bring your cherry meter up faster whenever possible (i.e. before the boss actually does anything in between cards).

>> No.7943923
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Thanks for the advice guys, I just 1cc'd PCB. I finally learned how to be as liberal with my bombs as I was in EoSD. (I wasn't as liberal because EoSD intimidated me far more than PCB.)

In this last few (i.e. thousand) playthroughs I finally started getting used to Youmu and Yuyuko's spells. Even though I don't remember clearing any notable ones in my 1cc play, I did clear quite a few spells I usually have trouble with on the random failure playthroughs.

Yeah, my stage play is usually pretty good, if I must say so myself. Almost all my trouble comes from my score-focused mindset; how I never want to bomb, even when overwhelmed which happens more so on bosses because I want to capture the spell cards.

Anyway, onto IN now!

>> No.7943925

Oh and by the way, I never seen Youmu or Yuyuko's boss forms before today and don't watch replays of them for tips and methods. I try to learn things on my own.

>> No.7944000

They're really small, mostly in the middle of the bullets.

But for your first clear, try to avoid them from as far as possible, graze after you're cleared it at least once.

>> No.7945563
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>>7943524 again, finally 1CC'd SA normal, albeit in a terrible run which I feel pretty bad about. The more I play the more I realize that knowing when to bomb and not losing your head after a miss can get you pretty far in Touhou (on normal at least). Also my stage 6 replay seems to be broken - Reimu keeps running into bullets I clearly didn't. Anyone have this problem?

>> No.7945575

SA stage 6 replays desynch.
To watch the stage anyway, choose stage 5 and don`t hold ctrl.

>> No.7945646
File: 331 KB, 700x700, 9873d18257e9cdf3a9da9126f27d85bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda like MoF stage 4 always desyncs huh... Thanks.
Anyway here's the replay if anyone wants to see some cheap survival tricks.

>> No.7945650

don't be a lazy nig and upload stuff properly to the replay archive. link above.

>> No.7945705
File: 327 KB, 800x600, 525b2ee16a5e182dd4d2c3dd8fb75659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b...but... my anonymity!
In any case it's note a very noteworthy replay, I'm sure the archive will do fine without it.

>> No.7946805

The replay archive is really for everyone else's convenience. It doesn't take much effort, requires no registration and you can just post 'Anonymous' as the name.

>> No.7946891 [DELETED] 

So I haven't had any bugs before with any touhou game but for some reason now everything keeps scrolling to the right when I try to play. I've tried reinstalling, different keyboards and spent a while trying to Google a fix with no luck. Same thing is happening in EoSD and PCB, anyone have anything similar happen or know a fix?

>> No.7946930


>everything keeps scrolling to the right

I'm not sure what you mean. Do you have a screenshot? Try to reinstall DirectX if you haven't already.

>> No.7947540
File: 52 KB, 500x350, 82e09773ab78e6c314bedc76146fe51b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared MoF extra as MarisaA with an extra life, but my god did I have two horribly stupid deaths. I feel rather ashamed that this was my clear. A few tries before this one I had Suwako exploding and I ran into a bullet. Probably going to do SA hard next.


>> No.7948762

whatz bout Koishi? Definitely one of the more straight-forward and fun extras. Plenty of resources as well.

>> No.7949132
File: 80 KB, 298x447, 1288962318008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plenty of resources as well.

You start the fight with two and a half extra lives.

Just sayin'.

>> No.7949147

and get 1/5 life after each phase, capture or not. Perfect runs end with a whopping 6 extra lives. Only GFW is more generous.

who cares if you start with 2 lives, if you lose lives there, well, practice more. I think Koishi is easier than most extras because she's so straight-forward.

>> No.7949165
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>capture or not
Only if you bomb. You don't if you die.
>Perfect runs end with a whopping 6 extra lives. Only GFW is more generous.
Also untrue...

>> No.7949169

welp, completely forgot about pre MoF.

>> No.7949310
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Shouldn't have taken a break, a week makes a difference.

>> No.7952245
File: 150 KB, 586x680, 101bd7f8c5cc3dd742d5b4de9105d8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did PCB hard a few hours ago for kicks, ended up nearly 1CCing it with getting to "Repository of Hirokawa", will give it a few more tries tomorrow.

I'm not that big on Koishi, guess giving it some tries won't hurt.
