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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 800x600, 1273154821336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7844551 No.7844551 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>7818665

What games are you playing/expecting/have just finished, etc? You know the drill.

>> No.7844564

Not multiplayer = no japanese servers = not /jp/ related.

>> No.7844574
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Sharnoth. The mini games are really awful.

>> No.7844606
File: 44 KB, 250x300, c497925chara2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fapped to 戦乙女ヴァルキリー2「主よ、淫らな私をお許しください…」

Made by the same guys who did the games for Silky with the kissing etc. So the game is done is the same style.

Isshiki Hikaru voices one of the main heroines.

They also worked on エルフの双子姫 ウィランとアルスラ「私はどうなってもいいから、お姉様には手を出さない

Again, same style but with Kazane voicing the main heroine

>> No.7844613

>エルフの双子姫 ウィランとアルスラ「私はどうなってもいいから、お姉様には手を出さない

That is a long ass title.

>> No.7844656
File: 320 KB, 933x524, nazuna3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related?
Dunno about you, but i'm dying for wheelchair genki imouto. Must hug her.

>> No.7844706

Same artist, different game.
OP image is from Moshiraba.

>> No.7844710

They probably don't even have a plot, but do i need to play the Djibrils in order or can I start wherever I want? The 5th one OP catched my attention.

>> No.7844726

1-3 and 4 have different cast, 5 is fandisc that include both. You should play chronological but there won't be problem if you start with 4 and return to 1-3 after that.

>> No.7844729

Thanks, polite sage.

>> No.7844731

Reason you just either get all the maps with the locations marked to find the voices or just skip them.
Though I found them funny on my first run, not doing them anymore.

>> No.7844764

Is hongfire dead for anyone else? Moving to a new database etc.

I wanted to check out that thief game and it seems that's the only forum rogue posted his thread on. I know he browses 4chan from time to time but I can't be arsed to camp for him

>> No.7844784

They got DMCA'd by HentaiKey.

>> No.7844803
File: 107 KB, 914x601, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think the ??? heroine from レミニセンス might be the same character as Kizuna from 暁の護衛 ~罪深き終末論~?

>> No.7844807
File: 17 KB, 250x300, c660654chara19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Kizuna.

>> No.7844811

Not really, they don't even look similar

>> No.7844944

Anyone else who reported some weeks ago to be unable using EGS, is it still not working? I'm getting pretty irritated, I can't even update my eroge list.

>> No.7845152

Still not working for me. I need to use a proxy everytime I want to check something there.

>> No.7845162

I wouldn't advise logging into your EGS account with a proxy. I did that a year ago when I couldn't access EGS for some reason and later started getting warning messages about being suspected of using multiple accounts, had to email the admin to clear things up.

>> No.7845242

Well, I was thinking of doing that in the near future, but guess I will not then. This is pretty irritating.
Yeah, same here.

>> No.7845317

Not working from net, but with usb modem is ok.

>> No.7845511
File: 602 KB, 1400x875, moe 158480 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking a break from Oretsuba while I wait for R to come in the mail. In the mean time, playing Concerto Note.

On that note, Rito is a miraculously phenomenal heroine. Any other games with heroines like her?

>> No.7845633

Yeah Rito is awesome.
First time I saw her I expected an annoying tsundere but she defied my expectations.

>> No.7845689

I'm still playing Monster Girl Quest 1
I haven't played that much. I passed that lewd succubus monster and got raped three times by alice. I'm now stuck at the zombie house, always raped by chrome and the hueg zombie.

>> No.7847580
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>> No.7847992

Finished euphoria. Words cannot describe the rage I felt when it was revealed Kanae was acting the whole time. It was like Umineko EP3 all over again only worse. I liked her so much. I almost cried out of frustration and anger and a day later I still feel like crying. God damn it. The real Nemu wasn't enough to make up for it either, although she was way better than the bitch one.

Awesome game though.

>> No.7847999

which one is Kanae?

>> No.7848006
File: 119 KB, 400x550, 1256110709557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is that character from?

Btw here's a wheelchair as a thank.

>> No.7848017

晴れときどきお天気雨 from Palette
October 28 Release Date.

>> No.7848025

I'm disappointed at the lack of heroines with disabilities in eroge. It seems that recycling the same personalities and features for heroines has become almost standard nowadays.

>> No.7848038

The childhood friend.

>> No.7848155
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Thanks for the help!
>Try to look for HCG, but realized hongfire is down. Curses.
>Visit vndb, turns out it's not released yet

>> No.7849843
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>> No.7849940

Can anyone recommend me a visual novel that I can practice my Japanese and get used to using some tools on? Obviously I'm not looking for something so plot intensive in which I have to scrutinize every last sentence, I'm just looking for an easier read.

Preferably something that's not getting a translation in the foreseeable future and interesting enough that I actually leave with something of substance. I'm not too picky though.

>> No.7849948

You'll probably understand a good deal of it, since almost the whole novel is voiced lines.

>> No.7849958

I was going to say Steins Gate, but I guess it's getting a translation. Baldr Sky maybe? They have voiced protags which can make it easier.

>> No.7849957

Voiced lines? That sounds wonderful. Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.7849972

I was looking at Baldr Sky, but it seemed like it was going to be plot intensive and I didn't want to miss anything. Maybe I'll try it later.

>> No.7850004 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 1025x602, djibril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7844710 guy here.
On vndb, Djibril 4 has the "only avoidable rape" tag. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if the tag is simply wrong. I'm pretty sure pic related can't be avoided. Not that I mind that much.

>> No.7850032

Well, you could always go for a moege or something if you want a VN without much plot.

>> No.7850048

it's not rape if she's enjoying it.

>> No.7850056

Yeah, I know. I specifically asked for something without much plot, so even a moege would've done. This doesn't mean I'm just going to pick something like a moege out of nowhere, because they're still probably of varying quality and I'd most likely get something better from /jp/.

I don't really know where else to would be a good place to look, it's not like VNDB would be helpful in this case.

>> No.7850072

In my own experience, Clannad helps a lot.
Read it in Japanese, it's fairly easy to read and good enough to actually give you the insensitive to read more

>> No.7850079

Sukimazakura to uso no machi

>> No.7850085


>> No.7850094

Thinking of reading KimiNozo past 1998 finally.
I'm not sure if I really want to though right now.
Mostly depends on how long Chapter 2 is.

>> No.7850095

Clannad was actually my first visual novel, so I've already read it in English.

Thanks guys, I'll check them out.

>> No.7850102

It's really good, you should.

>> No.7850100


IMHO most if not all Nitro+ titles are very hard to read even though many of them have voiced protags (I haven't treid Axanael yet so I can't be sure though). I started with AQUA (easy vocab, though it has annoying background only pics that cannot be hooked) and I would also recommend Flyable Heart for begingers.

Oh, and School Days HQ is also very easy to follow since every single line (protag's thoughts too) are voiced + Jap subbed.

You might also want to check
for listing of script sizes (game lenght) and the number of unique kanji for some games.

>> No.7850105

Meh, I feel this game is either lacking protagonist drama to boost the netorare, or raped girl drama to boost the rape. It doesn't really feel either and my penis is confused.

>> No.7850118

I don't want to fuck myself over academically due to depression and apathy making me skip 3+ weeks of classes and work like I did when I first read Alternative. That's my major issue with deciding to read it not.

>> No.7850132

That link will certainly be very helpful. I'm going off to download them, thanks again for the warm response /jp/.

>> No.7850162

I honestly don't think Kiminozo is depressing or sad at all. There is lots of drama. That's what the game is about basically, but that's it. But then, I didn't do all the routes.

>> No.7850220

There's also the fact that with my luck when I do my first playthrough making the choices I would make I'll end up on the Creepy nurse's route and be scarred for life.

>> No.7850268

I'm reading True Remembrance. So far it's pretty uplifting and it has brought a few smiles to my face.

>> No.7850488

>But then, I didn't read all the routes.

Why do people like you exist?

>> No.7850519

Why do people like you exist? I'm not going to read every route about every character whether I like them or not, nor am I going to go an see all the possible endings for all the possible routes. I have no need, no desire to, and there is no reason to.

>> No.7850524

>I honestly don't think Kiminozo is depressing or sad at all
>at all
>But then, I didn't do all the routes.

>> No.7850544

I still know what happens in the other routes...

>> No.7850942
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Asuka is my wife.

>> No.7850966

>I still know what happens
>I don't read all the routes
You are now full retard.

It is all right though. You're allowed to be a full retard. No one is asking you to be a normal person because you seem to have no need, no desire to be one.

>> No.7850992

why isn't this more popular.

>> No.7851019

I don't always play all the routes in an eroge, such as if I don't like it (i.e. "dropping" it) or if it's a moe/charage where there's no point playing a route of a character you dislike. But those are relatively rare occasions. I can't understand skipping routes in a game you like but it's still not as bad of a sin as ctrling through text.

>> No.7851055
File: 261 KB, 850x1200, 3213243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Himawari girls are so good

>> No.7851074

I downloaded and controlled completely through a plot heavy game once.
To get screencaps of a tree.

>> No.7851159

I don't really think that's possible in YU-NO.
Unless you're talking of a different game.

>> No.7851171

Different game. And it turned out it was the wrong game anyway.

>> No.7851178

I can read about what happens in other routes, I can read people's reviews on the routes, etc. Just because I didn't play them does not mean I am not aware of the content in them.

However, if you disagree with my assertion, feel free to describe how depressing the game is.

>full retard
Really? Is this what we do here now?

>> No.7851410

Oh god, I hate it when character I absolutely do not care for suddenly get an extended arc in a charage.
Unless I've dun goofed and gotten onto that character's route.

>> No.7851437

What game are you playing.

>> No.7851490


>> No.7852218
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>> No.7852333
File: 287 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the release of this trial by two or three weeks. It seems the release of the full game was pushed back from the 22nd to the 30th. At least it's only a week.

>> No.7852348
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>> No.7852366
File: 166 KB, 450x338, sample01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NONSUGAR has announced Trample on Schatten!! Revolution+, with an append disk with an additional scenario. Not much new material; it seems to be more an attempt to generate revenue from a past title for working on their new title LEGEND SEVEN.
Whoah, fucking awesome.

>> No.7852439

Wait I thought the maker of that game went bankrupt?

>> No.7852601
File: 449 KB, 1200x1498, img20110910204923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JB sure is sexy

>> No.7852917

Yes, and I would assume this company there inherited the rights and don't want to leave it untouched. I'm fine with that if that means more Keziah (sp?) for me.

>> No.7853044
File: 224 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I laughed a lot during these scenes. They just had put all those cameos there. and Kageaki sure is good at triggering all those romance flags

captcha: route-map wingsit

>> No.7853318

All that Kiminozo talk had be playing the fandisc. I had completely forgot about it. It's really nice to be able to play the first chapter without the accident and without being forced into a relationship with Haruka.

And what is with Haruka's voice acting? It has to be the worst I've ever heard before.

>> No.7853364

>and Kageaki sure is good at triggering all those romance flags
Agreed. I mean, it must take quite a lot of skill to avoid them like that.

>> No.7853390

That's because she is voiced by a singer, not a voice actress. She just doesn't have the skill/training.

Though she was pretty good as Haruka in Hello, World, by far her best role

>> No.7853406
File: 814 KB, 1920x1080, vnfolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please post the VN recommendation chart? I'm planning on downloading many VNs from bitgamer this weekend.

>> No.7853414 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 642x481, nagamori end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What next /jp/? Little Busters or Moon?

>> No.7853426

LB if you want comedy and friendship.

>> No.7853433

Thanks, but i'm already playing Kojin Kyouju: La Leçon Particulière.

>> No.7853441
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>> No.7853450


>> No.7853452

Kantoku's art is so cute.

>> No.7853462
File: 2.41 MB, 2300x2200, VN Recommendation List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7853471

You should stop posting your list like it's any objective indicator of quality

>> No.7853480


>> No.7853519

Yeah, everything of "Hello; world."'s Haruka s a miracle of the universe, including her voice.

>> No.7853554

everything is a 7-10. umineko is a fucking 7, edelweiss is 8 and kira kira is 9. you must have downs

>> No.7853566

more like everything is a 8-10, there's so many jumps of quality jammed in three votes seemingly at random I can't see why anyone would think it's good for recommendation

>> No.7853582

Check the first three pages of the most popular VNs of vndb and choose your favorite.
Fuck recommendations.

>> No.7853596

>recommendation list
>everything is a 7-10
whats your point even
>you must have downs

>> No.7853910

Yeah man, they should all be rated 1 when you take into consideration the fact that Sharin no Kuni exists.

>> No.7854163

Stop posting that shit as if you're serious. People new to this might believe you...

>> No.7854176

um guys, if its a recommendation list wouldn't you want the general consensus on the list of games to range from 7-10 atleast.....just saying.

>> No.7854181

Most of /jp/ is composed of hipsters. Just let them hate what's translated.

>> No.7854205

>general consensus

So this is what all the cool kids are calling opinions now?

>> No.7854214

Why is there a need for that list? It's much better to just refer people to browse the list of VNs and sort by rating. And least that way it represents what the majority of people think about it instead of just one person's opinions.

>> No.7854276

One person's list is not the general consensus.

>> No.7854294

i'm talking about the vndb one sorry if i didn't specify

>> No.7854300

good point back to lurking i guess.

>> No.7854318

That's exactly what I was talking about. It's much better to get them to browse visual novels and sort by rating rather than to view one person's list.


>> No.7854331

People need to be spoonfed. they're unwilling to put in a little effort and research.

>> No.7854475

imo it's perfectly fine if you need a recommendation list if its your first vn and then build your tastes from there. but i will have to agree that this can all be accomplished by simply lurking or googling.

>> No.7855235

I like giving recommendations.

>> No.7855591

Man, pre-accident Hayase is great. I wish there was an actual long high school romance of Kiminozo.

>> No.7855883

nukige everyday

>> No.7855939

One of the best girls in MLA.

>> No.7855971

Are there any other VNs like Kiminozo where you can date the heroines imouto instead, resulting in lots of drama? I love that.

>> No.7856204

More games that have twin heroines in them need to give them both separate routes/ends and a combined end, with dickings for both.

>> No.7856683

Of course, this is all in my personal opinion but to list a few;
Denpa: Sayonara wo Oshiete, Subarashiki Hibi
Mystery: Myth, Rui wa Tomo wo Yobu, Saihate no Ima
Realistic slice of life: Sekai de Ichiban Dame no Koi, Parfait.
Slice of Life: Oretsuba ni Tsubasa wa Nai (/R). Haruka ni Aogi Urawashi no. Grisaia.
Mecha: Muv-Luv Alternative.
Fantasy: Sharnoth, Forest, Eustia.
Superpowers and Martial Arts: Muramasa.
Action: Akayashibito, Dies Irae (Fabula), Masaru.
Gameplay: Sengoku Rance, Baldr Sky, Verita, Himegari,
Drama: Soshite Ashita no Sekai Yori, Kiminozu, White Album.
Nakige: Hitsuji no Hakobune.
Games that don't really fit precisely in the above categories: Himawari (Sci-fi, great characters), Lost Colors (grimdark), Dra+Koi (Fantasy action).
Nukige, Moe: Not my field.
All of these games are in the good game range, however I'd personally give the majority of these titles high 8-10 as opposed to 7-10.

>> No.7856936

>Action: Akayashibito, Dies Irae (Fabula), Masaru.
Wait, Masaru is an action eroge? Hmm, I might be more inclined to prioritize it in my backlog. That said I can't imagine how the Artemis Blue writer would make an action game either.
Also what's its relation to the first game? Do they heavily depend on each other?

>> No.7856946
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Where is EVE burst error?

>> No.7856952

It's not.
Only the very last route has some action and a small scene in a side route
It's mainly a highschool romance on the realistic side like Parfait or SekaiDame

>> No.7856956

You HAVE to do Yukinojou 1 before Masaru.
They are heavily dependent on each others, though saying how would be a spoiler.

>> No.7857104
File: 43 KB, 352x352, 1000bricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems to have deliberately excluded translated VNs (other than recently translated Sharnoth and MLA). I mean, if you're going to list Mystery, you can't go without Ever17.

>> No.7857132

No. It doesn't even allow you to solve it properly.

>> No.7857147

What about horror?

The only one I can think of is Saya, other grimdark VNs with Lovecraftian undertones don't really come to mind.

>> No.7857156
File: 41 KB, 400x300, writer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denpa is a form of horror.

>> No.7857154

He indicated it's his very own personal opinion, give him a break and try resisting your urge to correct someone having a different opinion than you.

>> No.7857496

Wait, is that SubaHibi? When does that happen? I still need to finish it, so pardon my ignorance.

>> No.7857513
File: 22 KB, 200x400, story5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Its from the Moekan fandisc.

>> No.7857574
File: 62 KB, 480x272, コープスパーティー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked the latest PSP releases and tried Corpse Party - Book of Shadows.

Already stopped after an hour or so. Neat game and quite scary (for me at least), also Arai Satomis voice ist just adorable, but obviously it's based on the previous games, so I decided to try one of them before: Blood Covered, also on the PSP.

It plays much like an old SNES rpg minus the fighting and exp. You're trapped in an old school building full of madness and murder and need to find a way out of it.

The graphics are charming, the voices are great and the story develops nicely over the episodes, but the excessive use of adventure elements sucks away a lot of the enjoyment. Most of the time you run, actually walk slowly, forth and back from one end of the building to the other, collecting items and triggering random events, both at rather arbitrary spots. No fun, though maybe that's just because I prefer the traditional VN-style.

Also you can't ff or save at will, that's really annoying.

Anyway, still worth a try. Going back to Book of Shadows now, from what I've seen it's more a real VN this time.

>> No.7857575


>> No.7857630

I know about 200 kanji, all hiragana, all katakana, and no vocabulary. I'm doing 20 kanji a day, how long will it be until I can read the average VN? Should I start learning vocabulary now? If so where?

>> No.7857656


>> No.7857677

Can't you shit up a different thread please?

>> No.7857690

Deal with it nerd. I've been posting on the internet since jesus was born.

>> No.7857878

VNs generally tend to have more difficult text than shounen manga or whatever, the first couple games you play will probably give you a hard time with vocabulary no matter what. It's best to just advance however you feel comfortable and persevere even when it feels really hard.

>> No.7857882

Playing and reviewing translated games is the equivalent of masturbation etc.

>> No.7857883

Still no torrent for 脅迫3? Fuck this earth

>> No.7857893

VN inspired wet dreams > Masturbation

>> No.7857901

what are you smoking check tokyotosho, and get to downloading, for speed here:

>> No.7857921

I'm drunk and retarded, sorry. Thanks for the link.

>> No.7857961

no problem, we are here to help like minded people after all. if someone is looking something that I myself was looking then we shall help each other

>> No.7858003 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 1029x608, Clipboard123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was pretty good scene

so yeah, got Chachamaru end in Muramasa. That was pretty nice, and damn why she couldn't get proper route. and I know you guys said that Raichou wouldn't get proper fight scene so I was excepting it, but I didn't except this much of horseshit lazyness, shame on you Nitro+

>> No.7858024

>damn why she couldn't get proper route
because it turns into End of Evangelion otherwise

>> No.7858040
File: 132 KB, 540x400, arbeit_c1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah next Atelier Kaguya Honky Tonk Pumpkin.

>> No.7858049

that brown girl.

>> No.7858074

This made my day. Seriously.

>> No.7858072

what I meant that it wouldn't branch of Muramasa route, just be it's own route with different events happening, so the scenario thats happening in Muramasa route doesn't happen like in Ichijou and Kanae routes

>> No.7858083

it wouldn't change things much, considering what Chachamaru's objective is. You'd just have more filler ending up with the same result. And the first part is all focused on Chachamaru anyways.

>> No.7858090

My body will never be ready for brown bakery-girl.

>> No.7858142

but something still could go different and produce different end result and somehow change her motivations or deal her "issue" in some different way.
but I probably shouldn't start theorying before I finish the true end. there's around 1 chapter left from the point which chachamaru end branches off, right?

>> No.7858426

Yeah, my bad. I listed just a few off the top of my head before going to bed.

>> No.7858438

You still need to finish that chapter, and you have a long way to go.

>> No.7858452

Fantasy Earth Zero. Can only play in HK though, I'm not smart enough to get around the JP IP block.

>> No.7858459 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 800x600, chihaya_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got to this point in Kusari. Locked in the winch room, again. Will Karen ever stop being a bitch
Whilst... I appreciate the sentiment, Chihaya... I don't see how this improves my current situation.

>> No.7858479

I finished re reading Sharnoth, because translation and all.
I didn't remember the scene after the credits and made me giggle like a like girl.
now it's between Schatten and NG na koi, but I think I'll read the first for some action.

>> No.7858499

Is this thing as good as Nurse ni Omakase?

Because that game left me empty, sore, and extremely satisfied with how things played out.

>> No.7858752

It's always sort of pleasant when the first H-scene in a game is the protagonist's wet dream.

>> No.7858805 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.7858827 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.7858894 [SPOILER] 
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>>7858459 here


>> No.7859041

Fuck yeah Chihaya ending. It's so great.
Did you miss noticing that it was just announced? How would anyone know?
Besides, for something similar to Nurse ni Omakase you should play the other Berkshire Yorkshire eroges by the same artist, Choco chip. Anejiru is a good start in my opinion and the two games also share a heroine.

>> No.7859853

Does anyone happen to have the scripts for Tsui no Sora? No, I'm not planning on translating it.

>> No.7860091

>start up Twinkle Crusaders

Oh hey, it's Azel's birthday.


>> No.7860099
File: 1.10 MB, 1040x679, azelbirthday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.7860107

Too bad choco chip resigned from AKBY.

>> No.7860121

Anyone else looking forward to the new AKB48 galge? I'm surprised how well the first sold.

>> No.7860125

On Act 5 of Sharnoth. I really need to just sit down and finish it in one sitting, so I can get started on Muv Luv.

>> No.7860164
File: 14 KB, 180x295, rice cracker guypost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Jade Cocoon right now, does that count?

I also have Koihime Musou and Shikkoku no Sharnoth on my desktop, so I'll look into those.
Is Daiteikoku comparable to Big Bang Age?

Speaking of which, Big Bang Age was fucking awesome.

>> No.7860367

Yeah, it's a real shame. I wish he'd do nukiges again instead of yet another Parfait spinoff. Preferably using older designs he used to, again.

>> No.7860633

Finished Rance Quest, I guess I'll start Mirai Nostalgia

>> No.7860759

Why did he left anyway?
Isn't he a founding member?

>> No.7860862

I have no idea.
I noticed that Atelier Kaguya has an immense recruitment going on right now, looking for pretty much every position ( http://www.a-kaguya.com/recruit/recruit.html at least it looks pretty extensive to me but what do I know about developing eroge. Besides what "Rakuen" and Clockup's "Eroge" taught me). I hope they'll be fine though.
However Choco chip left way before that I think.

>> No.7860923

Whoa, I hope they aren't in trouble.
Did everyone mass resigned like what happened to Studio Ego?
I hope not. They're one of my favorite eroge companies.

>> No.7861133

Dunno, I also hope it's not a sign of a split or something.
Yeah, they're one of my favorites too.

>> No.7861136 [SPOILER] 
File: 678 KB, 800x600, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to play Lamune as my first eroge in japanese on a whim. Just finished Suzuka's route, and now trying Nanami. After that, thinking of playing a other Nekoneko soft title, maybe Scarlett if it isn't hard, or Sanarara.
I laughed in this scene more than it deserved and I think everybody in /jp/ knows why.

>> No.7861138

She stayed dry

>> No.7861168

So that's from lamune. I thought it was a random fanart.

>> No.7861305

Sanarara is short and easy to read, not to mention good. It's a good choice for a beginner untranslated eroge.

>> No.7861573

Thanks. I'll play it before then.

>> No.7862002

Now that I've played the Chihaya route, I don't want to play the other routes because... well, we all know what will happen to her on them. But on the other hand, I really want to find out what happens on the rest of the routes. Ah, well, maybe it won't be so frustrating if it's Kishida doing the raping. He's at least a man I can respect unlike your friend with the small penis

>> No.7862441

Currently in Amane's route in Grisaia
I can't stop being attached to these girls even though I know they are all going to die horribly, especially Kazuki is awesome.

>> No.7862480

Most of them turn into royal bitches

>> No.7862518

How good is Swan Song's translation?

>> No.7862522

It's shit.

>> No.7862546

*hipstering warning*

Didn't seem to have any out of place lines or huge translation errors. My favourite VN from the time I still read VNs in plebeijan 英語.

>> No.7862550

Just because you can't tell it's shit doesn't mean it isn't.

>> No.7863316

Alright, so I started reading H2O plus. To any one else that has read H2O, wikipedia says the game takes place in three parts with the first part being where you meet the characters and ending with the protag leaving for a few years. The second part starting when the protag comes back.

So my question is, are they still in school in the second part of the game? Because I would kind of lose interest if they're all adults or something.

>> No.7863519


>> No.7863538


>> No.7863556


Although, there is nothing that looks particularly interesting. I might try some of the Kyarage if I hear good things.

>> No.7863558

Why do I always read this when it just makes me irritated?

>> No.7863579

Micchi's top 5 sums up the highlights of the month pretty well, I think.

A Chinami-like imouto in SuGirly and a pink imouto in Koikishi... Suika sequel... your diary looks somewhat interesting too. Honestly don't know about Sucre though.

Also, regardless of how many ChuxChu games there are, I still want to try to get into them. Vampire reputation aside, the songs and art seem good.

>> No.7863599
File: 56 KB, 600x339, 1296327589795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking Zen seriously

>> No.7863600

Green guy hates eroge

>> No.7863606

I just have a hard time telling the difference between all these kyarage. They always seem to be so hit and miss.

The art in dear diary looks nice though.

>> No.7863641

Probably play your diary for Kantoku's art.

>> No.7863931

>I hate eroge.

>> No.7863995

Kajiri Kamui Kagura is a mesh of everything typically ancient japanese ever and then I read
>This time around the story appears to have its roots based in the Chinese tale of Saiyuki.
I mean what, did I get trolled?

>> No.7864296

Finished Amane's route.
God tier epilogue, the voice actress of Amane is seriously amazing.

So far this game doesn't disappoint.

>> No.7864333

I'm in the mood for some dungeon crawling and started Rance 6

it's fun but a bit annoying to switch options in agth whenever I don't understand what they are talking about because every single character has his own option for his/her text exclusively

>> No.7864368

There was a helper program that link/combines various AGTH thread together on hongfire.

Too bad hongfire is dead. (Btw why the fuck are they hosted on hostgator now?)

>> No.7864462

after doing some google I learned that adding /ns to the command line merges all the different threads into one

thanks for pointing me in the right direction

>> No.7864480

I'm thinking of playing Baldr force.
EXE would be the best version for PC right?
Also were there eevr made patches to port ps2 content?

>> No.7864485

>not being complete total cunts and telling people to fuck off to /a/ because they can't find x

>> No.7864488

The all ages version is available on PC, it's called Standard Edition I think

>> No.7864494

Ok, thanks. And at least I've found a good download for that.

>> No.7864512
File: 74 KB, 491x560, 1299933273810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got link to the partially translated patch of To Heart 2? Every goddamn link seems to be dead.

If someone has it saved to their HD, maybe you could be so kind and upload it into RS/MU/etc?

>> No.7864513

baldr force ps2 contents...?
the only thing's difference IIRC is the voices.

>> No.7864517

And the lack of rapes and the censoring.
Which mean they censored like half of Genha's scenes.

>> No.7864539

Hey guys, where can I check out the translation status of the Stains;gate?

>> No.7864580

>Steiner, how's Chapter 2 going? I've gotten sg02_09 to the end finished.
>I'm also mostly done with sg02_08.
>We could finish the initial translation by this week.
Look like it is going to be done soon.

>> No.7864820

once again they make me rage and leave the best title of month out of their list

>> No.7864863

Like what?
Kyohaku 3?

>> No.7864909

Venus Blood -Abyss- ofcourse, what else? and maybe that too, but it's on less priority

>> No.7864978

i think kyohaku is pretty cool guy
eh pirates and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.7864985
File: 406 KB, 1030x608, Clipboard125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you about them
I told you about them sudokus

Muramasa, master of breaking the flow of story with mini-gaems. now let's see ho long this will take

>> No.7864987

I still don't understand what I had to do there.

>> No.7865007

You had to get the same sum in every column, I believe. Maybe every layer, too, don't remember that too well. I do remember, however, that it was a fun nut to crack, but I was always a fan of math puzzles.

>> No.7865013

okay, fuck this shit this is taking too long, I'm cheating, not going to waste entire day on this stupid multi dimensional high number sudoku. dang this shame, having to use walktrough, only once before I have had to look one up

>> No.7865017

Anyone play 君を仰ぎ乙女は姫に?
Just wondering if there's a way to change the window mode resolution without an outside program as unless I hook my laptop up to TV, it's bigger than my laptop's screen resolution, and I don't really like playing games in full screen.

>> No.7865043

You needed to place the numbers so that the sum of 5 numbers in every line gave 315.
For example the first red line 36+78+51+29+121 = 315, and the first number of each level 36+56+40+116+67= 315. You had to find the numbers that fit.

It was honestly frustrating at first because you're used to just read ahead, but the sense of accomplishment once solved makes you feel like you earned your plot and makes a better experience, I guess that's what they were aiming for.

>> No.7865063

Took me about 6 months to get where I am now, I'm able to read non-technical things at a decent pace, but like the other person said, the most limiting factor is vocab by far(kanji readings included). Also when you just start out with trying to read it will take you forever to decrypt even a few sentences, but if you keep persisting you will get better, to the point where you can comfortably read anything that is within your vocab range.

On another note, I just finished reading Fortune Arterial, it was better than the anime to say the least, probably also better than a lot of the recent stuff I've tried. Any recommendations for the next VN?

>> No.7865079

You have the titles posted for beginners just a few posts above, you have vndb, you can read japanese so you have egs. The sooner you learn how to look for games by yourself the better for you.

>> No.7865170
File: 300 KB, 990x1400, 20110811_freepaper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited the Innogrey-website and found some bits of information about their upcoming release. It's just this poster with a few lines on the basic setting. Nothing new, but I didn't know of it before.

So it takes place (or at least starts) in a secluded village with a lots of mysteries and an upcoming matsuri. Well, not to innovative so far, but I always liked this kind of scenario.

Also it's winter … and I hope this will be the only parallel to Caucasus.

And the main girl will be a robot. Well, probably not. I'm too stupid to make much sense out of the last line. Anyway, looking forward to this.

>> No.7865192 [DELETED] 

How do I avoid my computer from deleting a file I patch with a nocd exe?
I can do it in a virtual machine, but is really uncomfortable to play in one and I can swear I've terminated my anti virus.

>> No.7865256

It's, unsurprisingly, a quote from the Divine Comedy's Purgatory. A shitty translation would be something like "With human reason alone you can't walk Heaven's path", they were talking about the Trinity.

>> No.7865270

Here, found a much better english version: "Insane is he who hopeth that our reason / Can traverse the illimitable way"

>> No.7865359

Anything promising coming out in the next few months?
I'm seeing nothing promising this month

>> No.7865363


>> No.7865375

VBA, if you enjoy gameplay and passable story to go with it. also new raiL-Soft if it's your thing.

>> No.7865470


>> No.7865478
File: 103 KB, 232x256, hurrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you're trying to do,anon XD

>> No.7865481

Did you really need to post this here?

>> No.7865485

Sup moogy

>> No.7865488

Why not? The green guy shit was posted too.

>> No.7865515

His fanboying over Shumon is getting pretty pathetic.
Tenshi no Hane was really underwhelming, shallow plot that only get good in the last route, shallow characters, shit humor and slice of life, an interesting magic system that is badly used and probably the most Gary Stue protagonist ever

>> No.7865533


For some odd reason, it's a little hard to find the thread on google, so you'd better bookmark it.

>> No.7865543

Though, the one there is missing certain scenes that were translated in the individual routes like the Tama-nee H scene.
Unless it was updated recently.

>> No.7865567

That missing scene is a mistake, the old Tama-nee patch had it translated already. The fix still hasn't been released, as far as I know. Maybe on the next patch.

>> No.7865578

Someone /jp/ tried compiling a fixed one. I can upload that as I believe I have it.

>> No.7865581

Actually, here's the link to it, it was on /rs/

>> No.7865582

That would be helpful, I didn't know someone had done that.

>> No.7865595

Fucking Baldr force SE can't be windowed.

>> No.7865625

Maybe one of those forced-windowed programs help? They are not 100% guaranteed, though.

>> No.7865631

Try to force yourself to read it like this.
Use a hand dictionary if you are the type to always use agth, it'll take longer but you'll learn better that way

>> No.7865636
File: 15 KB, 492x328, 1315353966629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bro and I want to get into dating sims. I don't really know if this is where to post, but what are some good VN's with dating/dating sims? He wants to play to apparently get a waifu, and I just want to try one. What are some good starter ones? I've played Sagara Family, myself, but that's more of an H game in my eyes than dating

>> No.7865642

True Love. While old, is probably one of the better dating sims in English. Alternatively, the Pia Carrot game that was translated.

>> No.7865644

>only get good in the last route

That's one of the thing I noticed that is getting more and more prevalent these days and it's starting to annoy me.
IroSekai, Tenshi, Rewrite, even the recent Mirai Nostalgia.
It feels like the writers only try hard on the last route without caring about the rest.
I guess they follow the Ever17 formula that was pretty successful back then, I personally don't think going through 20 hours of mediocrity for 3-4 hours of good things is worth it though

>> No.7865650

You can if you are in 16-bit color mode. All old Giga games are like that.

>> No.7865654
File: 2.41 MB, 1142x1253, deolelist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some older games,anon. They pretty much have that "dating sim" system.

>> No.7865658
File: 996 KB, 1306x793, Laharl conquers Celestia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're both curious, but does it involve, like, actually building relationships that can lead to sex when they get really close? Or is it just sex scenes regardless? Do VN's/sims even exist like that?

They told me Sagara Family was like that but it wasn't.

>> No.7865669
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of good dating sims aren't translated.
But this one is a classic and its still great even if it is a bit old.

>> No.7865671

Pia Carrot most definitely does not have sex regardless of what happens. The game can definitely end without getting together with a girl.
It's been a while since I've played True Love, but I'm fairly sure it's the same.

>> No.7865675

Dead of the Brain I PCECD Version... Im thinking about replaying the game in PC98, it seems like some scenes were edited or toned down in this console release... not totally sure though.

>> No.7865680

I looked at some of the cgs of that a while ago...
It's pretty damn scary looking.

>> No.7865679

Thanks for the link, I'll try it out later.


I don't think even the biggest KEY fan can bring himself to really like that game. Let's leave it at that.

>> No.7865683

Nostalgiaing like crazy.
brb downloading

>> No.7865684


Pia Carrot has sex scenes, but only in the PC versions, with the exception of the PCFX port of Pia Carrot 1. The sequels on Saturn or Dreamcast don't have any sex scenes, also some ecchi scenes are censored (there is text and voice but no CG).

>> No.7865687

>Now I am sure you all had a great time last week.
>But one of the points of this club was to get to know several people so that you know when to settle down.
>So who would you try to hang out with for the next week?

>You: Umm; I would prefer [same girl as last week].
>Girl: W...w.. we had a great time, b.. but, y..y... You really liked me that much?

>> No.7865724

Not that I've read many of this years releases, but even though I'm only a few hours in 君を仰ぎ乙女は姫に will probably turn out to be one of my favorites.
So many good feelings so far.

>> No.7865879
File: 159 KB, 800x600, oh_sorry_I_can't_read_english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Kishida, why are you so awesome?

>> No.7866167

That's because Sagara family is not a dating sim. A dating sim is usually something like the Tokimeki Memorial series, Love Plus, Amagami etc. and they usually aren't 18+. The only 18+ dating sim that comes to mind would be the Kakyuusei series.

If you need to play in English though, then I don't think you have many options.

>> No.7866207
File: 1.02 MB, 999x562, homolust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More games need characters that actively try and homolust the protagonist.

>> No.7866211

Peter Payne disagrees.

>> No.7866216

Peter Payne doesn't know a hawk from a handsaw, despite his 'credentials'.

>> No.7866225

He only does that to get NORMAL'S to buy his shit.

>> No.7866226

More games should actually deliver in that regard too.

>> No.7866247

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, Anon.

>> No.7867131

I'm playing G-Senjou and plan on doing Haru's route last, I finished Tsubaki's and it was Meh. I don't feel like reading all the routes so which route would be better idea to skip: Kanon or Shirotori? Would it be a bad idea to skip any of them?

>> No.7867159

I played kanon's route, was pretty good, currently doing usami's

>> No.7867174

Finished Yui's route in H2O plus. Gotta say, the game was pretty... shitty. The common route takes up much too large a portion of the game.

The protag is at a school in the country for like, 2 weeks, goes on a date with Yui once (that's her route), and leaves the village. Time skips to several years later where they meet again, and confess their love for each other. Pretty ridiculous. I don't see how there could be that much development between them when he is only there for so long. Oh well, guess I can't say I expected much. But they could've done a lot more with the setting and characters.

>> No.7867179

Why don't you finish the game before you complain? If you didn't play through the entirety of Ever17 you'd think it was shit.

>> No.7867182

You should know who you're talking to.

>> No.7867200

Is the common route going to be less shitty when I play through a different route?

>> No.7867246
File: 1008 KB, 1088x612, imouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have 3 imoutos who are referred to as one unit.

>> No.7867288


Shame it's not fully voiced. Also, it's strange how the art isn't consistent. Alice looks way better than some of the other monsters.

>> No.7867425


A couple of different artists contributed to the project, which is why the art is so inconsistent. That guy who does the Monstergirl Encyclopedia was one of them.

>> No.7867430 [DELETED] 

And now it's causing me butt devastation because of heroine role changes in a play culminating in a kiss scene.

>> No.7867444 [DELETED] 

Even though I know it'll probably go back to how it was before soon enough.

>> No.7867779

>A couple of different artists
Make that eight.
Anyways Torotoro said the next chapter is more or less 1.5 times the number of monsters/scenes/attacks the prequel had, so it's taking a while longer to get together.

>> No.7868320


>> No.7868353
File: 23 KB, 249x350, 605980_179337_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone finished Ningen Debris here? I kinda liked the game until most of the plot was revealed in a single scene... now its just boring, I feel like the plot doesn't have more jawdroppers like the first half of the game. Also sex scenes are REALLY long.

>> No.7868357

That goddamn game.
It's worth to see the second half and seeing him take revenge and all

>> No.7868456

Triplet imoutos? What game is this?

>> No.7868777

The one with the black hair is also another imouto, as well as an infant imouto not pictured there.

>> No.7868785

>I don't think even the biggest KEY fan can bring himself to really like that game. Let's leave it at that.
Actually a lot of people liked it and you're just saying that because you didn't personally like it.

>> No.7868815

Ningen Debris has the most satisfying ending imaginable. I loved pretty much everything about this VN including the sex scenes that go on forever.

>> No.7868874

I'm playing forest at the moment. And also wondering, what do the color of the leaves have to do with the story content in each segment?

>> No.7868878

Would I correct to assume that its sex scenes would be just like Biniku no Kaori where they keep discussing normal stuff in the middle of the (animated) sex scenes for hours? I quite liked that.
Also how does it compare with BnK's walking around 3d stuff? Is it bigger/more extensive etc?

>> No.7869050

It's been years so don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember non-green leaves (were they yellow?) are important scenes that make the story advance so you should leave them for last while green leaves are regular scenes.
Can't remember if the "beginning story" also has its own color but you should notice the pattern if it's so.

>> No.7869058

>*Would I be correct

>> No.7869059

Green color is totally bullshit.

>> No.7869094
File: 132 KB, 600x450, 1313544191909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a 100% save file for Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo? Somehow I missed some CGs along the way.

>> No.7869112

Halfway through the second route of Fate/stay night. It's a good game so far.

>> No.7869130

http://sagaoz.net/savedata/ has an impressive collection of save files.

>> No.7869239
File: 33 KB, 800x344, gdts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowpoke, I know. But I recently found out about Subarashiki, and it sounds like my kind of thing. It appears to be pretty well received, so why hasn't anyone picked it up for translation yet?

>> No.7869240

Quotes from books, but mostly because moogy.
And it's awesome, yeah.

>> No.7869249

Is there still no release date for Mermaid Kaikyou wo Koero!?
In mean, it should be released this month.

>> No.7869399

for same reason as the other great games out there which have no translation yet

>> No.7869446

It's not translatable.

>> No.7869519

Disagree extremely. Subarashiki Hibi's japanese translates remarkably well into english. Very little culturally exclusive lines.

>> No.7869548

I seem to remember quite a few scenes that played upon/brought out the ambiguity of the language quite extensively. Of course it's not like they're untranslatable, but it'd require you to somehow coagulate them into what you think they mean, and at that point it just becomes "the game according to ___" rather than the actual game. I mean, more so than usual.
I may be wrong though.

>> No.7869640

Would it be a bad idea to skip Shiratori's route? Which is better Kanon's or Shiratori's?

>> No.7869651

Shiratori has the worst route if you have ever liked Mizuha.

>> No.7869669

This is usually only a problem with Ayana. But even then, imo it's really limited compared to say Sharnoth and Inganock, which have both been translated (though I don't know how successfully).

>> No.7869682
File: 58 KB, 372x735, ayana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should just translate Ayana's lines

>> No.7869684

Does anyone know when the two new Grisaia games will be up for preorder? On that note, also Material Brave, and Akatsuki Work's new game?

Also, beyond that, what's to look forward to next year beyond those, and Mahou Tsukai no Yoru?

>> No.7869716

No hard feelings for the translator, but I tried a bit of both and they read pretty bad. He just chose the kind of poetic prose that either you have talent translating or you don't, and well.

>> No.7869767

>Actually coming out
Nope. Not with Dark Souls imminent.

>> No.7869820

Because disregarding the people who jump on the game calling it "pretentious", most of the people on the translation scene agrees on either one of the following: "It's not my thing" or "It's so great it should only be translated with we can put our best efforts into it". The former being people such as Ixrec and TakaJun, and the latter, mainly and most infamously moogy.

Regardless of the views of each person, I just think it's a real damn shame the project won't be finished until 2012. It just won't be the same thing for the people who read it after that.

>> No.7870121

I thought Sharnoth's translation was good, really. It still skipped a couple of those line/voice discrepancies that don't matter that much.
A lot better than Inganock's at the very least, now that was bad.

>> No.7870285
File: 89 KB, 805x626, parfait 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Asuka's true end in Parfait. I'm struggling to even think of words to describe how I felt during those last couple of scenes, it was that good.

>> No.7870579

next year will probably have Taiyou no Ko and next Ikusa Megami game. not much else comes to mind

>> No.7870581


there's more than 1 end for Asuka?

>> No.7870590

I don't think so.

>> No.7870594

threads on the bump limit

>> No.7871160

new thread >>7871154
