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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7845767 No.7845767 [Reply] [Original]

Two new challengers have appeared!

>> No.7845771

Never heard of them.

>> No.7845772

What the fuck. Are we being raided or something?

>> No.7845780

Stick the tip in.

>> No.7845795

Are you retarded or something?

>> No.7845802

Sup OP.

>> No.7845808

Someone finally made something with Bor.
Now that's cool. And Gawaiin is a classic.

>> No.7845825

Uncultured fucks



>> No.7845826


>> No.7845845

>Sir Bors
I always thought it was Bor's' because it referred to more than one Bor. Now... there you go. What a bummer.

>> No.7845847

Holy shit, this is even worse than ZUN art. It looks like they could stab somebody with their chins.

>> No.7845848

They still haven't actually revealed Bedevere either (far upper right silhouette) even though she's in the game screens.

>> No.7845852

How is it possible for a person to have such a terrible opinion?

>> No.7845853

Patchouli and short haired Sanae?

>> No.7845865

When is this coming out? By the looks of how long it's taken so far? Never.

>> No.7845863

>Sir Gawain has a massive rack
She can cut off my head, if you know what I mean.

Heck, I'm frightened about what Sir Galahad will look like. Probably need two chariots to carry them puppies around.

>> No.7845872

I have no complaints.

>> No.7845867

Not the fag you're responding to, but you can't be serious. You're really going to sit there with a straight face and tell me this shit was drawn well?

>> No.7845870

Come to think of it, what ever happened to that VN based in camelot that had delicious twintailed Galahad?

>> No.7845880

It was announced just over 6 months ago. Stop being retarded.

>> No.7845896

I can't tell if you're serious or trying to be ironic. Either way, fuck off back to >>>/b/

>> No.7845898

Why does Bors have Gawain's classical hair style. This game and it's sub-Ashito tier drawings suck.

>> No.7845926

goddamn this game is gonna suck

>> No.7845930

>Bors boobs don't bounce

>> No.7845932

Why do great games like this never get US/EU localization. Fuck this.

>> No.7846084

Armor isn't elastic.
At least it shouldn't be.

>> No.7846159

brb learning chinese

>> No.7846673

Arthur, Lancelot, Gawain, Bors, Bedevere.
So Galahad's probably going to be in too. Maybe Merlin.

>> No.7846713

Sir Malory will be spinning in his mausoleum.

>> No.7846723

Because it has lolis in it

>> No.7846735

So why are so few of the characters girls to start with?

>> No.7847094 [DELETED] 


because it's an eroge

Think of it as Koihime Musou

>> No.7847141


It's a game about history

Women never did anything important enough to go down in history

>> No.7847161

Masturbation fodder.

>> No.7847276 [DELETED] 
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