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File: 81 KB, 816x658, muv luv11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7812667 No.7812667 [Reply] [Original]

Such a wide variety of choices /jp/. Which should i pick?

>> No.7812671

why are you even playing muvluv

>> No.7812677

It's like one of my Bioware RPGs!

>> No.7812693

Why does everyone play with the blue bar the first time through?

>> No.7812696

>Not liking blue

>> No.7812702

I never understood that either. It was always the first thing that I disabled.

>> No.7812912 [DELETED] 

>My face when Meiya becomes a video games addict

>> No.7812967

It's whoever you choose in the first couple of choices. Tama was the addict in my playthrough.

>> No.7812980
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Yet another reason why I loved Meiya.

How could anyone hate her?

>> No.7812995

She is a shitty cookie cutter sword girl with no personality and no originality.

>> No.7813007

wait really? I kind of want to replay and see how the other characters react now.

>> No.7813022
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>ZUN !bar

>> No.7813023
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You monster.

>> No.7813050

It's easy to over simplify things.

>> No.7813246

...Why are the female bodysuits transparent.

>> No.7813250

They explain it in the game, you know.

>> No.7813253

The training suits are designed to be as revealing and embarrassing as possible in order to remove the cadet's inhibitions about being seen naked by the opposite sex. And this is an eroge

>> No.7813262
File: 125 KB, 1200x847, 1313642863857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, sumika was the worst girl. Meiya master race.
Also i love that dark elf.

>> No.7813263

evangelion and plugsuits ruined many a mind

>> No.7813268

Because the game is for guys, not gays.

>> No.7813264

So why arent the males one transparent.

>> No.7813274

Half the cast of Extra could be described as shitty cookie cutter ___ girl, that's not a very good point

>> No.7813272

They are. Takeru was using a normal suit since they didn't have any others due to the low number of male pilots.

Also, this is an eroge.

>> No.7813395

why does takeru look so sad when there's a naked girl on his lap?

>> No.7813430

Hes not sad, hes hard as a rock, hes just your typical harem main lead.

>> No.7813431

Double Mitsurugi exhausted his "Rich People are Silly" quotient thus leaving Takeru as naught but a soulless doll.

>> No.7814053

Yea, which is one of the reasons MuvLuv is pretty weak in terms of characters.

>> No.7815754

Unlimited got a lot of the military aspects right, but the silly body suits completely ruined immersion.

>> No.7815790

Yea, it was kind of jarring.

>> No.7815967

>my face whn tamase shooting down the HSST is a ripoff from evangelion

>> No.7815971

There is no Eva in the Unlimited universe so how could they rip it off?

>> No.7815989

What are you fucking gay? There was a reason for it too.

>> No.7815995

The reason was only there to justify the fanservice. It doesn't make it less silly.

>> No.7816009

And so , whats wrong with fan service? I really dont get people when they say they hate fan service, it doesn't do anything but give more to the fans.

>> No.7816013

Because it really clashes with everything else? Unlimited is supposed to be much more serious, and describe a realistic setting, yet you have these stupid see through suits to appeal to the permanently pubescent readers.

>> No.7816019

Muv-Luv has tons of love letters to its various inspirations. The background music was a really blatant homage to the Gunbuster theme.

Hell, one of the songs is even a homage to the theme from Starship Troopers.

>> No.7816024

But thats what i mean, its just fan service, the game is an eroge to begin with, there is no reason to hate fan service. Also it was explained that the suits were used so sex didnt matter on the battle field, by the end of the vn, takeru wasn't fazed by it.

>> No.7816031

I never said I hated it, I said it was jarring.
>Also it was explained that the suits were used so sex didnt matter on the battle field
Again, this is just a silly excuse contrived to justify it's existence. Such a thing would never actually happen were Muv-Luv reality.

>> No.7816043

>Such a thing would never actually happen were Muv-Luv reality.
How the fuck would you know, listen im not gonna start a shiity conversion over this, got better things to do. In my opinion fan service doesn't do anything to the setting/plot and doesn't make it any worse.

>> No.7816144

Ive been in the military. Nobody gives a shit about getting used to being seen.

>> No.7816343

after field excercise.
the whole platoon cramped into the community shower.
all naked. searching each others asses for hidden ticks before they can bite too deep into the skin.
dont feel gay about it.

good times.

man. i miss my military time...

>> No.7816357

Pretty gay, anon.

>> No.7816379

that's army life. there's no gay between bros

>> No.7816416

Hey! There's nothing gay about a bunch of naked sweaty men getting together in the shower where they're so crammed together they can feel each others skin while searching in each others asses looking for ticks. That's possibly the most heterosexual thing I can think of.

>> No.7816464

Why is mikoto female?

>> No.7816536

Does unlimited have an OST? I have the muv luv OST but it only has tracks for extra.

>> No.7816548
File: 499 KB, 1600x1200, yui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick the one that ends up getting you sent to Alaska.

>> No.7816561

Muv-Luv Extra and Unlimited share the same OST.

>> No.7816599

Uh but the OST doesnt have many of the tracks played during Unlimited.

>> No.7816603

Hey i finished unlimited and nobody ever says why the body suits are transparent. Takeru doesnt ask either.

>> No.7816609

Oh, yeah, some of them are on MLA's OST for some reason.

>> No.7816624

So...how coe Meiya doesnt get evacuated? Shes royalty.

>> No.7816634

What's the deal with Kasumi? I got the impression she was important, but you never got told what it was.

>> No.7816684

Were you just skimming the infodumps using ctrl? Get back into reading MLA.

>> No.7816686

I meant in unlimited. You don't get any info about her in unlimited.

>> No.7816693

Its kinda funny how throughout unlimited you find out what's so special about Meiya, Tama, Chizuru and Kei...but not Mikoto. Everyone else had super important parents but you don't find out anything about Mikoto at all...

>> No.7816697

but Mikoto's father is important

>> No.7816704

That's because not even Mikoto knows what her father does

>> No.7816706

The whole shebang was that MLA is suppposed to be the game that filled in what Unlimited left behind.

>> No.7816737

But hes not even mentioned once?

>> No.7816775

Then why isn't Sumika in Unlimited?

>> No.7816779

He is the kind of influential person who works behind the scenes.

Eg only important people know who he is

>> No.7816794

she gave her ticket to takeru were you even paying attention?

>> No.7816798

Well i chose Mikoto and it's not mentioned anywhere in there...

>> No.7816806

Because Yuuko never completed her theory in time to create the unit 00 which will be used chucked into a susano-o to gather info on the BETA in time. She was able to complete it in Alt because Extra Yuuko finished the theory and had Takeru fetch it.[/spooiler] That's why.

>> No.7816811

...What does that have to do with Sumika?

>> No.7816814
File: 86 KB, 1021x596, 1312072203523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play alt you faggot. Pic related as to why Sumika is missing in Unlimited.

>> No.7816831

Color them green and they look like Miku...

>> No.7816833

Also the whole royal family chose to be left behind.

>> No.7816864

How do you get yuuko's end in unlimited?

>> No.7816896

From playing Unlimited only, i'm going to make a few guesses :

-Meiya mentions unit 90 did human experiments

-There's a human brain in the jar

-Kasumi at the end hugs the jar and talks like Sumika

-The brain is Sumika, whom got experimented on and her existence erased from all records. Kasumi is psychic and can talk to the brain, which is also why she can pick up on what Takeru is thinking throughout the game.

>> No.7816906

It's not really that hard to get that, they basically spell it in your face

>> No.7816924

So... why do the chompy hammerhead dudes have giant vaginas?

>> No.7816937

All the better to rape waifus with.

>> No.7817062

Is there a "good" Marimo ending?

>> No.7817066

ROUND TZUU is the best end, faggot.

>> No.7817067

A black screen isnt a good end

>> No.7817083

the ancestral race that built the BETA were super-advanced /b/

"lulz guys lets build giant penis soldiers with vagina bellies and program them to not recognize carbon based life so we can epik troll the universe with it"

>> No.7817100

If the BETA can shoot giant lasers to take out aircraft...

Why dont they just spam lasers against the TSFs?

>> No.7817112

Because they'd hit the other BETAs in front of them, and putting them in front means they get killed immediately. Aircraft they can hit even while staying behind the lines.
This was explained in the lectures with handy graphs, they were there for a reason.

>> No.7817114

Reread UL. They explain it somewhere in there.

>> No.7817119

Soldier class BETAs actually appeared on earth circa 1995 by recycling humans and other organic stuff. Best example is the lack of soldier class during the initial invasion of the moon.

Laser class has aimbot but won't shoot at any BETA on the ground. That's why TSFs like to remain grounded most of the time fighting the hoards of front line BETA.

>> No.7817163

In unlimited they say that both soldier and fortress class beta can shoot lasers.

>> No.7817168

Why is world4ch broken?

>> No.7817173

Yeah, there's the Lux and Magnum Lux. I don't get what you're trying to say.

>> No.7817181

Well even front line beta can shoot lasers, why dont they just shoot TSFs with lasers?

>> No.7817195

>even front line beta can shoot lasers
But this is wrong. "Both soldier and fortress class beta can shoot lasers" means there's a soldier class laser BETA (the Lux) and a fortress class one (Magnum Lux), not the every BETA can shoot lasers.
Did you just skip those explanation sections?

>> No.7817196
File: 1.33 MB, 1573x1594, 1311322506292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was specifically stated that only Lux and Magnum Lux class BETA can shoot lasers. Fort class are just fuck huge with their 50 meter extendable stinger penis that cum acid on impact and soldiers can't do jack shit against TSFs because they're anti-personnel which is mainly to CHOMP.gif any foot soldiers. Did you even play Unlimited and Alternative? pic related it's the BETA chart.

>> No.7817412

So where in Unlimited does it explain why the bodysuits are transparent?

>> No.7817440

If one HSST filled with explosives can penetrate 20 meters into the ground, why not load up one and use it to take out a hive?

>> No.7817451

I can't remember if they ever explicitly state it in Unlimited, but they make it very clear in Alternative.
If you have the time to ask here you should just read it for yourself.

>> No.7817469

The first time they put them on, on training simulation

>> No.7817486

Ive read through that part multiple times, they never explain it in Unlimited.

>> No.7817527

i enjoyed this post

>> No.7817539

Where's my Tsukuyomi route?

>> No.7817554

I still didnt do her route in extra, is there a sex scene?

>> No.7817571

Yes, that's pretty much all it is.

>> No.7817582

Awesome, gotta read it now.

>> No.7817592
File: 388 KB, 800x600, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a side story where not!Amuro pilots a TSF.
Make it happen age.
You already gave us not!Lelouch.

>> No.7817598

No it is explained after PTSD arc.

Miki managed to shoot it down herself.

.. now think what 1000 laser BETA can do.

>> No.7817609

I thought the reason destroyers were used was precisely because they couldnt be shot down by the lasers.

>> No.7817613

If they made something that canot be shoot down by lasers, humanity wouldnt be in such deep shit.

Yeah, they can survive few seconds of laser fire, but thats nothing against full hive.

>> No.7817619

So...let me get this straight...the Unlimited ending is basically the girl you choose, going to another star system while everyone else on Earth fights a losing battle against the BETA?

>> No.7817620

No. It's impossible to make something immune to heat. Resistant, yes. Immune no.
Flight be it via planes, shuttles, or anything else basically only works by staying out of the ranges of the Laser class.

>> No.7817621

Thats why Takeru wants different ending in Alternative.

>> No.7817622

Then how come the destroyers aren't getting shot down?

>> No.7817626

Because lasers cant shoot into low orbit.

>> No.7817627

nice spoiler bro

>> No.7817635

I was thinking.
Would BETA build their own G-based weapons even if they knew how to make them?
I mean, they are supposed to send the G-elements back to their masters. So would they really use it?

>> No.7817634
File: 1.16 MB, 1700x2338, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Lux BETA have a maximum effective range.

>> No.7817639

I thought lasers were fucked by dust and reflective surfaces.

>> No.7817642

Probably not. Especially not after Alternative.

>> No.7817686

So the only alternative patch that is out is the incomplete leaked version?

What happened to the full patch?

>> No.7817699

... incomplete?
I read it completly.

>> No.7817701
File: 59 KB, 400x280, 058a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire game is fully translated.
And then age didn't suck his cock because they're too busy doing stuff like this.

>> No.7817723
File: 47 KB, 400x280, 032a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, this one seems more relevant to that time frame.
Kouki on the right.

>> No.7819911

I thought the movies or something were untranslated (unlike muv luv)

>> No.7819925

There are only two scenes that were untranslatable aside from the very end.
And scripting it so a text file pops up or a separate video wouldn't be that hard to do.

>> No.7819969

Are these supposed to be pictures of the age team.

>> No.7820395


>> No.7820407

Pictures from KimiNozo Radio.
The guy on the right is Yoshimune Kouki, president of and head age dev, writer and mechanical design for ML.
The other people do other stuff at age.

>> No.7820542
File: 51 KB, 400x280, agedevs and bamboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also this one with bamboo (head of Overdrive, MG) being fat.

>> No.7820925

>Alternative DVD iso is 4.8 GB
>10 gb cap per month

>> No.7820954

~3.5GB if you find compressed version.

>> No.7820956


>download cap

What country do you live in?

>> No.7820970

new zealand.

>> No.7820972

Only one i can find is the uncompressed one, and im already 1/3rd the way through.

>> No.7820976

>New Zealand
You better be DDLing it then.

>> No.7820978

Good point, and im downloading using a university connection too...

Im not sure how fucked i am.

>> No.7821033

Is there any way to use the boat on the southern island?

>> No.7821036

Maybe next time.

>> No.7821066

in Unlimited? It been years but I don't think so, it's supposed to be one of those "I know because I reloaded to a previous save point" tricks Takeru uses later.

>> No.7821079

No. Free Boat Ride in MLA though.

>> No.7821123

Mikoto is the best girl in Unlimited and also a bro.

>> No.7821248

What, you mean after Marimo talks to Takeru on the roof?

>> No.7821435

How many endings are in muv luv?

I got 18.

>> No.7821467
File: 120 KB, 777x567, mikoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was he a girl all along?

>> No.7821471

Do you even have to ask?

>> No.7821484

98% CG completion rate...huh i wonder which ones im missing. Unlimited is practically linear, so that's not it...

>> No.7821522

But Takeru and Yuuko would have noticed he was dickless.

>> No.7821531

She bathed with a towel, and doesn't have huge breasts.

>> No.7821549

>First scene of Muv Luv alternative
>Japanese speaking random engrish

>> No.7821551

Hey guys where can i get Muv-Luv Unlimited english patch. since only 1.0 is on the net. its so hard to find..... thx

>> No.7821659

Anyone know how to bring back the text box for alternative?

>> No.7821661

You don't.

>> No.7821761

Why not

>> No.7821769

Because there's not.

>> No.7821945
File: 161 KB, 816x658, MLU 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the level of greentext faggotry in this thread is unbearable, and it makes this thread as bad as TYPE-MOON powerlevel threads.

As for the VN, I started Unlimited last night and I'm currently at where Tama is giving her father a tour. Extra wasn't as bad as I expected it would be and Unlimited, so far, has been pretty great. This makes me excited what as to what Alternative will bring to the table. Having finished Muramasa not so long ago, I think I'll have a blast seeing whether the depiction of Muramasa and MLA in those Muramasa vs Baldr Sky vs MLA threads was correct.

>> No.7821973
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>> No.7824912

Why is ayamine's letter in alternative untranslated?

>> No.7824921

Use the incomplete patch and it's translated

>> No.7824932

...What? Why would the full patch have it untranslated but the incomplete one have it translated?

>> No.7824940

Full batch is a complete beta patch with no image editing.

>> No.7825002

Why is America the bad guy in alternative?

>> No.7825015

Because the writer is Japanese. That whole fucking coup de etat arc, man. Only saving grace was Meiya's very defilable sister.
Nationalism is so annoying, keep it out of my fictions please.

>> No.7825028

The coup arc made me laugh because it was full of "FUCK AMERICA THEY ARE WORSE THAN BETA THEY ARE TRYING TO SUPPRESS OUR GLROUIS NIPPON SPIRIT NIPPON BANZAI" then the best and most sensible character in the arc was Walken.

>> No.7825035


>> No.7825038

Funny how America is always the bad guy in VNs.

>> No.7825044

This essentially.
The suits in charge in America are fuck huge dicks, who could care less about the rest of the world so long as America remains BETA free, even if it means sinking the rest of the world. The average soldier doesn't give a shit really, or even really know about it.
Mean while the Coup people are dumbfucks trying to bring about change by wasting two of the most valuable resources, pilots and TSFs.

>> No.7825502

Where can i find the translated version of the graduation speech in alternative?

>> No.7826206

Im surprised Meiya's chaffeur isnt in Unlimited or Alternative.

>> No.7826254


I believe he shows up near the end of Alternative. He's the captain of one of the orbital drop ships or something.

>> No.7826256

He was just a reference of initial D.

>> No.7826284


He was labeled as Captain Ichimonji of the Yuunagi during the Operation Ouka orbital descent, the first spaceship to use itself to shield A-04 and get lasered out of the sky

>> No.7829563

Why dont they just use G-Bombs to annihilate the hives and then find a way to make the area habitable?

Its much preferable than losing a war of attrition, and even with no grass/plants you can still live in the area.

>> No.7829663

They try this after everyone leaves Earth. It doesn't seem to turn out too well. Takeru died every time and it seems the Earth did too.

Also, deploying a G bomb is something typically done after hive invasions, probably because they have to get close enough to put it there, which is pretty hard for larger hives.

Add that the beta are continually shooting colonies at Earth and it's not really a winning strategy. Granted, they could have G-bombed the hive mind and maybe that would have been better... but it seems it was deep enough that the Susanoo was required.

Plus, these things seem to create odd multi-dimensional anomalies. They could just send beta to other universes.

>> No.7829692

>Granted, they could have G-bombed the hive mind and maybe that would have been better... but it seems it was deep enough that the Susanoo was required.
But they didn't know that the Original Hive was the center of all BETA activity until they received the psychic readings from 00-Unit.

>> No.7829691

To the person/people asking these questions: STOP using ctrl!

>> No.7829698

We don't know why Takeru died in the TDA world each time.
It could simply be that he died in the "counterattack" at the beginning of Alternative V most times, only surviving to become Desert Guy very few times.

>> No.7829734
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So what's going on in this thread?

>> No.7829916

Stop telling others how to play their eroge.

>> No.7829986

Once they found out from the 00 unit's readings that the Original Hive was the centre of all BETA coordination, why did they go for a hive infiltration instead of just using G-Bombs on the damn thing? Objective 1's in the middle of nowhere, and they don't have much time until the Original Hive relays the human playbook to every single hive on Earth, you'd think such a situation should justify deploying G-bombs (which had proven themselves in the capture of Yokohama Hive, and the destruction of Objective 21 indicated that the BETA did not yet have a way to counter overloading Moorcock-Lechte engines) instead of an incomplete XG-70g with an unstable Moorcock-Lechte Engine and a skeleton escort. NOT G-bombing all of Eurasia i.e. Alternative V, just the Original Hive. There would probably have been fewer casualties e.g. no need to waste all their orbital divers, since the Rutherford Field-shielded G-bombs don't need an escort.

>> No.7829987
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>> No.7829999

Depends how irritated you get when a game switches back and forth between epic cliffhanging twists and slightly-too-long comedy/slice-of-life filler. It's also likely some people will be more liberal with ctrl than I was or fail to figure out quite as much in advance, making them immune to some of the aforementioned problems.

>> No.7830005

because G-bombs fuck shit up a lot (even if it's in the middle of nowhere it'd still fuck up a good portion of central asia) and they're limited so they need to be saved up in case of worst case scenario where they're actually the only alternative left. They're actually still trying to save the world, G-bombs is when they discard even that sliver of hope.

>> No.7830012

Oh, and I think a phase 6 hive like Kashgar is something like 6-7 km deep? Not sure a single bombardment would reach the chamber they need.

>> No.7830047

>it'd still fuck up a good portion of central asia
The Yokohama bombs cleared out most of the hive while leaving the nearby ruined town mostly as it was, while the equivalent of 20 Yokohama bombs at best removed a single island from the map, not sure how many bombs they'd need to drop to severely damage areas outside of Kashgar.
>they're limited so they need to be saved up
Clearly they had enough to wreck the entire world via Alternative V, one might argue they could at least spare those that had been set aside for use on Kashgar in Operation Babylon/Trident (if it works then no need for Babylon, if it doesn't work Babylon wouldn't have worked anyway so no harm done)

>phase 6 hive like Kashgar is something like 6-7 km deep
According to Isumi lecture, Phase 6 hives are around 4000 meters deep, with a 100km Stab. Wouldn't the existence of the Vent give them a clear shot at the reactor/Primary Objective chamber via the Main Shaft? Or at least, reduce the number of layers of earth they have to bust through to reach the Primary objective, they already have a map of Kashgar from the 00 Unit and can figure out a path of least resistance.

>> No.7830082

Oh, and such a route to the Primary Objective via the Vent and Main Shaft does exist, since the XG-70g's escape shuttle used it to escape, and only needed a few S-11s to clear the path. Theoretically a few G-bombs could have been deployed along the same path, using their Rutherford fields to guard against lasers and hitting the Primary Objective directly, i.e. maximum efficiency, no need to mass bomb the entire hive.

>> No.7830088

Dunno, I remember Takeru said that too but Yuuko explained why bombs weren't viable. It's honestly been a while so I don't remember that much, might want to replay the briefing before Kashgar

>> No.7830103

I'm pretty sure Takeru never suggested the application of G-Bombs to Kashgar. IIRC the only G-bomb related stuff in the discussions between Takeru and Yuuko before Kashgar was Yuuko explaining that the US insisted on Operation Trident because they were desperate to use their G-Bombs before they became useless i.e. according to the 00 Unit's projected timeframe, they weren't useless yet.

>> No.7830108

Didn't the US want the g-elements contained in the hive intact?

>> No.7830118


G-Bombing left Yokohama's G-elements intact, and concentrated nukes sufficient to turn Canada into a nuclear wasteland left the Canada landing unit's G-elements intact. Not to mention 7830082 is suggesting hitting the Primary Objective and only the Primary Objective, leaving the Secondary Objective intact just like the US wanted.

>> No.7830145

If the original hive landed in Kashgar, in China...

Why is the position on the map clearly pointing to the middle of Europe?

>> No.7830152
File: 38 KB, 768x450, hives.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7830177

>7830082 is suggesting hitting the Primary Objective and only the Primary Objective
but can they really do that? Even orbital reentry ships got torn to shreds by laser class, and while Yokohama and Canada are on the limits of BETA influence, Kashgar is the heart, no airships are going to get anywhere near it. Not sure if they can do orbital bombardement, but even then being able to hit something 4km deep with a defense structure 1km tall on it from orbit sounds pretty unlikely.

>> No.7830200


hmm, sounds like that guy's plan hinges on how precisely guided G-Bomb's are, i.e. if it's possible to drop a bomb into the hole in the top of the 1km tall monument from orbit, beyond laser range.

How large are the vents anyway, was it ever stated in game?

>> No.7830217

>drop a bomb into the hole in the top of the 1km tall monument from orbit
the hole is not straight either, it's slightly tilted because of Earth's rotation. And it could hit the materials or a random BETA during the fall anyways, Kashgar had a massive diversion operation going along with it.

>> No.7830221
File: 140 KB, 508x302, Snap10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.7830238


which is why the issue is how precisely guided G-Bomb's are, can their course be changed after they are deployed or do they fall completely under the influence of gravity.

>> No.7830250

Any bomb can be fitted with a guiding device of some sort.

>> No.7830262

That can get into a crooked passage, then straight, avoiding all obstacles, from orbit?
Without considering how they didn't know anything about the Superior yet so they needed human adaptability.

>> No.7830300

Isn't the XG-70 a walking G-Bomb, anyway? The original plan was for the Valkyrie unit to infiltrate all the way to the Primary Objective, but if they couldn't make it all the way for whatever reason, they still had the option of overloading the Moorcock-Lechte Engine and prioritizing the destruction of the Primary Objective.

Granted, that was no longer an option after the Primary Objective took over the XG-70's systems, but they had no idea it had the capability to do that in the first place. The Susano'o was practically invincible in the Hive (because the laser species couldn't fire), so if things went south, self-destruction was always a "plan B" option.

>> No.7830320


His point had nothing to do with whether or not the Susanoo could turn into a G-Bomb, but with the fact that straight-up G-Bomb deployment may have resulted in fewer casualties than XG-70 deployment, assuming one could minimize damage to the environment by precise aiming and guidance.

>The Susano'o was practically invincible in the Hive
Not really, a large enough volume of BETA in contact with the Rutherford Fields would have destabilized the Moorcock-Lechte engine, that's the reason A-01 was sent as an escort.

>> No.7830325

I'm a bit amazed only now did someone brings up one of my biggest gripes with the game (that instead of dropping all the prepared G-bombs everywhere around the world if the last mission would fail, just gather all of it and drop it on Kashgar instead). Game never really explores it so you are only left with theorizing and speculating why it didn't even cross anyone's mind ingame. Sure one can reason it now here just like what you guys do, but no one will ever know for certain the exact reason, which disappointed me.
It's not the only such cases where given all the info I immediately thought of one solution but they never even explore the idea. Game could have been better thinking outside the box in my opinion because moments like this frustrated me a lot. Of course I'm sure I'm a minority.

>> No.7830332


Just a little gripe, given that the entire American G arsenal was sufficient to sink Eurasia, raise a salt desert, render hinterland uninhabitable etc. when SPREAD AROUND, what would be the consequence of concentrating all those bombs on one hive? Besides which they need to save a few as last resorts to use against the other hives for when Kashgar is already a crater.

>> No.7830349

The single G-Bomb dropped on Yokohama caused horrendous long-term ecological damage in the region. I don't think they mention how widespread the effects were, but they make it out to be rather significant. If they dropped dozens of G-Bombs on Kashgar, then who knows what could have happened.

>> No.7830358


It was two G-Bombs, and the most significant ecological effect was preventing plant life from growing there, not particularly a problem in the middle of the desert where Kashgar is.

>> No.7830391

>just gather all of it and drop it on Kashgar instead
the point is you can't just drop it there. To get a few squads worth of people anywhere near it (remember they penetrated from one of the side entrances, not the main shaft) it took a coordinated diversion attack that depleted forces from all over the world and suicidal orbital drops. How do you suppose they make G-Bombs reach the inner chamber considering how deep the hive is and the laser class anti-air?

>> No.7830437


Well, G-Bombs are shielded by their own LAZAFORD Rutherford fields as demonstrated by the age 10th Anniversary video, so as suggested above they could be dropped from orbit, out of the reach of laser class. The question then becomes whether it can be aimed down the vent (which is slightly crooked) so it can go straight to the Primary Objective via the Main Shaft.

>> No.7830459

They did that in The Day After.
The results aren't pretty...

>> No.7830463

If something huge like the Susanoo could withstand only so much fire from lesser laser class, how much do you think the bombs could withstand from a main base full of both kinds of it? They'd surely get blown up before reaching their objective. Besides, it took two bombs for a shitty 350m deep phase 1 hive and Kashgar is ten times that, if they could be aimed down the vent don't you they'd have done already in Yokohama?
This is of course assuming they could be dropped from orbit, which is anything but proven.
I'm really not seeing this amazing plothole, all I see is people intent of proving there is one regardless of everything else.

>> No.7830467


We aren't talking about saturating all of Eurasia with G-Bombs, just Kashgar. Since Kashgar is the one hive that absolutely must be destroyed immediately after the attack on Yokohama, to prevent information on all of humanity's weapons and tactics from being sent to the other hives someone suggested that might justify a limited application of G-Bombs, to Objective 1 and ONLY Objective 1, which would remove the need for the diversionary attack on all the world's hives and the consequent loss of 100% of the UN orbital forces and 80% of the US orbital forces, and WOULDN'T fuck up the entire world, just some patch of sand in the middle of the desert where barely anyone would want to live anyway.

>> No.7830483

>which would remove the need for the diversionary attack on all the world's hives and the consequent loss of 100% of the UN orbital forces and 80% of the US orbital forces, and WOULDN'T fuck up the entire world
the diversion was done so the orbital drop could be made, so a bomb drop would need the same thing. And as pointed out above it would need a much greater numbers of bombs, with no guarantee of success and a great probability of fucking up things on a large continental scale anyways

>> No.7830486


>If something huge like the Susanoo could withstand only so much fire from lesser laser class, how much do you think the bombs could withstand from a main base full of both kinds of it?
Pretty sure the main issue with the XG-70 only being able to withstand a certain amount of laser fire was more to do with the 00 Unit being able to handle the extra complications in the calculations required to manipulate the Rutherford Field around the pilot, not to do with breaking through the field. G-Bombs don't have that problem, demonstrated by the fact that the G-Bombs used in both the Hesperus Operation and Operation Babylon weren't shot down.

>a shitty 350m deep phase 1 hive
Yokohama had a Phase 2 monument, but its main shaft had the radius and depth of a Phase 4 hive, i.e. 1.2 km deep.

>This is of course assuming they could be dropped from orbit, which is anything but proven.
They were dropped from orbit during Operation Babylon back in Unlimited. Proven.

>> No.7830494

It'll probably have the same result.
I don't think they have the technology to guide the bomb into the vent so they'll have to carpet bomb the area to reach the reactor.

>> No.7830500

>demonstrated by the fact that the G-Bombs used in both the Hesperus Operation and Operation Babylon weren't shot down.
Against outer hives who have less population, not the central one where there's an infinity of them.

>> No.7830503


The diversion was done so the orbital drop could be made, because they needed people to reach the ground alive. G-Bombs have built-in deflector shields, hence no diversion required since it doesn't matter if Kashgar calls for reinforcements. And not that many more bombs would be needed, probably a couple or so to blow a bigger hole in the monument and expose the main shaft, a couple or so down the main shaft to clear a path to the Primary Objective, then a couple or so to hit the Primary Objective itself. All in all, less total yield than was used in the Objective 21 operation.

Any bomb can be fitted with a guidance package, and the Main Shaft has a pretty huge radius.

>> No.7830511

>Any bomb can be fitted with a guidance package
This is just an assumption since the military technology evolved differently in that universe.

>> No.7830514

Then why didn't they do it? That's the most obvious solution to their problem.

>Any bomb can be fitted with a guidance package
Don't be so sure, g-bombs probably disrupts whatever guidance system you put in it seeing that its practically compressed gravitational anomaly.

>> No.7830516

>not the central one where there's an infinity of them

Operation Babylon included that central one, and the bombs hit. The point was that overwhelming the XG-70 was a question of straining the 00 Unit and degrading its ODL as opposed to breaking through the field. G-Bombs don't have to deal with that issue, and hence should be more resilient to lasers than the XG-70.

>> No.7830520

>Then why didn't they do it?
That's exactly what we're discussing. Since it IS the most obvious solution to their problem.

>> No.7830522

>Operation Babylon included that central one, and the bombs hit.
Operation Babylon was about bombing the whole continent with no reserve, not a calculated sniping drop. Yokohama was on the outskirts of the BETA area and didn't use orbital bombardment as far as I know.

>> No.7830533

>Operation Babylon was about bombing the whole continent with no reserve, not a calculated sniping drop. Yokohama was on the outskirts of the BETA area and didn't use orbital bombardment as far as I know.
The point wasn't accuracy of orbital drop, the point was laser resilience.

>> No.7830539

>The point wasn't accuracy of orbital drop
Ok, but even admitting the laser resilience the accuracy is still an important factor since the hive is so massive, and the G-bombs are limited. You can't just snipe it from orbit, and operation Babylon hinges on collecting the g-elements from the outer hives to get more G-bombs, I believe Yuuko mentions this. Wasting the few G-bombs they have against the biggest objective with low probability of even reaching the chamber sounds stupid.

>> No.7830559

>operation Babylon hinges on collecting the g-elements from the outer hives to get more G-bombs, I believe Yuuko mentions this
It was the XG-70 that needed more G-elements from outer hives to fuel its Moorcock-Lechte engine.

Depends on how wide the Main Shaft is, and whether it is possible to calculate a drop trajectory with a margin of error smaller than the cross-sectional area of the Main Shaft. Was the width of the Main Shaft ever stated in-game?

>> No.7830592

>Was the width of the Main Shaft ever stated in-game?
Can't remember, honestly. But if they could be guided/aimed at the shaft they wouldn't have needed two bombs released at the same time for a minor hive like in the video, they look as wide from each other as the shaft is wide.
And the point of operation Cherry Blossom was to try to avoid the carpet bombing ( which would have happened anyways in case of failure).

>> No.7830627

Just putting in my own question here to add to the existing discussion. In the case of Operation Ouka failure, why did they have to move to Operation Trident i.e. carpet G-Bomb Eurasia and leave the whole place uninhabitable? Why not bomb just Kashgar, since that's the only hive that needed to destroyed or captured within the next few days? If G-Bombing Kashgar fails to remove the Primary Objective, Operation Trident would have failed to do the same, so no real harm done.

Also, come to think of it, how the heck did the Hesperus Operation G-Bombs both clear the Btab of BETA and leave enough behind to build a base, not to mention leaving the reactor, brain tubes and G Elements undamaged?

>> No.7830631

*Stab, not Btab

>> No.7830643

> In the case of Operation Ouka failure, why did they have to move to Operation Trident i.e. carpet G-Bomb Eurasia and leave the whole place uninhabitable? Why not bomb just Kashgar, since that's the only hive that needed to destroyed or captured within the next few days?
I guess because of Alternative factions politics. Wasn't the Alt5 faction pushing hard to get their way?
But anyways, the point is nothing indicates for sure a bombardment would be able to destroy Kashgar. If anything, the video shows senjutsuki fighting as the bombs are dropping implying some sort of coordinated tactics, and Kashgar is in the middle of BETA territory where you can't just transport a sizable force.
>Also, come to think of it, how the heck did the Hesperus Operation G-Bombs both clear the Btab of BETA and leave enough behind to build a base, not to mention leaving the reactor, brain tubes and G Elements undamaged?
Could the bombs be only there to soften the surface and eliminate the massive swarms of BETA, and the rest of the lower hive was captured through normal means?

>> No.7830651

>Could the bombs be only there to soften the surface and eliminate the massive swarms of BETA, and the rest of the lower hive was captured through normal means?

Fairly sure yes, as in the start of MLA you get that scene with Bravo team infiltrating Yokohoma and that HUMAN BRAINS!

So yeah G-Bombs probably don't pack enough of a punch to finish off Objective 1, unless like someone said they aim it through the Main Shaft.

>> No.7830675

It was funny how bad the english in that scene was.

>> No.7830739

Since this is slightly related to the current discussion, that is ability of hives to survive G-Bombing, did all of the world's hives survive Operation Babylon or just a few, if the latter did the Original Hive survive, and did Operation Babylon reduce the BETA numbers to any significant extent? Given that Objective 1 is a particular hive that humanity in general would be especially inclined to destroy it'd be pretty safe to assume that Operation Babylon was at the very least supposed to destroy the Original Hive, if no other. So if the Kashgar hive survived Alternative V it would probably be safe to conclude that no amount G-Bombing would be enough to destroy the Primary Objective and still remain practical.

>> No.7831011

No one knows.
There are still BETA running around so some hive somewhere needed to survive.

>> No.7831067

And anyway, as shown the the first scene in TDA01, the G Bombs for Operation Babylon were not deployed in a traditional way.
We're given a few of part of the Earth from space.
First, several bombs are fired from of screen, fly off into different directions, and when they detonate, they don't form individual explosions, but rather a ring that encompasses most of Eurasia + Japan.
Then a handful more are fired from off screen, and fly towards the center of the ring. When these are detonated, a medium sized explosion forms in the center, followed by a purple pulse wave of G Badness flows out from the center past the ring presumably encompassing the Earth.

>> No.7831075

Learn to use spoilers or go back to /a/.

>> No.7831120

First scene from where? The very first scene in alternative is of a bunch of TSFs walking into the room with brains.

>> No.7831124


>> No.7831127

He said TDA01

>> No.7831148

...What is TDA01?

>> No.7831150

The Day After Episode 01

>> No.7831185

Well after Takeru saves the world...he just resets back to the original world (although with female mikoto, yuuhi and yashiro).

And i dont know why but Yashiro is in the new world too and remembers everything.

>> No.7831187

Hey uh...where is Alternative's extra mode? CG gallery? Music player?

>> No.7831199

There isn't.

>> No.7831302

Yup, mister 7831199 is right. It's just twentysomething hours of pure linear goodness. MLA isn't something you play over and over to unlock all the endings or to avoid common sense -defying bad ends. Of course there are minor differences depending on which girl you focus on but it's nothing to jam your ctrl:s over.

>> No.7831318

I think the all ages version had that stuff, not sure though.

>> No.7831324

All ages just has a Chapter select, which is available from the get go oddly enough.

>> No.7831329

Though, I haven't actually cleared the Standard Edition yet.
But I don't think it'll change, there's not much room left on the Title Screen.

>> No.7833955

Eh but i thought a CG gallery was pretty standard.

>> No.7834154

Well if there's no extras, it gets kind of hard to do things like replay movies...

>> No.7834159

Altered Fable has a movie viewer

>> No.7834174

Not so much a movie viewer but a DVD that came with it with things like all the OPs, some promo videos, and some other stuff on it.

>> No.7834176

Altered fable isn't translated though.

>> No.7834193

What's that? VN DB only mentions muv luv, alternative, altered fable and total eclipse.

>> No.7834201


>> No.7834208

Oh god this game...i cried so many times while playing it...everyone's emotions as they fought and died against hopeless odds...it was overwhelming.

>> No.7834216

Sup moogy.

>> No.7834217

Huh? So is it a VN or novel?

>> No.7834235


Come on, man. Geez.

>> No.7834282

Hey guys full patch is out.

>> No.7834311
File: 103 KB, 232x256, hurrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man,really? thx /b/ro

>> No.7834340

The full patch with image translations.

>> No.7835145

how I do update my translation patch? I'm trying to run the file but it's prompting me to install the game again.

>> No.7835415

Install in the exact same location.
