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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7933635 No.7933635 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like there's a lot of people on /jp/ who are learning or have learned Japanese. But, why just learn Japanese? Why not learn Okinawan instead? Wouldn't it be better to have a glorious brown waifu from Okinawa, than your typical slut from the Japanese mainland?

>今日 の 晩御飯 は もう 食べた。
>Kyō no bangohan wa mō tabeta.
>today GENITIVE dinner TOPIC already eat-PERFECTIVE
>Translation: I've already eaten today's dinner.
Okinawan Ryukyuan
>今日 ぬ 夕御飯ー なー 噛だん。
>Chuu nu yuu'ubanoo naa kadan.
>today GENITIVE dinner-TOPIC already eat-PERFECTIVE
>Translation: I've already eaten today's dinner.
(source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Asian_languages#Syntax)

It shouldn't be too hard for most of you, since the grammar is very similar to Japanese:

>> No.7933652



>> No.7933656

Jokes on you OP, my mother is Okinawan and my father is a US soldier from California. what now?

>> No.7933662
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>Child of rape
I know that feel, dude.

>> No.7933667

but are you a child of rape OF WAR? I thought not.

>> No.7933681

but 噛 means teeth, not eat, silly brown islanders

>> No.7933686

the Okinawan seems so different from the Japanese... it's like a completely different language, except for the use of a few similar kanji

the pronounciation sounds like arabic. "yuu'ubanoo". fancy that.

>> No.7933698

I have standards, I don't waifu 3D creatures.

>> No.7933699

just had a look at that wiki.
>rōmaji bikeen nu sumuchi
>a rōmaji-only book

>Ninjibusharu uppi nindin sumabiin.
>You can sleep as much as you want

>Kuma wutooti yukwibushan.
>I want to rest here.
somehow I get the feeling that if I just read the kanji, I can make out most of the meaning. the readings sound completely foreign to me though.

>> No.7933702

but think about it, you can get an imaginary 2D brown waifu from okinawa as well!

all Japanese 2D waifus, like their 3D counterparts, are sluts

>> No.7933710

fuck that, looks so damn complicated just reading those examples.

>> No.7933712

do they even make VNs in Okinawa?

>> No.7933728

Okinawa has tried to actually separate itself from Japan, but Japan won't let it because then they would lose their vacation spot. Most Japanese don't consider them to be Japanese anyway. It's sad.

>> No.7933731

ITT: shitty okinawian or half-okinawian who lives in da 'murrika tries to act patriotic and promotes his shitty country.

>> No.7933754

look who's talking. taking a break from protesting outside the Japanese Embassy I see.

>> No.7933773


what tablets are you taking, and where can I get some?

>> No.7933843

the /jp/ online store

top grade shit i tell you

>> No.7933870
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Why the fuck not?

Little brown girls are the best.

>> No.7933880

if I wanted brown I would have gone to Africa, India, Indonesia or California.

>> No.7933885 [DELETED] 


>> No.7933889


Deliciously brown != black, you retarded inbred cunt.

>> No.7933893

you australian aboriginal?

>> No.7933904

Sure is Jewish race-mixing propaganda in here.

>> No.7933911


>> No.7933913

JIDF detected.

>> No.7933917

0/10, it's not even Ramadan yet, how could I be jewish?

>> No.7933922

Japan Internet Defence Force?

>> No.7933924
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>> No.7933925

0/10 JIDF

>> No.7933932

goddamn fucking /stormfront/fags calling me out everytime i make a thread

why do I even bother working for Israel

fuck you guys, what do you have against Jews and Israel? we just want to live peacefully within the world

>> No.7933938

reported for being Jewish

>> No.7933939

>wants to live peacefully
>promotes 3rd world immigration to European countries
>expects people to be fine with him
0/10 JIDF

>> No.7933941

Israel is a nation of peace; anything else is anti-Zionist propaganda

>> No.7933945

lol JIDF

>> No.7934028

but isn't "rōmaji" a Japanese word?

>> No.7934039

Holy fuck no. Brown skin is fucking ugly. Go to Aomori were girls are white, beatiful, and don't speak some fucked up form of Japanese.

>> No.7934042


what am I reading

>> No.7934048

White the skin colour, not the race.
At least that is what I am assuming he means.

>> No.7934071

The only white japanese are those who are photoshopped or use whitening cosmetics.

>> No.7934090

Fine, maybe he meant to say pale.

>> No.7934092

>Chuu nu yuu'ubanoo naa kadan

>> No.7934141

/jp/ prides themselves in being so fluent in nipponian, but if they were to travel to the holiday/beach part of nippon, they wouldn't understand a word of okinawan.

>> No.7934144

kill all browns

>> No.7934158
File: 51 KB, 500x753, takeshi-kaneshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am I reading. Pic related, he's Okinawan.

>> No.7934168

Kill all the brown devils

>> No.7934175

...sorry, but that's quite brown.

>> No.7934177

lol u baka gaijin; he is more glorious nipponian than you will ever be. you jelly-butt-mad?

>> No.7934183

Okinawans and Ryukyuans are WHITE you silly nerd-gaijins! they're not brown; if they were brown, they'd look more like Filipinos and Malays, but they're not.


>> No.7934185

it's the lighting in the photograph, I swear. he's actually quite pale in his other photographs.

>> No.7934192

All these okinawans and japanese claiming to be white remind me of argentinians.

>> No.7934191 [DELETED] 

Actually that line was said by Japanese in a video I saw, nationalist organisation saw a nigger with a Japanese women, diluting their race.

>> No.7934193

They mean white the skin pigment, not the race.
Your comparison is completely wrong.

>> No.7934196

the Ainu are white though - quite literally. can't say the same about the Japanese.

>> No.7934201

They don't exist anymore, if any do, none are pure.

>> No.7934232

Argentinians are white.

>> No.7934236

We know, it is just some faggot /int/ meme.

>> No.7934240

The Japanese range in skin color considerably, depending on genes, socioeconomic-
Oh wait, I'm on 4chan, I'm not allowed to be rational.

>> No.7934250

You are allowed to be rational.

>> No.7934264

> skin color is determined by socioeconomic-

You're on /jp/. Make better posts. We're not like the rest of 4chan.

>> No.7934269


Was travelling from Sapporo till Ishigaki (Okinawa).
Skin ranges from white (whiter than my superior german skin) to brownish but still delicous.

I thought it really depends on the location.

>> No.7934272

sup argentina defense force?

>> No.7934280

argfags are not white they are spics but less white

>> No.7934286

I once tried to conquer the world with Ryukyu to get that achievement.
Couldn't to it.

>> No.7934293

we have those now?

>> No.7934305

Well, this thread just confirms what I knew all along.
You lot are on /v/ and /int/ too aren't you.

/v/ for jap vidya and /int/ for delicous trolling.
I knew I was not alone.

>> No.7934328

nope. just /int/ for Korean bashing, for me at least. but yes, I see your point.

>> No.7934330

oh, and just to clarify, I've never ever been on /v/ before. I started off from /a/, and nowadays I just stick to /jp/, /int/ and /fit/.

>> No.7934338


I've visited /v/ only five times.
Three times in 2009, twice in 2010 and the fifth time was yesterday.

Though I was quite frequent in /int/ during 2010.

>> No.7934348

I'm pretty sure that Suigin operates anonymously as one of them.

>> No.7934493

you actually counted?

>> No.7935341
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pic related

yeah so white

>> No.7936775

Okinawa should become part of Taiwan. Tourists would still come in droves.

Taiwan is gay for Japan, so it all works out.

>> No.7937064

Taiwan is not a country. Taiwan is China. inb4 ROC defense force.

>> No.7937090


>Brown skin is fucking ugly


>> No.7937095
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>> No.7937103
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Delicious brown girl.

>> No.7937104

lol dem DPPfags mad


problem, DPP?

>> No.7937109

Looks interesting yet completely useless... I guess I'll give it shot.

>> No.7937113

Stop acting like you're on /v/. Nobody types like that here.

>> No.7937114

Aomori prefecture speaks some pretty weird Japanese.


>> No.7937149

this thread is so racist. why is /jp/ so racist?

brown people aren't that much different from the rest of us.

just shows that most of you have a pretty self-centred view of the world.

>> No.7937152

wait... what?

were they even speaking Japanese? sounded completely like Tibetan or something like that.

>> No.7937160

Yes, that is Tsugaru-ben. The two women at the end of the CM say "French?" (Subtitle: Tsugaru-ben?)

>> No.7937234
File: 27 KB, 600x605, 340068-risa_kamizaki_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that I heard about Okinawan waifus?

>> No.7937253

>doesn't read comments.

>> No.7937259

Lisa is a Germanic name you raging faggot.

>> No.7937262


And Tyler (belongs to many African-Americans) is a white name.

Doesn't mean anything.

>> No.7937272

you mean Tyrone Sheniqua-Jamal Smith

>> No.7937280


Fuck off.

We don't like children.

>> No.7937938

Asusa a shit

>> No.7938015

You are correct, Taiwan is the real China.

>> No.7938048

How/where am I supposed to learn Okinawan?
