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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7840733 No.7840733 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell is Logres crushing everyone?
Avalon and Union players, fight harder.

>> No.7840752
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Because Logresian parties actually contribute to the cause. If we look at the rankings now, we'd see a handful from Avalon and Logres, and two from Union.

>> No.7840760
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We'll see about that.
Avalon has plenty of player, few actually playing right. This war is pretty much between Logres and Union.

>> No.7840769

Also, the current battle is a 2 ways against Logres. One of Avalon's reason for it's early fall was due to that too.

Avalon gained 1 territory from Union in the last battle, we wouldn't know if they will be able to take one off us, we're on both offensive and defensive fronts against Avalon, while Union has it easy, picking on us from the side.

The same pattern emerged when Avalon was an equal to Logres 3 days ago. We might be the next to fall. Union has probably reached it's peak in expansion high, leaving Avalon the sole candidate for the next growing kingdom.

Of course, this is all an assumption.

>> No.7840772

Ah, it's you.

>> No.7840785

Yes, but still Logres is winning on both fronts. My parties have been winning quite a lot battles for Union, but Logres always seems to take the lead.

>> No.7840796

>Forgot my namefaggotry for the past 2 posts.

I'm starting to think otherwise. For example, if I've created an unit in Union, I made poor choices leading to a botched growth of a party, I proceed to delete the save game after going online for a couple of times, my record and mark as a population count would still be there, though inactive.

I wouldn't count on them to clear inactive player profiles so early in the game's release. The number might be there, but the true number of players might be 2/3 or 3/4 of the actual tally.

On a side note, the fact that they set the schedules for battles to start and end on 2am and 2pm, they might actually be reserving the 2am~2pm battle for baka gaijins, despite the global IP ban right now. They're probably working on a later date to open the war to the world.

I'm currently on stuck at 76th with 1606 points...

>> No.7840825

The GKH war sure is serious business.

>> No.7840834 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 300x57, fail4lyfe..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I'm playing for Logres.

Enjoy your buttplundering, n00bs.

>> No.7840850

Yes, but do you have a loli princess?

>> No.7840861 [DELETED] 


But I have dozens of cute girls in my order.

>> No.7840862

We are a band of patriots, and aspiring Wizards.

Here's the daily update for JP proxies. The one I'm using has been working since the IP-block.

180008034114 bhb bizhosting net:81
180008034114 bhb bizhosting net:82
180008034114 bhb bizhosting net:84
203 196 97 44:80
code-u jp:3128
flh1aas160 hkd mesh ad jp:8080
www3154u sakura ne jp:8080
y039200 ppp asahi-net or jp:80

Replace spaces with periods.

Also, kindly leave your names, we might as well add each and all of us since we're all from /jp/.

>> No.7840871

The ones you posted before worked like a charm for me, thanks.

>> No.7840876

Our King is voiced by Gintoki of Gintama and Ragna the Bloodedge. What about yours?

>> No.7840898

Motherfucking Platinum the Trinity and Madoka

>> No.7840910

That might just be the reason why an Union unit called Loli Battalion dominates the ranking from 10 hours ago until now.

Motherfucker uses the name of mai waifu as player name as well.

>> No.7840929

Ah, I see.
Also, my points have reset quite a few times, is that supposed to happen?

>> No.7840946 [DELETED] 

Are you guys playing online? I'm envious...
Wi-Fi on my psp go broken so I cannot play anymore.

>> No.7840948

Yeah, it happens to me for quite a few times. Looking at the ranking tab, everyone faces it too, so it should be a global thing.

>> No.7840953

How the hell can that happen? You sure it's not a bad WiFi mac address issue?

>> No.7840965

It's quite frustrating, since you need them to buy enable items for buying.

>> No.7840962

If your PSP runs on cfw, you can try adhoctousb. I heart that it's for xlink Kai, but you can try to hook it up to the internet instead.

>> No.7840972


I've been deprived of sleep since the game's release. I got the UMD on the same day as JP release date and the novelty hasn't worn off.

This game is definitely more fun than MHP3.

>> No.7840977


How many points do you have?

>> No.7840982

>How many points do you have?
Like 307 now, had about 600 yesterday. Couldn't play that much online since it took me some time to find a good proxy.

>> No.7840986

Go check Community, my points have returned to the original number.

>> No.7841002

Nope, now they're 347Pt, but only because I won some battles.
On offline mode's data, it shows 1139Pt.

>> No.7841013

That sucks.. Can you tell me how many points is the first ranker currently at?

>> No.7841017

Ah, offline now, it was around 2600Pt.

>> No.7841024

I don't know why would that happen, but it was a temporary thing for me.



>> No.7841088

I don't understand what you people are doing in this thread.

>> No.7841109
File: 221 KB, 505x677, onahole squire flagged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waging an online imaginary war on the PSP.

>> No.7841110

And by PSP, I suppose you mean Play Station Portable and not Phantasy Star Portable?

>> No.7841116

Why would it be Phantasy Star? no wars in there.
It's Grand Knights History, by Vanillaware.

>> No.7841120

Oh, I see. It was just kinda iching me. I'll be leaving now.

>> No.7841135

It's an psuedo-online game where the single player intertwines with the online gameplay. You train your parties offline, then ship them off to online war, where you can either - manually march them to defend your chosen kingdom's territories, assault an opposing nation or just to have them march independently with AI orders.

During a manual engagement, you fight against other players' AI parties, while their players fight yours. This makes the game mostly seamless, and no waiting for the opponent's dilly-dallying during his turn.

The gameplay takes on the traditional RPG formula and adding on to them with much more customization and actual strategy is vital and not easily overlooked by a heavily armed or high level party. Enemies in offline scale with your party's levels, and opponent match-making online is dependent on your average levels as well.

The game itself is very, very deep considering the overall scale of it. Party composition, character customization, the online gameplay and even the singleplayer segment are all very detailed and seemly unending.

>> No.7841152

How's the translation going?

>> No.7841182

Gotta love the tracks made by Masaharu Iwata, you can almost taste FF Tactics in there.

>> No.7841547

01. Grand Knights History (PSP) - 64,630 / NEW
02. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. (PS3) - 52,792 / 340,621
03. Rhythm Heaven Wii (Wii) - 22,762 / 422,314
04. Sengoku Musou 3 Empires (PS3) - 21,604 / 91,858
05. Devil Survivor Overclock (3DS) - 20,809 / NEW
06. Kirby Mass Attack (DS) - 15,804 / 197,028
07. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows (PSP) - 15,249 / NEW
08. Mobile Suit Gundam: Shin Gihren no Yabou (PSP) - 14,656 / 90,267
09. MonHun Nikki: Poka Poka Ailu Mura G (PSP) - 12,924 / 175,340
10. Shin Sangoku Musou 6 Special (PSP) - 12,209 / 37,516

>> No.7842044


>> No.7842058

Shit, really? What the hell am I doing with the Union?

>> No.7842071

but, it won't be probably traslated officially?

>> No.7842076

God damn, that sounds so cool.

>> No.7842085

I'm Union too, but I just can't betray our loli princess.

>> No.7842091

well, it's cool to see finally Vanillaware being on top, but it's also kind of strange...I just hope nothing will change...

>> No.7842114

Hmmmm... this looks interesting enough.

I have a psp but haven't updated in a while...

Oh, by the way, did you guys pirate or got your own copy?

>> No.7842153

So pirate, some import.
I had to go pirate, importing is impossible for me, but I would definitely buy this gem if I could.

>> No.7842274

Hmmm... can you play online with pirate and custom firmware?

>> No.7842277

r there any english servers yet or just nip servers?
sorry if question has been asnwered before /v/irgin here first time poisting on the japan board

>> No.7842283

I am using Pro B8 6.39 with a pirate copy and it's working, though you will need a japanese proxy.

Only japanese, refer to above, also this is not the japan board.

>> No.7842286


Do you need a PSN account?

>> No.7842287


>> No.7842300

Yes. Did you expect any different?

>> No.7842298


A japanese one I suppose...

>> No.7842309


Yeah, ugh. Now I have to tweak my shit to make it work...

>> No.7842334

You don't need a PSN account, the game creates an account based on your profile on their servers.

>> No.7842733
File: 124 KB, 480x272, GKHScreen_0061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad that I'm seeing people getting interested in this. Being in the timezone which is 1 hour earlier than Japan's Tokyo time, I pretty much spent 14 good hours in pursuit of the top-10 ranking. I managed to get to 7 on the 3rd bracket before crashing and went to sleep.

Logres' online blacksmith vs Traitor princess who went to Union during the uprising by current King Fausel's rebellion before the present.

I know who to choose, do you?

>> No.7844677

How and when do your characters get new skills/magic? at certain levels
How much magic/ types of magic are in the game? light,dark,wind,earth,fire,thunder?

>> No.7844682

my party is a straight line and i piss myself whenever i see lance knights


>> No.7844831

I don't think Katakana is going to cut it, but I really want to play this.

>> No.7844859

isnt there a machine translation patch? i believe i heard there is

>> No.7844865

Sorry for the late post. I'll try to brief everything in this post.

Your characters get mastery points as they utilize their weapons on hand or for Wizards, by casting the element they want to earn points on.

Skills are bought from item shops in town and on fields. The ones on the fields are static, while equipments and skills in town will change weekly.

They scale according to your party levels as well.

More on Wizards skills. The elements behave differently than a single weapon type, Wizards' weapons don't affect the mastery earned, except for the starting skills and masteries. Hammer gives 3 to Earth and Water and also the most basic skills from those 2 elements, while Staff gives Fire and Wind.

What is crucial is that the high end skills are mostly Light or Dark types, and they are learned via multiple points in different masteries. For example, the Light skill Mirage, which gives a barrier to the whole party with 1 HP, capable of negating 1 attack from the enemies. It requires 8 in both Water and Wind to learn.

The sky's the limit, /jp/!

>> No.7844879

Learning skills consume their respective mastery requirements. So, if a skill requires 3 mastery in Sword to learn, your current total points in Sword mastery will be deducted by 3.

After all that, your characters get Utility mastery points at a flat rate. This allows you to spend them on passive skills. Examples will be - Deliberate Defense, which deducts the costs of all skills the turn after you defend by 2AP, which in case, defending takes 2AP as well. So, this passive skill actually makes defending free, as long as you utilize it's 2AP discount the next turn.

There are loads more passive skills in the game, ranging from increasing evasion for the first few turns to increase your rate of applying status effects on enemies.

>> No.7844935


May I ask what firmware this requires? I'm still on... 5.50 or something.

>> No.7844945

Try 6.31, 6.35, 6.39 or 6.60.
If you are asking for CFW try Pro B6 or above.

>> No.7846097

What the hell is error code 2?

>> No.7846445

Ok, what the fuck, are the points resetting every goddamn day?
