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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7851887 No.7851887 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to run TH 12.3, english patched, but I can't get any of the old characters or anything like that. The read-me files say to change the pathing value in one of the DAT files which I've done, but it still doesn't change anything. Can anyone help?

Would be much obliged, you fine gentlemen have helped me before.

>> No.7851897

Yeah sure. I've encountered and solved this problem.

You're going to have to put the pathing value to your SWR folder. Just copy the address of the SWR folder, and paste it where the pathing is needed.

If you need more help, tell me, I'm willing to screenshot it all.

>> No.7851905

Okay, lemme try this again... But how do I paste the address? I'm on vista and it won't let me select it, I typed it in, but it's not like there's spelling errors or anything

>> No.7851912

Sorry, I'm an idiot

>> No.7851920

Right click and select that.

>> No.7851924

Okay, it's working. Sorry for wasting several minutes of your time.

This is now a Touhou Hisouten/soku thread.

One problem I found is that SWR is just too easy, I find absolutely no trouble playing on lunatic.

>> No.7851954

Yeah, the computers are piss easy. Thankfully I had some real life friends that also played. We had a lot of fun with both SWR and Soku.

>> No.7852026
File: 537 KB, 640x480, th123 2011-08-29 22-53-12-67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck at fighting games and I don't have trouble with Hisotensoku on Lunatic either. The AI is set up to not be very punishing...Most of the characters don't finish their 5a attack strings, for instance. Almost none of them use spell cards, or they use the shitty one card ones right as you're about to hit them for no reason.

They also aren't set up to react well to missile spam, or to get out of melee if that's going poorly for them.

>> No.7852047

man I played this with some friends once all they ever did was stand as far back as they could and just spam all the time.. they didnt even try to block haha easy times

>> No.7852054

My friend sits in the corner and spams everything Okuu has. He then proceeds saying that takes skill and I'm bad for actually blocking and fighting back.

>> No.7852117

Let me play against him.
I will ruin his day.


>> No.7852156

I would, but it's 4:30 AM.
Plus, he's got that western type accent. He sounds like a raging cowboy who got his chaps in a knot.

>> No.7852173

Jesus fuck i'm getting real sick of firefox not saving my trip
Even better, i'm in Texas so I get to doubly make fun of him if we get on vent.

