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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 103 KB, 850x850, rretrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7877687 No.7877687 [Reply] [Original]

I'm bored. What are you gaylords doing tonight?

/jp/ is my blog, moot agreed don't bother him about it.

>> No.7877694

Mindlessly refreshing /jp/ like every other night.

>> No.7877705
File: 15 KB, 300x225, He's watching you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same as every night.... Posting pigs.

>> No.7877706
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>Posting blogshit on my blog

>> No.7877719

I'm playing civ 5 with two friends.
Later will pot some in my blog, i got Adsense approved so I gotta keep it updated.
Refresh /jp/
Report this thread.

>> No.7877717
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>> No.7877712
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Trying to decide if I should fap today or not.

I've been thinking about it for about 5 hours now.

>> No.7877715
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I was playing mega man with my arcade stick. It was hard as shit controlling it. Now i'm tired and i will go to sleep soon.

>> No.7877726

I am constructing /jp/ related /tg/ games that I will never play because I don't socialize with people.

>> No.7877728

Played some WoT.
Posting on /jp/.
Maybe gonna read a bit of some VN if I get the motivation.

>> No.7877729

/jp/ shit posting general.

>> No.7877730
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Watching Glengarry Glen Ross because I heard them talking about it on Opie & Anthony.

>> No.7877752

>Playing Civ 5
Why would you play Civ 5 ?
Civ 5 is terrible.

>> No.7877761
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I'm just sitting here delaying my sleep.

I guess It's time for another 24h+ wake time and then another subsequent 24h+ of sleep so I can fix my days.

>> No.7877762


took a walk around /d/ to get in the mood but it's all the usual reposts

>> No.7877758


You mean you don't fap every day/

>> No.7877770

Continuing writing my eroge script entitled Semen Souls

>> No.7877773

No, I have a weak heart and if I fap too much it can cause an arrhythmia and kill me. I'm actually not supposed to have sex so I'm not even sure if fapping is safe. A couple times I thought I was having a heart attack.

>> No.7877779

Why are you shitposting so much lately ponpo.

>> No.7877786
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>to get in the mood

>> No.7877787

Stop bullying ponpo all the time you jerk.

>> No.7877785

I'm gonna go to the gym and then later hopefully finish a drawing or song tonight.

Also this >>7877717

>> No.7877791

I'm going to watch some anime. I have some Pokemon and Idolm@ster episodes downloaded.

>> No.7877798

I'm on /jp/ so obviously nothing.

You have to be pretty bored and desperate to come to this shithole.

>> No.7877809 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one who was bullying him before.
But come on, even posting in a sudo thread(>>>>>7877507)?
What's gotten into you?
And why do I care?
Truly a mystery.

>> No.7877803

Bored, have nothing to play

>> No.7877812

It's nice when half the front page isn't gay futa and very poorly drawn fetish images.

I don't know why you're on /jp/ if the vanilla shit in /h/ or /e/ get a reaction out of you.

>> No.7877819

I'm not the one who was bullying him before.
But come on, even posting in a sudo thread(>>7877507)?
What's gotten into you?
And why do I care?
Truly a mystery.

>> No.7877838

I got it from steamgifts.com and my friends don't have Civ4.

>> No.7877846

brainstorming character idea's for game, downloading comics, being angry that thundercats isn't on right now, choking on a pretzel.

>> No.7877853

Why is /jp/ so boring?

Not the board, the people in it. You're all dull as fuck.

>> No.7877865

I think it's just tripcode degradation. Perhaps with all of my 6 or whatever previous names, people are fine with it for a few months and then suddenly I get quoted left and right for a dip in quality. I don't think my posting changes that often but what can you do.

Also I just didn't want to mention Dark Souls again

>> No.7877882

I'll show you boring *grabs dick, is 350 pounds*

>> No.7877889

Suck my boring cock dude

>> No.7877905

>lurking on image-boards for fapping
Enoy your deviantart pictures, oversized dicks and fur.

>> No.7877910
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Joke's on you guys, I'm an engineer. I love dicks.

>> No.7877918

I didn't say I fap to them, I just scan them to see if anything will put me in the mood. If something does I start up my booru batch downloader and hit the explicit rating filter.

>> No.7877940
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Im gaylording at work now. But I think I'll go home before 2AM.

I hate deadlines... By the way, I'm now drinking some tea to relieve stress...

>> No.7877956
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>> No.7877965

I'm telling you to go back to >>>/b/, why won't you listen?

>> No.7877986
File: 86 KB, 249x250, 1297512022377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If something does I start up my booru batch downloader and hit the explicit rating filter
>exploring sexuality on /d/ to see what turns you on
>booru batch downloader

>> No.7877998

Don't make me tell you to suck my dick.

>> No.7878007

suck my cock dude

>> No.7878035

Figuring out why the movies on the S;G VN are not playing. I'm 90% sure that Haali-Media Splitter is causing the discrepancy.

>> No.7878046

Laundry and VNs.

>> No.7878047
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Tried out a Raildex party in Baldur's Gate (with Tutu mod).

Half my team is useless and I lost my first encounter against a pair of wolves. I might have to swap somebody out for a male (Touma or the blonde spiky haired guy). Yuck.

>> No.7878049

Just watch the anime, it's better anyway.

>> No.7878056

The same thing I do every time I get a night off: play eroge.

>> No.7878058


why are you yelling at me bub

>> No.7878069

Already have.

>> No.7878084
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I'm headed for the library. My suitemates are being noisy.

>> No.7878097

suck my cock dude

>> No.7878125
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I'm not doing anything right now because I have no idea what to do.

>> No.7878163

I just got back from work. I was literally paid to sit on my ass all day and get up once to tell some teenagers to fuck off.

>> No.7878172

It's 2:49 and I'm refreshing /jp/ and listening to Chopin while procrastinating, thinking about getting a cup of tea and reading a book while worrying about the lack of content being posted on my favorite artists sites and twitter feeds.

>> No.7878179

You're going to read the VN after watching that aborted train wreck?

Get the fuck back to /a/ before I call the cops, kid.

>> No.7878185


Nobody asked what you did, dumbass.

>> No.7878188
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Maybe I'll browse pixiv and imagine myself elsewhere.

>> No.7878196
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Playing Xenoblade

>> No.7878197

I told you anyway. What you gonna do about it bitch?

>> No.7878199 [DELETED] 

This image hurts my eyes mind.

>> No.7878200

Listening to My Bloody Valentine and staring at the wall.

>> No.7878202

We can look at pixiv and listen to Loveless if you want.

>> No.7878210

Sup Memento

>> No.7878213

Just listened to Glider. Why does nobody know that they made EPs too?

>> No.7878214

My pizza is about to arrive, and I am going to watch anime. When I finish doing that I'll probably play some Disgaea 4.

>> No.7878225



I hope you're at least eating that greasy, oily filth with a fork

>> No.7878226 [DELETED] 

My pizza is about to arrive and I will eat it while watching anime. I will probably play Disgaea 4 when I finish watching anime.

>> No.7878227

Playing Tales of Xillia. Shit just got real.

>> No.7878229

I was planning to report this thread, but couldn't muster up the will to care enough.

>> No.7878230

I'm going to eat it with my face. No hands involved.

>> No.7878232
File: 50 KB, 572x533, 5905534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your acne, g.

>> No.7878240

Thank you, anon.

>> No.7878242 [DELETED] 

Anon doesn't know about hand soap.

>> No.7878243

Duty from 2330~0200
Fuck you guys

I should have never said that oath

>> No.7878244

Anon doesn't know about hand soap.

>> No.7878248

Contrary to popular belief, no scientific connection is known between grease and acne.

>> No.7878256

What kind of gullible idiot actually falls for the recruitment propaganda?

Military is worse than the shittiest of shit jobs.

>> No.7878258

I have way more acne than that. My face is a literal craterface.

>> No.7878265

>Comedones are the direct result of sebaceous glands' becoming clogged with sebum, a naturally occurring oil, and dead skin cell.

Uh huh.

>> No.7878269

then how come I'm a greasy unwashed fuck who showers twice a month and yet I've never suffered from this condition?

>> No.7878277

As if any of us have a reason to look good.

>> No.7878279

>Contrary to the common belief that it is caused by poor hygiene, blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct.

You being a greasy fuck certainly can't help, though. Acne also has genetic links so you're just not as predisposed to it as others.

>> No.7878281

narcissism is a good enough reason for anyone

>> No.7878285

Dressing up and feeling pretty is exhilarating, even if you haven't spoken to anyone in weeks.

>> No.7878306

Well, of course it's not an easy job, but that's hardly the worst, either. At the very least, you get more job security than most places, as well as health and dental care (though the care received is fairly bad at times).

>> No.7878307

Ain't no amount of dressing up that'll make me pretty.

>> No.7878317
File: 68 KB, 550x300, The big tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Temple of the Elemental Evil with co8 patch and then I'll install/patch Sharnoth.

>> No.7878324

I guess you're not aware that military vets are discriminated against when applying for a job because of all the red tape the employer also has to file as a result, among other things. It's actually a plague on your resume thanks to the government.

>> No.7878376


You want to serve your country and do your duty to society? You want demanding work with long, harsh training that only accepts the best among the best? You want to see people die around you every day? You want a harsh working environment with draconic discipline, inhuman working hours, risk of crippling bodily harm and zero margain for error?

Then you should become a nurse.

>> No.7878385


Nurses get paid like $50k a year here for easy jobs that require minimal education. Anyone can take blood pressure and carry papers around.

>> No.7878391


That's not a nurse. That's an assistant.
