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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 377 KB, 850x706, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7862319 No.7862319 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ have cats?

Did you know that cats have been proven to alleviate negative moods to the same extent as having a romantic partner?

>> No.7862330

My allergies disagree.

>> No.7862338

I would, but I'm too poor.

>> No.7862335
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Yes, I love my cat.

>> No.7862340

I had a dream last night that while I was away doing something my mother taught my cat how to speak, and give it a silly sweater and pants, and well as really silly looking glasses.

I thought /jp/ needed to know that.

>> No.7862339

Pretty much any pet does that. Just choose the one animal you prefer

>> No.7862347
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Also no, I have no cat because I live alone and I rent an apartment.
When I lived with my parents we had a cat, cat fur was everywhere, all over my keyboard, clothes, etc.

>> No.7862428
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He looks kinda like an asshole, but he's a big baby.

>> No.7862432
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Does he go to sharnoth?

>> No.7862442
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Yeah, I call him Brian.

Check him out.

>> No.7862470

Never read that one, sorry.

>> No.7862616

I hope to one day get a nice little female black cat and name her Bernkastel. I'll even tie a lovely blue ribbon to her tail! Although I'm not sure if a cat would be happy having something tied to her tail...

>> No.7862619

The golden eye.

>> No.7862620

I wish I had a cat. But if I got one, it would hang out with my NEET roommate while I'm at work and then it would hate me.

>> No.7862624

Damn it jp. My cat died last night. He was completely fine a week ago then got very sick very quickly (FIP) and died at just under 6 years old. He was the only thing on this earth that loved me unconditionally.

>> No.7862629


Just get a new one that looks just like the old. Name it the same name and treat it the same, you'll be fine.

>> No.7862628

i once had a cat
it tore apart the couch, the pillows, the mattress, everything, i dont think it left anything untouched. mom got angry and kicked him out.

>> No.7862631

There are a few in my house, but one of them follows me constantly. She even sleeps in my room every night, and will wait outside any room I'm in if the door is closed. To boot, she listens to "commands" like a dog. She's my NEETing partner.

>> No.7862635
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>> No.7862633


>> No.7862637

Raising him from a kitten and sleeping with him every night says not.

>> No.7862636
File: 145 KB, 450x446, 1315229108330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cats are experts at removing dumb shit their owners put on them, ribbons included. You can get her to cosplay though, animal cosplay is hilarious.

>> No.7862640

Sorry to hear it, bro. But as long as he had a good life prior to the sickness, try not to feel too down about it. It's a shame, but most pets have short lifespans.

>> No.7862649

I had a cat, and her loss was probably the saddest moment in my 22 years of life.

>> No.7862650

That's terrible. I know I'll be crushed when my cat dies.

>> No.7862652

Can any cat be raised to be affectionate or at least tolerable of affection if you raise it with lots of love and physical contact, or does it just depend on the cat's personality?

>> No.7862651
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my favorite cat

>> No.7862656 [DELETED] 

I'm going to dedicate my life to tracking down your cat, killing it, and posting pictures on /jp/.

>> No.7862654

I wouldn't mind being the guy in the OP pic.

>> No.7862653
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>> No.7862658
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>> No.7862661

Yeah we always used to have cats ever since I know myself. My current one is a giant black and white tabby. She's such a lovely and clever pet I love her a lot.
Anyway you should take this to /an/ since that's not really otaku related.

>> No.7862662 [DELETED] 

you wanna fucking fight kid well guess what I just hacked your IP address. yea thats right you can't do shit you fucking pussy... if you try to start ANY MORE shit with me, I'll hack the shit out of your computer so be warned you terrorist piece of shit. and if you try to come to my house just be warned that I know Kung Fu and have a GUN so if you wanna start some shit I'll fuckin be ready to kick the shit out of you. You've been warned, motherfucker. don't FUCK WITH ME again.

>> No.7862662,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did the janitor literally delete my post about killing Sudo's cat?

>> No.7862665

I wouldn't mind to be the girl even if I'm a boy, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7862669

Personality tends to play a pretty big role in that for cats, although upbringing still has a significant effect. Some breeds are also notably friendlier than others, much like dogs.

>> No.7862673

Yes, I have lots of cat bodies borrowed in my backyard.

Fucking deceitful animals.

>> No.7862681

Yes if you're careful enough. Many cat owners do mistakes like allowing the cat to bite and claw them when it's still a kitten and can't do any harm and then the cat grows up and still continues the same because it thinks nothing's wrong with that, except it now has twenty times the bite strength.

But cats are reasonably smart and don't tend to bite the hand that feeds, quite literally in their case. So if you're the one supplying its food it will allow you to do shit that would normally result in a hiss and bite.

>> No.7862724

Takes creativity to deceive.

My cat likes to sit just out of reach while I'm at the computer. He knows I'll have to get up to pet him, and when I do, he jumps behind me and sits on my chair.
Damn clever cat.

>> No.7862751

No, but I've been being stalked by a few of them recently.
Maybe I should stop feeding stray cats.

>> No.7862766

>Can any cat be raised to be affectionate or at least tolerable of affection if you raise it with lots of love and physical contact, to the level of allowing you to buttfuck them with your human penis?

Be honest, anon.

>> No.7862769

Not likely.

Also, ew.

>> No.7862773

Everytime I try to pet a street cat it bites me
PS I am a Japanese schoolgirl

>> No.7862776

Japanese nekos only like delinquents with hearts of gold.

>> No.7862781
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I have three cats. One is very small and skittish. One likes to piss in my bath tub. They open doors as they please. When the doorbell rings this one runs to a cabinet and hides inside.

>> No.7862782
File: 216 KB, 768x576, spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a cute little fat ass he is :3

i am trying to cut down his food though

>> No.7862800

I would want to keep a cat, but I heard they love jumping on shelves.

I don't think I will enjoy that cat knocking all over my figures.

>> No.7862816
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Is that so?

>> No.7862814
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Your probably have better luck with a Iromote Mountain Cat.

>> No.7862824
File: 76 KB, 613x498, pig83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>animal cosplay is hilarious.

Agreed 100%.

>> No.7862940
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This is the kitten I picked up a few weeks ago.

>> No.7862946

My mother is allergic to cats and dogs.
I might get a cat one day on my own but I will probably give it away because fuck that shit ya know, not even worth it.

>> No.7862955

Cats are great, but every time I've gone to the pet store to get cat food, I pass by the birds and can't help but think of /jp/. They seem so agitated and desirous to make spaghetti, I must have one.

>> No.7862956

Some cats go OK for people with allergies. My mum is allergic but the ragdoll cat we have is fine for some reason.

Also, you are heartless and mean I think.

>> No.7862962

I have a couple of cats.
One just puked on my bed.
Why would you go ALL the way to jump on a bed if you aren't feeling well?

>> No.7862977

\( ゚◡◡゚)/

>> No.7863032


You should name it Youmu, because it looks like it's the softest cat.

>> No.7863067

Had a black and white cat named Yoshi... RIP 1995-2011.

>> No.7863136

Adorable. I miss owning a cat.

>> No.7863169

Man, I want a cat so bad, I just moved out on my own and would love a cat. Only problem is I live in a small efficiency. Its perfect for one guy like me, but i worry it'd be too small for a cat.

Also I have a full time job, so I worry it'd get lonely too. (yeah yeah, not actually a NEET, small price to pay for total privacy and independence.)

>> No.7863193 [SPOILER] 
File: 923 KB, 250x200, warning brutal cat gets run over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming your cats after anime/manga/game/vn characters

Does anyone really do this?

>> No.7863213


If you live alone and it's not an annoying mouthful of a name, it doesn't really matter. It's better than Fluffy or Socks or whatever people tend to call their cats anyway, and you wouldn't have to tell anyone the meaning of the name if you didn't want to.

Besides it's not hard to find some names that don't really sound all that unusual, such as Westernized names, food etc... like if you called a rabbit Reisen, people would just assume it's named "raisin", and you'd never have to correct them.

>> No.7863217

I live with eight cats. Five are in the room right now. Most were strays. They never leave my side.

Too many cats, but I'm not going to get rid of them. Having too many is a shit reason to abandon them.

>> No.7863223

My family used to have a cat named Kimba. And one of my friends had one named Marth.

>> No.7863260


>> No.7863278
File: 2.92 MB, 2195x1750, Orin239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever floats your boat, if that's what you're into then we're not here to judge.

Although, some particular cats are pretty hot admittedly.

>> No.7863302

Yep; Sulphur.

>> No.7863321

Why is this meta thread still up? Why do our janitors suck so much ass? Further proof that our Janitors are actually /a/ users.

>> No.7863350
File: 19 KB, 360x480, theshitiputupwith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7863378

What type of cat is that?

>> No.7863376

She is really soft. Like a cotton ball.

>> No.7863392

Uh. As far as I know they're a "big boy cuddly cat" and "prissy fat princess cat". They were probably just stray mutts. Why do you ask.

>> No.7863417

>Why do you ask

Has a nice looking coat

>> No.7863422

It's a shoddy phone picture that I took when I woke up one afternoon, but I have to admit that he is pretty handsome. I have no idea what he could be, though.
