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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 857 KB, 2200x2013, shin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7871557 No.7871557 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7871559

Fuck yeah Tony

>> No.7871579

>>even more obviously Japanese

Always gets me.

This series is still fun, but too bad Sega of America doesn't translate games. Not even bringing over VC3, bro.

>> No.7871618

but the newer shinings are better

>> No.7872493

Shining in the Darkness was so freakin' boring

>> No.7872501

Was a great dungeon crawler in its day.

Also the last Shining Force game I bought was Neo. Oh man was it a piece of shit. I couldn't finish it.

>> No.7872506

Well, yeah, anything's better than Tony Taka.

>> No.7872517

It's an improvement no matter how you look at it.

>> No.7872529

The old ones look pretty gay,Op.

>> No.7872549


Only if you're gay

I want to play a strategy/war game, not a fucking cartoon dating sim. Now looking at those pictures, which game looks the most fun? The ones with the characters ready to fuck shit up, or the faggotry on the bottom where everyone is standing around smiling with soft colors against a plain, boring background? This is the type of shit that has killed Japanese games.

>> No.7872560

Guys in tight armor=Good and not gay
Guys with super long hair=Good and not gay

Guys with medium hair=gay
Guys with no tights=gay
Pretty girl=Gay


>> No.7872566

are you even trying

>> No.7872568

Shining Hearts was by far more fun than any of the other Shining games I've played (e.g. 90% of them) aside from Wind.

>> No.7872572

Whoever says that the new shining games are better is a faggot that doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.7872574

Sup OP

>> No.7872577

Fucking Japanese art in my Japanese games.

>> No.7872582

I'm quoting James Buchanan by the way.

>> No.7872584

The Japanese devs are trying to be Japanese.
Fucking weaboos

>> No.7872588

Has Tony Take done the art on some games?
Time to get my hands ready.

>> No.7872593

> I want to play a strategy/war game, not a fucking cartoon dating sim.

But I want both in the same game.

>> No.7872594

If you didn't tell me the names of the games on the bottom I'd assume they were eroge, or eroge with half-assed gameplay tacked on like Aselia.

>> No.7872598

oh god I miss Shining Force

>> No.7872601

>>Shining Hearts was by far more fun than any of the other Shining games I've played (e.g. 90% of them) aside from Wind.

This is true.

Replayed Shining Force 1 and 2 multiple times back in the day too.

>> No.7872602

Any RPG with multiple girls should have dating sim elements if you ask me.

>> No.7872605

I wholeheartedly agree.
Not like I'm playing for the game play most of the time, and you can only cut from the same cloth so many times before you've seen it all.

>> No.7872613

Oh god.

Holy Ark was large part of my childhood.

>> No.7872615

Shining Force Feather was actually a decent game unlike the others in the bottom.

>> No.7872624

You fags disgust me.

You should really keep your faggotry in the VN realm.

>> No.7872632

Remember when RPGs did not have girls in them?

>> No.7872639

So much homo lust.

>> No.7872640


You seem upset.

>> No.7872643


>> No.7872649


>> No.7872658

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7872666
File: 266 KB, 704x1000, L4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Langrisser was here. Shining Force is a faggot.

>> No.7872668
File: 313 KB, 574x850, terratongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1978? Back when a man and a dragon constituted an RPG?
No, I don't remember. You see, I wasn't born yet.

But if you mean when RPGs had decently interesting and competent female characters portrayed fairly respectully and with well explored and developed personalities and backrounds, rather than cute and ditzy jailbait poorly written cookie cutter love interests... yes, I remember.
And knowing that time is long gone and never to come again, that memory hurts like no other.

>> No.7872672


>> No.7872691

She's right though, no matter how much you might not like to admit it.

>> No.7872693
File: 300 KB, 1237x800, phantasy-star-4-jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the good old days...

>> No.7872699

>But if you mean when RPGs had decently interesting and competent female characters portrayed fairly respectully and with well explored and developed personalities and backrounds
Are you suggesting Tina is that?

>> No.7872700
File: 257 KB, 813x1000, Shelfaniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone go for Tony Taka when you could have Satoshi Urushihara?

>> No.7872702
File: 8 KB, 320x224, Ps3cave1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Phantasy Star III ;_;

>> No.7872707
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Granted, with the apparent collapse of jRPG writing the last decade, the bar isn't exactly set high.

>> No.7872710

3 Generations.

No choice to marry Mieu. ;_;

>> No.7872713
File: 107 KB, 500x761, hedoba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up! That slut cannot compete with Hedova!

>> No.7872717


>> No.7872724


Why would you miss the shittiest, worst, most horrible, terribad Phantasy Star game?

>> No.7872725
File: 396 KB, 950x1000, Alis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alis Landale was my first waifu

>> No.7872720

Perhaps you should look at popular character traits in japanese media.

>> No.7872730
File: 411 KB, 1280x768, 1283197558593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best PS3 fanrt ever. Mieu is simply fantastic!
Too bad she's a robot and can't reproduce...

But who said that the Rhys, Ayn, and Nial never boned her?

>> No.7872738

> Too bad she's a robot and can't reproduce...

Love and science conquer all

>> No.7872743

I liked Shadow Hearts 2's love interest's story.
>Fall in Love with protagonist
>Protagonist too busy caring about dead girlfriend
>Go back in time and become Protagonist's Mother

Then again, I love just about everything about those games, so yeah.

>> No.7872748

>jRPG writing
Go play Ikusa Megami Zero,faggot.

>> No.7872749
File: 59 KB, 640x480, alyssheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, Alys Brangwin.
Always going bravely ahead, headfirst into the unknown.

>> No.7872754

I know that technically it was horrible and even the story was pretty bad, but it had some pretty interesting concepts, the generation system which allowed different routes and then the whole space-colony idea with 7 different "worlds".

Lastly the OST was awesome.

>> No.7872763
File: 74 KB, 500x375, baldr020_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about an rpg that did romance right.

Baldur's Gate II.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.

>> No.7872764


Googled it and first 8 pics were porn. Was that spelled right?

>> No.7872766

The story really pissed me off, almost as much as the whole Aerith fiasco.

>> No.7872772

Oh Zio, the holy one...

>> No.7872773

Its an adult rpg.
Hopefully you can handle it.

>> No.7872779



>> No.7872780


I'll give that it had some neat individual ideas in it. But damn it was awful to play.

It would be good to see the generation gimmick reused in a better game.

>> No.7872786
File: 797 KB, 875x1000, ps4_18054602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand 100%. Shadow Hearts series is like one of my favorites too. Not many good horror + alternate Earth history RPGs out there. Liar-soft games are good for more alternate history though.

Alys was pretty hot. Maybe tsundere for that one guy too; can't remember. It's been 10+ years.

>> No.7872787
File: 134 KB, 710x679, raja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What?! You didn't find Raja's jokes outstandingly exhilarating?

>> No.7872795

She was shy. No tsundere. She just blushed and acted coy in front of him.

>> No.7872799

I would find him funny if he didn't die with a single hit.

Shit, the guy died at every turn when a boss character attacked.

>> No.7872804
File: 166 KB, 867x1000, Shelf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic elf...boring

>> No.7872806

Raja was the single most useful healer in the entire game.

You know you can equip people with 2 shields right?

>> No.7872808

Confirmed for casual. You don't belong on /v/, even though this is /jp/. Give him double shields and have him use items that give off magical attacks until you're ready for his big skills.

>> No.7872813
File: 13 KB, 523x497, 1279485560570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never used Raja past the mandatory segment because I found him aesthetically displeasing. I knew Kyra was weaker, but she was pretty and that's what matters in the end.

>> No.7872815

for once OP is not a faggot. (rummages in the storage room looking for my Megadrive...)

>> No.7872817
File: 69 KB, 850x605, terranigmameilin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm poorly prepared to handle the realisation that porn games may now have far better stories than mainstream jRPGs, if that's what you mean.


More of a big sister/mentor relation. She didn't really seem interested in any intimate relationship. Although it was obvious she had been before she settled for a life of killing monsters with boomerangs.
Yes, I just wrote something about killing monsters with boomerangs in the context of good jRPG writing. I can do this safely since I have shot myself in the foot so many times the bullets just pass harmlessly through existing holes.

>> No.7872833

Oops, it appears I accidentally went to /v/ instead of /jp/. Does this ever happen to any of you guys?

>> No.7872848

Are you saying she is not?

>> No.7872852
File: 1.87 MB, 2000x1414, ps18802677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well modern-day Australians kill koalas with boomerangs. In the far future boomerang technology has probably advanced far enough so that killing monsters with one makes sense.

>>a priest using two shields and no staff

I'm pretty sure there's a law against this somewhere in RPG land.

>> No.7872853

The word developed and FF6 don't mix.

>> No.7872862
File: 11 KB, 256x224, Terranigma_Ark_and_Elle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant Rune, and that was definitely not a big sister/mentor relation.

Speaking of terranigma...

>> No.7872861

That's a very cute picture but unfinished. There's no penguin stealing someone's Pengu-feed, or whatever it was called.

>> No.7872865

Each Phantasy Star had its own cat-like character.
Who would you rather fuck?

a) Rika
b) Nei
c) Mieu
d) Myau

>> No.7872864

The two shields trick always felt like cheating to me, but sometimes it was the only way to keep a weak character alive.

The part that annoys me is that if you ever wanted to use a shield, you dual-wielded them. There was never a reason to use the "1 handed weapon + shield" setup.

>> No.7872875

Definitely Mieu.

>> No.7872879

>Complaining about fairly using the game mechanics to overcome an obstacle in a game
You wouldn't last on /v/, junior.

>> No.7872882

I'm glad the PS games are kind of past their prime. The furry fags on /b/ would rape the hell out of a little cat-thing and call people homphobes if they didn't like it.

>> No.7872883


Just because it's single player doesn't mean there shouldn't be a sense of fair play.

>> No.7872886

They do, you just have to be blind not to notice

>> No.7872890

>Using items in a game that the game provides and complaining about it.
Go back to Farmville.

>> No.7872893

You mean you can't use Vanish+Doom in FF6? What the hell!

>> No.7872908

You could never finish some of the brutal challenge hacks I've played where you have to use buffs just to survive normal monsters.

>> No.7872911
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, d0088523_0225358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop whining.

>> No.7872913

How are the first three catlike? One is an android, and the other 2 have huge non furry ears and use claws as weapons. Thats a bit of a stretch.

>> No.7872916


See, using buffs was normal. Most bosses after the halfway point of PS4 were unbeatable without buffs (or ridiculous overleveling).

It's specifically the dual-wielding of shields that I have an issue with, because it's so silly.

>> No.7872918

And one of those two actually have horns.

>> No.7872921
File: 14 KB, 256x223, iogtitle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read this whole thread yet but I'll say this, the only two games to make me cry were breath of fire 2 and illusion of gaia.

>> No.7872926
File: 47 KB, 640x480, sara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved shining force II when I was a kid.
I still play it from time to time.
I can't say the same from the newer ones, it's just not the same.

>> No.7872934

> illusion of gaia
> crying

those fucking 2 vampires...

>> No.7872931

I'm kidding.
I'm tired of those stories where your character has to die at the end, or "you were the bad guy all along!" What can change the nature of derivative story plots?

>> No.7872935

>What can change the nature of derivative story plots?
What are you trying to say?

>> No.7872937


>> No.7872941
File: 126 KB, 804x610, neiverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh... him.
That would be the past relationship, from the time before Alys decided to go out and make the world an unsafe place.

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of pictures of the old PS heroines floating around. Except for Rika and Nei, for reasons that do not need to be mentioned.

>> No.7872952

There will never be in any RPG a music that can make you dream as much as this one could:

>> No.7872945

It was a silly joke on Planescape Torment. I'm just really tired of those plots where "you were the bad guy all along," but you have amnesia or some crap. Okay Amnesia the Dark Descent handled that well, but seriously I'm bored with that concept and it grates on me as bad as environmentalist social commentary in vidya, anime and the like. It's over done and done over. Roger? Over? Over? Done.

>> No.7872964

You should probably try playing more RPGs.

>> No.7872969

How's it feel not to know what art is? I'll answer for you: it sucks and you should hate yourself.

>> No.7872976

same face is so good.

>> No.7872977

won`t even name a few RPGs as an example? You`re not helping, anon.

regarding the dreaming part...

>> No.7872980

Do we ever really see Taka and Tim Buckley in the same place at the same time? I need to know this.

>> No.7872987

Waiting for an eroge version of Brigandine.


>> No.7873019


The main problem with golden sun is that the difficulty tuning has always been way too easy. The DS one was even worse in that regard.

>> No.7873038

yeah, that's slightly bothering me as well.
I think it's more "go laze about and explore this pretty world while Motoi Fucking Sakuraba makes the music" than "get a headache because of impossibly hard fights etc."

reminds me somewhat of touhou games.
