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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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783025 No.783025 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the Japanese so violent?

>> No.782036

God damn you, mods. I had JUST clicked on that image. A THUMBNAIL IS NOT FINE TOO.

>> No.782111


>> No.782122


>> No.782635

I thought it was Marisa but I didn't look too closely.

She was naked and hands were conveniently gripping her breasts and THE UNDERWORLD so that the important parts weren't visible, but I think there was some h-stuff anyway.

>> No.783028

why are you so slow

>> No.783042

Inversion impulse can be mean.

>> No.783071

it's a conspiracy

>> No.783073

Because they don't smoke enough pot.

>> No.783077

Duh, obviously. They didn't even try to hide the NHK's involvement.

>> No.783088

so what happened to the man?

>> No.783101

come on, 2ch knew he was an xbot

>> No.783136

here it is


>> No.783154

The Japanese have too large brains, and since marijuana now shows to decrease the size of certain brain parts, marijuana would help the Japs assimilate with everyone else.

>> No.783158
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>> No.783166
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>> No.783168

What the shit. Did they run out of his favourite manga or something.

>> No.783169

What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.783170

says 7 died

>> No.783171
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>> No.783176
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>> No.783178
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>> No.783184
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>> No.783189
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>> No.783194
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>> No.783195

>>The stabbing came on the anniversary of a 2001 knife attack which killed eight children at a primary school.

>> No.783197
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>> No.783198
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>> No.783205

Didn't we just have this?

>> No.783206

Someone getting knifed is a fortnightly occurrence in London - people getting stabbed isn't rare these days.

BTW, what are the knife/gun laws in Japan anyway? What can and can't you own without getting arrested?

>> No.783209

2chan still says 6.

>> No.783214


Are you new? You should be used to this by now. Detergent suicides, missing weeaboo, lolicon petition...

Better learn to like it, because this shit's going to get reposted 20 times a day whether you like it or not.

I fucking hate /jp/.

>> No.783220

ambitious japan!!!!!!!!!

>> No.783223

> Why are the Japanese so violent?

Years of repressed anger. Much like US postal workers/students. Only without the guns so no highscore.

>> No.783229

The scary part about it is that I was in the exact fucking place just a few days ago.

>> No.783230

Meh I can understand someone going postal on the freaks in Akiba.

>> No.783256

it was in akihabara though so only losers got killed

>> No.783270

i guess shinjuku would have been better?

>> No.783279

body count is at 7 now so he definitely made the list


>> No.783286

is that the one with the gays?

>> No.783300

one small part of it, yes
the other parts have hookers, a huge business district, overpriced hotels, and the biggest motherfucking train station in the entire city

>> No.783301


I went to a gay bar in Shinjuku last week. =/

>> No.783305




>> No.783308

Does japan have it's own version of jack thompson?

>> No.783318


They have a whole bunch of guys who rant and rave about how otaku is just the larval stage of sex offenders and serial killers. Buying anime figures and shit are almost morally equivalent to raping little girls.

>> No.783324


And nothing of value was lost! It was Akiba, after all.

>> No.783325

>fortnightly occurrence in London
wtf are you smoking? it's daily maybe even hourly.

>> No.783328

there is a group that believes the otaku are a waste of flesh and should conform to be salarymen with traditional hobbies of sports, hard drinking, & raising a family.

>> No.783329
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Thats the Super Ambulance!!

>> No.783331


>> No.783333

that's not a belief, it's a fact of life, just like taxes and dying

>> No.783335

god thing is, i decided not to go to akiba today, and i most likely would have been somewhere near there

>> No.783351

2channel has been posting screencaps of shameless otaku during news reports waving. Can someone get?

>> No.783352

too bad, you could've been as famous as the PSP guy:


>> No.783355

Pocket knifes of a limited size are acceptable. No more than 8cm I think.

>> No.783358
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>> No.783357


>> No.783364

Common, we are trying to blend in here at /jp/!

It is just like a Tōhō thread, it repeats ad nauseum.

>> No.783368


Can't those goddamn 2channers get better pics of the dumb girls, or are they really that gay where they focus mainly on the guys?

>> No.783369

>>783364 Common, we are trying to blend in here at /jp/!
>Common, we are trying to blend in here
>Common, we are trying
Underage b&

>> No.783375
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>> No.783377

They are all like, "I lol'd"


>> No.783380

a maid that works at a cafe was one of those who died.

>> No.783381
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>> No.783382


No shit sherlock.

>> No.783385
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>> No.783393
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This reminds me of the hurrplane for some reason.

>> No.783404
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>> No.783406



>> No.783413


No PSP guy??

>> No.783415
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>> No.783416

excuse me, sir. what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.783417
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>> No.783423
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>> No.783427
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>> No.783428

That guy with the aerial on his mobile. Is he trying to tune to a station to see if he's on it live? Cos damn. That's what I would do.

>> No.783430
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>> No.783432

A real tragedy.

>> No.783434

lol the left guy

>> No.783437



>> No.783438

i'm sure 2ch will assassinate that guy within 24 hours

>> No.783442


>> No.783444
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>> No.783448
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just to ground you back into reality.

>> No.783450


>> No.783454


what do you mean, assassinate?

>> No.783459

Still the guy in the middle with the black suit is like LOL WUT

>> No.783461


Why is he taking advantage of a tragedy to kiss that guy? Gays really have no shame.

>> No.783473

Why dont those people over there help the poor man getting gangraped?

>> No.783474

they're spamming the boards trying to track the people down for internet detective justice

>> No.783475


>> No.783477

reported, bitch!

>> No.783485

Typical japanese. Taking pictures of everything.

>> No.783491

I see yellow tape(therefore police), but where are the paramedics?

>> No.783496


Enjoy your ban for frivolous reporting!!

>> No.783536


>> No.783556
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>> No.783560



>> No.783565


>> No.783571


anyone notice the guy lifting the legs is a gaijin?

>> No.783574
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>> No.783575

> NHK News reports that a 21-year-old woman is the sixth person confirmed as having died in the incident. Sankei Shimbun lists the other victims as a 19-year-old male named Kazunori Fujino, a 74-year-old male named Katsuhiko Nakamura, a 47-year-old male, a 29-year-old male, and a 20-year-old male. Sankei Shimbun also displayed a reader-submitted photograph of the suspect being arrested.

>> No.783576


no he isn't

>> No.783583
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>> No.783588

brb 2chan/2ch thread now!

>> No.783589

>>a 74-year-old male named Katsuhiko Nakamura
What was he doing there?

>> No.783591


a lolicon?

>> No.783594


Most people you will see in Akihabara are at least middle aged.

Stop thinking Akihabara is some kind of Otaku populated cesspool.

The worst kind you see are the dirty gaijin bastards.

>> No.783595

Should have been "come on", how observant of you.

>> No.783596

Probably got lost.

"Oh my. A large crowd. I shall follow them. What could go wrong"

"HURGH. I'M DEAD... BUT AT LEAST I'LL DIE... wait... surrounded by nerds and geeks? FUCK"

>> No.783599

I wonder how many times a school shooting occurred in Japan, what violent savages.

>> No.783602


>> No.783608

when they get bullied they just off themselves quietly, no big fuss

that, or boxcutters :3

>> No.783610

He's 74. That means he was born in 1934.

>> No.783611


Security Guard.

>> No.783613


well done anon.

>> No.783614

oh great GBS is talking about it. this will end well.


>> No.783615
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here is the guy.

>> No.783616

Get the fuck out.

>> No.783619
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This is what you do when people try to stab you.

Picture related.

>> No.783620



>> No.783621


>> No.783622
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Dont worry it was just Mendoi.

>> No.783627
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>> No.783632
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>> No.783637

>>783622 Mendoi

>> No.783641


why do you know what they're talking about


>> No.783643


>> No.783650

uh because it's a public forum?

>> No.783653

we don't need that here

>> No.783658


A lot of forums are public, and you know what? I still don't know what any of them ever talk about, because I am not a gigantic faggot.


>> No.783662

sure we do

>in japan being an otaku basically means being an outcast; I guess its not surprising that one of them snapped. They are treated like dirt, well most of the time anyway, which is why i cant figure out why people on the mainland (America) keep referring to themselves as otaku (or think its cool).

>> No.783672

But that guy wasn't an otaku. News reports said he was a gangster of some sort.

>> No.783667


>> No.783669

wow, uninformed people spouting off, loljapan, and MY GIRLFRIEND and the thread hasn't even hit page 2 yet. way to go gbs.

why did you link that shit, faggot?

>> No.783675

Why did you read that shit, faggot.

>> No.783677
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>> No.783681

getting the yakuza and the otaku a little mixed aren't we, now?

>> No.783682

He was a crime otaku and wanted to pretend he was one of the yakuza he obsessed about so much.

>> No.783686

>why did you link that shit, faggot?

because i can? go eat some pocky and calm down, neckbeard.

>> No.783687

R.I.P meido ..

>> No.783690

That guy was way to fucking nerdy looking to be yakuza. He looks straight up otaku.

>> No.783691

book, cover, judging, etc.

>> No.783693


>> No.783696


All Japanese gangsters are otaku. How do you think they identify? Since Japan is so racially homogeneous you don't get shit like the Sharks and the Jets there. It's all about Keyfags vs. TMfags or Gundam vs. Macross. You wind up in jail in Japan and you aren't careful when asked what your favorite anime is and you'll wind up shanked.

>> No.783699

Yeah, now that I saw his photo I have to agree. He looks like Densha Otoko that went apeshit.

>> No.783702

he will be innocence or out of jail in 10 and few years.

>> No.783705

his MGS pre-order slip was lost

>> No.783706

He looks like an otaku. Even has an AFROOOO!!

>> No.783707

Then we take revenge for the meido.

>> No.783711
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>> No.783716

no, he'll probably get hanged.

>> No.783721


>> No.783740


All of a sudden.

>> No.783743

at least one person in japan will be hung

>> No.783751

Afro? Where do you see an afro??

>> No.783756

I`d wager he`s from a small group, probably Gurentai scum at that, he`ll hang.

>> No.783759

What the hell, he looks like Densha Otoko

>> No.783767

Japan has Jihad too

>> No.783771
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>> No.783787

I wonder why he went berserk. But you have to admit, doing something like that takes a lot of guts.

>> No.783813

He killed a maid.

Should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

>> No.783832

she's serving in heaven now.. R.I.P meido

>> No.783838


>> No.783844

Why are they taking pictures...of a camera? RAAAAAAAAAGEEEEEEEE

>> No.783848


>> No.783850

they took pictures of the dead meido FUCK this is making me depressed

>> No.783855

because they're japanese.

>> No.783858

wasting your time for a number of reasons:
1. /jp/ posters don't actually understand moonspeak
2. they see your post for what it is, a poorly thought-out troll
3. they worship Japan enough that those who want to go will continue to want to go regardless

that said, ワロタ

>> No.783866

This is proof gun control works. Yes, people died, but imagine if he had a gun instead. If guns were illegal in America, sick bastards like Cho might still have gone on a rampage with a knife instead, but he wouldn't have killed 32 people.

>> No.783874

You foreigners should not come to Japan.

Japan is a dangerous place that overflows in violence.

Go to South Korea and China that is safer and cleaner than Japan.

>> No.783878

Japan's culture is different than ours, it's proof gun control works in Japan, but not that gun control would work in gun crazy America.

>> No.783884

BUT BUT BUT if the passersby also had guns, they could've stopped this guy with their magical superhero powers. Furthermore,

>> No.783885
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>> No.783887

when those people will respawn?

>> No.783893

It sure is summer in here.

>> No.783902


>> No.783905

I'll off base you!

>> No.783906


>> No.783908
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>> No.783912

i'm pretty sure it's still spring

>> No.783948

SpuMap ワロタ

>> No.783953


>> No.783960

Damn you guys are idiots.

>> No.783967

Please tell me that was your poor attempt at trolling.

>> No.783974

I wonder?

>> No.783978


>> No.783979


>> No.784009
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360 was cause

>> No.784013


>> No.784033
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Oh noes. Looks like someone has been onto these shameless otaku.

I bet the families of the victim would come after them. I remember that one episode of Jigoku Shoujo where a guy killed several shameless onlookers that used to have fun at his daughter's accident site.

And Jigoku Shoujo was created by the Japanese with Japanese mentality....

>> No.784063

by my logic this has to mean that the loli is real amirite?
someone quick, put my name in the website, gotta go boating now.

>> No.784070

7 defenseless people getting murdered by knife is proof that we should disarm all our citizens. I swear, liberals have something wrong with their brains.

>> No.784074


>> No.784075

You're stupid and/or haven't been or an accident and/or murder scene.
Also, nice fail with the same threads all over the 10 pages and with 100+ posts of pure bullshit. What the "lol /jp/ doesn't fails that hard" crew has to say?

>> No.784079

because normal people are so gonna use their weapons to defeat a thug with a fire arm since they carry weapons all the time and know how to kill amirite?

>> No.784083

Shooting a gun is not that hard. Even your grandmother could do it.

>> No.784093

but killing is not that easy for everyone.
people die when they are killed after all

>> No.784099

like they had any chance to begin with. even if every victim would've had a gun no one prolly didn't have the chance to actually do anything

>> No.784103


>> No.784106

you're right! liberals should reinstitute the death penalty and hang all libertarians

>> No.784115

wow, he's like in top30 now

>> No.784117


>What the "lol /jp/ doesn't fails that hard" crew has to say?

Welcome my son, welcome to the summer.
Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been.

>> No.784120

The only way they wouldn't have a chance would be if they were taken by surprise. If you're surprising someone, you could do it just as well with a knife as a gun.

>> No.784138

Gee, it sure is hippies vs. rednecks around here.

>> No.784142

>wow, he's like in top30 now

>> No.784149

See you in a couple months /jp/, I don't see this whole newfag situation getting any better.


>> No.784161


meant to link

>> No.784172


>> No.784177


You're making a mistake. If you give up now, there may be nothing to come back to. Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more, or summer may never end.

>> No.784185


>> No.784204

You might be right. I'm going to sage the shit out of these faggots until they fucking learn not to post here.

>> No.784219


>> No.784220


Fight the good fight, my brother. I will stand with you.

>> No.784229
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Alright, I'm in, guys. This isn't /n/.

>> No.784242

HAHA! anti-sage

>> No.784280
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>> No.786286

