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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 797x585, timYw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7827117 No.7827117 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread mysteriously 404'd?

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

AT Visual Book (now available):
Atelier Official Chronicle (now available):

AT2 Flash Cosmosphere:
Offline Version:

>> No.7827132
File: 75 KB, 800x853, ooh lady soma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the goodies. Everyone likes goodies, right?

Lossless albums:
Ar tonelico Music Collection Torrent: http://www.bakabt.com/153236-ar-tonelico-music-collection.html
All tracks are encoded in FLAC format and include scans of covers and booklets. Torrent does not include AT3's Drama and Hymmnos Musical discs.

Alternative set of torrents:
AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040


Mediafire Folder of Ar tonelico goodies:

- AT1-3 OST, Hymmnos Concerts
- AT1-2 Drama CDs, Hymmnos Musicals
- Utau Oka ~Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor~ (Album)
- AT3 Artbook
- Offline AT2 Flash Cosmospheres

* Original /jp/ content:
-- originspuke.jpg
-- Vectors of Install Points (.png and .svg)
-- Misc. Ar tonelico Vectors
-- No-fun-allowed Raki

>> No.7827128 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7827136 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7827139 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7827144
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What happened to the thread anyways? It got spammed by some shitposters and then the posts got deleted and the thread vanished.

Also, when can I expect to hear some voice acting again in AT2? I used to play the undub a year ago but I'm trying the dub this time and the lack of voices is unnerving. I played through the whole phase 2 so far without a single spoken word except for the battles. Picked up Jakuri now, hope that there actually will be some voices in cutscenes again soon.

>> No.7827147 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 800x852, zerochan.Saten.Ruiko.230912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7827158 [DELETED] 
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, ED2-Uiharu-and-Saten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7827172


I guess the mod accidentally killed the thread while deleting the shitposts?

>> No.7827167
File: 40 KB, 388x348, barrel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I wonder what the hell happened to last thread. Oh well.


>> No.7827173 [DELETED] 


>> No.7827181

Is there any other board where we can post AT without trolls?

>> No.7827187

Yeah...because it's not /jp/ related.


>> No.7827193

Usually here, but it seems there's some exceptionally butthurt guy lurking about right now.

My suggestion is to ignore it, and let the janitor deal with it when they're around.

>> No.7827197

First time I've seen one completely ruined by these morons. I suggest deleting the thread and remaking it some other time when this asshole leaves.

>> No.7827202

Oh wow, it's that discussion again.
Hello and welcome to /jp/, newfriend. Hope you enjoy the board.

>> No.7827213


We've maintained an AT/GUST thread here for a long time with very little troll fuckery. This is actually the first time in a while we've had someone come in and shit up the thread like this.

>> No.7827223

he's not even posting anymore, just move on with it and do your usual discussion, even if he starts up again you can just ignore it.

>> No.7827227

I've actually started playing AT/Gust games because of these threads and this was over a year ago.

>> No.7827233

I was quite interesting with that other anon's question about where does the song magic/hymmnos musics come from. I mean, I get the instruments, but the multiple voices?

>> No.7827242
File: 277 KB, 414x1458, 1270456484276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have chance to post this in a while, thank you.

>> No.7827247

Well just remember that Reyvateils can actually sing without "physically" singing. How else could Frelia keep the song magic going for hundreds of years to keep up Metafalls?

>> No.7827297

what happened to the other thread?
oh and inb4 Luca is a slut

>> No.7827382

Aaaand we're back on track!
I really wish there were more GUST releases on the PSP. My PSP has been getting a lot of love since the semester started (and I go to my overnight job pretty much right after my one class so it sees a lot of playtime there as well). While this means FFIV Complete Collection has gotten a lot of playtime, I haven't been able to find time to finish my playthrough of Rorona, which sucks.
I might do a little tomorrow with the American holiday coming up, but I don't even know how far I'll get.

>> No.7827389

Honestly, I wish them to be all on Vita, Imagine Arland Atelier graphics on Vita, or Ar Tonelico ports.

>> No.7827396

Honestly, I think the Vita's visual power is getting a little overhyped.

From what we've see, the games don't look all that good- god knows if they could be able to handle Meruru-tier graphics.

>> No.7827409

Actually I think she WAS singing that song for hundreds of years, just like Misha was singing Chronicle Key at all times.
Heh, yeah, I also understand the instruments since those are usually attached to their heads ( and in Shurelia and Frelia's cases, to their suit ). But I don't understand where the background choir effect comes from

>> No.7827415

Actually, they can. Not sure what kind of games are you looking at, check Gravity Daze.

>> No.7827419
File: 281 KB, 1120x1600, kachoh_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is a whore and a slut.

>> No.7827436

Just ignore them. Somebody who is ignored can't ruin a thread unless they post two hundred something times.

>> No.7827440

Gravity Daze looks pretty weak visually, honestly. I don't know, perhaps it's the resolution, but most Vita games I've seen lack the detail and visual strengths of a PS3 game.

They look like in a middleground between the PS2 and current-gen, instead.

>> No.7827443

Whoa, have you seen Uncharted Golden Abyss?

>> No.7827449

Yeah, I have. In fact, it's exactly that game the one I had in my mind while thinking about the Vita, alongside that Resistance game.

I don't know, I mean- it looks great for a handheld, yet not exactly all that amazing.

>> No.7827458

I think it's also the image quality effect. I mean, jpg screenshots of PSP games look like shit, while the actual thing is quite better.
Just from the specs, the Vita should be able to handle early PS3 graphics.

>> No.7827462

It looks near PS3, not that amazing judging from the specs, but taking into consideration that these are launch games, it's pretty goddamn amazing.

>> No.7827468

Goddamnit OP don't go posting Lady Chroche like that, I'm trying to wait patiently for ToX here, and posting my mistress sharing the same VA as Milia isn't helping...

>> No.7827469

Yeah, perhaps it is.

It looks like between PS2 and PS3, at least to me.

>> No.7827479

That doesn't count, Naughty Dog's devs are know to sell their firstborns' souls to the devil to aquire godly coding skills.
Think about what the average can do with Vita.

>> No.7827481

That Uncharted game isn't developed by Naughty Dog, though.

>> No.7827492

Really ?
Then my point is moot I guess.

>> No.7827500

Vita vs. PS3 seems similar to PSP vs. PS2 in that while on paper the portable can't put out graphics on the level of what the console can do, it's capable of putting out graphics that look close enough to as good as the console version when shrunk down to the portable's screen size. You don't need texture quality/polycount on the level of a console designed to output to a 20-50"+ screen when you're working with a 5" screen.

>> No.7827516

We'll see how the Vita actually is when it comes out, I'm actually not that interested in the graphics but how close they're working with 3rd party developers.

>> No.7827537

From what I have read on game news sites sony has
>listened to 3rd parties about what should be included in the Vita
>made the dev kits dirt cheap compared to most other consoles on the market
>given free dev kits to indie devs
I expect great things from the Vita

>> No.7827570

/jp/ is non-jap video games and console related, like Uncharted, rite?


>> No.7827567

Well. GUST and Vanillaware are developing for Vita, that's all I need to know

>> No.7829073
File: 106 KB, 582x617, vitabitinghat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not attempt to masticate your Vita

>> No.7829080 [DELETED] 

I'll just leave this here...


>> No.7829081


>> No.7829084

Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

Y'know, I actually like dubbed Totori more...

>> No.7829193
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>> No.7829196

I'm sorry, but has Luca even engaged in sexual intercourse? Oh, that’s right. She hasn't even made contact with a man outside of dive therapy. In fact, it’s only therapy involving fields for soothing. Does not having a cliche tsundere personality make you a slut? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is already finished and we know for certain she is pure? Luca is a holy maiden now and she was been the purest maiden in Metafalss? Luca has to go up against one of the sluttiest reyvateils in Ar Ciel who just happened to have a lead because she was praying on Croix's innocence. But you know what? Cloche is still a whore. Luca is the best heroine in all three games, she has the best songs. Luca has already won Croix over, she would have done it sooner if it wasn't for her tragedy with her sister throwing her for a mental loop. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Luca is proven a better waifu than any other in AT2. Cloche tries to latch on to anyone who would have shown her a different and free life. Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Luca topics because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like a heroine because they’re canonically pure. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking idiots on the board, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot out your threads now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.7829202
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>> No.7829289

The dub isn't too bad. The voice directing fits with the actual dialogue which is more than can be said for the usual standard.

God dammit, now I'm going to suffer even more for the next month waiting to get my hands on it...

>> No.7829306
File: 135 KB, 800x645, luca trulyworth, high class prostitute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is a slut and a whore

>> No.7829314
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>Aurica's healing spell
>it's a guy

fuck yea, Aurica!

>> No.7829329


>> No.7829405
File: 248 KB, 532x667, 66d25c436b520aff09c7cbe0b15bc00e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AT2, Cloches one of Cloches Song magics
>Jean Ishikawa
>Sprite and animation clearly is a girl, has a female voice in japanese
>give it a male voice in the dub anyways and call it a him because of Jean

>> No.7829408

Ceci certainly has some bounce in her step there.

>> No.7829437

Started AT2 the other day. Just hit the split between Cloche and Luca, so far finding the mechanics better then the first game's. Kinda miss upgrading my equipment with crystals though. The battle system is kinda cool even though I can't really nail those perfects for the life of me. Croix is a much better MC then Lyner, IMO.

>> No.7829438

This confused the hell out of me.
Guess now I know.

>> No.7829458

>Croix is a much better MC then Lyner, IMO.
No doubt.
Lyner is incredibly dense, at times criminally so.
Its like they played FSN and thought "hmm I wonder how far we can take this" and made all the exaggerated shirou is dense jokes a reality

>> No.7829632


that Peter is a fag

>> No.7829786

He doesn't change much in Meruru. Still as creepy as ever.

>> No.7829906

I just beat AT1 not too long ago. Such a great game, makes me really sad I didn't know about these games when I was younger.
Is there anything special for getting all of the conversation pieces, rather than more conversation? They're hard to get, especially for Shurelia.

Also, after beating the game, I proceeded to fap to an image of Shurelia in her school swimsuit costume. Am I a bad person?

>> No.7830224



We need more art in these threads. I've got bugger all images.

>> No.7830230

Hmmmm, with some retrospection after digging up (a very shitty quality Chinese subbed) the Japanese first 8 or so minutes, there are some slight differences with how the lines are delivered... but that's going into nit-picking territory.

Though to be honest I don't quite like the english dub's tone when Totori answers Ceci's question on who normally cleans up the mess after the explosive mishaps. The JPN tone is more of a matter-of-fact automatic response which Ceci then picks up on to tease Totori. The English dub's tone makes it sound like it was Totori's intention.

>> No.7830233
File: 109 KB, 640x448, this-is-the-holy-land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best part of Phase 2 right here.

>> No.7830322

I personally thought the big fat cat fight at the end of the 3rd Infelsphere was the highlight of the phase... that and exec_sphilia

>> No.7830400

Ar Portal is closing, but where's my AT1 and 3 figs, GUST?

Mir hasn't even gotten a fig yet, while Luca and Cloche do.

Will this forever be a joke to you GUST? Relegated to Cynthia-tier?

>> No.7830409
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ar Portal is closing


>> No.7830438 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 168x156, heartbreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not closing. Closed. No more updates. Done. It's over. Everyone has said their good byes and thanks for the 4-5 years of memories ;_; And why does my chest hurt so much when I see Akane's crying portrait? Moreso than any other one...

>> No.7830452

Jesus, when you put it that way I kinda feel depressed.
Thanks for the amazing ride, GUST, Akira Tsuchiya, Ken Nakagawa, Daisuke Achiwa, Akiko Shikata,Haruka Shimotsuki, Takashige Inagaki, Haruka Shimotsuki, Noriko Mitose and Yuuko Ishibashi and everyone else I forgot to mention.

>> No.7830512

It's also depressing that we'll probably never ever hear a JPN voiced Harve-Vista personality pack...

I actually wonder how well the Ar tonelico series sold over in Japan especially seeing how it's not their main franchise. I know the Arland Atelier series sold at least in the 400k range all up counting all three titles...

>> No.7830556

On a related note, I saw Luca on sale for about $35 nearby.

She'll be mine if I can hold out til the weekend.

>> No.7830569

She's probably used.

>> No.7830577

I remember hearing about one guy who worked at nisa complaining that he was probably the only guy keeping their translation team in line and quit out of frustration...

...and the next game they did after he quit was AT2

>> No.7830604

does the chick (yowza! haaawt...)

...yeah, anyway the chick in the OP pic, does she blow shit up?

>> No.7830633
File: 30 KB, 295x450, Cloche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. With space lasers.

No, I am not making this up.

>> No.7830634

Cloche has my favourite design of AT heroines.

>> No.7830652
File: 64 KB, 637x1023, Jakuri 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish I could get my hands on those Luca and Cloche figurines for a reasonable price that isn't my left nut
PS, this is where I troll you guys with a Jacqli figurine

>> No.7830658
File: 33 KB, 299x301, 1299303071244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That figure looks bad.
Like really bad.

>> No.7830662

I MIGHT have found a local store that still has a copy of atelier Rorona for 50$, good deal yes or no?

>> No.7830670

Don't ask. Buy.

>> No.7830690

This sort of makes me want to buy a PS3 but im not sure how easy it is to pirate stuff nowadays.
inb4 buyfags

>> No.7830711

I bought a ps3 a few weeks ago. If you want to pirate games it's a waste of money unless you are 100% that the ps3 you're buying has firmware version 3.5 or lower. the newest versions have not been cracked and will not be for several months.

>> No.7830712

Buyfag reporting in.

I have a PS3!

>> No.7830716

The Tower creates all the backing material based on the singer's mental state/etc. and makes it play back in the vicinity of the singer. The RT may or may not physically sing during her song, but I would imagine most who can do.

Yeah, I remember the shock of reading that announcement, and realizing that all the potential future stuff they had been kind-of hinting at probably wouldn't come to pass. And probably no FCS3. Feels bad man.

>> No.7830730


Rorona's not that hard to find is it? I got a copy off ebay for like $27. $50 seems way too high.

>> No.7830743

I don't really like buying things online unless it's something intangible. packages can get lost, stolen or I could get scammed. it also might end up costing the same due to shipping costs. I also want to be able to take a look at the case myself before buying

>> No.7830752

Is it rare in the US? Amazon has it pretty cheap in Europe. 26.82€ in Italy. Actually, Amazon.com seems to have it for 44.95 Dollars, too, so if you're in someplace they ship for free, you might consider that too.

>> No.7830775

Oh yeah, since I haven't been by in a couple days. I have the Toukoumatters mostly finished. I'll post them when I get back on Wednesday or Thursday (I'm back home on vacation at the moment). They are:

Old Men's Love Talk: I'd like to see the 5 old men talk about romance. I'd like to see an unexpected side of their personalities; for example, Bourd could be unexpectedly pure-hearted. (Bourd, Falss, Alfman, Loudness, Gengai)

Fear of Heights and Steeplejacking: Please include something about the talk matter where Aoto was about to fall from the Kuu. (Misha, Aoto, Cocona, Lyner, Tilia)

No Event CGs!! The Party Members and Heroines(?) of 1, 2, and 3: 1's Krusche, 2's Amarie, and 3's Rikka talk about how they don't have event CGs, even though they're party members (and Rikka gets mad that her fellow Clustanian Akane gets one even though she's not a party member!), and as they're complaining Jack and Hikari Gojo show up to break things up... (Krusche, Amarie, Rikka, Jack, Gojo)

What We Have Left To Do: Harve XP and Vista talk about what they still wanted to do on Earth.

A New Armor Color?: The two Holy Maidens ask Croix to stop using the standard rank-and-file white armor and pick his own color. I think it would be fun if Cynthia - who'd end up making the armor - got in on it, too. (Cloche, Luca, Croix, Leglius, Cynthia)

Digital Depression: I'd like the three digital lifeforms who used to be alive to talk about their hardships. Shun "Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm fine since I have Frelia!!" It's so hard not being able to eat your favorite foods. You can do it in the Binary Field, but it would be nice to taste them in real life. (Tastiella, Infel, Shun)

Ayatane Is Too Much Of An Ideal Wife, It Bothers Me: At the end, Lyner might whisper, "Well, Ayatane might be fine, too..." or something *g* (Ayatane, Lyner)

Naming Sense: a discussion about everyone's item naming sense (Lyner, Misha, Aurica, Shurelia)

>> No.7830913

>Ayatane Is Too Much Of An Ideal Wife, It Bothers Me: At the end, Lyner might whisper, "Well, Ayatane might be fine, too..." or something *g* (Ayatane, Lyner)

That would be funnier if it wasn't such a worrying possibility... He'll have four reyvateils ready to kill him if that happens

>> No.7831092
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1500, 1312827447451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my PS3 to get free games but it was already at 3.6 when I got it. Not disappointed though, I learned I enjoyed games more if I bought them and a PS3 for $185 was a great deal. AT3 is so worth the price of a PS3 and the game IMHO.

pic related, my pride and joy, you can't put a price on love.

>> No.7831132
File: 111 KB, 453x599, 1312465540912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't put a price on love.

Say that to Luca.

>> No.7831139

Luca may be a whore, but she's NOT a slut.
The only time she fucked for love was with Croix (mainly because she's such a manipulative and cold hearted bitch I'm sure she can't even feel love properly)

>> No.7831140

But she sold love in her Cosmosphere for money.

She's a whore AND a slut.

>> No.7831147

Which part?
Apart from being a jew and making you pay for her goddamn wedding dress.

>> No.7831156

Personally, I don't see the point of jailbreaking a PS3 if you can't get online. And as you say, you enjoy games more when you pay for them.

>> No.7831152

>Which part?

Her job before going on the adventure.

>> No.7831158

Again, she never sold REAL love refer to
>she's such a manipulative and cold hearted bitch I'm sure she can't even feel love properly
You can't sell what you don't have.

>> No.7831160

her fantasies did not involve any sex. her co workers mentions that she's the one who handles the kinky dreams

>> No.7831163


>> No.7831171

We all know she only said that because Croix was there and you can't say someone's girlfriend she's a whore.
Is there any luca doujin with this plot?

>> No.7831188

I bought my PS3 to play AT3. I'm going to enjoy some other games though soon enough. Demons Souls, that new Atelier game, Valkyria Chronicles, new Harvest moon etc.

>> No.7831229

>Demon Souls/Dark Souls
>Valkyria Chronicles
>that new Atelier game
My twin! Guy you are responding to here, same reasons I got mine for the most part. Fantastic games, it will be a good purchase.

I only know of the one where Luca whores Cloche out and a few lovey dovey Mir ones, Ar Tonelico doesn't have very many H-doujinshi

>> No.7831305

There are probably quite a few, just not scanned ones. If I had some money left over right now I'd get that Finnel & Soma one translated via commission but meh.

>> No.7831336

What song on the OST has the intro to EXEC_REBIRTHA=PROTOCOL then cuts out? The one where you are climbing the inside of the tower in AT3 with the CD platforms. I like EXEC_REBIRTHA=PROTOCOL but sometimes I just want to hear the intro looped.

>> No.7831468

The song isn't on the OST. It's just a modified version of Rebirthia Protocol.

>> No.7831478

there are a LOT, just not many scanned. And an english translation of TRiLOBiTE sounds pretty cool

>> No.7831563

What are /jp/'s favorite Hymnnos in the series? My top 10 in order:
7. Ec Tisia
9. Flame~Homura
10. Infelious Rhaplanca

>> No.7831582

>What are /jp/'s favorite Hymnnos in the series?
struct timeval

>> No.7831607
File: 136 KB, 656x518, 1306683589147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. Luca uses a different hole for therapy. She's still pure.

>> No.7831713
File: 165 KB, 700x700, 122850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't have bought a PS3 (or at least not until the next console generation) if it wasn't for AT3, and yeah, Finnel and her miserably flat chest is worth every bit I spent on it.

I still play through her cosmosphere from start to finish every now and then, best in the series with Jakuri's a close second in my mind.

>> No.7831732

I bought a PS3 in anticipation of Demon's Souls. But then the whole world of niche JRPGs opened up to me starting with Atelier Rorona.
So now I have my public collection of PS3 games on display next to my PS3 and my private collection in my cabinet.

>> No.7831754
File: 58 KB, 704x396, 1274051029655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd playthrough of AT1, starting fresh
>go aurica route this time
>reach phase 3
>decide to stockpile a good number of 3rd revy topics before mashing x to get through them all.
>go to firefly alley, after scenes, go to inn
>rest at inn, screen turns black and game stops responding, with the inn's bgm looping indefinately

On the bright side, I only lost ~1.5ish hours, not 12 like the first time.

>> No.7831766
File: 110 KB, 929x768, 1309298637820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glitches in AT1?

I never found any.

Also, could you stop misusing the quote function? Please?

>> No.7831823

My favourites are probably
1.Chronicle Key
And favourites by games
misha extracting
exec with method metafalica
ar ciel ar dor
inphelious raphlanca.

>> No.7831861

Same thing happened to me on my first playthrough of AT1. I fixed it by updating pcsx2 (what else?).

>> No.7831902

>chronicle key
How come everyone shits themselves at this song? I haven't anyone not put this as their favorite song despite it being middle of the pack musically.

>> No.7831907

Dem lyrics and Akiko Shikata.

>> No.7832411


I've discovered "kokyou he..." (Cocona's Hymnos Disc) this morning and it's been playing on loop for quite some time now.

Other than that ....
EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION_.~omness chs ciel sos infel
and the other usual suspects.

>> No.7832729
File: 18 KB, 240x320, 1312659997831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could sure go for some BBQ Soda right about now...

>> No.7833044

im giving up, i just cant get the damn losless shit to convert properly. foobar2k refuses to load the .cue files properly
are the OSTs in the mediafire folder losless too?

>> No.7833152

Hey, open the .cue in notepad and change the file extension from .wav to .tta where it says the name of the file on the third line. I wish I got payed for answering this question every week.

>> No.7833271 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 420x315, 1296488274772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there an option for Ryner to be alpha as fuck by murdering the girl blocking the door, breaking down the door, ripping mir out of the monster's uterus and then killing her if he's going to be a whiny bitch about it afterwards!?
Now I feel bad about it.

>> No.7833275

They'll all be in .flac files, so yeah, lossless.
Not all of them have finished uploading yet

>> No.7833284
File: 21 KB, 420x315, 1296488274772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 KB

Why is there an option for Ryner to be alpha as fuck by murdering the girl blocking the door, breaking down the door, ripping mir out of the monster's uterus and then killing her if he's going to be a whiny bitch about it afterwards!?
Now I feel bad about it.

>> No.7833289

You see this?


>> No.7833296
File: 37 KB, 720x480, ZUN's airship just crashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the things to get mad over

>> No.7833381

Best to start now, as down that road calling Cloche "Crotch" lies

>> No.7833390

I'd prefer to call her Croche, honestly, it starts just like Croix which is the basis for their canonicity in my head

>> No.7833416

I can see that, but I prefer Cloche and Croix because they're French words.

Croix = Cross (fits because he's a holy knight)
Cloche = Bell (should be obvious there)

>> No.7833427

Had no idea.
Though I respect GUST for not shitting up the heroine's fanbases giving canon ends.

>> No.7833466

Every time I see this, I want to watch the OVA to see just how bad it really is

>> No.7833474
File: 54 KB, 640x800, Litablanchimont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BRB, looking for a giant boulder

>> No.7833499

Oh man, it's so bad you wouldn't even believe it.
The first song magic is kinda cool.

>> No.7833720

I have it downloaded but I don't want to ruin the universe if I watch it. Is it canon?

Ar Tonelico's fanbase is civil and would never resort to heroine wars, even without a definite end we don't ship and raise a fuss about our not favorite heroine. I'm fucking with you, it would be a bad shitstorm

>> No.7834273

Oh hell no. It directly contradicts the events of the game. It's like a 25 minute OVA and they kill Slepnir at the end of it.

It does have Pheyma in it, though!

>> No.7834680

We already have bad shit storms between Luca and Cloche and that's only really in a cold war because of Mir, Cocona and Cynthia providing adequate distractions.

>> No.7834902
File: 1.00 MB, 2084x3233, at3g5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my AT Visual Book in the mail.

I've only taken a few peeks at its contents, but it looks absolutely great.

>> No.7835710
File: 1.28 MB, 2325x3218, 7b07fa0cbf4d0662ea878cc195ecb6f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The visual book is great, every AT fan should have it. Favorite Hymnos is quite hard to choose.
I'll go by each game:
AT1: Phantasmagoria, Auricas Purger, Linker
AT2: Sphilia, Exec_Metafalica, Replakia
AT3: XaaCi, Hymmeli, Z

>> No.7836404
File: 952 KB, 2376x3296, nagi [6e008fa59523762cb097710ac31b6d6f].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AT1: Phantasmagoria, Auricas Purger, Linker

I fully agree with this
also linker(linca) > chronicle key

>> No.7836496

I just bought rorona, but I think i might have been scammed. the box is really small, unlike other ps3 games I've bought.... but for some reason, it still plays on my ps3 which isn't modded, so the game must be legit... any ideas what's going?

>> No.7836517

You probably just got one without a case?

>> No.7836553
File: 30 KB, 820x662, what is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know... the box is kinda elaborate
it also has this sign in the back of the cover, anybody know what is means? pretty sure it's chinese

>> No.7836573

Why don't you take a picture of it?

>> No.7836581

It means help... but if that's all you see then yes it's Chinese.

>> No.7838318
File: 301 KB, 758x980, 10614318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7838319


>> No.7838343

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>> No.7838361

Is there any reason to use any reyvateil pairing in AT2 other than Cloche/Jacqli? Jacqli is just so much more powerful than Luca and Cloche, meaning she's easily in, and Cloche has Replekia, which is a must.

>> No.7838373

I watched it once, just after finishing AT1 a few years ago.

I guess the fact I remember almost nothing about it except the scene where Lyner spins his arm around in front of Aurica after crashing at the start is rather telling.

>> No.7838380

1st turn Replekia makes the game too easy.

>> No.7838385
File: 252 KB, 1500x1500, 1287791798849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You use Luca because you love Luca.

>> No.7838393

But Luca doesn't help against lvl9 reyvateils.

>> No.7838420

Replikia is baby mode.
It's not even a matter of Cloche or Luca. I used Cloche + Luca through the whole game and only used Replikia twice - once when you're doing the tutorial for it and once against an IPD that was giving me trouble.

>> No.7838429
File: 557 KB, 1500x2102, 1308772543142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you could always try out the other synchronity chains and combo magics I guess?

It really comes down to what characters you like; while Jakuri's songs are really strong and Replakia is seven shades of overpowered, the game is easy enough that you don't need to use them unless you're fighting high leveled IPDs before you're "supposed" to or doing a low-level and/or no-equipment run.

>> No.7838458
File: 102 KB, 557x726, 8963b8165fb1f52a3b35ab8bdde9f0681ece231a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this AT2 talk is making me want to play it again, but I already have a big backlog including both Tyria's and Saki's endings (though the former is as good as done).

Even if I do end up starting it, I'm probably just going to end up going for Jakuri for the third time in a row, despite the fact I've seen neither Cloche's nor Luca's endings so far.

>> No.7838538

I know I did, I love Luca but I hate that you people always do the "slut xD" meme despite her not deserving it. I always used Luca and Jakuri as that was the cutest combo, Cloche without Repleka and at level 5 is terrible, not to mention her personality is bad.

I wish you could manually take party members out of your party, AT2 without Cloche would be great.

>> No.7838589

Is that supposed to be Shurelia?

>> No.7838632

It's just a content rating system use by the Chinese, specifically the Taiwanese, and it's similar to the ESRB.

輔 means for 16 and above, for young adults.

>> No.7838635

Change your display font to Mona and you'll see a perfectly cute Shurelia.

>> No.7838660
File: 8 KB, 140x135, philosophersstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These later pie scenes in Rorona are amazing.

>> No.7838697


If you insist on min/maxing then yeah, Cloche/Jacqli is probably the best combo. But the game is so ridiculously easy that you really shouldn't worry about min/maxing.

>> No.7838704
File: 89 KB, 444x613, atelier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me some time but I finally managed to find a camera

>> No.7838714

Chinese character is the age-rating. And yes, your copy is legit. No, all BD cases are the same size.

I have R3 games and my copy of Rorona is the same as yours.

>> No.7838715

Seems like it's the English language Asian version. I don't think there are any differences between it and the normal western release.

>> No.7838724

im replaying the game currently and have a hard time not choosing Jaqli even though I had her ending in the first run. She's just that much superior.

>> No.7838732

Where can I buy this? I wouldn't mind spending all my savings

>> No.7838775

It's a really old garage kit.

Not possible to get anymore I'd imagine.

>> No.7838787
File: 70 KB, 1472x442, cloche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... I can afford this, but I put my money in a savings acc, which can't be accessed until December 1st.

What are the chances it'll still be in stock 3 months from now?

>> No.7838968

Oh god, I want it. But I can't justify spending $300 on it :(

Got some titles of the mir ones? I can't find much.

>> No.7839397

>Only 1 left in stock--order soon.
>Posts it in AT discussion.

I see no way this can go wrong.

>> No.7839420

$245. Nup, I do love Cloche, but I can't afford it.

>> No.7839444


at your own risk.

>> No.7839458

at $245 it'll still be there. It's triple what it cost in the first place. Fuck that noise.

>> No.7839482

I'm getting tired. For a second there I thought the price was 120,000€.

>> No.7839565

>Item condition Used like new

for a second I thought it was luca

>> No.7840027

In all seriousness, how much would the Luca figure go for these days?

>> No.7840067

its 150 USD on ebay.

>> No.7840502
File: 66 KB, 640x686, download-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like, you won't find it anywhere because it's a custom job. I'd still buy one, though.

No idea about this one, though, was this a prototype for a set of figurines or something that never happened?

>> No.7841081

What the hell, my trophy data for Rorona just got completely erased after getting my first ending.

At least my saves are fine.

>> No.7843068

Aurica looks like she can count to potato in that one, Misha is cute though.

Yes but I think it is worth it to play Luca's route at least, not Cloche as she is a bitch. Kidding, they are both bitches.

>> No.7843772
File: 170 KB, 600x837, d77aad6bbdca3315f5c3f4e5f53f330d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just improving the thread.

>> No.7843781
File: 603 KB, 838x593, 9af7eff5be2aa4796cf3ad970b9649d62e2256c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843788
File: 92 KB, 475x665, 1273721099624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843790
File: 313 KB, 1000x1305, 1293304157342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843798
File: 295 KB, 1024x768, dae96267c7fe40ddb141b4292dce64e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843804
File: 98 KB, 648x779, dcbca3947e04948324ee17b685a15b07e0a303d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7843813
File: 356 KB, 598x800, 7326f763fa9f7d6d3e3d6d59000b5ff769cba64b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7844241
File: 323 KB, 1264x950, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, is it normal for your second play through to take 8 less hours to complete, meanwhile you manage to unlock significantly more things and be roughly the same level as the first play through?

>> No.7844253


Yeah, given that you know exactly where the fuck to go and what the fuck to do.

>> No.7844415

Rorona's BGM for her skill in Atelier Meruru is 28 seconds of chest-wrenching moe.
allofmymoney, miracleoftheuniverse, etc

Speaking of which, are there any arrange of falling, the star light in Totori's OST? (that's the name of the song right?)

>> No.7844680

>Any arrange of Falling, The Star Light ~錬金少年・少女~ in Totori

Answer to that is no

>> No.7846218


Yep. You know where to go, what needs to be done etc. so everything becomes easier than it already is. I think I cut 10 hours off my playtime on my second playthrough.

>> No.7846513

I find it surprisingly easy to use my yuri goggles on Luca and Cloche ( inb4 trolls and haters because >cloche ) in AT2
Am I the only one noticing that?

>> No.7846543


The opening alone does that.
Sadly, that's the only place where it shines without a pair of really foggy goggles.

>> No.7846577

I have one of the most, if not THE most, powerful yuri goggles ever to be. Heck I can turn hokuto no ken into /u/ if I so desire.
when cloche first asks for Luca to dualstall, my goggles triggered full power

>> No.7846580

No; I've seen posts (I don't remember where) about people assuming there would be yuri in AT2 based on that one part of the OP.

>> No.7846607


There's also that one section of Cloche's cosmosphere that triggers strong yuri vibes.
You know the one.

>> No.7846665

Nope. You're not the only one. Those two end up with a very amicable relationship at the end. One branch of the endings shows just how close they are to one another. In fact, you can use that ending to try justify the true ending is with Jakuri or Cocona since Luca/Cloche obviously don't need Croix. Cynthia is still forever alone

>> No.7846748

I'm still at my first playthrough ever of AT2 and only in phase 1. I've already been spoiled who the third RT is though.
what amazes me is the incredible lack of doujins for AT. I found one doujin with a single /u/ panel but god fucking dammit, JAAAPAAAAAAN

>> No.7846787


I always did want to see a Luca x Skycat doujin.

On an unrelated note, Jaqli is great. I was planning on going for a Luca ending first but I guess that ain't happening now. I love that little dance she does at battle results screen.

>> No.7846922

Skycat x Luca would incur Cloche's wrath. 999999% of it
I would still read/buy/worship it
the more I talk about Ar Yurinelico 2 the more I see it

>> No.7847124
File: 480 KB, 1920x1080, 1309932217441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the Chims different from Homs?

>> No.7847152

They are smaller, can only utter 'Chim' and work for pie.

>> No.7847156
File: 465 KB, 550x580, 1289923447407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't talk so I guess they're incomplete homus.

Maybe Rorona couldn't find any good semen.

>> No.7847169


That's very obviously the intent, though as stated by someone else they only *really* lay it on during the opening and the endings where Croix doesn't hook up with one of them.

>> No.7847453
File: 106 KB, 681x588, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last Toukoumatters are done. I haven't done anything with TKS 123 yet, but here's the links to just the flashes for now.

http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/deji.html - Digital Depression
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/ibegra.html - No Event CGs!! (etc.
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/koibana.html - Old Men's Love Talk
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/kousyo.html - Fear of Heights and Steeplejacking
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/name.html - Naming Sense
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/nokosi.html - What We Have Left To Do
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/yometane.xml - Ayatane is too much of an ideal wife (etc.
http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/yoroi.html - New Armor Color?

>> No.7847467

Er, sorry, that should be http://www.ar-ciel.org/uploads/miz/tks/toukoumatter/yometane.html

>> No.7847516

Ayatane best wife.

>> No.7848345

I don't think Rorona made them from semen.

Perhaps she replaced it with Pie?

That would explain a lot of things.

>> No.7848361
File: 424 KB, 510x900, 1299784174548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work, as always.

>> No.7848460

Do they ever explain why she's called Shurelia when her "real name" is Eolia?

>> No.7848471

Shurelia's "father" had a daughter of the same name.

She died before Shurelia was even born. However, since the man missed his own daughter so much, he started calling Eolia "Shurelia". And so Shurelia got used to the name, too.

>> No.7848470

they bullshitted the lore because they suddenly want her to be one of the 3 goddess to connect to story, but they already named the three goddess already and they have no ways to change it. thats what i assume.

its like this
- the three goddess appeared in first game are named eolia, frelia, tilia
- name a character shurelia
- wait, wouldnt it be awesome if she's actually one of the goddess?
- oh shit we named her shurelia, wat do
- lol ill just bullshit that she's actually eolia and shurelia is a fake name from one of some random dude's daughter

>> No.7848499

Aww, Mir is so adorable, I just want to take her to a Depeche Mode concert and get her baked.

>> No.7848504
File: 107 KB, 664x836, shurelia_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad?

>> No.7848515

For those in Europe interested in pre-ordering Totori:


Taken from a NISA Europe twitter post. It's a link to a British online store that sells a pre-order edition that comes with the artbook. Compared to the US pre-order package, it's missing the OST and poster ... but I guess that's as good as it gets if you don't want to order overseas.

>> No.7848535

I don't understand how nobody found that massively creepy.

>> No.7848546


Not that bad, in my opinion. I thought the part where they would retreat to some secluded room inside the tower to do installs in preparation for the tower link was worse.

>> No.7848561

At least they could pretend that was for important scientific progress or something. The naming thing is just one guy being really creepy.

>> No.7848899

It's almost safe to say that homonculus aren't made from horse droppings/semen. Astrid said herself there had been one previous recorded instance where the creation of a homunculus was a success and it's strongly hinted that the actual construction of one is pretty much up to the alchemists' discretion since it's such a difficult task because it has only been done once before. I'm willing to bet that Astrid left that book there to freak Rorona out over what Homu is made of.

Astrid herself is a one in a lifetime genius alchemist. Although Rorona is pretty effing good being able to perform alchemy with nothing more than hunches and not due to a solid theoretical understanding of the matter at hand. You'll realise this in Totori where she has a flashback to the time that Rorona 'taught' Totori how to perform simple alchemy. Rorona never had any previous success in teaching anyone else how to perform alchemy due to her less than precise descriptions of the process. Rorona pales in comparison to Astrid's abilities. The Chims are far simpler than Homu although it is an achievement all the same that Rorona created Homonculi.

>> No.7849003


I'll just give a friendly warning to those who are considering getting this version: The UK AT3 artbook was half the size of the US artbook and felt a lot lower quality. Neptunia also suffered a similar experience. For the sake of £5 extra you could order from the NISA store and be guaranteed decent quality items.

>> No.7849545


If it was an extra 5 GBP/EUR, it wouldn't be that much of an issue, really. Sadly though, while the pre-order collection itself is relatively cheap thanks to the weak USD, after shipping / tax / customs it's about twice the price (at least in Germany) compared to the normal retail version I can order at Amazon. The stripped down UK pre-order collection on the other hand is pretty much the same price, even with added shipping fees.

>> No.7849892

I just hit Luca's lvl 5 cosmosphere and got the luca-wins-cloche-loses event. jesus christ, my yuri goggles. they burn. They BURN.

>> No.7850327 [SPOILER] 
File: 333 KB, 1280x960, snap168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't even need yuri goggles since it's shoved in your face so much.

>> No.7850365

the yuri goggles I'm wearing cannot be taken off. The only way to remove them is to rip out my eyes and pour acid in the sockets
yeah, just like Nanoha and Fate are

>> No.7850366

Do all US versions of Totori come with the pre order bonuses? I usually don't pre order games but I remember getting the OST when I bought Persona 4 and didn't have to pay extra for it

>> No.7850369

You can get the game alone or the bundle which has all the extras.

>> No.7850372

only the premium edition (59$)

>> No.7850406

best friends ♥

>> No.7851112

why is it these total awesome pairings which never have any material to them like doujins
theres probably fanfiction of it but most fanfiction is hillariously bad

>> No.7851348

So after Raze, i'm not in the mood for Ulrika so i decided to move on.
I see a lot of bad preview of Grand Phantasm but damn that opening, stuck in my head. Anyone know where i can find the full version? What i have here is just the game version.

>> No.7851366

Sorry, don't mind me. 10 seconds in google. But that song man....

>> No.7851613

Also consider that like, Amazon.com doesn't have the poster.

>> No.7851639

You could consider doing what I did and have it shipping with something else. I preordered mine from Amazon.com with Rune Factory Tides of Destiny that comes out on the 28th, so atleast I'm paying the shipping costs only once. Overall I'm paying about 115€, customs pre-emptively included(I.E. if they don't check it at customs, I get that money back, even if it's unlikely with a value this high).

>> No.7851848

because im not gonna be able to play AT3 anytime in the near future, can someone spoil me if we ever find out who the hell Spica really is?

>> No.7851861


She's the queen of the underworld.
That's all you will ever need to know.

>> No.7851953

And she has a somewhat canon relationship with Mir.
Go play Ulrika's route, man. It's much more fun/less depressing.

>> No.7852014

Maybe another time. At first i thought Raze will be the main antagonist. That will awesome, but i had my hopes too high.

>> No.7852109

It wouldn't be good if it was mainstream.

>> No.7852368
File: 354 KB, 1600x1200, 1306147578060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictured: Asshole and his girl

>> No.7852372

>Rune Factory Tides of Destiny

That's actually quite a good idea. I haven't had Rune Factory on my radar (not having a DS or Wii kinda made me oblivious of the series), though from the previews and screenshots, it looks to be an interesting game.

>> No.7852546


Spica isn't mentioned in AT3 at all.

>> No.7852976

You weren't around when we played RF3 back when it was released? Some pretty good emulators were linked so many of us got into it.

>> No.7853027


Nah, I stumbled across the AT thread about half a year ago, gave AT1 a try, got hooked and have been a regular to these threads ever since, slowly catching up with GUST games.
Other than that I'm neither much of a /jp/ reader nor do I play many console games.

>> No.7854369



>> No.7856085
File: 269 KB, 720x960, IMG_0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get! For a nice $280 HKD ($35.47 CAD).

>> No.7856119

I don't even know what to say

>> No.7856256
File: 1.07 MB, 900x1271, 3844ea2d5d8fe9b5f9c1115194c09f4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a more in depth explanation, there was a lead researched who worked on the tower called Eleno. He had a daughter named Shurelia who died in a security accident when she wanted to visit him one day.
He became depressed but continued his work. After Eoria was created he was assigned to be in charge of her installation to become the Administrator of the tower. Apparently she was the splitting image of his dead daughter so he started to call her Shurelia and she eventually became used to it.

>> No.7856268
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Eoria already had her body but basically still was a new-born child in a lot of regards. She came to see Eleno as a father figure. They often visited the Orgel of Origins at the base of the tower for example, which Shurelia really loves. Eleno and the other researchers sadly passed away during the Grathnode Inferia and so Shurelias installation as the Tower Administrator never was completed and her beloved Orgel was lost in the Sea of Death.

>> No.7856274

Not in AT3.
But there's a drama CD of her, not sure if there's more about her background.

>> No.7856286

And as a FYI to those who haven't read the Settei books, the Orgel of Origins is a white hole of symphonic energy. It is the power source of the Ar tonelico tower

>> No.7856296
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Yeah pretty much, Elenos ancestor made it for his daughter who also was named Shurelia. It was made from an unique song crystal.

>> No.7856330

Mediafire folder slave here.

The last thread went budda boom before I was able to grab the last updated install point zip file. Anyone still got the link? Just going over the folder and Finnel's is missing.

Oh and by the way, the Mediafire folder is being moved over to its own dedicated account.

>> No.7856490
File: 137 KB, 1135x1852, finnel_installpoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, I'll just repost it.

Thanks for taking the time to maintain a mediafire folder for us OP.

If I'm not mistaken, that's it for the install points. I've had a great time so far and learned a lot about vectoring.
I still have a few more ideas which I'll be implementing as my free time permits.

Anyway... thank you. I love you guys.

>posting install ports on a blue board

Final install point archive (SVG + PNG):

>> No.7856491
File: 225 KB, 550x495, 252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what this is?

>> No.7856603


Front cover of of a compact disc (cd) with music on it.


>> No.7856666

hmmm, curious... I guess they had two versions of the box set cover.. I've got the other one

>> No.7856673 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol weeaboos


>> No.7856685

I am wondering if it would be worth it to just order some white cotton t-shirts with these on them. Don't know of a good place to do it though but I wouldn't mind wasting $100 on a few.

>> No.7856756

It'll be interesting to do so. I hardly expect many people to recognise what they are and they do have a rather nice style to them.

>> No.7856885

So, the Harvy personality packs; If I download them all, is there a menu in-game to change them around? Or once I install a pack is that it?

>> No.7857055


No, the "active" pack is the most recent one you installed, so if you want to switch you (re)download the one you want. A rather clunky way to switch, really.

>> No.7857226

Huh. I assume changing her back to default is by uninstalling the pack somehow?

>> No.7857230

There's a pack that gets her back to default.

>> No.7857668

The songs that are played during AT3 final boss.

are there full versions of it?
Tarifa is part of the Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor album, but what about the other three?

>> No.7857827


>> No.7857902

Are those ever coming to Europe? I'm beginning to think that I should really just stick with NA versions of those games.

>> No.7857909


Actually, like the track on the Ar=Ciel Ar=Dor album, the full song is called "Ec Tisia ~Tarifa~" and lasts 12 minutes long. They're originally all together in a single track but I spliced them into 4 parts rather badly I might add but they're good enough for me and uploaded it to Mediafire a while ago if that's what you're referring to.


>> No.7858321

They already are out in europe, you just have to search for ar tonelico on the store. They're not in the game's category for some stupid reason.

>> No.7858322


All of the AT3 DLCs are available in Europe.

>> No.7858616


I listened to the second hymmnos orgel album yesterday and the track Au GuMu sounded a lot like the second part of Ec Tisia ~Tarifa, so I thought I missed an album or something.

>> No.7860426

Again petitioning the "20 km radius" in the Lady Soma comic to be edited to "20 ston radius" for optimal hilarity.

>> No.7860484

Wait... Amazon.co.uk has NISA pre-order bonus items these days? I had to miss out of neptunia's and AT3's stuff because those fucking dickwads at tecmo-koei only put the pre-order stuff on shitty GAME.uk who wont ship pre-order stuff outside the UK.
in the end i just bought the official visual book.

honestly, NISA should switch to ghostlight or pqube for their EU publishing already.

>> No.7860550

>Wait... Amazon.co.uk has NISA pre-order bonus items these days?

Nope, only amazon.com does. Also, game.co.uk apparently does ship pre-orders outside of the UK nowadays ... I was able to place the pre-order, at least.

>> No.7860601
File: 8 KB, 521x157, UK-ONRY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game.co.uk ships pre-orders but not the pre-order bonus items like art books etc outside the UK.

>> No.7861705


Wow, I totally didn't notice that. Thanks for the heads up, time to cancel my pre-order.

>> No.7861756


Plenty of people have moaned to them about that and they refuse to listen, it's rather silly to be honest. It's why I just flat out don't bother with Tecmo-Koei anymore and just order straight from the NISA store instead.

>> No.7862320


Get! Bootlegged shit.

>> No.7863268

Oh fuck, I'm an Ausfag and I've got Dark Souls on preorder from them.
They don't have a "Bonus Offer" tab like the Totori page does, but do you think this may affect me?

On a completely different note, what's the best way to tackle Shadow Mir in Melody of Elemia? All my reyvateils do piss-all for damage and she annihilates my vanguards, who likewise do virtually no damage, if I go a single turn without healing. I'm sitting at around level 75 but I've had no trouble up until now. Think it's an issue with my installs/enhancements?

>> No.7863577

>Think it's an issue with my installs/enhancements?

It's hard to say.
My level 60 crew can kill her with a little bit of trouble, and no matter how I equip my level 75 crew (within reason), she gets brutally murdered before she can cast 2 meteors

>> No.7863582


Have you acquired some S+ rank crystals from spica? those really help. As well as exploting Lyra with IOO crystals.

Also, putting attack+, damage+, agil+, and defense+ onto a rank 1 healing spell is one of the strongest possible ways to use blue magic.

>> No.7863593

It's kind of random.
sometimes she will target your reyvateil, sometimes she won't.
Best thing to do is to edit your healing songs with crystals to make sure they increase your speed, attack and defense at the same time, and bring as many healing items as possible in case your wifu gets KO'd

>> No.7864071

Most likely your installs.
-Attack -Defense on your level 1 spam attack spell is a great way to minimise damage quickly.
Krusche with her healing ability is a great way to take some load off your reyvateil so she can charge attack spells. It also doesn't hurt to optimise your armours to add as much resistance as possible. As a FYI, I used Aurica and had her Don Leon costume on to tank the meteors.
+fire/wind/ice/lightning crystals on weapons can really stack on the damage. Especially when you put -res on the previously mentioned spam attack spell to soften up and debuff.

>> No.7865038


Why not order it from elsewhere? Every copy of the game comes with a free upgrade to the limited edition.

>> No.7865069
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>Melody of Elemia
>Problems with any boss fight

Seriously, HOW do you manage that? You should really check your installs and equipment. And make sure you've got the cosmospheres cleared and enough good spells at hand.

>> No.7865094

God damn, get the fuck out with your reaction images and greentext.

>> No.7865151

Shadow mir... her final form where she's floating in that dark aura ball thing?

... She actually casts spells?
I've never seen her actually cast anything, she always just uses that attack that bounces around a character and then I've beaten her.

I guess the battle has to last longer than that?
I honestly don't unload full force and try to beat her that quick, but anyone that utilizes even just the crystals they get through the game and do a bit of synthesis can break the game so hard its sad.

That boss that heals itself if you attack the wrong parts that's supposed to be "impossible" to beat if you don't fight it right?
I actually have to hold back because I out damage its healing.

I'm mostly just using normal attacks too.

>> No.7865166

Shadow mir... her final form where she's floating in that dark aura ball thing?

... She actually casts spells?
I've never seen her actually cast anything, she always just uses that attack that bounces around a character and then I've beaten her.

I guess the battle has to last longer than that?
I honestly don't unload full force and try to beat her that quick, but anyone that utilizes even just the crystals they get through the game and do a bit of synthesis can break the game so hard its sad.

That boss that heals itself if you attack the wrong parts that's supposed to be "impossible" to beat if you don't fight it right?
I actually have to hold back because I out damage its healing.

I'm mostly just using normal attacks too.

>> No.7865184

How do I get Pamela to wholesale to me?

>> No.7866748

Do enough of her Friend Requests to break I think 30 friendship?

It's seriously worth it though. Wholesaling Magic Items relieves a huge amount of pressure

>> No.7867153

Crystals are overpowered, especially since you can just go Salamander + Indra + Griffin + Leviathan Seal and stack Conqueror's Spirits.
If you want any sort of challenge whatsoever, do a no equipment run.

>> No.7868216
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Almighty power + 5 attacks per round is my personal favorite though.

>> No.7869572


>those stats

I forgot how horribly easy AT1 is, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.7869614

new thread when?

>> No.7869635

It's at 283 replies.

Why would we need a new thread?

>> No.7870308

Gust (Atelier, Ar Tonelico franchises) is developing a new title in a "new genre."

For vita, according to ANN.

>> No.7870327

I hope it's a dating sim.

>> No.7870381
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see >>7827567

>> No.7870565

As long as they're still doing the music in-house.

>> No.7870901

I'm an Ausfag. I can import the LE from the UK for $70 vs. buying it retail here for $110.

Also thanks for the suggestions on how to deal with Mir guys. Been too busy to even check /jp/ until now, but when I get time I'll have another crack.

>> No.7870929

Fellow Ausfag here. Personally, I reckon buying from the US and getting US PSN cards are the better way to go. The EU/AUS PSN store is a total PoS.

>> No.7870952

Godly Ausfag here. Importing Dark Souls from Japan because like the original all voicing will be in english and I can read enough katakana and weapon names to get by.

>> No.7870976
File: 268 KB, 1239x895, 1235464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atelier spinoff featuring Pamela as the main character
You can live out all her adventures and the story ends when shes sacrificed to the dragon in the ice cave

I wish

>> No.7871009

So who is this Pamela actually. Mascot for atelier series?

>> No.7871041

more or less. she's in almost every game, and other projects like mana khemia and trinity universe

>> No.7871070

Hell she's even a party member in Mana Khemia 1.

>> No.7871077

The cutest party member.

>> No.7871086
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>> No.7871100


I wonder if this game is worth 60 bux

>> No.7871109

I'm sure you could find it for half that by now.

>> No.7871290
File: 204 KB, 791x907, lynchmaterial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A popular reoccurring character along with Hagel. To a degree, she is a mascot character. Kishida Mel commented that he nearly got lynched when he mis-interpreted the scenario for an event CG. Pic related.

>> No.7871411

Oh wow.

>> No.7871426

Where do you get that stuff?

>> No.7871448

That's from the Atelier Rorona and Totori art book. JPN only at the moment but there is a really nice scan of it floating around. That actual cropping was from the interview pages with Kishida Mel. BTW, the comment about him nearly getting lynched because of those sketches were from the Atelier Chronicles art book, even though the offending work wasn't actually shown in it.

Looks like the thread has stopped auto-bumping. Probably from deleted posts. I'll get the stuff together and make a new thread.

>> No.7871470

And here's the new thread

