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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 800x600, Rin, your H scene sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
784253 No.784253 [Reply] [Original]

HF translation Progress: 78% (2900/3700kb)

Day # / % complete (total text size)

Day 04: 100% (280kb)
Day 05: 100% (240kb)
Day 06: 100% (210kb)
Day 07: 100% (230kb)
Day 08: 100% (220kb)
Day 09: 100% (460kb)
Day 10: 100% (330kb)
Day 11: 100% (270kb)
Day 12: 100% (160kb)
Day 13: 100% (180kb)
Day 14: 100% (180kb)
Day 15: 25% (490kb)
Day 16: 0% (350kb)
Epilogues: 0% (110kb)

6/02: 70%! Hope I can finish the translation in a month or two.
6/07: Less than 1/4 to go!
6/08: Update. If anyone is willing or can make an extracter/inserter for Buriko General Interpreter, please contact me!

>> No.784257


>> No.784263

oh wow...

>> No.784265


>> No.784269

Damn, he is translating quickly right now.

>> No.784272

I'm pretty sure this is the best thread on the first page... what a depressing season.

>> No.784275

After 2 routes of Nasu writing and looking up on all the words he may have not figured out (concerning magic, transmogrification etc), he can probably work faster.

>> No.784277

whats the progress on the installer?

>> No.784278


>> No.784316

>Rin, your H scene sucks.jpg

HF has better H scenes.

>> No.784327

Is there going to be a non-ero option in this one on the installer?

>> No.784340


>> No.784341

You bet! This is going to have the best installer EVER!

>> No.784424

8 percent in 6 days

>> No.784467

Now imagine if we had 4 paid translators that work 8 hours a day...

>> No.784484

You faggots probably have enough money to, so why not?

>> No.784488

>Now imagine if we had 4 paid release engineers that work 8 hours a day...


>> No.784491

Professionals could finish up he whole game much faster, but this guy is doing it on his free time, so it's good enough.

>> No.784506

>much faster
I'd say a week or two... if theres 4 of them...

>> No.784546

6/02: 70%! Hope I can finish the translation in a month or two.
6/07: Less than 1/4 to go!
6/08: Update. If anyone is willing or can make an extracter/inserter for Buriko General Interpreter, please contact me!
6/XX: Translation is done!
7/XX: Proofing and Insertion is done!
7/XX: All that's left is the installer
8/XX: Just wait for the installer
9/XX: Just the installer
4/1: The installer is released!
4/2: April Fools!

>> No.784550

i still see nightmares of this

>> No.784552


I just found out that if this were just some huge elaborate ruse we would all be trolled so hard.

>> No.784561

Hey guys i bet this is offical!

>> No.784569
File: 3 KB, 126x86, 1212943350116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.784571

The problem is the minute professionals were hired, it would become a hell of a lot more illegal (illegal business vs random illegal fan project) unless we paid Type Moon for the rights to it.

>> No.784573

i never played F/SN, so chances playing HF scenario is slim if I dont play the first 2 story?(fate,ubw)

>> No.784583

Just make the site in some backwater country and thats it... like for example albania or romania or africa or somewhere...

>> No.784610

So what other game translations are nearing completion?

>> No.784626

Act Cadenza, DOHOHO.

>> No.784631


Not close in terms of %, but the Demonbane guy is fast as fuck. My money's on him to beat HF.

>> No.784669


Man at Work 2 is in Beta

Act Cadenza, but who knows when it will be released

BMW is translated up through chapter 25 or so, all of act 3 should be translated by the time act 4 is released

Shuffle claims they will put 100% effort into getting a release out when the person in Japan with the full script gets internet access this summer

Demonbane, though 43 percent, is being translated at a very fast pace.

Kanon is nearing completion, but as to if they will release it, who the hell knows.

Amorous Professor Cherry is suppose to be released by G-collections this week

>> No.784672

I haven't played Fate/Stay Night , but would it be better if i played it when this is done?

>> No.784673


Man at Work 2 is in Beta

Act Cadenza, but who knows when it will be released

BMW is translated up through chapter 25 or so, all of act 3 should be translated by the time act 4 is released

Shuffle claims they will put 100% effort into getting a release out when the person in Japan with the full script gets internet access this summer

Demonbane, though 43 percent, is being translated at a very fast pace.

Kanon is nearing completion, but as to if they will release it, who the hell knows.

Amorous Professor Cherry is suppose to be released by G-collections next week

>> No.784680
File: 51 KB, 360x600, 1212944323147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Saya no Uta is still untouched ;_;

>> No.784681

in addition, there are a decent amount of "we will release it when it is done" projects out there, and odds are some of them will be released this summer.

>> No.784695

They got at least two (perhaps more, but I can say at least two based off what we have been told) applications for the translation, so I would expect work to begin soon.

>> No.784701

Gang Rape Club is at 43 percent, but the translator is quick (though he is taking a break now)

>> No.784713

Yes, yes it would.
Forget hype, expectations, anime etc.
And if you haven't been spoiled, all the better.

It will be enjoyable.

>> No.784714

Deja Vu has some stuff in the works
Bluebird's Illusion
The White Which Adorns You ~like a snow flower~
Turning Gears: La Divina Commedia -Trial Version-

>> No.784730

To Heart 2

>> No.784733

>Kanon is nearing completion, but as to if they will release it, who the hell knows.

I fucking hate that shit.
They're really Key allows it?

>> No.784736
File: 127 KB, 860x1214, 1212944730082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure lol...

>> No.784742

Arn't you forgetting Clannad?

>> No.784755

Is that a doujin? If so, source?

>> No.784756

Who cares about that...

>> No.784758

Wow, I'm so looking forward to the installer. This installer is going to be awesome!

>> No.784760

As we have a full release, I am not counting it as "near completion"

>> No.784770

Takajun does not need to look words, maybe english ones, he is a japanese living there. It's moon powerlevel is beyond our wildest imagination.

>> No.784782

>Family Project is expected "July or August"

where was this said (I assume it was said by G-Collections because of the quotes)

>> No.784795

In translation, these problems always exist.
Finding out how certain words and phrases are conveyed in your Non-native language can be a bitch.

If you check the first two routes, he uses 'sorcery' and 'magic' for the same concept at times.

>> No.784810

from a thread on the otakuism forums (posted 5/28)

Kazoku Keikaku will not be released in June. We were hoping to have both Princess Waltz and Cherry out in time for the convention season this summer, but we're still waiting on Will for elements of the PW code to be compiled (it's totally out of our hands right now), so we're shooting for Cherry by the end of June and KK in July or August (though this also depends on how things pull through for PW).

We're working on expanding our pipeline to have multiple games in post-production simultaneously, and once we've got those procedures engaged there should be fewer gaps between releases like the ones we've seen over the past couple of months.

as for Cherry a mistake, change it to first week of July, from the blog posted 6/6

We’re shooting to have the game finished and in stock by Anime Expo over the first weekend of July, and we’re preparing a panel presentation for the event too, so stay tuned for further news!

>> No.784815

from a thread on the otakuism forums (posted 5/28)

>Kazoku Keikaku will not be released in June. We were hoping to have both Princess Waltz and Cherry out in time for the convention season this summer, but we're still waiting on Will for elements of the PW code to be compiled (it's totally out of our hands right now), so we're shooting for Cherry by the end of June and KK in July or August (though this also depends on how things pull through for PW).

>We're working on expanding our pipeline to have multiple games in post-production simultaneously, and once we've got those procedures engaged there should be fewer gaps between releases like the ones we've seen over the past couple of months.

as for Cherry a mistake, change it to first week of July, from the blog posted 6/6

>We’re shooting to have the game finished and in stock by Anime Expo over the first weekend of July, and we’re preparing a panel presentation for the event too, so stay tuned for further news!

>> No.784834


I like that guy. Black Lilith is usually too DARK for me but I'm gonna go for it.

>> No.784835

>but we're still waiting on Will for elements of the PW code to be compiled (it's totally out of our hands right now)

Damn installers

>> No.784868

new project (although I believe an Anon is also translating it who is not connected to this group)

>> No.784877

Welcome to Pia Carrot is nearing completion, however a bug is preventing the release.

>> No.784889

>Now imagine if we had 4 paid release engineers that work 8 hours a day...
A manager went to the master programmer and showed him the requirements document for a new application. The manager asked the master: ``How long will it take to design this system if I assign five programmers to it?''

``It will take one year,'' said the master promptly.

``But we need this system immediately or even sooner! How long will it take if I assign ten programmers to it?''

The master programmer frowned. ``In that case, it will take two years.''

``And what if I assign a hundred programmers to it?''

The master programmer shrugged. ``Then the design will never be completed,'' he said.

>> No.784892

ArchDemon is heading that

I would hope that the anon translator and ArchDemon would work together with such a project.

>> No.784901

Only Umineko interests me, maybe G-senjou no Maou but I doubt it's going to be finished anytime soon

>> No.784902

Umineko no Naku Koro ni volume one translation is finished, just waiting on programming.

>> No.784907

Too bad translator=/=programmer.

>> No.784918

Too bad you have no fucking idea how the process works.

>> No.784920

I'm actually referring to ``release engineers'' (a.k.a. 5-minute installer script writers).

>> No.784967

>Kanon is nearing completion, but as to if they will release it, who the hell knows.

We are going to ask Key if they mind us releasing it.

>> No.784977

This and Family Project are the two main projects I want

>> No.785006

Your use of ``faggot quotes'' undermine the truth behind your posts.

>> No.785045

stuff not near completion, but work being done

Gekkou no Carnevale is 9.5 percent translated
Narcissu 2
Air is going slowly, but 38.4% translated
Zansho Omimai Mooshiagemasu ~Kimi to Sugoshita Ano Hi to Ima to~ has began
Prism Ark is 6%
Symphonic Rain is roughly 20% done
Canvas2 one route translated
Cartagra is 10% done
Farland Symphony: translation done, other stuff to do
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu perhaps this December
Cross Channel: 80 percent, but no update in the last couple years
Sensei Da-isuki 2: 5.5percent
Princess Nightmare: 2/39 chapters

>> No.785064

Little Busters project has began, roughly a thousand lines or so translated

>> No.785072

>Tick! Tack!
Wow i didnt know that... hope we get Really? Really!

>> No.785073


>> No.785079

the Shuffle group is doing it, so don't expect a release this decade.

>> No.785093

I've been wondering what the hell is going on with narcissu 2.
The damn thing came out a year ago, what the hell have they been doing?
The first one didn't take long if I remember right.

>> No.785117

>The damn thing came out a year ago, what the hell have they been doing?

not much

>> No.785119

74,000 lines total though.

>> No.785129
File: 176 KB, 606x518, 1212948709840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785148
File: 53 KB, 522x493, 1212948809394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785156
File: 70 KB, 617x514, 1212948852811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785160

Can't wait for the remote installer.

>> No.785166

Come to think of it Saber has the same raincoat as R.Shiki

>> No.785169

>Shuffle claims they will put 100% effort into getting a release out when the person in Japan with the full script gets internet access this summer


>> No.785210


>> No.785215

>We are going to ask Key if they mind us releasing it.
i lol'd

>> No.785246

Sadly it's the truth.
They really said they won't release it unless Key gives them permission, which wont happen because the second the patch comes out the game will be mass pirated.
Of course it wont affect their sales one way or another since westerners wouldn't buy it anyway seeing as most don't know moonspeak, but the pirating issue would be reason enough anyway.

>> No.785275


I pre-pirate everything. So, you know, release your shit or not, won't make a difference, I already stole it. All it changes is whether I can get any use from it or not.

>> No.785294

Where you guys get all this who translate this and that list?

>> No.785300

>they won't release it unless Key gives them permission, which wont happen because Key does not give a shit about some stupid fucking western kids and their translation
Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.785307


Full title?

>> No.785323

Battle Moon Wars.
Like Super Robot Wars, but with Type Moon stuff.

>> No.785328

Lol thanks

>> No.785329

I posted most of the info in this thread, including the two long lists, there are sites that have such info, a lot of it (but not all) came from

>> No.785332

20 internets for you anon

>> No.785339

it's a shame too, i really wanted to play this one. well not enough to use atlas i mean.

>> No.785340

Yeah well, that too.

>> No.785364

Isnt one anon translating G-Senjou no Maou ?

>> No.785375

wat doe senjou mean

>> No.785403

Wait, MM finally finished UBW? WHen did this happen?

>> No.785404


>> No.785418

g-senjou = g-string

>> No.785425

About one week after a Proof reader named Ascalon leaked it.

>> No.785438

I thought it was 4 days

>> No.785441


Ok, but when did this happen?

>> No.785458

Beginning of March, around the tenth.

>> No.785477

guy with scripts is in Japan without internet access for the last 6 months or so.

>> No.785508


Ah, I was worried that I had missed it by several months or something.

>> No.785618

not mentioned, but G-collections also has a few more titles upcoming besides those posted here.

Cosplay Fetish Academy
Cat Girl Alliance
Lightning Warrior Raidy II: ~Temple of Desire~

>> No.785631

>guy with scripts is in Japan without internet access for the last 6 months or so.
> in Japan without internet access for the last 6 months or so.
How can someone be without Internet in Japan for 6 months? Is this guy out in the countryside?

>> No.785658

he was somehow able to contact gamepatch, but he is unable to get them the script, and he is the only one with it.

>> No.785667

>6/08: Update. If anyone is willing or can make an extracter/inserter for Buriko General Interpreter, please contact me!
Oh shit, oh shit. Can anyone give me some info about this? We can't let Message do it.

>> No.785733

it is june btw

>> No.785972

Also, does anyone know which game mm wants to do that uses the Buriko General Interpreter?

>> No.786035

I can't wait to play Unlimited Worm Rape Works.

>> No.786135

It's just an excuse not to release the patch. I bet they don't have anything.

I secodn that

>> No.786752

HF translation Progress: 79% (2940/3700kb)

Day # / % complete (total text size)

Day 04: 100% (280kb)
Day 05: 100% (240kb)
Day 06: 100% (210kb)
Day 07: 100% (230kb)
Day 08: 100% (220kb)
Day 09: 100% (460kb)
Day 10: 100% (330kb)
Day 11: 100% (270kb)
Day 12: 100% (160kb)
Day 13: 100% (180kb)
Day 14: 100% (180kb)

>> No.786757

That was fast...

>> No.786758

>6/08: Update. Anyone worked on Ethernell/Buriko general interpreter script insertion /or have tools for it?

he added something

>> No.786760

40KB more text today

>> No.786791

Expect a release of the Act Cadenza translation after Actress Again is released and no one would care. Just another form of Mirror Moon trolling.

>> No.786795

did the anon translating G-senjou ever put up a site/wiki for it?

>> No.786798


>> No.786803

Why does TakaJun want a BGI extractor/repacker? Surely not for Fortune Arterial...

>> No.786813

How hard would it be to translate when half of the AC Arcade story for half the characters are reused and the only real text-heavy part is the Neko-Arc Chaos's extra story?

>> No.786826

Fortune Arterial's page does mention problems with inserting the text.

>> No.786830

from what I read, the translation is already done. What's lacking is editing ~1500 images.

>> No.787176


Then why the hell is it at 98%, wouldn't that extra two percent make them think oh wow almost finished work, work harder.

>> No.787594

It's mirror moon

>> No.788986

That has got to the most random progression ive seen from mirrormoon

hoping it would be ready asap

>> No.789341

Does that mean there was 75000 images to be edited? No way

>> No.789348


>> No.789359


>> No.789373
File: 147 KB, 320x240, 1212990384164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789377

All of the hate towards mirror moon comes from Message's faggotry and it extends to the rest of the team because they put up with him. He's the reason why the UBW patch was delayed for so long and he's probably the one who killed the possibility of a MB:AC text patch, too.

>> No.789380
File: 228 KB, 352x198, 1212990447360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.789431
File: 258 KB, 750x1088, 1212991040133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count? ;_;
You cannot unsee it.

>> No.789463

Third update in 24 hours

HF translation Progress: 81% (3000/3700kb)

Day # / % complete (total text size)

Day 04: 100% (280kb)
Day 05: 100% (240kb)
Day 06: 100% (210kb)
Day 07: 100% (230kb)
Day 08: 100% (220kb)
Day 09: 100% (460kb)
Day 10: 100% (330kb)
Day 11: 100% (270kb)
Day 12: 100% (160kb)

>> No.789471

11 percent in only 6 days, damn

>> No.789473

looks like he is quickly trying to finish the project

>> No.789486

this doesn't deserve the hype its been getting. I hope it never finishes.

>> No.789494

Methinks he is trying to out translate Makoto (the Demonbane translator)

>> No.789499

quickly doing the project, asking about tools, I am guessing he wants to get HF done and begin on something else.

>> No.789503

100KB worth of text translated today

>> No.789528

So HF should be finished by the end of this month

now when do we expect a release.

>> No.789547

next June

>> No.789743

A birdy told me you have the reason wrong.
