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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7857413 No.7857413 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /jp/. Any japanese movies or series that center on a man romancing a female youkai or spirit (like that Chinese movie)?

Any anime/manga (apart from the obvious Tasogare otome and my sweet ghost kana) for that matter?

>> No.7857427

you know what would also be cool?
the youkai eats him.

>> No.7857426
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>> No.7857436

Sounds like something sneaky youkai scum would do.

>> No.7857442

Yeah well, obviously, should have mentioned that too.

I mostly meant stuff of the 3D variety.

>> No.7857437

The top of autism is actually thinking that any kind of woman would be interested in autistic neckbeard.

-"Hey! I'm floor shitting, fat, ugly, non-shaved/bathed autist let's be friends"
-"SURE! Just because I'm not youkai who would like someone of at least my level on social ladder, and especially not youkai like myself, or skilled human!"

I just can't stop to imagine people who have such fantasies and are sweating on keyboard while making such stories.

>> No.7857441

Any Touhou fanfic that has faceless man in it

>> No.7857446

What the hell are you going on about?

>> No.7857453

Elfen Lied

>> No.7857450

Calm down.

>> No.7857456

>I mostly meant stuff of the 3D variety.
Then what are you doing on /jp/? >>>/tv/ is what you want.

>> No.7857461

OP is talking about fiction, fucktard. Nobody here gives a shit what real women think of them.

>> No.7857465
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Why waste your time watching movies and shows when you can summon YOUR VERY OWN youkai?

>> No.7857469

And that's what I wrote - about fiction made by ugly neck beards who imagine themselves with anything female, especially with things(?) that are above them in everything.

>> No.7857481

Getting a bit tinfoil hattish there, bro.

>> No.7857502

Welcome /x/, enjoy your stay.
Just be sure to keep eris away.
The grifter too, and slenderman.
If /sp/ comes here, then /x/ sure can.

>> No.7857506
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>> No.7857523
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Actually youkai are below humans in the Buddhist hierarchy. And the magical girlfriend genre is pretty mainstream.

If I only wanted 2D I would have asked /a/.
However, /jp/ struck me as more knowledgeable in nip folklore and fiction outside of the 2d medium.

>> No.7857536
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>outside of the 2d medium

>> No.7857546
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But Japanese 3D stuff sucks even more than western 3D, why would we waste our time with that when we can have eroge and doujinshi?

>> No.7857558

Oh how I wish to visit a shrine in the snow..

>> No.7857562

Don't pretend. This place has idol-threads, go-to-japan-threads and even genuine non-otaku japanese culture threads in between all the touhou.

But alright, let me ask you like that then. Any VNs apart from Tsukihime that touch on this topic? Nothing where you encounter an oni woman in the wilderness?

>> No.7857564

I want to suck on her horns.

>> No.7857567

there is a large amount of nukige and commercial hentai on this topic, but I doubt that's what you are looking for.

>> No.7857569


>> No.7857572

>japan 3D worse than west 3D
Just kill yourself.

>> No.7857573
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Become a touhoufag OP.

>> No.7857588

Oh, if you want folklore, there's the Dream of Akinosuke, Story of the Clam, Legend of the White Snake (that's Chinese but also extremely cute, though it ends on a rather sad note - thanks a bunch, Fahai), and a great number of human/monstrous deity couples in Kojiki and Nihongi (Hoori and Toyotama-hime are especially notable, mostly because latter is a shark princess. Kotoshironushi/Mizokuhi-hime and Omononushi/Seyadatara-hime are other couples I particularly like, though the female side is human in those.) off the top of my head.

>> No.7857604

Looking into that.

No. I'm more interested in romantic stuff that focuses on the characters and the whole dilemma of their relationship. A mythological angle of sorts is very welcome.

>> No.7857608

>This place has idol-threads
They live in their own little ghetto seperate from the rest of /jp/.
>Any VNs apart from Tsukihime that touch on this topic?
Plenty of them:

>> No.7857623
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>Nothing where you encounter an oni woman in the wilderness?

You have good taste.
I wish you luck and I hope your quest bears you many fruits. And I hope you share these with the rest of us anons.

The only thing close that I know of are some happy Yuugi doujins. However, like with most Touhou doujins, for every one happy and consensual doujin, there are ten where a train is ran over her.

>> No.7857637

There's a korean film called "The Fox Family," where a group of foxes must find lovers so as to eat their livers. It's a musical, too.

>> No.7857657

Let me guess, one of the foxes falls in love with a man and can't go through with it?

>> No.7857664

Names of those happy Yuugi doujins?

>> No.7857679
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that's awful. yuugi is clearly the one who should be doing the abusing

>> No.7857685

she seems like a good domestic abuser

>> No.7857719

what i really want is to be yuugi's subjugated housewaifu. i could spend the days wearing dresses and cooking meals for our huge oni kids, then late at night, she comes home drunk and forces herself on me for some rough, abusive, dispassionate sex.

>> No.7857724

More likely, Yuugi would end up in a relationship with an even stronger male oni that would beat the crap out of her and force her to do household chores she really hates.

>> No.7857727

its cool as long as she NTRs me

>> No.7857761

Whatever happened to "If you cant find something that fits your tastes you make your own."? Kids these days are so lazy.

>> No.7857795

That makes me sad.

>> No.7857803

is she not one of the four devas or some shit? I doubt there are any oni stronger than her.

>> No.7857853
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Don't say such horrible things!
And Yuugi wouldn't want to be a housewife. She would probably want a nice guy to be her househusband like that anon said. He could cook delicious meals every day and clean the house with the kids while Yuugi is passed out drunk on the couch.

Besides, no one is stronger than Yuugi the Strong.

>> No.7858283
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Oni girls are the best.

>> No.7858294
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In the year 1544, in his wild youth, Takeda Shingen went as far as to go to war in order to marry his own niece. The girl, lady Koi as she was known, turned out to be quite a bit more than met the eye.

Then things got complicated.

>> No.7858295 [DELETED] 

>And Yuugi wouldn't want to be a housewife.
That's exactly the point. I can't imagine oni would be very progressive when it comes to gender roles. Or that their mating rituals would be particularly peaceful or gentle.

And frankly a lot of us would probably secretly relish seeing her beat up and broken.

>> No.7858300

>a lot of us


>> No.7858305
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>And Yuugi wouldn't want to be a housewife.
That's exactly the point. I can't imagine oni would be very progressive when it comes to gender roles. Or that their mating rituals would be particularly peaceful or gentle.

And frankly a lot of us would probably secretly relish seeing her beat up and broken.

>> No.7858327

>a lot of us


Yuugi is not a weak type, at the least beaten up and either grinning at a tough fight or swearing a victorious rematch. Oni are not weak emotional things like humans.

>> No.7858348

i want her to beat me like a husband beating his wife and rape her after, yup, i want to be raped by a oni.

>> No.7858405
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To put things in perspective, part of the whole oni mythos is that oni (and plenty of other youkai) are supposed to represent the unknown and chaotic that lies outside a structured society.

Touhou disregards it somewhat with the whole oni city in Former Hell, but in folklore oni are generally incapable of running households and have a really vague grip on the concept of a core family.

>> No.7858428

>oni (and plenty of other youkai) are supposed to represent the unknown and chaotic that lies outside a structured society

Replace "structured society" with "Emperor's reach" and you've got it, in Heike Monogatari it even just plain says "So there's this island refusing to submit to the Emperor, their people are clearly demons." Contrast with Journey to the West where pretty much any location between China and India was a potential demon nest because their people weren't Buddhists.

>> No.7858441
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>And frankly a lot of us would probably secretly relish seeing her beat up and broken

I don't think you understand the angle of Yuugi fans.
Get out and take your disgusting, insecure power trips out of here.

I am the one that wants to be beaten and broken by Yuugi. But if anyone were to try that shit on Yuugi herself, I would fight tooth and nail to prevent it. I would spit bean juice into their eyes.

>> No.7858453
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Actually, I've missed that side of it. Always thought it was similar to the medieval European concept of the "inverted world", but guess I forgot to take the cultural and religious difference into account.


>> No.7858470

>Any VNs apart from Tsukihime that touch on this topic?
Ayakashibito is about people descended from Youkai (long story short, they quit being youkai en masse and became human, giving birth to mutated humans), you can romance in order an Ushioni descendant, an evil kitsune's tail, a foreign кики́мора descendant, a Kamaitachi descendant and an actual nine-tailed Kitsune (still young so it has only one tail though), The protagonist also has supernatural powers though so I don't know if that counts.

>> No.7858817

Has it been translated?

>> No.7858832

>Ayakashibito - 23252/50995 lines translated (45.60%), common route fully translated, 17756/50995 lines edited (34.82%)
