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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 707x705, 1169824606313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7866394 No.7866394 [Reply] [Original]

Old meme thread for old meme aficionadi such as myself.

>> No.7866406
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>> No.7866416
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Mite, mite! I'm such an oldfag!

>> No.7866417
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>> No.7866433
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>> No.7866437
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>> No.7866443

sourdough bread something something what the fuck ever

>> No.7866441
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Sigh. I wish I would have saved more from the good old days.

>> No.7866444


>> No.7866445

Remember when /jp/ didn't like memes?

oh wait, not one of you could remember.

>> No.7866446
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Fuck yes waha.

>> No.7866448
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Bosnian loli.

We didn't know what game she was from back then.

>> No.7866458
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Not the oldest but still lots of good memories.

>> No.7866462
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Cheer up Bosnian kid.

>> No.7866467

Those faggots spouting memes today are dumb as hell, let me just spout these memes to show them what's what.

>> No.7866476

Calm down

>> No.7866488

I'm sure you meant dumb as HELL xD

>> No.7866489
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That looks nice.
If only loli's had dicks.

>> No.7866492

knowyourmeme thread?
knowyourmeme thread XDDD!!!

>> No.7866493

All those years ago...
And STILL no translation.
C'mon, it's not like you'd need to translate the whole game, just her route.

>> No.7866500

remember when /jp/ was made because moot got tired of you meme spouting retards doing touhou hijacks on /a/? i remember.

>> No.7866506

Nostalgia nerds have selective memories.

>> No.7866508
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Some lolis do.

>> No.7866531

come back

>> No.7866540
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Actually speed, early detection, proper use of combined arms and to a lesser degree stealth and electronic warfare own the sky. Thrust vectoring is more of a last resort.

Not even /k/ cares about that, though.

>> No.7866548


Doing it wrong. Not /jp/ related. He would never come back for scum like you.

>> No.7866577

Maybe if the plane was actually a ball.
And all of its thrusts were vectors, so it always thrust vectors around the screen.

>> No.7866579

Yes! We need another shit spamming the board! I love it when shitposters have metrics by which to judge themselves. We should all go back to spamming ">>>/a/" and "Reported" too, so that they will know how many of us they pissed off! And it would be so great if the shitposters would be able to scour the board for all his post and bump every thread he posted in! What a great idea!

>> No.7866585

Wait so did anyone else play that shitty new Ace Combat demo today?

>> No.7866590

>shitty new Ace Combat
I knew this day would come.

>> No.7866598
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War favours the dull solutions. War likes to be boring.


Already preordered it.
Is there something I should know?

>> No.7866606

I love ace combat but this is just too shitty. You should try the demo.

First, the new helicopter thing is kind of fun, but it's really repetitive and easy. Secondly, for the jet missions, they reeaalllllyy want you to use that dog fight mode. You can shoot an enemy with like 7 missiles and they will just launch flares each time, forcing you to accelerate, go near the enemy, enter that easy dog fight mode and get a free kill.

>> No.7866616

I'd preorder assault horizon but I'm too butt devastated by the whole "PRE-ORDER AND RECEIVE EXCLUSIVE F-4 PHANTOM RATHER THAN A SOUNDTRACK OR ANYTHING WORTHWHILE"
I mean seriously, the fucking F-4 as DLC, pretty much a series staple? Yeah, fuck you Bamco.
Not that I've anything against the F-4.

>> No.7866630

And then the whole "If AH doesn't do well, no more Ace Combat" thing.

>> No.7866632

Wait until bargain bin. Just go try the demo.

I pretty much ricocheted my plane off of the water and it didn't crash me.

>> No.7866635
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You can't just drop Novator or Meteor radar guided missiles from 200 miles away?

>> No.7866644

They will be dodged, you have to go into 'first person oil splatter' mode to beat them.

Also when you dodge missiles in the helicopter the apache just literally barrel rolls.

>> No.7866645


Good sir, I just got done fapping to a fine batch of Thomas Jefferson.

>> No.7866650
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That's it?
Wow. At least in Sweden you get a Top Gun DVD included with the preorder. Which may or may not be anything worthwhile, hadn't it been that I was looking for the movie anyway.

>> No.7866661

Tried it, it wasn't that bad considering it was basically the E3 demon for the plane mission, and it's too be expected they're jamming CRA down our throats in the demo to showcase it.

>in Sweden you get a Top Gun DVD
Man, what?

>> No.7866674

requesting uninformed Reimu

>> No.7866706
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Are you saying there are no long range radar guided missiles in Assault Horizon?


On a first come, first serve basis, but yes. Collectors' edition, soundtrack, DLC planes and Top Gun on DVD.

>> No.7866724
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Jets in my /jp/?

Battlefield 3 leaked singleplayer naval flight officer gameplay.


>> No.7866727

No, it's more that in the demo, regular missile tracking is pretty gimped without CRA.

>> No.7866735

I'm sure it will remain gimped for most of the game in favour of DF mode.

As long as there is no im@s DLC I won't miss out.

>> No.7866746
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This one?


That sounds better.
Anyone can write a flight simulator that conveys the fast-paced action, close encounters and excitement of air combat. It's so hard to find a flight simulator that conveys the tedium, boredom and unpersonal, clinical nature of air combat (that isn't Falcon 4.0).

>> No.7866770

Even so, not like I don't spam guns on lower difficulties more then I do missiles.
Except in X where I refuse to play in anything but my 2 FAST 2 FURIOUS tuned Cariburn where guns aren't really an option, but that's a different matter entirely.

>> No.7866786

Holy crap, even though it's a low-quality recording, and it's on rails, it puts recent Ace Combat games to shame.

Can you actually fly the planes too?

>> No.7866798
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>> No.7866811

Yeah, there's a couple of single player and co-op flying campaigns (in co-op you can be the pilot and your friend be your gunner/flight-officer), and then of course the jets are in the 64-player multiplayer conquest mode.

>> No.7866825

Touhoufield 3: Miko on Fire.

>> No.7867015

will the coop be on pc as well?
