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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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789974 No.789974 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.789990
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>> No.789991
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>> No.789993
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>> No.790018
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>> No.790047
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>> No.790055
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>> No.790059
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>> No.790062
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>> No.790064
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>> No.790073
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>> No.790076
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>> No.790079
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>> No.790086


>> No.790084
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>> No.790087
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>> No.790088
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>> No.790091


>> No.790096
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>> No.790098
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>> No.790113
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>> No.790118
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>> No.790124
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>> No.790247

I need Remilias E-mail address and one that works ;D

>> No.790264


>> No.790466

A loud ringing pierced her slumber, drawing her into the waking world. For a brief moment, she considered simply smashing the clock, but her better senses prevailed. She slid out from under the sheets, glancing at the beam of light coming in through an undraped window. Late afternoon. She despised getting up early. She left the bedroom right after rewinding the clock. She wanted to throw it out, but it was the only thing that could wake her now that Sakuya had been fired, along with the rest of the staff.

The mansion was already showing signs of neglect now that it was nearly empty. A thin layer of dust coated everything in the hall, except for a few spots where drafts blew in from newly broken windows. More garbage bags and duct tape would take care of those, and though it was ugly she didn't have the time to do better. She hurried to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast for herself and a dinner for the new lord of the manor. He would be furious if his meal was late, and his fury was not to be trifled with. At least she healed quickly...

Laying out the food, she shoved the dishes from the last meal aside and quickly downed a half full can of Cirnos Lite he had left out that morning. It was flat, but it was cold and had alcohol. He wasn't hard to entertain, and flapping around drunk usually did the trick. It was far better than the alternatives, which she desperately wanted to forget. The alcohol helped with that, too.

It still didn't make Anonymous any less of an ass to live with.

>> No.790482



>> No.790586

It appeared that she had a bit of time to spare, because he hadn't yet barged in. That meant he was probably still in town, partying it up at a sushi bar. In that case, he'd probably ignore dinner and want to get right to dessert once he got back. The thought made her shudder.

She wanted nothing more than to pin him to the floor with her Gungnir the instant he came through the door, but she knew better than that. It hadn't worked the first time, nor had it worked any other time. She had tried to change his fate to "Stepped in front of a cement truck", but it seemed like fate, much like death, couldn't touch him. All it did was make him angry. The entire west wing of the manor was in ruins from the first time she had tried to slay Anonymous, and he raged in return. That had been nearly a month ago.

Even though she could regenerate from all the abuse, it still hurt, and he had a trump card. If she didn't settle down and be a good "waifu" as he called it, he'd go after her sister instead. Flandre had been in a deep slumber ever since he had shown up at the manor, and she considered it to be for the best. Sealed in the basement, her sister would be safe from Anonymous as long as she went along with his whims.

Still, would that be the best thing to do? She could feel her spirit, such as it was, slowly being crushed the longer she served under Anonymous. If she was going to fight, it had to be soon, or else she'd be reduced to nothing. A loud bang signaled that he had finally arrived, and she had to make a choice on her own fate...

(What does Remilia choose?)

[ ]Do Nothing
[ ]Genuflect

>> No.790587

[ ]Do Nothing
[ ]Genuflect

>> No.790590


[x] Remilia getting revenge by letting anon rape her at full force in her vagina, mouth, and ass

>> No.790601


I'm sure that's where this is leading anyway.

And that's awesome.

>> No.790603


>> No.790623
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>> No.790626
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>> No.790646
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>> No.790654


>> No.790713


This was no longer tolerable. She was the rightful lord of the House of Scarlet, and such demeaning treatment could only end in one way. For better or ill, she would end this as a true vampire lord would. She sat at the head of table, waiting as he clomped through the mansion, no doubt tracking in even more filth. He burst in, the door banging against the wall and further damaging her manor.


"Quiet! I'll not be spoken to in that manner by a two-bit mongrel. Leave and never return!"


"It's over between us, Anonymous. But enough talk, have at you!"

She let her full fury loose, reducing the table to splinters as her Gungnir screamed across the room. Dozens of destructive shots followed, each one well able to reduce a human to a red mist. Anonymous just stepped to the side and weaved his way closer, making her destructive rain little more than a light show. She invoked her greatest powers, her Red Castle bursting forth as he drew near, the crimson cross of hell's fury obliterating most of the room. Anonymous was unimpressed, drawing back his fist.


>> No.790798

Remilia dies.

>> No.790833

Shw waited, still a bit woozy from his blow. He was careless and easily distracted, in theory making this fight a win for her before it even began. His powers more than made up for it. Even now she still didn't clearly understand them, while he somehow knew all about her from the moment he had shown up at the gate. It was a disadvantage she had little experience with.


His windbagging was exactly what she had been waiting for. Emerging from his own shadow, she drove her fist up. It sliced him in two from the leg up, detonating in his torso. Bits of cheap suit billowed outward, all that remained of him aside from... Wait, why wasn't there any-


She was sent flying, the world spinning around her in a blur of motion and pain. She tried to hover, but felt him zip over and behind her.


Multiple blows drove her down, the tiles of the plaza cracking as she hit the ground. He gripped her head and pulled her up. What level of power did he have?

"OVER 9000, BITCH!"

>> No.790846

[X] Ghostbusters

>> No.790853

[X] Ghostbusters

>> No.790861


>> No.790869

[X]A real-life 3D woman

>> No.790871


>> No.790943


Meanwhile, on planet Earth...

"Tell me again why we need to have our protons smashed?"

"Not our protons, but protons in general. Now that the Large Hadron Collider is operational, I've detected a large quantity of paranormal energy radiating from the collider. Luckily, according to my calculations, we should be able to neutralize it all at once if we use the magnetic accelerator to direct all the energy directly into this custom-made containment unit."

"So this will work, right?"

Igon sighed. "Just push the button."

The LHC hummed for a minute, everything going according to plan, aside from a lone ribbon that popped out at the end. Relieved, the Ghostbusters packed up and went home. The containment unit was relegated to a dusty corner of the firehouse, where it sat, forgotten. However, if you lean close and listen, you might hear the cries of youkai, trapped in the otherworldly interior of the unit with Anonymous for all eternity.


>> No.790946


Nah, That's a perfect ending to me.

>> No.790960

[X] Punch Anonymous in the cunt.

>> No.790965
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>> No.790969

> (Who shows up?)

[X] Parsee Mizuhashi

Because Anonymous is weak to trolling.

>> No.790974

[X] Sakurai

>> No.790978

[X] Cirno

>> No.790989

[x]Dark Saber

>> No.790994

[x] EX-Rumia

>> No.791003

[ X]Sakuya

>> No.791010

Oh for fucks sake not this VN / roleplay shit again, I thought all of you left for /th/.

>> No.791017

I guess Sakuya showed up.

>> No.791020

Hey Blanc, how does it feel sucking Godsh1ts cock?
>Sakuya Izayoi !MaidG6SVL6
>Roleplay shit
Oh lawd, is that sum hypocrisy?

>> No.791022

Did this shit become not a banning offense when I wasn't looking?

>> No.791027

Haha oh wow are you still butthurt over GodSh0t?
That's some pretty funny stuff right there.
But I guess people will defend what they like to the end, like a knee-jerk reaction, huh.

>> No.791039

What, are you butthurt because people are making fun of the fact that you'll turn on something you like just so you can keep your IRC buddies penis erect?

>> No.791041

You make me sick, tripfag. Just stop posting.

>> No.791043


/jp/ had many good writefags that were sitting here doing nothing. GM woke them up, and things have never been better. Also, I despise you, just like I despise the real Sakuya.

>> No.791045

Sure is drama in this otherwise decent enough thread.

>> No.791049

Sakuya tripfag needed a way to attention whore after roleplaying was banned. This is it.

>> No.791052


I pretty distinctly remember you playing a game of pretend with that trip in the past.

>> No.791053

I don't know I think you just quoted me out of context. Either that or I was being vague about what I meant. I suppose I should have been more specific. My comment was aimed at the whole visual novel style posts which are once again being posted, which last I checked was still a bannable offense and wasn't lifted. Of course, roleplaying in general is pretty faggy in itself I admit that. To be fair, I did like the whole RP VN thing when it was kept to maybe 1 or 2 threads tops. But it really dd get out of hand over at /th/ which is why I grew to dislike it more and more. I don't know why you're bringing IRC into the equation, they never had anything to do with it in the first place.
but you know, people like you won't even listen to reasoning or accept the fact that people have and are opinionated on things so really anything I even try to say to you will be pretty much futile.

>> No.791055

Pic dump>CYOA/VN/RP/Whatever>drama

>> No.791056

I didn't have internet for pre-roleplaying ban /jp/ so most of this drama is lost on me. Is godsh0t the mod who didn't know who Reimu was or one of the dudes who was writing stories or something else entirely? And why is one of the Touhou tripfags whining about roleplaying? Aren't all of them roleplayers? I hate that fucking Alice guy.

>> No.791066

The kind of roleplaying you were doing was much more annoying. And also, the VN stories only came to the TH board AFTER roleplaying was banned in /jp/. Also, roleplaying was banned after Godsh0t through a fit on IRC, and you switched sides and rushed to defend your butt body.

>> No.791067

>>Is godsh0t the mod

/jp/ has no mods.
Supposedly he's the one who bitched about it on IRC.


You aren't the brightest bulb, are you?
They're calling you a hypocrite, which is completely correct, even if he's completely wrong in his reasoning.

>> No.791071

To be honest I was against Godsh0t's standing on RPing but somehow information was warped and apparently I took sides with him, according you people.
But alas my words seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
So lets just wrap this up without further conflict.

This is exactly the reason why. 100%. Listen to this Anon for he tells the truth about everything. Disregard everything I said in this thread apart from this comment.

>> No.791077

> I was against Godsh0t's standing on RPing
> Oh for fucks sake not this VN / roleplay shit again, I thought all of you left for /th/.
Oh Sakuya, why are your words and your actions always so completely different?

>> No.791088

Oh, I guess I never explained that.
As stated earlier, sure I enjoyed it for the most part in its early days. But after it moved to /th/ and several different versions of "______ in Gensokyo" turned up I started to dislike it, purely because there were so many of them, which seemed rather excessive and unnecessary. Thus my stance towards it kind of turned sour. Sorry about that.

>> No.791161


Anonymous stepped through the newest hole in the wall, his face twisted in rage. She tried to get up, but just crumpled against a wall. She needed time to recover, but it looked like he wasn't going to let her have any. Luckily, it seemed that her fate alteration had worked as he glanced up, and lept back just as dozens of short knives peppered the ground.


Sakuya had returned. Even after being dismissed, her loyalty had never diminished. It appeared that she had been waiting for this moment. Sayuka neatly landed between Anonymous and herself, blocking his advance. She minced no words and got right to the point.

"Die, horrible uncaring monster. You don't belong in this world!"

Anonymous hardly had time to blink before she launched into an attack. He reeled back under the initial flurry of blows, only to get turned into a pincusion as she froze time and sent three full barrages of knives into him. Knocked down, he had scarcely bounced off the ground before Sakuya used a technique Remilia hadn't seen before. Jumping high, she somehow called forth the manor's carriage and let it slam down on top of Anonymous. With a bloodcurdling screech, she landed atop it, leaned back, and started to slam her fists down so hard that even across the room Remilia could feel the force of the blows shaking the ground. Remilia gathered up what strength she had left, and launched herself up. There was enough in her for one more throw of the Gungnir, so she moved over where Anonymous was pinned and let it fly, piercing through the carriage and hitting him squarely.

>> No.791281

Unfortunately, not even that was enough to stop Anonymous. The carriage shattered, knocking Sayuka back as Anonymous got up to launch into his own attack.


Sakuya slammed into the wall next to her, the plaster falling off in a cloud of dust. She whispered to her servant.

"Sakuya, we can't win this... Retreat for now."

"I've one more trick, mistress."

Sakuya got up and glared at Anonymous.

"I've found your great foe, Anonymous, and I've called him here."


>> No.791403

She pulled Sakuya into the bed. There was no resistance to her advance as she worked the tattered cloth aside. The curve of Sakuya's neck beckoned, the smell intoxicating. She licked and nibbled, savoring the moment and finding the perfect spot. Sakuya's moans turned to a gasp as she finally bit, drinking carefully. Such a delicacy had to be savored and carefully rationed. It wouldn't do to end things too soon.

Refreshed and moving on, fabric parted before her as she claimed new territory. Sakuya sank back into the mattress as she progressed. An old scent wafted up from the sheets, one last reminder of Anonymous, and one that she intended to replace tonight. More scents drifted up, and she smiled. Sakuya was helpful as always.

The fabric ended, and the next course beckoned. Sweet and creamy, it was the perfect dessert to such a fine meal. Lapping around the edges first, she gradually worked her way to the center, every bit of it deserving of her enjoyment. The perfectly sized fruit at the peak moved this way and that as she dug deeper, the enticement such a wonderful temptation. Once the cream was gone, she gave in to it, marveling over the final burst of juices.

"Now then Sakuya, what do you want to do?"

Even weakened and unable to do much but lay, Sakuya was still able to return her favors. Moving to the head of the bed, Remilia set herself just so to make things easy. Her wings stretched back as Sakuya began her own ministrations. They slowly began to beat the air, not quite enough for her to lift up, but moving faster and faster as time progressed. Their shadows danced in the light of the moon, twirling faster and faster as if moving to an unheard waltz. The crescendo came, her wings stretched high and wide, and her back arched as she bared fangs in a soundless scream to the heavens.

It was a fine night for desserts and dancing, indeed.


(Writefag signing off.)

>> No.791417


>> No.791428

Ha, ha, ha, being hit by the banhammer is not enough to get rid of Anonymous. He will surely return one day.
